Example #1
 public function process()
     try {
          * Session specific actions
         if ($this->container->hasService('session')) {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         Log::fatal('Error during initialization.', 'Core', array('Exception' => get_class($e), 'message' => $e->getMessage()));
         die('<h1 class="error">' . $e->getMessage() . '</h1>');
  * Returns true if the given service is defined.
  * @param  string  $id      The service identifier
  * @return Boolean true if the service is defined, false otherwise
 public function hasService($id)
     return isset($this->definitions[$id]) || isset($this->aliases[$id]) || parent::hasService($id);
$t->ok($sc->hasParameter('Foo'), '->hasParameter() converts the key to lowercase');
$t->ok(!$sc->hasParameter('bar'), '->hasParameter() returns false if a parameter is not defined');
// ->addParameters()
$sc = new sfServiceContainer(array('foo' => 'bar'));
$sc->addParameters(array('bar' => 'foo'));
$t->is($sc->getParameters(), array('foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'foo'), '->addParameters() adds parameters to the existing ones');
$sc->addParameters(array('Bar' => 'fooz'));
$t->is($sc->getParameters(), array('foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'fooz'), '->addParameters() converts keys to lowercase');
// ->setService() ->hasService() ->getService()
$t->diag('->setService() ->hasService() ->getService()');
$sc = new sfServiceContainer();
$sc->setService('foo', $obj = new stdClass());
$t->is(spl_object_hash($sc->getService('foo')), spl_object_hash($obj), '->setService() registers a service under a key name');
$sc->foo1 = $obj1 = new stdClass();
$t->ok($sc->hasService('foo'), '->hasService() returns true if the service is defined');
$t->ok(!$sc->hasService('bar'), '->hasService() returns false if the service is not defined');
// ->getServiceIds()
$sc = new sfServiceContainer();
$sc->setService('foo', $obj = new stdClass());
$sc->setService('bar', $obj = new stdClass());
$t->is($sc->getServiceIds(), array('service_container', 'foo', 'bar'), '->getServiceIds() returns all defined service ids');
class ProjectServiceContainer extends sfServiceContainer
    public $__bar, $__foo_bar, $__foo_baz;
    public function __construct()
        $this->__bar = new stdClass();
        $this->__foo_bar = new stdClass();
  * Returns true if the given service is defined.
  * @param  string  $id      The service identifier
  * @return Boolean true if the service is defined, false otherwise
 public function hasService($name)
     return isset($this->definitions[$name]) || parent::hasService($name);