} // ENSURE ALBUMS ARE ENABLED FOR THIS USER if ($user->level_info[level_album_allow] == 0) { header("Location: user_home.php"); exit; } // BE SURE ALBUM BELONGS TO THIS USER $album = $database->database_query("SELECT * FROM se_albums WHERE album_id='{$album_id}' AND album_user_id='" . $user->user_info[user_id] . "'"); if ($database->database_num_rows($album) != 1) { header("Location: user_album.php"); exit; } $album_info = $database->database_fetch_assoc($album); // SET VARS $result = 0; $album = new se_album($user->user_info[user_id]); // ROTATE if ($task == "rotate") { $media_id = $_GET['media_id']; $dir = $_GET['dir']; if ($dir == "cc") { $dir = 90; } else { $dir = 270; } // ROTATE IMAGE $album->album_media_rotate($media_id, $dir); // SET THUMBPATH $thumb_path = $url->url_userdir($user->user_info[user_id]) . $media_id . "_thumb.jpg?" . rand(); // SEND AJAX CONFIRMATION echo "<html><head><meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8'><script type='text/javascript'>";
if (isset($_GET['album_id'])) { $album_id = $_GET['album_id']; } else { $album_id = 0; } // SET VARS $media_per_page = 20; // GET ALBUM INFO $album_query = $database->database_query("SELECT * FROM se_albums WHERE album_id='{$album_id}' AND album_user_id='{$owner->user_info['user_id']}'"); if ($database->database_num_rows($album_query) != 1) { header("Location: " . $url->url_create('albums', $owner->user_info['user_username'])); exit; } $album_info = $database->database_fetch_assoc($album_query); // CREATE ALBUM OBJECT $album = new se_album($owner->user_info['user_id']); // SET WHERE/SORTBY $where = "(media_album_id='{$album_info['album_id']}')"; $sortby = "media_order ASC"; $select = ""; // GET CUSTOM ALBUM STYLE IF ALLOWED if ($owner->level_info['level_album_style'] != 0) { $albumstyle_info = $database->database_fetch_assoc($database->database_query("SELECT albumstyle_css FROM se_albumstyles WHERE albumstyle_user_id='{$owner->user_info['user_id']}' LIMIT 1")); $global_css = $albumstyle_info['albumstyle_css']; } // CHECK PRIVACY $privacy_max = $owner->user_privacy_max($user); if (!($album_info['album_privacy'] & $privacy_max)) { $page = "error"; $smarty->assign('error_header', 639); $smarty->assign('error_message', 1000125);
$page = "error"; $smarty->assign('error_header', 639); $smarty->assign('error_message', 828); $smarty->assign('error_submit', 641); include "footer.php"; } // ENSURE ALBUMS ARE ENABLED FOR THIS USER if (!$owner->level_info['level_album_allow']) { header("Location: " . $url->url_create('profile', $owner->user_info['user_username'])); exit; } // SET PRIVACY LEVEL AND WHERE CLAUSE $privacy_max = $owner->user_privacy_max($user); $where = "(album_privacy & {$privacy_max})"; // CREATE ALBUM OBJECT $album = new se_album($owner->user_info['user_id']); // GET TOTAL ALBUMS $total_albums = $album->album_total($where); // GET ALBUM ARRAY $album_array = $album->album_list(0, $total_albums, "album_order ASC", $where); // GET CUSTOM ALBUM STYLE IF ALLOWED if ($owner->level_info['level_album_style']) { $albumstyle_info = $database->database_fetch_assoc($database->database_query("SELECT albumstyle_css FROM se_albumstyles WHERE albumstyle_user_id='{$owner->user_info['user_id']}' LIMIT 1")); $global_css = $albumstyle_info['albumstyle_css']; } // SET GLOBAL PAGE TITLE $global_page_title[0] = 1000160; $global_page_title[1] = $owner->user_displayname; $global_page_description[0] = 1000161; $global_page_description[1] = $owner->user_displayname; // ASSIGN SMARTY VARIABLES AND DISPLAY ALBUMS PAGE
