Example #1
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="/styles/main.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/visible_header.php';
if ($message) {
    echo '<b>' . $message . '</b>';
} elseif ($_POST['attack_id']) {
    echo '<b>Troop movements started!</b>';
if (!$tocity) {
    echo '<h2>Select a City to Attack/Move to</h2><ul>';
    if ($fromcity) {
        $close_upper_bound = intval($fromcity->getValue('id')) + 25000;
        $dbcities = mysql_query("SELECT user_id,city_id FROM server_cities WHERE server_id=" . $server->getID() . " AND city_id < {$close_upper_bound} ORDER BY city_id DESC LIMIT 50", $db) or die(mysql_error());
    } else {
        $dbcities = mysql_query("SELECT user_id,city_id FROM server_cities WHERE server_id=" . $server->getID() . " ORDER BY user_id LIMIT 50", $db) or die(mysql_error());
    //end if-else fromcity
    while ($city = mysql_fetch_assoc($dbcities)) {
        $user = new user($city['user_id'], $server);
        $city = new city($city['city_id']);
        echo '<li>';
        echo '<a href="/server/' . $server->getID() . '/attack/' . $city->getValue('id') . '+' . $cities[1] . '">';
        if ($city->getValue('name')) {
            echo htmlentities($city->getValue('name')) . ' / ';
        echo 'Location: ' . str_pad($city->getValue('id'), 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
        echo '</a>';
        echo ' / Population: ' . $city->getValue('population') . ' / Defense: ' . (intval($city->getValue('defense')) + 1) . ' / User: <a href="/server/' . $server->getID() . '/user/' . $user->getValue('userid') . '">' . htmlentities($user->getValue('nickname')) . '</a>';
Example #2
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/user.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/server.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/cron.php';
if (!$server) {
    $server = new server($_REQUEST['server_id']);
if (!$current_user) {
    $current_user = new user($LOGIN_DATA['user_id'], $server);
echo "<h3>Cities</h3><ul>";
foreach ($current_user->getValue('cities') as $city) {
    echo '<li>';
    echo '  ' . str_pad($city->getValue('population'), 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ' <img src="/images/group.png" alt="Population" title="Population" />';
    echo '  ' . str_pad(intval($city->getValue('defense')) + 1, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ' <img src="/images/shield.png" alt="Defense" title="Defense" />';
    echo '  ' . str_pad(intval($city->unit_count()), 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ' <img src="/images/car.png" alt="Units" title="Units" />';
    echo '  <a href="/server/' . $server->getID() . '/city/' . $city->getValue('id') . '">';
    echo ' @ ' . str_pad($city->getValue('id'), 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
    if ($city->getValue('name')) {
        echo ' / ' . htmlentities($city->getValue('name'));
    echo '</a>';
    $attack = mysql_query("SELECT user_id,unit_count,eta FROM server_unit_transaction WHERE server_id=" . $server->getID() . " AND destination=" . $city->getValue('id') . " AND user_id!=" . $current_user->getValue('userid') . " AND eta < " . (time() + 60 * 5) . " ORDER BY eta DESC LIMIT 1", $db) or die(mysql_error());
    $attack = mysql_fetch_assoc($attack);
    if ($attack) {
        $attack_user = new user($attack['user_id'], $server);
        $nickname = $attack_user->getValue('nickname') ? $attack_user->getValue('nickname') : 'User #' . $attack_user->getValue('userid');
        echo ' <br /><i>' . $attack['unit_count'] . ' units attacking from <a href="/server/' . $server->getID() . '/user/' . $attack_user->getValue('userid') . '">' . $nickname . '</a> in ' . round(($attack['eta'] - time()) / 60, 2) . " minutes.</i>";
    //end if attack
    echo "</li>";
Example #3
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/processCookie.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/cron.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/connectDB.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/user.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/server.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/city.php';
if (!$server) {
    $server = new server($_REQUEST['server_id']);
if (!$current_user) {
    $current_user = new user($LOGIN_DATA['user_id'], $server);
      <h3>Troop Movements</h3>
