  * Tests reports::fetch_incidents()
  * @test
  * This tests compares the output SQL of fetch_incidents against a pre-defined SQL
  * statement based on dummy values. The objective of this test is to check whether
  * reports::fetch_incidents processes the parameters property
 public function testFetchIncidents()
     // Get random location and fetch the latitude and longitude
     $location = ORM::factory('location', testutils::get_random_id('location'));
     $longitude = $location->longitude;
     $latitude = $location->latitude;
     // Build the list of HTTP_GET parameters
     $filter_params = array('c' => array(3, 4, 5), 'start_loc' => $latitude . "," . $longitude, 'radius' => '20', 'mode' => array(1, 2), 'm' => array(1), 'from' => '07/07/2011', 'to' => '07/21/2011', 'v' => 1);
     // Add the report filter params to the list of HTTP_GET parameters
     $_GET = array_merge($_GET, $filter_params);
     // Get the incidents
     $incidents = reports::fetch_incidents();
     // Get the table prefix
     $table_prefix = Kohana::config('database.default.table_prefix');
     // Expected SQL statement; based on the $filter_params above
     $expected_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT i.id incident_id, i.incident_title, i.incident_description, i.incident_date, " . "i.incident_mode, i.incident_active, i.incident_verified, i.location_id, l.country_id, l.location_name, l.latitude, l.longitude " . ", ((ACOS(SIN(" . $latitude . " * PI() / 180) * SIN(l.`latitude` * PI() / 180) + COS(" . $latitude . " * PI() / 180) * " . "\tCOS(l.`latitude` * PI() / 180) * COS((" . $longitude . " - l.`longitude`) * PI() / 180)) * 180 / PI()) * 60 * 1.1515) AS distance " . "FROM " . $table_prefix . "incident i " . "INNER JOIN " . $table_prefix . "location l ON (i.location_id = l.id) " . "INNER JOIN " . $table_prefix . "incident_category ic ON (ic.incident_id = i.id) " . "INNER JOIN " . $table_prefix . "category c ON (ic.category_id = c.id) " . "WHERE i.incident_active = 1 " . "AND (c.id IN (" . implode(",", $filter_params['c']) . ") OR c.parent_id IN (" . implode(",", $filter_params['c']) . ")) " . "AND c.category_visible = 1 " . "AND i.incident_mode IN (" . implode(",", $filter_params['mode']) . ") " . "AND i.incident_date >= \"2011-07-07\" " . "AND i.incident_date <= \"2011-07-21\" " . "AND i.id IN (SELECT DISTINCT incident_id FROM " . $table_prefix . "media WHERE media_type IN (" . implode(",", $filter_params['m']) . ")) " . "AND i.incident_verified IN (" . $filter_params['v'] . ") " . "HAVING distance <= " . $filter_params['radius'] . " " . "ORDER BY i.incident_date DESC ";
     // Test the expected SQL against the returned
     $this->assertEquals($expected_sql, $incidents->sql());
     // Garbage collection
     unset($location, $latitude, $longitude, $incidents, $filter_params);
Example #2
  * Tests reports::fetch_incidents()
  * @test
  * This tests compares the output SQL of fetch_incidents against a pre-defined SQL
  * statement based on dummy values. The objective of this test is to check whether
  * reports::fetch_incidents processes the parameters property
 public function testFetchIncidents()
     // Get random location and fetch the latitude and longitude
     $location = ORM::factory('location', testutils::get_random_id('location'));
     $longitude = $location->longitude;
     $latitude = $location->latitude;
     // Build the list of HTTP_GET parameters
     $filter_params = array('c' => array(3, 4, 5), 'start_loc' => $latitude . "," . $longitude, 'radius' => '20', 'mode' => array(1, 2), 'm' => array(1), 'from' => '07/07/2011', 'to' => '07/21/2011', 'v' => 1);
     // Add the report filter params to the list of HTTP_GET parameters
     $_GET = array_merge($_GET, $filter_params);
     // Get the incidents
     $incidents = reports::fetch_incidents();
