Example #1
include_once '../../../includes/services.php';
// Set up parameters
// We need to set the filename for the template which we want to use
// as the template for our generated PDF.
// In addition we supply the information which we want to write to the
// document. This data would usually be sent as GET / POST or be stored
// in session from the order confirmation page.
// the template PDF file
$codigoContrato = isset($_GET['codigo']) ? $_GET['codigo'] : 0;
$Mes = isset($_GET['mes']) ? $_GET['mes'] : 0;
$servicios = new servicios();
$ObtenerCabeceraFacturacion = $servicios->ObtenerCabeceraFacturacion($codigoContrato, $Mes);
$MesBoleta = $servicios->obtenerUltimoDiaMesActual($ObtenerCabeceraFacturacion[0]['mes']);
$fechaEmision = date_create($ObtenerCabeceraFacturacion[0]['fechaEmision']);
$fechaVencimiento = date_create($ObtenerCabeceraFacturacion[0]['fechaVencimiento']);
$filename = "document.pdf";
// Set up the PDF objects and initialize
// This section sets up FPDF and imports our template document. No need
// for changes in this section.
$pdf = new FPDI();
// import the template PFD