Example #1
 function SendOrderMAil($order_id, $pg_nm)
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $query = "SELECT ad_id\tFROM #__ad_payment_info WHERE id =" . $order_id;
     $adid = $db->loadResult();
     // vm: start
     $socialadshelper = new socialadshelper();
     $sendInvoice = 1;
     if (!empty($sendInvoice)) {
         //$status = $socialadshelper->sendInvoice($order_id,$pg_nm);
         $details = $socialadshelper->getInvoiceDetail($order_id, $pg_nm, $payPerAd = 1);
     // vm: end
     //for payment details send through email
     //commented by vm: as this mail coverin invoice mail
     /*$details = socialadshelper::paymentdetails($adid);
     			$mail = socialadshelper::newadmail($adid, $details);
     		//for send mail to admin approval when new ad created
Example #2
 function SendOrderMAil($order_id, $pg_nm, $payPerAd = 0)
     require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . "components" . DS . "com_socialads" . DS . "helper.php";
     // require when we call from backend
     /*$db = JFactory::getDBO();
     		$query = "SELECT p.ad_amount, p.processor,p.comment,p.status,p.extras
     							FROM #__ad_payment_info as p
     							 WHERE p.id=".$order_id;
     		$details = $db->loadobjectlist();*/
     // vm: start
     $socialadshelper = new socialadshelper();
     $sendInvoice = 1;
     if ($sendInvoice == 1) {
         //$status = $socialadshelper->sendInvoice($order_id,$pg_nm);
         $details = $socialadshelper->getInvoiceDetail($order_id, $pg_nm, $payPerAd);
     // vm: end
     //for payment details send through email
     //$details = socialadshelper::paymentdetails($adid);
     /*	if($details)
     			$mail = $socialadshelper->new_pay_mail($order_id, $details);
     			//for send mail to admin approval when payment is done