     // Get the table prefix
     $table_prefix = Kohana::config('database.default.table_prefix');
     // Expected SQL statement; based on the $filter_params above
     // Distance calculation deets:
     // 60 = nautical miles per degree of latitude, 1.1515 miles in every nautical mile, 1.609344 km = 1 km
     // more details about the math here: http://sgowtham.net/ramblings/2009/08/04/php-calculating-distance-between-two-locations-given-their-gps-coordinates/
     $expected_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT i.id incident_id, i.incident_title, i.incident_description, i.incident_date, " . "i.incident_mode, i.incident_active, i.incident_verified, i.location_id, l.country_id, l.location_name, l.latitude, l.longitude " . ", ((ACOS(SIN(" . $latitude . " * PI() / 180) * SIN(l.`latitude` * PI() / 180) + COS(" . $latitude . " * PI() / 180) * " . "\tCOS(l.`latitude` * PI() / 180) * COS((" . $longitude . " - l.`longitude`) * PI() / 180)) * 180 / PI()) * 60 * 1.1515 * 1.609344) AS distance " . "FROM " . $table_prefix . "incident i " . "LEFT JOIN " . $table_prefix . "location l ON (i.location_id = l.id) " . "LEFT JOIN " . $table_prefix . "incident_category ic ON (ic.incident_id = i.id) " . "LEFT JOIN " . $table_prefix . "category c ON (ic.category_id = c.id) " . "WHERE i.incident_active = 1 " . "AND (c.id IN (" . implode(",", $filter_params['c']) . ") OR c.parent_id IN (" . implode(",", $filter_params['c']) . ")) " . "AND c.category_visible = 1 " . "AND i.incident_mode IN (" . implode(",", $filter_params['mode']) . ") " . "AND i.incident_date >= \"2011-07-07 00:00:00\" " . "AND i.incident_date <= \"2011-07-21 23:59:59\" " . "AND i.id IN (SELECT DISTINCT incident_id FROM " . $table_prefix . "media WHERE media_type IN (" . implode(",", $filter_params['m']) . ")) " . "AND i.incident_verified IN (" . $filter_params['v'] . ") " . "HAVING distance <= " . $filter_params['radius'] . " " . "ORDER BY i.incident_date DESC ";
     // Test the expected SQL against the returned
     $this->assertEquals($expected_sql, $incidents->sql());
     // Garbage collection
     unset($location, $latitude, $longitude, $incidents, $filter_params);
Example #3
  * Helper method to load the report listing view
 private function _get_report_listing_view($locale = '')
     // Check if the local is empty
     if (empty($locale)) {
         $locale = Kohana::config('locale.language.0');
     // Load the report listing view
     $report_listing = new View('reports_listing');
     // Fetch all incidents
     $all_incidents = reports::fetch_incidents();
     // Pagination
     $pagination = new Pagination(array('style' => 'front-end-reports', 'query_string' => 'page', 'items_per_page' => (int) Kohana::config('settings.items_per_page'), 'total_items' => $all_incidents->count()));
     // Reports
     $incidents = Incident_Model::get_incidents(reports::$params, $pagination);
     // Swap out category titles with their proper localizations using an array (cleaner way to do this?)
     $localized_categories = array();
     foreach ($incidents as $incident) {
         $incident = ORM::factory('incident', $incident->incident_id);
         foreach ($incident->category as $category) {
             $ct = (string) $category->category_title;
             if (!isset($localized_categories[$ct])) {
                 $translated_title = Category_Lang_Model::category_title($category->id, $locale);
                 $localized_categories[$ct] = $category->category_title;
                 if ($translated_title) {
                     $localized_categories[$ct] = $translated_title;
     // Set the view content
     $report_listing->incidents = $incidents;
     $report_listing->localized_categories = $localized_categories;
     //Set default as not showing pagination. Will change below if necessary.