$page = "user_album"; include "header.php"; if (isset($_POST['task'])) { $task = $_POST['task']; } elseif (isset($_GET['task'])) { $task = $_GET['task']; } else { $task = "main"; } // ENSURE ALBUMS ARE ENABLED FOR THIS USER if ($user->level_info[level_album_allow] == 0) { header("Location: user_home.php"); exit; } // CREATE ALBUM OBJECT $album = new se_album($user->user_info[user_id]); // BE SURE ALBUM BELONGS TO THIS USER, DELETE ALBUM if ($task == "delete") { $album_id = $_GET['album_id']; if ($database->database_num_rows($database->database_query("SELECT album_id FROM se_albums WHERE album_id='{$album_id}' AND album_user_id='" . $user->user_info[user_id] . "'")) == 1) { $album->album_delete($album_id); } // MOVE ALBUM UP } elseif ($task == "moveup") { $album_id = $_GET['album_id']; $album_query = $database->database_query("SELECT album_id, album_order FROM se_albums WHERE album_id='{$album_id}' AND album_user_id='" . $user->user_info[user_id] . "'"); if ($database->database_num_rows($album_query) == 1) { $album_info = $database->database_fetch_assoc($album_query); $prev_query = $database->database_query("SELECT album_id, album_order FROM se_albums WHERE album_user_id='" . $user->user_info[user_id] . "' AND album_order<'" . $album_info[album_order] . "' ORDER BY album_order DESC LIMIT 1"); if ($database->database_num_rows($prev_query) == 1) { $prev_info = $database->database_fetch_assoc($prev_query);
// INCLUDE ALBUM FILES include "./include/class_album.php"; include "./include/functions_album.php"; // PRELOAD LANGUAGE SE_Language::_preload_multi(1000007, 1000123, 1000137); // SET MENU VARS if ($user->user_exists && $user->level_info['level_album_allow'] || !$user->user_exists && $setting['setting_permission_album']) { $plugin_vars['menu_main'] = array('file' => 'browse_albums.php', 'title' => 1000123); } if ($user->user_exists && $user->level_info['level_album_allow']) { $plugin_vars['menu_user'] = array('file' => 'user_album.php', 'icon' => 'album_album16.gif', 'title' => 1000007); } // SET PROFILE MENU VARS if ($owner->level_info['level_album_allow'] && $page == "profile") { // START ALBUM $album = new se_album($owner->user_info['user_id']); $sort = "album_id DESC"; // GET PRIVACY LEVEL AND SET WHERE $album_privacy_max = $owner->user_privacy_max($user); $where = "(album_privacy & {$album_privacy_max})"; // GET TOTAL ALBUMS $total_albums = $album->album_total($where); // GET ALBUM ARRAY $albums = $album->album_list(0, $total_albums, $sort, $where); // ASSIGN ALBUMS SMARY VARIABLE $smarty->assign('albums', $albums); $smarty->assign('total_albums', $total_albums); // SET PROFILE MENU VARS if ($total_albums) { // DETERMINE WHERE TO SHOW ALBUMS $level_album_profile = explode(",", $owner->level_info['level_album_profile']);
$profile_viewers = $views['profileview_viewers']; } if ($user->user_exists) { $profile_viewers_array = explode(",", $profile_viewers); if (in_array($user->user_info['user_id'], $profile_viewers_array)) { array_splice($profile_viewers_array, array_search($user->user_info['user_id'], $profile_viewers_array), 1); } $profile_viewers_array[] = $user->user_info['user_id']; krsort($profile_viewers_array); $profile_viewers = implode(",", array_filter($profile_viewers_array)); } } $database->database_query("INSERT INTO se_profileviews (profileview_user_id, profileview_views, profileview_viewers) VALUES ('{$owner->user_info['user_id']}', '1', '{$profile_viewers}') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE profileview_views=profileview_views+1, profileview_viewers='{$profile_viewers}'"); } // CREATE ALBUM OBJECT $album = new se_album($owner->user_info['user_id']); $fotos = $album->album_media_list(0, 4, "media_id DESC", "media_ext = 'jpg' or media_ext = 'jpeg' or media_ext = 'gif' or media_ext = 'png' or media_ext = 'bmp'"); /*echo "<pre>"; print_r($fotos); echo "</pre>"; die(); */ // DELETE COMMENT NOTIFICATIONS IF VIEWING COMMENT PAGE if ($v == "comments" && $user->user_info['user_id'] == $owner->user_info['user_id']) { $database->database_query("DELETE FROM se_notifys WHERE notify_user_id='{$owner->user_info['user_id']}' AND notify_notifytype_id='3' AND notify_object_id='{$owner->user_info['user_id']}'"); } // GET PROFILE COMMENTS $comment = new se_comment('profile', 'user_id', $owner->user_info['user_id']); $comments = $comment->comment_list(0, 30); $total_comments = $comment->comment_total(); foreach ($comments as &$comment) {
