Example #1
  * ob_callback()
  * @param string $buffer
  * @return string $buffer
 static function ob_callback($buffer)
     if (!class_exists('sem_cache')) {
         return $buffer;
         return $buffer;
     # some things just shouldn't be cached
     if (self::$nocache && !in_array(self::$status_code, array(301, 302, 404)) || !in_array(self::$status_code, array(200, 301, 302, 404))) {
         return $buffer;
     # sanity check on cookies
     global $sem_cache_cookies;
     if (!$sem_cache_cookies || $sem_cache_cookies != sem_cache::get_cookies()) {
         return $buffer;
     # only cache visitor requests
     if (array_intersect(array_keys($_COOKIE), $sem_cache_cookies)) {
         return $buffer;
     # bail on valid but rarely served pages
     if (self::$status_code == 200 && !(!is_feed() && is_singular() || !is_feed() && (is_home() || is_category()) && !is_paged() || is_feed() && (!is_archive() && !is_singular() || is_category()))) {
         return $buffer;
     #don't cache a contact form page due to spam prevention techniques
     //		if ( preg_match("/(\bsem_contact_form\b)/i",$buffer) )
     //				return $buffer;
     #don't cache a page due if a sem_no_cache flag is found.  Provide manual way to exclude a page
     if (preg_match("/(\\bsem_do_not_cache\\b)/i", $buffer)) {
         return $buffer;
     $permalink_structure = get_option('permalink_structure');
     # statically cache only when relevant
     self::$static &= strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], './') === false && self::$status_code == 200 && !is_feed() && empty($_GET) && $permalink_structure && strpos($permalink_structure, "|/index\\.php/|") === false;
     # sanity check on the base folder
     $host = get_option('home');
     if (preg_match("|^([^/]+://[^/]+)/|", $host, $_host)) {
         $host = end($_host);
     if ($host != self::$host) {
         return $buffer;
     # sanity check on incomplete files
     if (!in_array(self::$status_code, array(301, 302)) && !preg_match("/(?:<\\/html>|<\\/rss>|<\\/feed>)/i", $buffer)) {
         return $buffer;
     # sanity check on mobile users
     global $sem_mobile_agents;
     if ($sem_mobile_agents != sem_cache::get_mobile_agents()) {
         return $buffer;
     $mobile_agents = $sem_mobile_agents;
     //		$mobile_agents = array_map('preg_quote', (array) $mobile_agents);
     $mobile_agents = implode("|", $mobile_agents);
     if (preg_match("{({$mobile_agents})}i", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
         return $buffer;
     if (preg_match("/(?=.*?\\bandroid\\b)(?=.*?\\bmobile\\b).*\$/i", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
         return $buffer;
     // made it through all the checks.  Let's minify the html now
     //		$buffer = self::minify_html( $buffer );
     if (self::$static) {
         $file = preg_replace("/#.*/", '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
         $file = '/static/' . trim($file, '/');
         if (!preg_match("/\\.html\$/", $file)) {
             global $wp_rewrite;
             if ($wp_rewrite->use_trailing_slashes) {
                 $file = $file . '/index.html';
             } else {
                 $file = $file . '.html';
         cache_fs::put_contents($file, $buffer);
     } elseif (self::$memory) {
         $cache_id = $host . preg_replace("/#.*/", '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
         $cache_id = md5($cache_id);
         $headers = headers_list();
         if (self::$status_header) {
             array_unshift($headers, self::$status_header);
         wp_cache_add($cache_id, $headers, 'cached_headers', cache_timeout);
         if ($buffer && !in_array(self::$status_code, array(301, 302))) {
             wp_cache_add($cache_id, $buffer, 'cached_buffers', cache_timeout);
     } elseif (!(function_exists('is_multisite') && is_multisite())) {
         # poor man's memcached
         $cache_id = $host . preg_replace("/#.*/", '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
         $cache_id = md5($cache_id);
         $file = '/semi-static/' . $cache_id;
         $headers = headers_list();
         if (self::$status_header) {
             array_unshift($headers, self::$status_header);
         cache_fs::put_contents($file . '.meta', serialize($headers));
         if ($buffer && !in_array(self::$status_code, array(301, 302))) {
             cache_fs::put_contents($file . '.html', $buffer);
     return $buffer;
Example #2
     * enable_static()
     * @return bool $success
    static function enable_static()
        if (!self::can_static() && !self::can_memory()) {
            return false;
        $static_cache = (bool) get_option('static_cache');
        $memory_cache = (bool) get_option('memory_cache');
        # sanity check
        if (!$static_cache && !$memory_cache) {
            return self::disable_static();
        if (!wp_mkdir_p(WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/cache')) {
            echo '<div class="error">' . '<p>' . sprintf(__('Error: Failed to create %s.', 'sem-cache'), 'wp-content/cache') . '</p>' . '</div>' . "\n";
            return false;
        $use_static_cache = $static_cache ? 'true' : 'false';
        $use_memory_cache = $memory_cache ? 'true' : 'false';
        $sem_cache_cookies = var_export(sem_cache::get_cookies(), true);
        $sem_mobile_agents = var_export(sem_cache::get_mobile_agents(), true);
        $sem_cache_file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/static-cache.php';
        $contents = <<<EOS
define('static_cache', {$use_static_cache});
define('memory_cache', {$use_memory_cache});

\$sem_cache_cookies = {$sem_cache_cookies};

\$sem_mobile_agents = {$sem_mobile_agents};

include '{$sem_cache_file}';
        $file = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/advanced-cache.php';
        $perms = stat(WP_CONTENT_DIR);
        $perms = $perms['mode'] & 0666;
        if (!file_put_contents($file, $contents) || !chmod($file, $perms)) {
            echo '<div class="error">' . '<p>' . sprintf(__('Error: Failed to write %s.', 'sem-cache'), 'wp-content/advanced-cache.php') . '</p>' . '</div>' . "\n";
            return false;
        # Enable the static cache
        if (!function_exists('save_mod_rewrite_rules') || !function_exists('get_home_path')) {
            include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/admin.php';
        if (!isset($GLOBALS['wp_rewrite'])) {
            $GLOBALS['wp_rewrite'] = new WP_Rewrite();
        # prevent mass-flushing when the permalink structure hasn't changed
        remove_action('generate_rewrite_rules', array('sem_cache', 'flush_cache'));
        global $wp_rewrite;
        # Enable the memory cache
        if ($memory_cache && !self::enable_memcached()) {
            return false;
        # Enable the cache
        $file = ABSPATH . 'wp-config.php';
        if (!defined('WP_CACHE') || !WP_CACHE) {
            $contents = file_get_contents($file);
            $line = "define('WP_CACHE', true);";
            if (stristr($contents, "'WP_CACHE'")) {
                $contents = preg_replace("/\n\t\t\t\t\t(?!(?:\\/\\/|\\#)\\s*)\n\t\t\t\t\tdefine\\s*\\(\\s*\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(['\"])WP_CACHE\\1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t.*?;\n\t\t\t\t\t/x", $line, $contents);
            } else {
                $contents = preg_replace("/^<\\?php\\s*/", "<?php" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $line . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL, $contents);
            if (!$contents || !file_put_contents($file, $contents)) {
                echo '<div class="error">' . '<p>' . __('Error: Failed to override the WP_CACHE define in wp-config.php.', 'sem-cache') . '</p>' . '</div>' . "\n";
                return false;
        return true;