     $report_listing->pagination = "";
     // Pagination and Total Num of Report Stats
     $plural = $pagination->total_items == 1 ? "" : "s";
     // Set the next and previous page numbers
     $report_listing->next_page = $pagination->next_page;
     $report_listing->previous_page = $pagination->previous_page;
     if ($pagination->total_items > 0) {
         $current_page = $pagination->sql_offset / $pagination->items_per_page + 1;
         $total_pages = ceil($pagination->total_items / $pagination->items_per_page);
         if ($total_pages >= 1) {
             $report_listing->pagination = $pagination;
             // Show the total of report
             // @todo This is only specific to the frontend reports theme
             $report_listing->stats_breadcrumb = $pagination->current_first_item . '-' . $pagination->current_last_item . ' of ' . $pagination->total_items . ' ' . Kohana::lang('ui_main.reports');
         } else {
             // If we don't want to show pagination
             $report_listing->stats_breadcrumb = $pagination->total_items . ' ' . Kohana::lang('ui_admin.reports');
     } else {
         $report_listing->stats_breadcrumb = '(' . $pagination->total_items . ' report' . $plural . ')';
     // Return
     return $report_listing;
Example #4
  * Lists the reports.
  * @param int $page
 public function index($page = 1)
     // If user doesn't have access, redirect to dashboard
     if (!$this->auth->has_permission("reports_view")) {
         url::redirect(url::site() . 'admin/dashboard');
     $this->template->content = new View('admin/reports/main');
     $this->template->content->title = Kohana::lang('ui_admin.reports');
     // Database table prefix
     $table_prefix = Kohana::config('database.default.table_prefix');
     // Hook into the event for the reports::fetch_incidents() method
     Event::add('ushahidi_filter.fetch_incidents_set_params', array($this, '_add_incident_filters'));
     $status = "0";
     if (!empty($_GET['status'])) {
         $status = $_GET['status'];
         if (strtolower($status) == 'a') {
             array_push($this->params, 'i.incident_active = 0');
         } elseif (strtolower($status) == 'v') {
             array_push($this->params, 'i.incident_verified = 0');
         } elseif (strtolower($status) == 'o') {
             array_push($this->params, '(ic.category_id IS NULL)');
         } elseif (strtolower($status) != 'search') {
             $status = "0";
     // Get Search Keywords (If Any)
     if (isset($_GET['k'])) {
         //	Brute force input sanitization
         // Phase 1 - Strip the search string of all non-word characters
         $keyword_raw = isset($_GET['k']) ? preg_replace('#/\\w+/#', '', $_GET['k']) : "";
         // Strip any HTML tags that may have been missed in Phase 1
         $keyword_raw = strip_tags($keyword_raw);
         // Phase 3 - Invoke Kohana's XSS cleaning mechanism just incase an outlier wasn't caught
         // in the first 2 steps
         $keyword_raw = $this->input->xss_clean($keyword_raw);
         $filter = " (" . $this->_get_searchstring($keyword_raw) . ")";
         array_push($this->params, $filter);
     } else {
         $keyword_raw = "";
     $this->template->content->search_form = $this->_search_form();
     $this->template->content->search_form->keywords = $keyword_raw;
     // Handler sort/order fields
     $order_field = 'date';
     $sort = 'DESC';
     if (isset($_GET['order'])) {
         $order_field = html::escape($_GET['order']);
     if (isset($_GET['sort'])) {
         $sort = strtoupper($_GET['sort']) == 'ASC' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
     // Check, has the form been submitted?