$task = $_POST['task']; } elseif (isset($_GET['task'])) { $task = $_GET['task']; } else { $task = "main"; } if (isset($_POST['album_id'])) { $album_id = $_POST['album_id']; } elseif (isset($_GET['album_id'])) { $album_id = $_GET['album_id']; } else { $album_id = 0; } // CREATE ALBUM OBJECT $albums_per_page = 100; $album = new se_album(); // DELETE ALBUM if ($task == "deletealbum") { if ($database->database_num_rows($database->database_query("SELECT album_id FROM se_albums WHERE album_id='{$album_id}'")) == 1) { $album->album_delete($album_id); } } // SET ALBUM SORT-BY VARIABLES FOR HEADING LINKS $i = "id"; // ALBUM_ID $t = "t"; // ALBUM_TITLE $u = "u"; // OWNER OF ALBUM $f = "f"; // FILES IN ALBUM
<?php $page = "user_album_add"; include "header.php"; $task = isset($_POST['task']) ? $_POST['task'] : NULL; // ENSURE ALBUMS ARE ENABLED FOR THIS USER if (!$user->level_info['level_album_allow']) { header("Location: user_home.php"); exit; } // CHECK THAT MAX ALBUMS HAVEN'T BEEN REACHED $album = new se_album($user->user_info['user_id']); $total_albums = $album->album_total(); if ($total_albums >= $user->level_info['level_album_maxnum']) { $task = "main"; } // GET PRIVACY SETTINGS $level_album_privacy = unserialize($user->level_info['level_album_privacy']); rsort($level_album_privacy); $level_album_comments = unserialize($user->level_info['level_album_comments']); rsort($level_album_comments); $level_album_tag = unserialize($user->level_info['level_album_tag']); rsort($level_album_tag); // SET VARS $is_error = 0; $album_title = ""; $album_desc = ""; $album_search = 1; $album_privacy = $level_album_privacy[0]; $album_comments = $level_album_comments[0]; $album_tag = $level_album_tag[0];
$page = "user_blog_album_upload"; include "header.php"; $task = !empty($_POST['task']) ? $_POST['task'] : (!empty($_GET['task']) ? $_GET['task'] : NULL); $album_id = !empty($_POST['album_id']) ? $_POST['album_id'] : (!empty($_GET['album_id']) ? $_GET['album_id'] : FALSE); $isAjax = !empty($_POST['isAjax']) ? $_POST['isAjax'] : (!empty($_GET['isAjax']) ? $_GET['isAjax'] : FALSE); $result = 0; $is_error = 0; $show_uploader = FALSE; // ENSURE ALBUMS ARE ENABLED FOR THIS USER if (!$user->level_info['level_album_allow'] || !$user->level_info['level_blog_create']) { //header("Location: user_home.php"); exit; } // GET ALBUMS $album = new se_album($user->user_info['user_id']); if ($task == "doupload") { // CREATE NEW ALBUM IF SELECTED if (!$album_id) { $level_album_privacy = unserialize($user->level_info['level_album_privacy']); $level_album_comments = unserialize($user->level_info['level_album_comments']); $level_album_tag = unserialize($user->level_info['level_album_tag']); $album_title = censor($_POST['album_title']); $album_desc = ''; $album_privacy = $level_album_privacy[0]; $album_comments = $level_album_comments[0]; $album_tag = $level_album_tag[0]; $album_datecreated = time(); // Untitled if (empty($album_title)) { $album_title = SE_Language::get(1500015);
