Example #1
 public function init()
     //set a pathAlias for our extension. now, we can use it anywhere, not only in extensions folder
     Yii::setPathOfAlias('fbgallery', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));
     //if is dynamic page, use it id as pid else we have a static page
     if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
         $this->pid = $_GET['id'];
     //isn't a pid set by user or by dynamic page
     //we have a static page
     if (!$this->pid) {
         $this->staticPage = true;
     //import general libraries
     //load settings
     $this->conf = new conf();
     //if is static page we assign it a pid if isn't manually set
     if ($this->staticPage) {
     //set if actuall page is album or collection
     $this->album = Album::model()->find(array('condition' => "pid='{$this->pid}'"));
     $this->collection = Collection::model()->find(array('condition' => "pid='{$this->pid}'"));
     //set author of this page, if exists
     if ($this->album || $this->collection) {
         $this->author = $this->album ? $this->album->author : $this->collection->author;
     //set level access for user (0=visitor, 1=editor, 2=admin)
     //it is necessary to custom the way how users are identified in your system
     //$this->levelAccess means we are minim an editor user.
     //if user is minimum an editor, import libraries for editor panel
     if ($this->levelAccess) {
     //if user is admin, import libraries for control panel.
     //Control panel isn't accessible for editors and visitors
     if ($this->levelAccess === 2) {
     //set languages
     $this->lang = new lang($this->conf);
     //set paths and urls used in gallery
     $this->path = new path($this->conf->gFolder . '/' . $this->pid . '/', $this->dirs, realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/assets'));
     $this->url = new url($this->conf->gFolder, $this->pid, $this->conf->cssTheme, realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/assets'));
     if ($this->album) {
         $this->imgsOrder = unserialize($this->album->imgsOrder);
         $this->imgsInfo = unserialize($this->album->imgsInfo);
     //is this page using shop style?
     if ($this->conf->isShopStyle) {