     $form_error = FALSE;
     $errors = array();
     $form_saved = FALSE;
     $form_action = "";
     if ($_POST) {
         $post = Validation::factory($_POST);
         //	Add some filters
         $post->pre_filter('trim', TRUE);
         // Add some rules, the input field, followed by a list of checks,
         // carried out in order
         $post->add_rules('action', 'required', 'alpha', 'length[1,1]');
         $post->add_rules('incident_id.*', 'required', 'numeric');
         if (in_array($post->action, array('a', 'u')) and !Auth::instance()->has_permission('reports_approve')) {
             $post->add_error('action', 'permission');
         if ($post->action == 'v' and !Auth::instance()->has_permission('reports_verify')) {
             $post->add_error('action', 'permission');
         if ($post->action == 'd' and !Auth::instance()->has_permission('reports_edit')) {
             $post->add_error('action', 'permission');
         if ($post->action == 'a') {
             // sanitize the incident_ids
             $post->incident_id = array_map('intval', $post->incident_id);
             // Query to check if this report is uncategorized i.e categoryless
             $query = "SELECT i.* FROM " . $table_prefix . "incident i " . "LEFT JOIN " . $table_prefix . "incident_category ic ON i.id=ic.incident_id " . "LEFT JOIN " . $table_prefix . "category c ON c.id = ic.category_id " . "WHERE c.id IS NULL " . "AND i.id IN :incidentids";
             $result = Database::instance()->query($query, array(':incidentids' => $post->incident_id));
             // We enly approve the report IF it's categorized
             // throw an error if any incidents aren't categorized
             foreach ($result as $incident) {
                 $post->add_error('incident_id', 'categories_required', $incident->incident_title);
         if ($post->validate()) {
             // Approve Action
             if ($post->action == 'a') {
                 foreach ($post->incident_id as $item) {
                     $update = new Incident_Model($item);
                     if ($update->loaded == TRUE) {
                         $update->incident_active = '1';
                         // Tag this as a report that needs to be sent out as an alert
                         if ($update->incident_alert_status != '2') {
                             // 2 = report that has had an alert sent
                             $update->incident_alert_status = '1';
                         // Record 'Verified By' Action
                         // Action::report_approve - Approve a Report
                         Event::run('ushahidi_action.report_approve', $update);
                     $form_action = utf8::strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_admin.approved'));
             } elseif ($post->action == 'u') {
                 foreach ($post->incident_id as $item) {
                     $update = new Incident_Model($item);
                     if ($update->loaded == TRUE) {
                         $update->incident_active = '0';
                         // If Alert hasn't been sent yet, disable it
                         if ($update->incident_alert_status == '1') {
                             $update->incident_alert_status = '0';
                         // Record 'Verified By' Action
                         // Action::report_unapprove - Unapprove a Report
                         Event::run('ushahidi_action.report_unapprove', $update);
                 $form_action = utf8::strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_admin.unapproved'));
             } elseif ($post->action == 'v') {
                 foreach ($post->incident_id as $item) {
                     $update = new Incident_Model($item);
                     $verify = new Verify_Model();
                     if ($update->loaded == TRUE) {
                         if ($update->incident_verified == '1') {
                             $update->incident_verified = '0';
                             $verify->verified_status = '0';
                         } else {
                             $update->incident_verified = '1';
                             $verify->verified_status = '2';
                         // Record 'Verified By' Action
                 // Set the form action
                 $form_action = utf8::strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_admin.verified_unverified'));
             } elseif ($post->action == 'd') {
                 foreach ($post->incident_id as $item) {
                     $update = new Incident_Model($item);
                     if ($update->loaded) {
                 $form_action = utf8::strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_admin.deleted'));
             $form_saved = TRUE;
         } else {
             // Repopulate the form fields
             //$form = arr::overwrite($form, $post->as_array());
             // Populate the error fields, if any
