Example #1
 static function verifySigKey($hash, $sig, $pubkey)
     $rsa = new rsaMyExts();
     $hashBI = new Math_BigInteger($hash, 16);
     $sigBI = new Math_BigInteger($sig, 16);
     if ($sigBI->compare($rsa->zero) < 0 || $sigBI->compare($rsa->modulus) > 0) {
         return false;
     // the signature has more bits than the modulus --> the signature cannot has been created by the given key and the exponentiation cannot be performed.
     $verify = $rsa->_rsaep($sigBI);
     if ($hashBI->equals($verify)) {
         return true;
     WrongRequestException::throwException(1001, "Error: signature verifcation failed", "verifySig: given hash: {$hash}, calculated hash: " . $verify->toHex());