function pc_user_auth() { global $wpdb, $pc_users; if (isset($_POST['type']) && $_POST['type'] == 'js_ajax_auth') { include_once PC_DIR . '/classes/pc_form_framework.php'; include_once PC_DIR . '/classes/simple_form_validator.php'; include_once PC_DIR . '/functions.php'; $f_fw = new pc_form(); $validator = new simple_fv(); $indexes = array(); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'pc_auth_username', 'label' => 'username', 'required' => true); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'pc_auth_psw', 'label' => 'psw', 'required' => true); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'pc_remember_me', 'label' => 'remember me'); $validator->formHandle($indexes); $error = $validator->getErrors(); $fdata = $validator->form_val; // honeypot check if (!$f_fw->honeypot_validaton()) { echo json_encode(array('resp' => 'error', 'mess' => "Antispam - we've got a bot here!")); die; } // error message if ($error) { die(json_encode(array('resp' => 'error', 'mess' => __('Incorrect username or password', 'pc_ml')))); } else { //// try to login $response = pc_login($fdata['pc_auth_username'], $fdata['pc_auth_psw'], $fdata['pc_remember_me']); // user not found if (!$response) { echo json_encode(array('resp' => 'error', 'mess' => __('Username or password incorrect', 'pc_ml'))); die; } elseif ($response === 2 || $response === 3) { echo json_encode(array('resp' => 'error', 'mess' => pc_get_message('pc_default_pu_mex'))); die; } // custom error if ($response !== true) { echo json_encode(array('resp' => 'error', 'mess' => $response)); die; } else { // redirect logged user to pvt page if (get_option('pg_redirect_back_after_login') && isset($_SESSION['pc_last_restricted']) && filter_var($_SESSION['pc_last_restricted'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { $redirect_url = $_SESSION['pc_last_restricted']; } else { // check for custom categories redirects $custom_cat_redirect = pc_user_cats_login_redirect(pc_user_logged('categories')); $redirect_url = $custom_cat_redirect ? $custom_cat_redirect : pc_man_redirects('pg_logged_user_redirect'); } echo json_encode(array('resp' => 'success', 'mess' => pc_get_message('pc_login_ok_mex'), 'redirect' => $redirect_url)); die; } } die; // security block } }
public function validate_form($indexes, $custom_errors = array(), $user_id = false, $specific_checks = true) { include_once 'simple_form_validator.php'; global $wpdb; $validator = new simple_fv(); $validator->formHandle((array) $indexes); $fdata = $validator->form_val; // clean data and save options foreach ($fdata as $key => $val) { if (is_string($val)) { $fdata[$key] = stripslashes($val); } elseif (is_array($val)) { $fdata[$key] = array(); foreach ($val as $arr_val) { $fdata[$key][] = stripslashes($arr_val); } } } /*** special validation cases ***/ foreach ($indexes as $field) { // password strength if ($field['index'] == 'psw') { $psw_strength = $this->check_psw_strength($fdata['psw']); if ($psw_strength !== true) { $validator->custom_error[__("Password strength", 'pc_ml')] = $psw_strength; } } // username unicity if ($specific_checks && $field['index'] == 'username') { $already_exists = $user_id ? ' AND id != ' . (int) $user_id : ''; $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("SELECT id FROM " . PC_USERS_TABLE . " WHERE username = %s AND status != 0 " . $already_exists . " LIMIT 1", trim((string) $fdata['username']))); if ($wpdb->num_rows) { $validator->custom_error[__("Username", 'pc_ml')] = __("Another user already has this username", 'pc_ml'); } } // categories if ($specific_checks && $field['index'] == 'categories' && !empty($fdata['categories'])) { $cats = !isset($GLOBALS['pc_escape_no_reg_cats']) ? pc_user_cats(false) : pc_user_cats(true); foreach ((array) $fdata['categories'] as $f_cat) { if (!isset($cats[$f_cat])) { $name = $this->fields['categories']['label']; $validator->custom_error[$name] = __("One or more chosen categories are wrong", 'pc_ml'); break; } } } } // wrap up $this->form_data = $fdata; $errors = $validator->getErrors(); if (!empty($custom_errors)) { if (!empty($errors)) { $errors .= '<br/>'; } $errors .= implode('<br/>', $custom_errors); } // PC-FILTER - add custom errors on form validation - passes errors string and form data $this->errors = apply_filters('pc_form_valid_errors', $errors, $fdata); return empty($this->errors) ? true : false; }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////// IF IMPORING USERS ////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // security check if (!isset($_POST['pc_import_users'])) { die('Nice try!'); } if (!isset($_POST['pc_nonce']) || !wp_verify_nonce($_POST['pc_nonce'], 'lcwp_nonce')) { die('<p>Cheating?