$transactions = mysql_query("SELECT unit_count,eta,destination,user_id FROM server_unit_transaction WHERE server_id=" . $server->getID() . " AND user_id=" . $current_user->getValue('userid') . " ORDER BY eta ASC", $db) or die(mysql_query());
while ($transaction = mysql_fetch_assoc($transactions)) {
    $city = new city($transaction['destination']);
    $dest = $city->getValue('name') ? htmlentities($city->getValue('name')) : 'City at ' . str_pad($city->getValue('id'), 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
    $is_attack = $city->getValue('user')->getValue('userid') != $transaction['user_id'];
    $time_left = round(($transaction['eta'] - time()) / 60, 2);
    if ($time_left > 0) {
        echo "\t\t\t" . '<li>' . ($is_attack ? 'Attacking ' : 'Moving to ') . $dest . ' with ' . $transaction['unit_count'] . ' troops in ' . $time_left . ' minutes </li>' . "\n";
//end while unit

Example #4
					<script type="text/javascript">
						var day_left_id = '';
						function update_day_left() {
							var block = document.getElementById('day-left');
							block.innerHTML = Math.round((block.innerHTML - (1/60))*100)/100;
							if(block.innerHTML < 0) block.innerHTML = 0;
							day_left_id = setTimeout("update_day_left()", 1100);
						}//end function update_day_left
						day_left_id = setTimeout("update_day_left()", 1100);
		      	   var statistics_id = '';
   			      function update_statistics() {
	   		         new Ajax.Updater('statistics', '/statistics.php?server_id=<?php 
        echo $server->getID();
	   	   	      new Ajax.Updater('server-message', '/server-message.php?server_id=<?php 
        echo $server->getID();
      	   		   statistics_id = setTimeout("update_statistics()", 1000*8);
		   	      }//end function update_day_left
			         statistics_id = setTimeout("update_statistics()", 1000*8)
        $week = $server->getPreviousWeek();
        $time_left = ceil(abs(time() - $server->getWeekLength() - $week) / $server->getDayLength());
     $mod = 'near';
 case 'city':
 case 'ls':
     $data = trim(preg_replace('/^city[\\s]+/i', '', $data));
     $data = trim(preg_replace('/^near[\\s]+/i', '', $data));
     if (!$data || $data == 'cities') {
         $reply = 'On ' . $server->getName() . ' your cities : ';
         foreach ($user->getValue('cities') as $city) {
             $reply .= $city->getValue('name') . '@' . $city->getValue('id') . ' ';
     } else {
         if ($mod == 'near') {
             foreach ($user->getValue('cities') as $city) {
                 if ($city->getValue('id') == $data || @preg_match('/^' . $data . '$/i', $city->getValue('name'))) {
                     $close_upper_bound = intval($city->getValue('id')) + 30000;
                     $dbcities = mysql_query("SELECT city_id FROM server_cities WHERE server_id=" . $server->getID() . " AND city_id < {$close_upper_bound} ORDER BY city_id DESC LIMIT 10", $db) or die(mysql_error());
                     $reply = 'On ' . $server->getName() . ' near ' . $city->getValue('name') . '@' . $city->getValue('id') . ' : ';
                     while ($icity = mysql_fetch_assoc($dbcities)) {
                         $cityo = new city($icity['city_id']);
                         $reply .= $cityo->getValue('name') . '@' . $cityo->getValue('id') . ' ';
         } else {
             foreach ($user->getValue('cities') as $city) {
                 if ($city->getValue('id') == $data || @preg_match('/^' . $data . '$/i', $city->getValue('name'))) {
                     $reply = $city->getValue('name') . '@' . $city->getValue('id') . ' Population: ' . $city->getValue('population') . ' / Defense: ' . ($city->getValue('defense') + 1) . ' / Units: ' . $city->unit_count();
Example #6
echo $server->getName();
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="/styles/main.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="/styles/login.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
		<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/visible_header.php';
echo '<h3>Round Leaders</h3><ol style="list-style-type:none;padding:0px;">';
$close_players = mysql_query("SELECT user_id FROM server_data WHERE server_id=" . $server->getID() . " AND `key`='gold' ORDER BY value DESC LIMIT 50", $db) or die(mysql_error());
$leaders = array();
while ($player = mysql_fetch_assoc($close_players)) {
    $player_data = new user($player['user_id'], $server);
    $leaders[$player_data->calculateScore()] = $player_data;
//end while close_players
foreach ($leaders as $score => $leader) {
    echo '<li>';