define('SE_PAGE_AJAX', TRUE); $page = "album_ajax"; include "header.php"; // This is ajax header("Content-Type: application/json"); // Get info (post only) $task = isset($_POST['task']) ? $_POST['task'] : NULL; $album_id = isset($_POST['album_id']) ? $_POST['album_id'] : NULL; $media_id = isset($_POST['media_id']) ? $_POST['media_id'] : NULL; // Must be logged in to use tasks below this section if (!$user->user_exists) { echo json_encode(array('result' => FALSE, 'err' => 1)); exit; } // Create album object $album = new se_album($user->user_info['user_id']); // Album delete if ($task == "album_delete") { // Verify album exists and user is owner $sql = "SELECT album_id FROM se_albums WHERE album_id='{$album_id}' AND album_user_id='{$user->user_info['user_id']}'"; $resource = $database->database_query($sql); if (!$database->database_num_rows($resource)) { echo json_encode(array('result' => FALSE, 'err' => 2)); exit; } // Execute $album->album_delete($album_id); echo json_encode(array('result' => TRUE)); exit; } elseif ($task == "album_moveup") { // Verify album exists and user is owner
// ENSURE SORT/VIEW ARE VALID if ($s != "album_datecreated DESC" && $s != "album_dateupdated DESC") { $s = "album_dateupdated DESC"; } if ($v != "0" && $v != "1") { $v = 0; } // SET WHERE CLAUSE $where = "CASE\r\n\t WHEN se_albums.album_user_id='{$user->user_info[user_id]}'\r\n\t THEN TRUE\r\n\t WHEN ((se_albums.album_privacy & @SE_PRIVACY_REGISTERED) AND '{$user->user_exists}'<>0)\r\n\t THEN TRUE\r\n\t WHEN ((se_albums.album_privacy & @SE_PRIVACY_ANONYMOUS) AND '{$user->user_exists}'=0)\r\n\t THEN TRUE\r\n\t WHEN ((se_albums.album_privacy & @SE_PRIVACY_FRIEND) AND (SELECT TRUE FROM se_friends WHERE friend_user_id1=se_albums.album_user_id AND friend_user_id2='{$user->user_info['user_id']}' AND friend_status='1' LIMIT 1))\r\n\t THEN TRUE\r\n\t WHEN ((se_albums.album_privacy & @SE_PRIVACY_SUBNET) AND '{$user->user_exists}'<>0 AND (SELECT TRUE FROM se_users WHERE user_id=se_albums.album_user_id AND user_subnet_id='{$user->user_info['user_subnet_id']}' LIMIT 1))\r\n\t THEN TRUE\r\n\t WHEN ((se_albums.album_privacy & @SE_PRIVACY_FRIEND2) AND (SELECT TRUE FROM se_friends AS friends_primary LEFT JOIN se_users ON friends_primary.friend_user_id1=se_users.user_id LEFT JOIN se_friends AS friends_secondary ON friends_primary.friend_user_id2=friends_secondary.friend_user_id1 WHERE friends_primary.friend_user_id1=se_albums.album_user_id AND friends_secondary.friend_user_id2='{$user->user_info['user_id']}' AND se_users.user_subnet_id='{$user->user_info['user_subnet_id']}' LIMIT 1))\r\n\t THEN TRUE\r\n\t ELSE FALSE\r\n\tEND"; // ONLY MY FRIENDS' ALBUMS if ($v == "1" && $user->user_exists) { // SET WHERE CLAUSE $where .= " AND (SELECT TRUE FROM se_friends WHERE friend_user_id1='{$user->user_info['user_id']}' AND friend_user_id2=se_albums.album_user_id AND friend_status=1)"; } // CREATE ALBUM OBJECT $album = new se_album(); // GET TOTAL ALBUMS $total_albums = $album->album_total($where); // MAKE ENTRY PAGES $albums_per_page = 10; $page_vars = make_page($total_albums, $albums_per_page, $p); // GET ALBUM ARRAY $album_array = $album->album_list($page_vars[0], $albums_per_page, $s, $where); // ASSIGN SMARTY VARIABLES AND DISPLAY ALBUMS PAGE $smarty->assign('albums', $album_array); $smarty->assign('total_albums', $total_albums); $smarty->assign('p', $page_vars[1]); $smarty->assign('maxpage', $page_vars[2]); $smarty->assign('p_start', $page_vars[0] + 1); $smarty->assign('p_end', $page_vars[0] + count($album_array)); $smarty->assign('s', $s);
function he_wall_photo_upload($media_desc, $new_action_id) { global $user, $url, $misc, $setting; if (!$user->level_info['level_album_allow']) { return array('result' => 0, 'error' => SE_Language::get(690706067)); } $album_id = he_wall::get_wall_album($user->user_info['user_id']); if (!$album_id) { //create new album $album_id = he_wall::create_wall_album($user->user_info['user_id']); } $album_info = he_wall::get_wall_album_info($album_id); // SET ALBUM $album = new se_album($user->user_info['user_id']); // GET TOTAL SPACE USED $space_used = $album->album_space(); if ($user->level_info['level_album_storage']) { $space_left = $user->level_info['level_album_storage'] - $space_used; } else { $space_left = $dfs = disk_free_space("/") ? $dfs : pow(2, 32); } $new_album_cover = ''; $file_result = $album->album_media_upload('wall_photo', $album_id, $space_left); if (!