</p>'); } include_once PC_DIR . '/functions.php'; include_once PC_DIR . '/classes/simple_form_validator.php'; include_once PC_DIR . '/classes/pc_form_framework.php'; global $wpdb, $pc_users; $f_fw = new pc_form(); $validator = new simple_fv(); $indexes = array(); //$indexes[] = array('index'=>'pc_imp_file', 'label'=>__('CSV file', 'pc_ml'), 'mime_type'=>array('application/', 'application/octet-stream', 'application/csv', 'text/csv'), 'required'=>true); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'pc_imp_separator', 'label' => __("Field Delimiter", 'pc_ml'), 'required' => true, 'max_len' => 1); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'pc_imp_pvt_page', 'label' => "Enable Pvt Page"); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'pc_imp_cat', 'label' => __('Category', 'pc_ml'), 'required' => true); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'pc_imp_ignore_first', 'label' => "Ignore first row"); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'pc_imp_error_stop', 'label' => "Stop if errors found"); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'pc_imp_existing_stop', 'label' => "Stop if duplicated found"); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'pc_wps_error_stop', 'label' => "Stop if wp sync fails"); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'pc_cfi_import', 'label' => "Custom fields"); $validator->formHandle($indexes); $fdata = $validator->form_val; // more compatible upload validation if (!isset($_FILES["pc_imp_file"]) || !isset($_FILES["pc_imp_file"]["tmp_name"]) || trim($_FILES["pc_imp_file"]["tmp_name"]) == '') { $validator->custom_error[__("CSV file", 'pc_ml')] = __("is missing", 'pc_ml');
function pc_update_reg_form() { if (!isset($_POST['pc_nonce']) || !wp_verify_nonce($_POST['pc_nonce'], 'lcwp_ajax')) { die('Cheating?'); } include_once PC_DIR . '/classes/simple_form_validator.php'; $validator = new simple_fv(); $indexes = array(); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'form_id', 'label' => 'form id', 'type' => 'int', 'required' => true); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'form_name', 'label' => 'form name', 'required' => true, 'max_len' => 250); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'fields_included', 'label' => 'fields included', 'required' => true); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'fields_required', 'label' => 'fields required', 'required' => true); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'texts', 'label' => 'text blocks'); $validator->formHandle($indexes); $fdata = $validator->form_val; // check username and password fields existence if (!is_array($fdata['fields_included']) || !in_array('username', $fdata['fields_included']) || !in_array('psw', $fdata['fields_included'])) { $validator->custom_error[__("Form structure", 'pc_ml')] = __("Username and password fields are mandatory", 'pc_ml'); } $error = $validator->getErrors(); if (!$error) { // clean texts from slashes if (!empty($fdata['texts'])) { $escaped = array(); foreach ((array) $fdata['texts'] as $val) { $escaped[] = stripslashes($val); } $fdata['texts'] = $escaped; } // setup array - user base64_encode to prevent WP tags cleaning $descr = base64_encode(serialize(array('include' => $fdata['fields_included'], 'require' => $fdata['fields_required'], 'texts' => $fdata['texts']))); // update $result = wp_update_term($fdata['form_id'], 'pc_reg_form', array('name' => $fdata['form_name'], 'description' => $descr)); echo is_wp_error($result) ? $result->get_error_message() : 'success'; } else { echo $error; } die; }
function mg_items_meta_save($post_id) { if (isset($_POST['mg_item_noncename'])) { // authentication checks if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['mg_item_noncename'], 'lcwp_nonce')) { return $post_id; } // check user permissions if ($_POST['post_type'] == 'page') { if (!current_user_can('edit_page', $post_id)) { return $post_id; } } else { if (!current_user_can('edit_post', $post_id)) { return $post_id; } } require_once MG_DIR . '/functions.php'; require_once MG_DIR . '/classes/simple_form_validator.php'; $validator = new simple_fv(); $indexes = array(); // thumb center $indexes[] = array('index' => 'mg_thumb_center', 'label' => 'Thumbnail Center'); // main type and layout $indexes[] = array('index' => 'mg_main_type', 'label' => 'Item Type'); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'mg_layout', 'label' => 'Display Mode'); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'mg_lb_max_w', 'label' => 'Lightbox Max-width'); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'mg_img_maxheight', 'label' => 'Full size image max-height'); // custom attributes if (is_array(mg_get_type_opt_indexes($_POST['mg_main_type']))) { foreach (mg_get_type_opt_indexes($_POST['mg_main_type']) as $copt) { $indexes[] = array('index' => $copt, 'label' => $copt); } } // type attributes $type_opt = mg_types_meta_opt($_POST['mg_main_type']); if ($type_opt) { foreach ($type_opt as $opt) { $indexes[] = $opt['validate']; } } $validator->formHandle($indexes); $fdata = $validator->form_val; $error = $validator->getErrors(); // clean data foreach ($fdata as $key => $val) { if (!is_array($val)) { $fdata[$key] = stripslashes($val); } else { $fdata[$key] = array(); foreach ($val as $arr_val) { $fdata[$key][] = stripslashes($arr_val); } } } // save data foreach ($fdata as $key => $val) { delete_post_meta($post_id, $key); add_post_meta($post_id, $key, $fdata[$key], true); } // update the grid categories mg_upd_item_upd_grids($post_id); } return $post_id; }
