  * Retrieve a new sfFeed implementation instance, populated from a web feed.
  * The class of the returned instance depends on the nature of the web feed.
  * This method uses the sfWebBrowser plugin.
  * @param string A web feed URI
  * @return sfFeed A sfFeed implementation instance
 public static function createFromWeb($uri, $options = array())
     if (isset($options['adapter'])) {
         $browser = new sfWebBrowser(array(), $options['adapter'], isset($options['adapter_options']) ? $options['adapter_options'] : array());
     } else {
         $browser = new sfWebBrowser();
     $browser->setUserAgent(isset($options['userAgent']) ? $options['userAgent'] : 'sfFeedReader/0.9');
     if ($browser->get($uri)->responseIsError()) {
         $error = 'The given URL (%s) returns an error (%s: %s)';
         $error = sprintf($error, $uri, $browser->getResponseCode(), $browser->getResponseMessage());
         throw new Exception($error);
     $feedString = $browser->getResponseText();
     return self::createFromXml($feedString, $uri);
// build the xmlrpc client
require_once $project_rootdir . '/plugins/sfWebRPCPlugin/lib/vendor/IXR_Library.inc.php';
$client = new IXR_Client($project_baseurl . "/sfWebRPCPluginDemo/RPC2");
// query remote neoip-casti to pull cast_mdata
$succeed = $client->query('add', 3, 7);
$t->is($client->query('add', 3, 7), true, 'call to sfWebRPCPluginDemo::add succeed');
// if it failed, notify the error
//if(! $succeed )	throw new Exception("Error doing xmlrpc to casti_srv_uri due to ".$client->getErrorMessage());
$t->is($client->getResponse(), 10, 'add 3+7 is 10');
$t->is($client->query('fctnamej_which_doesnt_exist'), false, 'call to unexisting function fails as expected');
/*		Test handler JSON					*/
$t->diag('sfWebRPCPlugin JSON');
$b->get($project_baseurl . "/sfWebRPCPluginDemo/JSON?method=add&arg0=3&arg1=2");
$t->is($b->getResponseCode(), 200, 'http code 200 on "add" JSON handler');
$t->is($b->getResponseHeader("Content-Type"), "application/json", "mimetype is application/json on json call");
$t->is($b->getResponseText(), 5, "response is 5 (as expected for add(3,2))");
$b->get($project_baseurl . "/sfWebRPCPluginDemo/JSON?method=add&arg0=3");
$t->isnt($b->getResponseCode(), 200, 'http code NOT 200 "add" when wrong number of parameters');
/*		Test handler JSONP					*/
$t->diag('sfWebRPCPlugin JSONP');
$b->get($project_baseurl . "/sfWebRPCPluginDemo/JSON?callback=cbsample&method=add&arg0=3&arg1=2");
$t->is($b->getResponseCode(), 200, 'http code 200 on "add" JSON handler');
$t->like($b->getResponseHeader("Content-Type"), "/text\\/javascript/", "mimetype is text/javascript on JSONP call");
$t->is($b->getResponseText(), 'cbsample("5")', 'response is cbsample("5")');
/*		Test handler XDOMRPC					*/
        return $this->requestMethod;
$t = new lime_test($nb_test_orig * count($adapter_list), new lime_output_color());
foreach ($adapter_list as $adapter) {
    $t->diag('Testing ' . $adapter);
    /* Initialization */
    $b = new sfWebBrowser(array(), $adapter);
    $t->is($b->getUserAgent(), '', 'a new browser has an empty user agent');
    $t->is($b->getResponseText(), '', 'a new browser has an empty response');
    $t->is($b->getResponseCode(), '', 'a new browser has an empty response code');
    $t->is($b->getResponseHeaders(), array(), 'a new browser has empty reponse headers');
    /* Utility methods */
    $t->diag('Utility methods');
    $b = new sfWebBrowser(array(), $adapter);
    $t->is($b->setUserAgent('foo bar')->getUserAgent(), 'foo bar', 'setUserAgent() sets the user agent');
    $t->is($b->setResponseText('foo bar')->getResponseText(), 'foo bar', 'setResponseText() extracts the response');
    $t->is($b->setResponseCode('foo 123 bar')->getResponseCode(), '123', 'setResponseCode() extracts the three-digits code');
    $t->is($b->setResponseCode('foo 12 bar')->getResponseCode(), '', 'setResponseCode() fails silently when response status is incorrect');
    $t->is_deeply($b->setResponseHeaders(array('HTTP1.1 200 OK', 'foo: bar', 'bar: baz'))->getResponseHeaders(), array('Foo' => 'bar', 'Bar' => 'baz'), 'setResponseHeaders() extracts the headers array');
    $t->is_deeply($b->setResponseHeaders(array('ETag: "535a8-9fb-44ff4a13"', 'WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Myself"'))->getResponseHeaders(), array('ETag' => '"535a8-9fb-44ff4a13"', 'WWW-Authenticate' => 'Basic realm="Myself"'), 'setResponseHeaders() extracts the headers array and accepts response headers with several uppercase characters');
    $t->is_deeply($b->setResponseHeaders(array('HTTP1.1 200 OK', 'foo: bar', 'bar:baz', 'baz:bar'))->getResponseHeaders(), array('Foo' => 'bar'), 'setResponseHeaders() ignores malformed headers');
    /* Exceptions */
Example #4
 protected final function printBrowserResponse(sfWebBrowser $b, $url, $printText = false)
     echo "****************************\n";
     echo "COULDN'T GET REMOTE LOCATION: " . $url . "\n";
     echo "Response code: " . $b->getResponseCode() . "\n";
     echo "Response headers: ";
     if ($printText) {
         echo "Response text: \n";
         echo $b->getResponseText();
     echo "****************************\n";
     echo "\n";
  * Loads an image from a file or URL and creates an internal thumbnail out of it
  * @param string filename (with absolute path) of the image to load. If the filename is a http(s) URL, then an attempt to download the file will be made.
  * @return boolean True if the image was properly loaded
  * @throws Exception If the image cannot be loaded, or if its mime type is not supported
 public function loadFile($image)
     if (preg_match('/http(s)?:\\//i', $image)) {
         if (class_exists('sfWebBrowser')) {
             if (!is_null($this->tempFile)) {
             $this->tempFile = tempnam('/tmp', 'sfThumbnailPlugin');
             $b = new sfWebBrowser();
             try {
                 if ($b->getResponseCode() != 200) {
                     throw new Exception(sprintf('%s returned error code %s', $image, $b->getResponseCode()));
                 file_put_contents($this->tempFile, $b->getResponseText());
                 if (!filesize($this->tempFile)) {
                     throw new Exception('downloaded file is empty');
                 } else {
                     $image = $this->tempFile;
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 throw new Exception("Source image is a URL but it cannot be used because " . $e->getMessage());
         } else {
             throw new Exception("Source image is a URL but sfWebBrowserPlugin is not installed");
     } else {
         if (!is_readable($image)) {
             throw new Exception(sprintf('The file "%s" is not readable.', $image));
     $this->adapter->loadFile($this, $image);