    echo $leader->online_icon() . ' ';
    $nickname = $leader->getValue('nickname') ? $leader->getValue('nickname') : 'User #' . $leader->getValue('userid');
    echo '<a href="/server/' . $server->getID() . '/user/' . $leader->getValue('userid') . '">' . htmlentities($nickname) . '</a>';
    echo ' (Score: ' . $score . ')';
    echo '</li>';
Example #7
    echo $this_user->getValue('gold');
    echo $this_user->getValue('city_count');
	<h2 style="clear:both;">Cities</h2>
    foreach ($this_user->getValue('cities') as $city) {
        echo '<li>';
        $can_access = $city->getValue('user_' . $LOGIN_DATA['user_id'] . '_access');
        $can_access = $can_access === true || intval($can_access) > time();
        echo '<a href="/server/' . $server->getID() . '/city/' . $city->getValue('id') . '">';
        if ($city->getValue('name')) {
            echo htmlentities($city->getValue('name')) . ' / ';
        echo ' Location: ' . str_pad($city->getValue('id'), 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
        echo '</a>';
        echo ' / Population: ' . $city->getValue('population');
        echo ' / Defense: ' . (intval($city->getValue('defense')) + 1);
        echo ' - <a href="/server/' . $server->getID() . '/attack/' . $city->getValue('id') . '">attack/move</a>';
        echo '</li>';
    //end foreach city
Example #8
		<title>The Project - <?php 
echo $server->getName();
 Attack History</title>
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="/styles/main.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
		<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/visible_header.php';
echo '<h3>Recent Attacks</h3><ol style="list-style-type:none;padding:0px;">';
$attacks = mysql_query("SELECT destination,user_id,results,time FROM server_attack_results WHERE server_id=" . $server->getID() . " ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 50", $db) or die(mysql_error());
while ($attack = mysql_fetch_assoc($attacks)) {
    $user = new user($attack['user_id'], $server);
    $dest = new city($attack['destination']);
    $class = $attack['results'] < 0 ? 'won' : 'lost';
    echo '<li class="' . $class . '">';
    echo ceil((time() - $attack['time']) / 60) . ' minutes ago: ';
    echo '<a href="/server/' . $server->getID() . '/user/' . $user->getValue('userid') . '">' . ($user->getValue('nickname') ? htmlentities($user->getValue('nickname')) : 'User #' . $user->getValue('userid')) . '</a>';
    echo ' attacked ';
    echo $dest->getValue('name') . ' (Location: ' . $dest->getValue('id') . ')';
    echo ' and ';
    echo $class;
    echo ' by ' . abs($attack['results']);
    echo '</li>';
//end while attacks
Example #9
if (!$this_city) {
    $this_city = new city($_REQUEST['city_id']);
if (!$can_access) {
    $can_access = $this_city->getValue('user_' . $LOGIN_DATA['user_id'] . '_access');
    if ($can_access !== true && intval($can_access) > time()) {
        $can_access_time = ceil(($can_access - time()) / 60);
    $can_access = $can_access === true || intval($can_access) > time();
//end if ! can_access
if ($can_access) {
    if (!$server) {
        $server = new server($_REQUEST['server_id']);
    $units = mysql_query("SELECT unit_id,name,description,cost FROM units WHERE server_id=" . $server->getID(), $db) or die(mysql_query());
    while ($unit = mysql_fetch_assoc($units)) {
        $unit_options .= "\t\t\t" . '<option value="' . $unit['unit_id'] . '">' . htmlentities($unit['name']) . ' (' . $unit['cost'] . ' Gold)</option>' . "\n";
        $unit_list .= "\t\t\t<li>";
        $unit_list .= htmlentities($unit['name']);
        $unit_list .= ' (' . intval($this_city->getValue('unit_' . $unit['unit_id'])) . ')';
        if ($unit['description']) {
            $unit_list .= ' - ' . htmlentities($unit['description']);
        $unit_list .= "</li>\n";
    //end while unit
    echo '<h3>Units (' . $this_city->unit_count() . ')</h3>';
    echo '<ul>';
    echo $unit_list;
    echo '</ul>';
Example #10
if (!$this_city) {
    $this_city = new city($_REQUEST['city_id']);
if (!$can_access) {
    $can_access = $this_city->getValue('user_' . $LOGIN_DATA['user_id'] . '_access');
    if ($can_access !== true && intval($can_access) > time()) {
        $can_access_time = ceil(($can_access - time()) / 60);
    $can_access = $can_access === true || intval($can_access) > time();
//end if ! can_access
if ($can_access) {
    if (!$server) {
        $server = new server($_REQUEST['server_id']);