function mg_wc_meta_save($post_id) { if (isset($_POST['mg_wc_noncename'])) { // authentication checks if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['mg_wc_noncename'], 'lcwp_nonce')) { return $post_id; } // check user permissions if ($_POST['post_type'] == 'page') { if (!current_user_can('edit_page', $post_id)) { return $post_id; } } else { if (!current_user_can('edit_post', $post_id)) { return $post_id; } } include_once MG_DIR . '/functions.php'; include_once MG_DIR . '/classes/simple_form_validator.php'; $validator = new simple_fv(); $indexes = array(); // thumb center $indexes[] = array('index' => 'mg_thumb_center', 'label' => 'Thumbnail Center'); // layout and img settings $indexes[] = array('index' => 'mg_main_type', 'label' => 'Enable product'); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'mg_layout', 'label' => 'Display Mode'); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'mg_lb_max_w', 'label' => 'Lightbox Max-width'); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'mg_wc_prod_cats', 'label' => 'Product categories'); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'mg_img_maxheight', 'label' => 'Image max height'); // multiple images $indexes[] = array('index' => 'mg_slider_add_featured', 'label' => 'Prepend featured image'); foreach (mg_types_meta_opt('img_gallery') as $opt) { $indexes[] = $opt['validate']; } $validator->formHandle($indexes); $fdata = $validator->form_val; $error = $validator->getErrors(); // clean data foreach ($fdata as $key => $val) { if (!is_array($val)) { $fdata[$key] = stripslashes($val); } else { $fdata[$key] = array(); foreach ($val as $arr_val) { $fdata[$key][] = stripslashes($arr_val); } } } // save data foreach ($fdata as $key => $val) { delete_post_meta($post_id, $key); add_post_meta($post_id, $key, $fdata[$key], true); } // assign mg cats to this product if (!is_array($fdata['mg_wc_prod_cats'])) { $fdata['mg_wc_prod_cats'] = array(); } wp_set_post_terms($post_id, $fdata['mg_wc_prod_cats'], 'mg_item_categories', $append = false); // update the grid categories mg_upd_item_upd_grids($post_id); } return $post_id; }
function nb_save_box() { include_once NB_DIR . '/functions.php'; include_once NB_DIR . '/classes/simple_form_validator.php'; $validator = new simple_fv(); $indexes = array(); // sources $indexes[] = array('index' => 'box_id', 'label' => __('Box ID', 'nb_ml'), 'required' => true, 'type' => 'int'); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'max_news', 'label' => __('News to keep', 'nb_ml'), 'required' => true, 'type' => 'int', 'min_val' => 1, 'max_val' => 40); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'news_per_time', 'label' => __('News per time', 'nb_ml'), 'required' => true, 'type' => 'int', 'min_val' => 1, 'max_val' => 15); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'height', 'label' => __('Box height', 'nb_ml'), 'required' => true, 'type' => 'int'); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'layout', 'label' => 'Box main layout'); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'boxed_news', 'label' => "Boxed style?"); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'horiz_img_mode', 'label' => "Horiz image mode?"); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'buttons_position', 'label' => "Buttons position"); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'hide_elements', 'label' => "Global elements to hide"); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'btn_over_img', 'label' => "Side buttons over image?"); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'show_src_logo', 'label' => "Show news source logo?"); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'horiz_img_h', 'label' => __("Image's height <small>(for horizontal layout)</small>", 'nb_ml'), 'type' => 'int'); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'vert_img_w', 'label' => __("Image's width <small>(for vertical layout)</small>", 'nb_ml'), 'type' => 'int'); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'title_behavior', 'label' => "News title