             $errors = $post->errors('reports');
             $form_error = TRUE;
     // Fetch all incidents
     $incidents = reports::fetch_incidents(TRUE, Kohana::config('settings.items_per_page_admin'));
     Event::run('ushahidi_filter.filter_incidents', $incidents);
     $this->template->content->countries = Country_Model::get_countries_list();
     $this->template->content->incidents = $incidents;
     $this->template->content->pagination = reports::$pagination;
     $this->template->content->form_error = $form_error;
     $this->template->content->errors = $errors;
     $this->template->content->form_saved = $form_saved;
     $this->template->content->form_action = $form_action;
     // Total Reports
     $this->template->content->total_items = reports::$pagination->total_items;
     // Status Tab
     $this->template->content->status = $status;
     $this->template->content->order_field = $order_field;
     $this->template->content->sort = $sort;
     $this->themes->map_enabled = TRUE;
     $this->themes->json2_enabled = TRUE;
     $this->themes->treeview_enabled = TRUE;
     // Javascript Header
     $this->themes->js = new View('admin/reports/reports_js');
Example #5
  * Generate geojson
  * @param string $type type of geojson to generate. Valid options are: 'clusters' and 'markers'
 protected function geojson($type)
     $color = Kohana::config('settings.default_map_all');
     $icon = "";
     $markers = FALSE;
     if (Kohana::config('settings.default_map_all_icon_id')) {
         $icon_object = ORM::factory('media')->find(Kohana::config('settings.default_map_all_icon_id'));
         $icon = url::convert_uploaded_to_abs($icon_object->media_medium);
     // Category ID
     $category_id = (isset($_GET['c']) and intval($_GET['c']) > 0) ? intval($_GET['c']) : 0;
     // Get the category colour
     if (Category_Model::is_valid_category($category_id)) {
         // Get the color & icon
         $cat = ORM::factory('category', $category_id);
         $color = $cat->category_color;
         $icon = "";
         if ($cat->category_image) {
             $icon = url::convert_uploaded_to_abs($cat->category_image);
     $params = array('color' => $color, 'icon' => $icon);
     Event::run('ushahidi_filter.json_alter_params', $params);
     $color = $params['color'];
     $icon = $params['icon'];
     // Run event ushahidi_filter.json_replace_markers
     // This allows a plugin to completely replace $markers
     // If markers are added at this point we don't bother fetching incidents at all
     Event::run('ushahidi_filter.json_replace_markers', $markers);
     // Fetch the incidents
     if (!$markers) {
         $markers = (isset($_GET['page']) and intval($_GET['page']) > 0) ? reports::fetch_incidents(TRUE) : reports::fetch_incidents();
     // Run event ushahidi_filter.json_alter_markers
     // This allows a plugin to alter $markers
     // Plugins can add or remove markers as needed
     Event::run('ushahidi_filter.json_alter_markers', $markers);
     // Get geojson features array
     $function = "{$type}_geojson";
     $json_features = $this->{$function}($markers, $category_id, $color, $icon);
Example #6
  * Generate JSON in CLUSTER mode
 public function cluster()
     // Database
     $db = new Database();
     $json = "";
     $json_item = "";
     $json_array = array();
     $geometry_array = array();
     $color = Kohana::config('settings.default_map_all');
     $icon = "";
     // Get Zoom Level
     $zoomLevel = (isset($_GET['z']) and !empty($_GET['z'])) ? (int) $_GET['z'] : 8;
     //$distance = 60;
     $distance = (10000000 >> $zoomLevel) / 100000;
     // Fetch the incidents using the specified parameters
     $incidents = reports::fetch_incidents();
     // Category ID
     $category_id = (isset($_GET['c']) and intval($_GET['c']) > 0) ? intval($_GET['c']) : 0;
     // Start date
     $start_date = (isset($_GET['s']) and intval($_GET['s']) > 0) ? intval($_GET['s']) : NULL;
     // End date
     $end_date = (isset($_GET['e']) and intval($_GET['e']) > 0) ? intval($_GET['e']) : NULL;
     if (Category_Model::is_valid_category($category_id)) {
         // Get the color
         $color = ORM::factory('category', $category_id)->category_color;
     // Create markers by marrying the locations and incidents
     $markers = array();
     foreach ($incidents as $incident) {
         $markers[] = array('id' => $incident->incident_id, 'incident_title' => $incident->incident_title, 'latitude' => $incident->latitude, 'longitude' => $incident->longitude, 'thumb' => '');
     $clusters = array();
     // Clustered
     $singles = array();
     // Non Clustered
     // Loop until all markers have been compared
     while (count($markers)) {
         $marker = array_pop($markers);
         $cluster = array();
         // Compare marker against all remaining markers.
         foreach ($markers as $key => $target) {
             // This function returns the distance between two markers, at a defined zoom level.