$file_result['is_error']) { $new_album_cover = $file_result['media_id']; $media_path = $url->url_base . substr($url->url_userdir($user->user_info['user_id']), 2) . $file_result['media_id'] . "_thumb.jpg"; $local_media_path = substr($url->url_userdir($user->user_info['user_id']), 2) . $file_result['media_id'] . "_thumb.jpg"; if (file_exists('./' . $local_media_path)) { $thumb_width = (int) $setting['setting_he_wall_photo_thumb_width']; $thumb_height = (int) $setting['setting_he_wall_photo_thumb_height']; $media_width = $misc->photo_size($local_media_path, $thumb_width, $thumb_height, "w"); $media_height = $misc->photo_size($local_media_path, $thumb_width, $thumb_height, "h"); $result = array('result' => 1, 'media_path' => $media_path, 'media_width' => $media_width, 'media_height' => $media_height); } else { $result = array('result' => 0, 'error' => './' . $local_media_path); } $new_album_cover = $album_info['album_cover'] ? $album_info['album_cover'] : $new_album_cover; he_wall::update_wall_album($album_id, $new_album_cover); he_wall::update_wall_album_media($file_result['media_id'], $media_desc); he_wall::add_wall_album_media($new_action_id, $file_result['media_id']); // UPDATE LAST UPDATE DATE (SAY THAT 10 TIMES FAST) $user->user_lastupdate(); } else { $error_msg = sprintf(SE_Language::_get($file_result['is_error']), $file_result['file_name']); $result = array('result' => 0, 'error' => $error_msg); } return $result; }
$album_id = 0; } // ENSURE ALBUMS ARE ENABLED FOR THIS USER if (!$user->level_info['level_album_allow']) { header("Location: user_home.php"); exit; } // BE SURE ALBUM BELONGS TO THIS USER $album = $database->database_query("SELECT * FROM se_albums WHERE album_id='{$album_id}' AND album_user_id='{$user->user_info['user_id']}' LIMIT 1"); if (!$database->database_num_rows($album)) { header("Location: user_album.php"); exit; } $album_info = $database->database_fetch_assoc($album); // SET ALBUM $album = new se_album($user->user_info['user_id']); // SET RESULT AND ERROR VARS $result = ""; $is_error = 0; $show_uploader = 1; $file_result = array(); // GET TOTAL SPACE USED $space_used = $album->album_space(); if ($user->level_info['level_album_storage']) { $space_left = $user->level_info['level_album_storage'] - $space_used; } else { $space_left = $dfs = disk_free_space("/") ? $dfs : pow(2, 32); } // UPLOAD FILES if ($task == "doupload") { $isAjax = $_POST['isAjax'];
<?php /* $Id: user_blog_album_browse.php 168 2009-05-22 23:15:00Z john $ */ $page = "user_blog_album_browse"; include "header.php"; // ENSURE ALBUMS ARE ENABLED FOR THIS USER if (!$user->level_info['level_album_allow'] || !$user->level_info['level_blog_create']) { //header("Location: user_home.php"); exit; } $album = new se_album($user->user_info['user_id']); // Show albums if (empty($_GET['album_id'])) { // GET ALBUMS $total_albums = $album->album_total(); $album_array = $album->album_list(0, $total_albums); $space_used = $album->album_space(); $total_files = $album->album_files(); $smarty->assign('albums_total', $total_albums); $smarty->assign_by_ref('albums', $album_array); } else { $album_id = $_GET['album_id']; $album_query = $database->database_query("SELECT * FROM se_albums WHERE album_id='{$album_id}' AND album_user_id='{$user->user_info['user_id']}'"); $album_info = $database->database_fetch_assoc($album_query); $total_files = $album->album_files($album_info['album_id']); $file_array = $album->album_media_list(0, $total_files, "media_id ASC", "(media_album_id='{$album_id}')"); $smarty->assign('album_id', $album_id); $smarty->assign('album_info', $album_info); $smarty->assign('media_total', $total_files); $smarty->assign('media', $file_array); }