require_once '../functions-2.php'; require_once DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'html_output.php'; tep_db_connect(); //TO AVOID ISSUES WITH DAILY CALCULATION (WHICH IS VERY IMPORTANT) //PLEASE RUN ANY SPECIAL RECALCULATION IN A DIFFERENT FILE, THANKS! use_class('logger'); $logger = new logger('cron', 'daily-counter-scorecard'); use_class('scorecard'); $date = isset($_GET['date']) ? tep_db_prepare_input($_GET['date']) : date('Y-m-d', strtotime("-1 day")); $logger->write("Generating Data for Date {$date}"); //SALES (SP AND STARS) scorecard::calculateScorecardSP($date); $logger->write('Scorecard data with SP based is calculated and saved'); scorecard::calculateScorecardStars($date); $logger->write('Scorecard data with Stars based is calculated and saved'); //WAREHOUSES //only possible to save today's date scorecard::generateWarehouseLog($date); $logger->write('Daily warehouse data is logged'); //PRODUCTS MANAGEMENT scorecard::generatePMLog($date); $logger->write('Product Management Data is logged'); //DEPOT ORDERS scorecard::generateDepotOrdersLog(); $logger->write('Depot Orders Data is logged'); //SAVE STARS LOG OF THE DAY //only possible to save today's date scorecard::generateStarsLog(); $logger->write('Daily stars data is logged'); $logger->close(); tep_db_close();
} if (isset($table_header[$table_key])) { $result .= ' - ' . $table_header[$table_key]; } $result .= '</h3>'; //echo '<pre>';var_dump($tc_value); echo '</pre><br /><br />'; //Prepare the total values foreach ($table_total[$table_key][$tc_key] as $tt_temp_key => $tt_temp_val) { //Label column need no values if ($tt_temp_key != $classname_label) { if (is_array($tt_temp_val)) { $total = array_sum($tt_temp_val) / count($tt_temp_val); } else { $total = $tt_temp_val; } $table_total[$table_key][$tc_key][$tt_temp_key] = scorecard::finalDisplayFormat($tc_key, $total); } } $tc_value[$total_key] = $table_total[$table_key][$tc_key]; $result .= tep_draw_table('scorecard', $tc_value, false, true); } } //That's it, now give back the table echo utf8_encode($result); exit; } } $period_options = array(); $period_options['all'] = 'Show All Months'; $period_options['actual'] = 'Show Actual Months'; $view_option = array();
$result .= tep_draw_table('scorecard', $table_products_margin); //DRAW table average margin by categories $table_products_margin = array(); $tpn_row = array(); $tpn_row[$classname_label] = 'Brand'; foreach ($periods as $p) { $tpn_row[$p] = $periods_name[$p]; } $table_products_margin[] = $tpn_row; $table_total = array(); $table_total[$classname_label] = 'Total'; foreach ($products_margin_categories as $categories_id => $margins) { $tpn_row = array(); $tpn_row[$classname_label] = $product_categories_name[$categories_id]; foreach ($margins as $p => $v) { $tpn_row[$p] = $v == '-' ? '-' : scorecard::finalDisplayFormat('average_margin', $v / 100); } $table_products_margin[] = $tpn_row; } $result .= '<h3 style="margin:20px 0 0 0;">Average Margin by Categories</h3>'; $result .= tep_draw_table('scorecard', $table_products_margin); echo utf8_encode($result); exit; } } $period_options = array(); $period_options['all'] = 'Show All Months'; $period_options['actual'] = 'Show Actual Months'; $view_option = array(); $view_option['overview'] = 'Show Overview'; $view_option['details'] = 'Show Details';