             // $pixels = $this->_pixelDistance($marker['latitude'], $marker['longitude'],
             // $target['latitude'], $target['longitude'], $zoomLevel);
             $pixels = abs($marker['longitude'] - $target['longitude']) + abs($marker['latitude'] - $target['latitude']);
             // If two markers are closer than defined distance, remove compareMarker from array and add to cluster.
             if ($pixels < $distance) {
                 $target['distance'] = $pixels;
                 $cluster[] = $target;
         // If a marker was added to cluster, also add the marker we were comparing to.
         if (count($cluster) > 0) {
             $cluster[] = $marker;
             $clusters[] = $cluster;
         } else {
             $singles[] = $marker;
     // Create Json
     foreach ($clusters as $cluster) {
         // Calculate cluster center
         $bounds = $this->_calculateCenter($cluster);
         $cluster_center = $bounds['center'];
         $southwest = $bounds['sw'];
         $northeast = $bounds['ne'];
         // Number of Items in Cluster
         $cluster_count = count($cluster);
         // Get the time filter
         $time_filter = (!empty($start_date) and !empty($end_date)) ? "&s=" . $start_date . "&e=" . $end_date : "";
         // Build out the JSON string
         $json_item = "{";
         $json_item .= "\"type\":\"Feature\",";
         $json_item .= "\"properties\": {";
         $json_item .= "\"name\":\"" . str_replace(chr(10), ' ', str_replace(chr(13), ' ', "<a href=" . url::base() . "reports/index/?c=" . $category_id . "&sw=" . $southwest . "&ne=" . $northeast . $time_filter . ">" . $cluster_count . " Reports</a>")) . "\",";
         $json_item .= "\"link\": \"" . url::base() . "reports/index/?c=" . $category_id . "&sw=" . $southwest . "&ne=" . $northeast . $time_filter . "\", ";
         $json_item .= "\"category\":[0], ";
         $json_item .= "\"color\": \"" . $color . "\", ";
         $json_item .= "\"icon\": \"" . $icon . "\", ";
         $json_item .= "\"thumb\": \"\", ";
         $json_item .= "\"timestamp\": \"0\", ";
         $json_item .= "\"count\": \"" . $cluster_count . "\"";
         $json_item .= "},";
         $json_item .= "\"geometry\": {";
         $json_item .= "\"type\":\"Point\", ";
         $json_item .= "\"coordinates\":[" . $cluster_center . "]";
         $json_item .= "}";
         $json_item .= "}";
         array_push($json_array, $json_item);
     foreach ($singles as $single) {
         $json_item = "{";
         $json_item .= "\"type\":\"Feature\",";
         $json_item .= "\"properties\": {";
         $json_item .= "\"name\":\"" . str_replace(chr(10), ' ', str_replace(chr(13), ' ', "<a href=" . url::base() . "reports/view/" . $single['id'] . "/>" . str_replace('"', '\\"', $single['incident_title']) . "</a>")) . "\",";
         $json_item .= "\"link\": \"" . url::base() . "reports/view/" . $single['id'] . "\", ";
         $json_item .= "\"category\":[0], ";
         $json_item .= "\"color\": \"" . $color . "\", ";
         $json_item .= "\"icon\": \"" . $icon . "\", ";
         // $json_item .= "\"thumb\": \"".$single['thumb']."\", ";
         $json_item .= "\"timestamp\": \"0\", ";
         $json_item .= "\"count\": \"" . 1 . "\"";
         $json_item .= "},";
         $json_item .= "\"geometry\": {";
         $json_item .= "\"type\":\"Point\", ";
         $json_item .= "\"coordinates\":[" . $single['longitude'] . ", " . $single['latitude'] . "]";
         $json_item .= "}";
         $json_item .= "}";
         array_push($json_array, $json_item);
     $json = implode(",", $json_array);
     // E.Kala July 27, 2011
     // @todo Parking this geometry business for review
     // if (count($geometry_array))
     // {
     // 	$json = implode(",", $geometry_array).",".$json;
     // }
     header('Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
     $this->template->json = $json;
Example #7
  * Helper method to load the report listing view
 private function _get_report_listing_view($locale = '')
     // Check if the local is empty
     if (empty($locale)) {
         $locale = Kohana::config('locale.language.0');
     // Load the report listing view
     $report_listing = new View('reports/list');
     // Fetch all incidents
     $incidents = reports::fetch_incidents(TRUE);
     // Pagination
     $pagination = reports::$pagination;
     // For compatibility with older custom themes:
     // Generate array of category titles with their proper localizations using an array
     // DO NOT use this in new code, call Category_Lang_Model::category_title() directly
     foreach (Category_Model::categories() as $category) {
         $localized_categories[$category['category_title']] = Category_Lang_Model::category_title($category['category_id']);
     // Set the view content
     $report_listing->incidents = $incidents;
     $report_listing->localized_categories = $localized_categories;
     //Set default as not showing pagination. Will change below if necessary.
