Example #1
    //no new password
    $ERRORS->Add('Please enter your new E-mail Address.');
} else {
    //check for reservation
    if (EmailReservations::IsReserved(array('email' => $email)) === true) {
        $ERRORS->Add('The e-mail address is reserved.');
//Check for errors
######## REGISTER SERVER ACCOUNT #################
//get the column names for table accounts
$columns = CORE_COLUMNS::get('accounts');
//make our new pass hash
$shapasshash = server_Account::makeHash($CURUSER->get('username'), $newpassword);
//Apply the new hash to the account
$update = $AUTH_DB->prepare("UPDATE `" . $columns['self'] . "` SET `" . $columns['email'] . "` = :email WHERE `" . $columns['id'] . "` = :acc LIMIT 1;");
$update->bindParam(':email', $email, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$update->bindParam(':acc', $CURUSER->get('id'), PDO::PARAM_INT);
//check if the account was affected
if ($update->rowCount() > 0) {
    ########## Redirect ##################
} else {
    $ERRORS->Add('The website failed to change your E-mail Address. Please contact the administration.');
Example #2
    //break if the function failed to laod HTML
    if ($message) {
        //replace the tags with info
        $search = array('{USERNAME}', '{DISPLAYNAME}', '{PASSWORD}');
        $replace = array($username, $displayName, $password);
        $message = str_replace($search, $replace, $message);
        $mail->WordWrap = 50;
        $mail->Subject = "Warcry WoW Registration";
        $mail->Body = $message;
        //$mail->AltBody = "This is the body in plain text for non-HTML mail clients";
    ############# LOGIN ##################
    $shapasshash = server_Account::makeHash($username, $password);
    $CURUSER->setLoggedIn($accountId, $shapasshash);
    //Setup our welcoming notification
    $NOTIFICATIONS->SetText('Welcome and thank you for joining the Warcry community.<br>Your Warcry account has been automatically activated.<br>Please enjoy.');
    ########## Redirect ##################
    header("Location: " . $config['BaseURL'] . "/index.php?page=home");
} else {
$password = trim($password);
//Check for errors
$ERRORS->Check('/index.php?page=password_recovery&verify=1&key=' . $key);
############## The actual script #################
//Get the external data for the token
$row = $token->get_enternalData();
//Destroy this token
//unset the class
//get the column names for table accounts
$columns = CORE_COLUMNS::get('accounts');
//make our new pass hash
$shapasshash = server_Account::makeHash($row[$columns['username']], $password);
//Apply the new hash to the account
$update = $AUTH_DB->prepare("UPDATE `" . $columns['self'] . "` SET `" . $columns['shapasshash'] . "` = :hash, `" . $columns['sessionkey'] . "` = '', `" . $columns['v'] . "` = '', `" . $columns['s'] . "` = '' WHERE `" . $columns['id'] . "` = :acc LIMIT 1;");
$update->bindParam(':hash', $shapasshash, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$update->bindParam(':acc', $row[$columns['id']], PDO::PARAM_INT);
//check if the account was affected
if ($update->rowCount() > 0) {
    //update the account event
    $update = $DB->prepare("UPDATE `account_data` SET `event` = '' WHERE `id` = :id LIMIT 1;");
    $update->bindParam(':id', $row[$columns['id']], PDO::PARAM_INT);
    //Setup our notification
    $NOTIFICATIONS->SetTitle('Password Recovery');