$article3 = new DArticle();
$finder = new sfDoctrineFinder('DArticle');
$articles = $finder->find();
$t->is(count($articles), 3, 'find() with no argument returns an array of all the records');
$articles = $articles->getData();
$article = array_shift($articles);
$t->is($article->getTitle(), 'foo', 'find() with no argument returns an array of all the records');
$article = array_shift($articles);
$t->is($article->getTitle(), 'foo2', 'find() with no argument returns an array of all the records');
$article = array_shift($articles);
$t->is($article->getTitle(), 'foo3', 'find() with no argument returns an array of all the records');
$finder = new sfDoctrineFinder('DArticle');
$articles = $finder->find(2);
$t->is(count($articles), 2, 'find() with an argument returns a limited array of records');
$finder = new sfDoctrineFinder('DArticle');
$article = $finder->findOne();
$t->is($article, null, 'findOne() returns null when no records match');
$article1 = new DArticle();
$article2 = new DArticle();
$finder = new sfDoctrineFinder('DArticle');
$article = $finder->findOne();
$t->isa_ok($article, 'DArticle', 'findOne() returns a single object');