     $report_listing->pagination = "";
     // Pagination and Total Num of Report Stats
     $plural = $pagination->total_items == 1 ? "" : "s";
     // Set the next and previous page numbers
     $report_listing->next_page = $pagination->next_page;
     $report_listing->previous_page = $pagination->previous_page;
     if ($pagination->total_items > 0) {
         $current_page = $pagination->sql_offset / $pagination->items_per_page + 1;
         $total_pages = ceil($pagination->total_items / $pagination->items_per_page);
         if ($total_pages >= 1) {
             $report_listing->pagination = $pagination;
             // Show the total of report
             // @todo This is only specific to the frontend reports theme
             $report_listing->stats_breadcrumb = $pagination->current_first_item . '-' . $pagination->current_last_item . ' of ' . $pagination->total_items . ' ' . Kohana::lang('ui_main.reports');
         } else {
             // If we don't want to show pagination
             $report_listing->stats_breadcrumb = $pagination->total_items . ' ' . Kohana::lang('ui_admin.reports');
     } else {
         $report_listing->stats_breadcrumb = '(' . $pagination->total_items . ' report' . $plural . ')';
     // Return
     return $report_listing;
Example #8
  * Lists the reports.
  * @param int $page
 public function index($page = 1)
     // If user doesn't have access, redirect to dashboard
     if (!admin::permissions($this->user, "reports_view")) {
         url::redirect(url::site() . 'admin/dashboard');
     $this->template->content = new View('admin/reports');
     $this->template->content->title = Kohana::lang('ui_admin.reports');
     //hook into the event for the reports::fetch_incidents() method
     Event::add('ushahidi_filter.fetch_incidents_set_params', array($this, '_add_incident_filters'));
     $status = "0";
     if (!empty($_GET['status'])) {
         $status = $_GET['status'];
         if (strtolower($status) == 'a') {
             array_push($this->params, 'i.incident_active = 0');
         } elseif (strtolower($status) == 'v') {
             array_push($this->params, 'i.incident_verified = 0');
         } else {
             $status = "0";
     // Get Search Keywords (If Any)
     if (isset($_GET['k'])) {
         //	Brute force input sanitization
         // Phase 1 - Strip the search string of all non-word characters
         $keyword_raw = isset($_GET['k']) ? preg_replace('#/\\w+/#', '', $_GET['k']) : "";
         // Strip any HTML tags that may have been missed in Phase 1
         $keyword_raw = strip_tags($keyword_raw);
         // Phase 3 - Invoke Kohana's XSS cleaning mechanism just incase an outlier wasn't caught
         // in the first 2 steps
         $keyword_raw = $this->input->xss_clean($keyword_raw);
         $filter = " (" . $this->_get_searchstring($keyword_raw) . ")";
         array_push($this->params, $filter);
     } else {
         $keyword_raw = "";
     // Check, has the form been submitted?