behavior"); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'img_behavior', 'label' => "Main image behavior"); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'date_format', 'label' => __('Date format', 'nb_ml'), 'required' => true); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'elapsed_time', 'label' => "Use elapsed time?"); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'read_more_btn', 'label' => 'Replace date with "read more" button?'); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'read_more_btn_txt', 'label' => __('"Read more"', 'nb_ml') . ' ' . __("button's text", 'nb_ml')); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'expandable_news', 'label' => "Expandable news?"); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'scroll_exp_elem', 'label' => "Keep close button and side image visible on scroll?"); //$indexes[] = array('index'=>'exp_main_img_pos', 'label'=>"Main image position"); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'manage_exp_images', 'label' => "Manage news images?"); //$indexes[] = array('index'=>'exp_img_w', 'label'=>"Image's container width"); //$indexes[] = array('index'=>'height', 'label'=>__("Image's container width", 'nb_ml'), 'required'=>true); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'nav_arrows', 'label' => "Navigation arrows position"); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'carousel', 'label' => 'Carousel mode?'); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'animation_time', 'label' => __("Animation time", 'nb_ml'), 'required' => true, 'type' => 'int'); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'autoplay', 'label' => 'Autoplay slideshow?'); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'slideshow_time', 'label' => __("Slideshow interval", 'nb_ml'), 'required' => true, 'type' => 'int'); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'pause_on_hover', 'label' => 'Pause on hover?'); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'slide_all', 'label' => 'Slide all visible elements?'); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'autop_after_exp', 'label' => 'Resume autoplay after expanded news closing?'); $validator->formHandle($indexes); $fdata = $validator->form_val; $error = $validator->getErrors(); if ($error) { die('<div class="error"><p>' . $error . '</p></div>'); } else { // sources $sources = array(); $sources_data = json_decode(rawurldecode(stripslashes($_POST['src_data']))); if (!is_array($sources_data) || count($sources_data) == 0) { _e('A news source is needed', 'nb_ml'); die; } foreach ($sources_data as $src) { $sources[] = nb_serArr_to_php($src); } // clean settings foreach ($fdata as $key => $val) { if (!is_array($val)) { $fdata[$key] = stripslashes($val); } else { $fdata[$key] = array(); foreach ($val as $arr_val) { $fdata[$key][] = stripslashes($arr_val); } } } // wrap up elements $box_data = array('src' => $sources, 'settings' => $fdata); // save $result = wp_update_term($fdata['box_id'], 'nb_boxes', array('slug' => uniqid(), 'description' => serialize($box_data))); echo is_wp_error($result) ? $result->get_error_message() : 'success'; } die; }
function pcud_save_form() { if (!isset($_POST['pcud_nonce']) || !wp_verify_nonce($_POST['pcud_nonce'], 'lcwp_ajax')) { die('Cheating?'); } include_once PC_DIR . '/classes/simple_form_validator.php'; $validator = new simple_fv(); $indexes = array(); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'form_id', 'label' => 'form id', 'type' => 'int', 'required' => true); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'fields_included', 'label' => 'fields included'); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'fields_required', 'label' => 'fields required'); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'texts', 'label' => 'text blocks'); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'redirect', 'label' => 'redirect target'); $indexes[] = array('index' => 'cust_redir', 'label' => 'custom redirect target'); $validator->formHandle($indexes); $fdata = $validator->form_val; $error = $validator->getErrors(); if (!$error) { // clean texts from slashes if (!empty($fdata['texts'])) { $escaped = array(); foreach ((array) $fdata['texts'] as $val) { $escaped[] = stripslashes($val); } $fdata['texts'] = $escaped; } // setup array - user base64_encode to prevent WP tags cleaning $descr = base64_encode(serialize(array('include' => (array) $fdata['fields_included'], 'require' => (array) $fdata['fields_required'], 'texts' => (array) $fdata['texts'], 'redirect' => $fdata['redirect'], 'cust_redir' => $fdata['cust_redir']))); // update $result = wp_update_term($fdata['form_id'], 'pcud_forms', array('description' => $descr)); echo is_wp_error($result) ? $result->get_error_message() : 'success'; } else { echo $error; } die; }