	$t->cmp_ok($result,'===',$yml,'generated yml is as expected');
catch (Exception $e)
	$t->fail('failed to convert xml to yml, error was: '.$e->getMessage());
// this test the converter from yml to xml and regenerate the yml to match
// the original. this way, no need to do a comparison on the xml (which can
// slightly differ)
try {
    $xml = sfSqlDesignerLib::loadFromSchema(dirname(__FILE__) . '/books.yml');
    if (!$xml) {
        throw new Exception('empty xml in return');
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $t->fail('failed to convert xml to yml, error was: ' . $e->getMessage());
$xmlHeader = '/^<\\?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" \\?>\\n<sql>\\n<datatypes db="symfony-doctrine">/';
$t->like($xml, $xmlHeader, 'xml as a proper header');
$xmlFooter = '/<\\/table>\\n<\\/sql>/';
$t->like($xml, $xmlFooter, 'xml as a proper footer');
try {
    sfSqlDesignerLib::saveToSchema($xml, '/tmp/test.yml');
    if (!file_exists('/tmp/test.yml')) {
        throw new Exception('yml file as not been saved to disk');