    $buildings = mysql_query("SELECT building_id,name,description,cost FROM buildings WHERE server_id=" . $server->getID(), $db) or die(mysql_query());
    while ($building = mysql_fetch_assoc($buildings)) {
        $building_list .= "\t\t\t" . '<li>';
        $building_list .= htmlentities($building['name']);
        $building_list .= ' (' . intval($this_city->getValue($building['building_id'])) . ')';
        if ($building['description']) {
            $building_list .= ' - ' . htmlentities($building['description']);
        $building_list .= '</li>' . "\n";
        $building_options .= "\t\t\t" . '<option value="' . $building['building_id'] . '">' . htmlentities($building['name']) . ' (' . $building['cost'] . ' Gold)</option>' . "\n";
    //end while building
    echo '<h3>Buildings</h3>';
    echo '<ul>';
    echo $building_list;
    echo '</ul>';
$is_owner = $LOGIN_DATA['user_id'] == $this_city->getValue('user')->getValue('userid');
$can_edit = $this_city->getValue('user_' . $LOGIN_DATA['user_id'] . '_edit');
$can_edit = $can_edit === true || intval($can_edit) > time();
if ($can_edit !== true && intval($can_edit) > time()) {
    $can_edit_time = ceil(($can_edit - time()) / 60);
$can_access = $this_city->getValue('user_' . $LOGIN_DATA['user_id'] . '_access');
if ($can_access !== true && intval($can_access) > time()) {
    $can_access_time = ceil(($can_access - time()) / 60);
$can_access = $can_access === true || intval($can_access) > time();
if ($can_access) {
    if (!$server) {
        $server = new server($_REQUEST['server_id']);
    $units = mysql_query("SELECT unit_id,name,cost FROM units WHERE server_id=" . $server->getID(), $db) or die(mysql_query());
    while ($unit = mysql_fetch_assoc($units)) {
        $transactions = mysql_query("SELECT unit_count,eta FROM server_unit_transaction WHERE server_id=" . $server->getID() . " AND unit_id=" . $unit['unit_id'] . " AND user_id=" . $this_city->getValue('user')->getValue('userid') . " AND destination=" . $this_city->getValue('id') . " ORDER BY eta DESC", $db) or die(mysql_query());
        while ($transaction = mysql_fetch_assoc($transactions)) {
            $time_left = round(($transaction['eta'] - time()) / 60, 2);
            if ($time_left < 0) {
                $time_left = 0;
            $unit_transaction_list .= "\t\t\t" . '<li>' . htmlentities($unit['name']) . ' (' . $transaction['unit_count'] . ') in ' . $time_left . ' minutes</li>' . "\n";
        //end while unit
    //end while unit
    $buildings = mysql_query("SELECT building_id,name,cost FROM buildings WHERE server_id=" . $server->getID(), $db) or die(mysql_query());
    while ($building = mysql_fetch_assoc($buildings)) {
        $transactions = mysql_query("SELECT eta FROM server_building_transaction WHERE server_id=" . $server->getID() . " AND building_id=" . $building['building_id'] . " AND user_id=" . $this_city->getValue('user')->getValue('userid') . " AND city_id=" . $this_city->getValue('id') . " ORDER BY eta DESC", $db) or die(mysql_query());
Example #12
        die('Please log in.');
    $_REQUEST['user_id'] = $LOGIN_DATA['user_id'];
$_REQUEST['user_id'] = intval($_REQUEST['user_id']);
$_REQUEST['server_id'] = intval($_REQUEST['server_id']);
if (!$server && $_REQUEST['server_id']) {
    $server = new server($_REQUEST['server_id']);
if ($_REQUEST['format'] == 'rss') {
    echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>' . "\n";
    echo '<rss version="2.0">' . "\n";
    echo '</rss>';
} else {
    echo '<h3>Recent Attacks</h3><ul>';
    $attacks = mysql_query("SELECT destination,results,time FROM server_attack_results WHERE user_id=" . $_REQUEST['user_id'] . ($server ? " AND server_id=" . $server->getID() : '') . " ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 5", $db) or die(mysql_error());
    while ($attack = mysql_fetch_assoc($attacks)) {
        $dest = new city($attack['destination']);
        $class = $attack['results'] < 0 ? 'won' : 'lost';
        echo '<li class="' . $class . '">';
        echo ceil((time() - $attack['time']) / 60) . ' minutes ago: ';
        echo ' You attacked ';
        echo '<a href="/server/' . $dest->getValue('server')->getID() . '/city/' . $dest->getValue('id') . '">';
        echo $dest->getValue('name') . ' (Location: ' . $dest->getValue('id') . ')';
        echo '</a>';
        echo ' and ';
        echo $class;
        echo ' by ' . abs($attack['results']);
        echo '</li>';
    //end while attacks