Example #1
  * The tree is rooted in a single item and can have modifiers which adjust what data is shown
  * for items inside the given tree, up to the depth that you want.  The entity for this resource
  * is a series of items.
  *  depth=<number>
  *    Only traverse this far down into the tree.  If there are more albums
  *    below this depth, provide RESTful urls to other tree resources in
  *    the members section.  Default is infinite.
  *  type=<album|photo|movie>
  *    Restrict the items displayed to the given type.  Default is all types.
  *  fields=<comma separated list of field names>
  *    In the entity section only return these fields for each item.
  *    Default is all fields.
 static function get($request)
     $item = rest::resolve($request->url);
     access::required("view", $item);
     $query_params = array();
     $p = $request->params;
     $where = array();
     if (isset($p->type)) {
         $where[] = array("type", "=", $p->type);
         $query_params[] = "type={$p->type}";
     if (isset($p->depth)) {
         $lowest_depth = $item->level + $p->depth;
         $where[] = array("level", "<=", $lowest_depth);
         $query_params[] = "depth={$p->depth}";
     $fields = array();
     if (isset($p->fields)) {
         $fields = explode(",", $p->fields);
         $query_params[] = "fields={$p->fields}";
     $entity = array(array("url" => rest::url("item", $item), "entity" => $item->as_restful_array($fields)));
     $members = array();
     foreach ($item->viewable()->descendants(null, null, $where) as $child) {
         $entity[] = array("url" => rest::url("item", $child), "entity" => $child->as_restful_array($fields));
         if (isset($lowest_depth) && $child->level == $lowest_depth) {
             $members[] = url::merge_querystring(rest::url("tree", $child), $query_params);
     $result = array("url" => $request->url, "entity" => $entity, "members" => $members, "relationships" => rest::relationships("tree", $item));
     return $result;
Example #2
  * For items that are collections, you can specify the following additional query parameters to
  * query the collection.  You can specify them in any combination.
  *   scope=direct
  *     only return items that are immediately under this one
  *   scope=all
  *     return items anywhere under this one
  *   name=<substring>
  *     only return items where the name contains this substring
  *   random=true
  *     return a single random item
  *   type=<comma separate list of photo, movie or album>
  *     limit the type to types in this list.  eg, "type=photo,movie"
 static function get($request)
     $item = rest::resolve($request->url);
     access::required("view", $item);
     $p = $request->params;
     if (isset($p->random)) {
         $orm = item::random_query()->offset(0)->limit(1);
     } else {
         $orm = ORM::factory("item")->viewable();
     if (empty($p->scope)) {
         $p->scope = "direct";
     if (!in_array($p->scope, array("direct", "all"))) {
         throw new Rest_Exception("Bad Request", 400);
     if ($p->scope == "direct") {
         $orm->where("parent_id", "=", $item->id);
     } else {
         $orm->where("left_ptr", ">", $item->left_ptr);
         $orm->where("right_ptr", "<", $item->right_ptr);
     if (isset($p->name)) {
         $orm->where("name", "LIKE", "%{$p->name}%");
     if (isset($p->type)) {
         $orm->where("type", "IN", explode(",", $p->type));
     $members = array();
     foreach ($orm->find_all() as $child) {
         $members[] = rest::url("item", $child);
     return array("url" => $request->url, "entity" => $item->as_array(), "members" => $members, "relationships" => rest::relationships("item", $item));
Example #3
 private static function _format_restful_item($item, $types)
     $item_rest = array("url" => rest::url("item", $item), "entity" => $item->as_restful_array(), "relationships" => rest::relationships("item", $item));
     if ($item->type == "album") {
         $members = array();
         foreach ($item->viewable()->children() as $child) {
             if (empty($types) || in_array($child->type, $types)) {
                 $members[] = rest::url("item", $child);
         $item_rest["members"] = $members;
     return $item_rest;
Example #4
  * For items that are collections, you can specify the following additional query parameters to
  * query the collection.  You can specify them in any combination.
  *   scope=direct
  *     Only return items that are immediately under this one
  *   scope=all
  *     Return items anywhere under this one
  *   name=<substring>
  *     Only return items where the name contains this substring
  *   random=true
  *     Return a single random item
  *   type=<comma separate list of photo, movie or album>
  *     Limit the type to types in this list, eg: "type=photo,movie".
  *     Also limits the types returned in the member collections (same behaviour as item_rest).
 static function get($request)
     $item = rest::resolve($request->url);
     access::required("view", $item);
     $p = $request->params;
     if (isset($p->random)) {
         $orm = item::random_query()->offset(0)->limit(1);
     } else {
         $orm = ORM::factory("item")->viewable();
     if (empty($p->scope)) {
         $p->scope = "direct";
     if (!in_array($p->scope, array("direct", "all"))) {
         throw new Rest_Exception("Bad Request", 400);
     if ($p->scope == "direct") {
         $orm->where("parent_id", "=", $item->id);
     } else {
         $orm->where("left_ptr", ">", $item->left_ptr);
         $orm->where("right_ptr", "<", $item->right_ptr);
     if (isset($p->name)) {
         $orm->where("name", "LIKE", "%" . Database::escape_for_like($p->name) . "%");
     if (isset($p->type)) {
         $orm->where("type", "IN", explode(",", $p->type));
     // Apply the item's sort order, using id as the tie breaker.
     // See Item_Model::children()
     $order_by = array($item->sort_column => $item->sort_order);
     if ($item->sort_column != "id") {
         $order_by["id"] = "ASC";
     $result = array("url" => $request->url, "entity" => $item->as_restful_array(), "relationships" => rest::relationships("item", $item));
     if ($item->is_album()) {
         $result["members"] = array();
         foreach ($orm->find_all() as $child) {
             $result["members"][] = rest::url("item", $child);
     return $result;
Example #5
 static function get($request)
     $items = array();
     if (isset($request->params->url)) {
         foreach ($request->params->url as $url) {
             $item = rest::resolve($url);
             if (access::can("view", $item)) {
                 $members = array();
                 if ($item->type == "album") {
                     foreach ($item->children() as $child) {
                         $members[] = rest::url("item", $child);
                 $items[] = array("url" => $url, "entity" => $item->as_restful_array(), "members" => $members, "relationship" => rest::relationships("item", $item));
     return $items;
Example #6
 static function get($request)
     $comment = rest::resolve($request->url);
     access::required("view", $comment->item());
     return array("url" => $request->url, "entity" => $comment->as_restful_array(), "relationships" => rest::relationships("comment", $comment));
 public function get_ancestors_test()
     $album1 = test::random_album();
     $photo1 = test::random_photo($album1);
     $album2 = test::random_album($album1);
     $photo2 = test::random_photo($album2);
     $root = ORM::factory("item", 1);
     $restful_root = array("url" => rest::url("item", $root), "entity" => $root->as_restful_array(), "relationships" => rest::relationships("item", $root));
     $restful_root["members"] = array();
     foreach ($root->children() as $child) {
         $restful_root["members"][] = rest::url("item", $child);
     $request = new stdClass();
     $request->params = new stdClass();
     $request->params->ancestors_for = rest::url("item", $photo2);
     $this->assert_equal_array(array($restful_root, array("url" => rest::url("item", $album1), "entity" => $album1->as_restful_array(), "relationships" => array("comments" => array("url" => rest::url("item_comments", $album1)), "tags" => array("url" => rest::url("item_tags", $album1), "members" => array())), "members" => array(rest::url("item", $photo1), rest::url("item", $album2))), array("url" => rest::url("item", $album2), "entity" => $album2->as_restful_array(), "relationships" => array("comments" => array("url" => rest::url("item_comments", $album2)), "tags" => array("url" => rest::url("item_tags", $album2), "members" => array())), "members" => array(rest::url("item", $photo2))), array("url" => rest::url("item", $photo2), "entity" => $photo2->as_restful_array(), "relationships" => array("comments" => array("url" => rest::url("item_comments", $photo2)), "tags" => array("url" => rest::url("item_tags", $photo2), "members" => array())))), items_rest::get($request));