     $form_error = FALSE;
     $form_saved = FALSE;
     $form_action = "";
     if ($_POST) {
         $post = Validation::factory($_POST);
         //	Add some filters
         $post->pre_filter('trim', TRUE);
         // Add some rules, the input field, followed by a list of checks, carried out in order
         $post->add_rules('action', 'required', 'alpha', 'length[1,1]');
         $post->add_rules('incident_id.*', 'required', 'numeric');
         if ($post->validate()) {
             // Approve Action
             if ($post->action == 'a') {
                 foreach ($post->incident_id as $item) {
                     $update = new Incident_Model($item);
                     if ($update->loaded == TRUE) {
                         $update->incident_active = $update->incident_active == 0 ? '1' : '0';
                         // Tag this as a report that needs to be sent out as an alert
                         if ($update->incident_alert_status != '2') {
                             // 2 = report that has had an alert sent
                             $update->incident_alert_status = '1';
                         $verify = new Verify_Model();
                         $verify->incident_id = $item;
                         $verify->verified_status = '1';
                         // Record 'Verified By' Action
                         $verify->user_id = $_SESSION['auth_user']->id;
                         $verify->verified_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
                         // Action::report_approve - Approve a Report
                         Event::run('ushahidi_action.report_approve', $update);
                 $form_action = strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_admin.approved'));
             } elseif ($post->action == 'u') {
                 foreach ($post->incident_id as $item) {
                     $update = new Incident_Model($item);
                     if ($update->loaded == TRUE) {
                         $update->incident_active = '0';
                         // If Alert hasn't been sent yet, disable it
                         if ($update->incident_alert_status == '1') {
                             $update->incident_alert_status = '0';
                         $verify = new Verify_Model();
                         $verify->incident_id = $item;
                         $verify->verified_status = '0';
                         // Record 'Verified By' Action
                         $verify->user_id = $_SESSION['auth_user']->id;
                         $verify->verified_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
                         // Action::report_unapprove - Unapprove a Report
                         Event::run('ushahidi_action.report_unapprove', $update);
                 $form_action = strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_admin.unapproved'));
             } elseif ($post->action == 'v') {
                 foreach ($post->incident_id as $item) {
                     $update = new Incident_Model($item);
                     $verify = new Verify_Model();
                     if ($update->loaded == TRUE) {
                         if ($update->incident_verified == '1') {
                             $update->incident_verified = '0';
                             $verify->verified_status = '0';
                         } else {
                             $update->incident_verified = '1';
                             $verify->verified_status = '2';
                         $verify->incident_id = $item;
                         // Record 'Verified By' Action
                         $verify->user_id = $_SESSION['auth_user']->id;
                         $verify->verified_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
                 // Set the form action
                 $form_action = strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_admin.verified_unverified'));
             } elseif ($post->action == 'd') {
                 foreach ($post->incident_id as $item) {
                     $update = new Incident_Model($item);
                     if ($update->loaded == TRUE) {
                         $incident_id = $update->id;
                         $location_id = $update->location_id;
                         // Delete Location
                         ORM::factory('location')->where('id', $location_id)->delete_all();
                         // Delete Categories
                         ORM::factory('incident_category')->where('incident_id', $incident_id)->delete_all();
                         // Delete Translations
                         ORM::factory('incident_lang')->where('incident_id', $incident_id)->delete_all();
                         // Delete Photos From Directory
                         foreach (ORM::factory('media')->where('incident_id', $incident_id)->where('media_type', 1) as $photo) {
                         // Delete Media
                         ORM::factory('media')->where('incident_id', $incident_id)->delete_all();
                         // Delete Sender
                         ORM::factory('incident_person')->where('incident_id', $incident_id)->delete_all();
                         // Delete relationship to SMS message
                         $updatemessage = ORM::factory('message')->where('incident_id', $incident_id)->find();
                         if ($updatemessage->loaded == TRUE) {
                             $updatemessage->incident_id = 0;
                         // Delete Comments
                         ORM::factory('comment')->where('incident_id', $incident_id)->delete_all();
                         // Delete form responses
                         ORM::factory('form_response')->where('incident_id', $incident_id)->delete_all();
                         // Action::report_delete - Deleted a Report
                         Event::run('ushahidi_action.report_delete', $incident_id);
                 $form_action = strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_admin.deleted'));
             $form_saved = TRUE;
         } else {
             $form_error = TRUE;
     // Fetch all incidents
     $all_incidents = reports::fetch_incidents();
     // Pagination
     $pagination = new Pagination(array('style' => 'front-end-reports', 'query_string' => 'page', 'items_per_page' => (int) Kohana::config('settings.items_per_page'), 'total_items' => $all_incidents->count()));
     Event::run('ushahidi_filter.pagination', $pagination);
     // Reports
     $incidents = Incident_Model::get_incidents(reports::$params, $pagination);
     Event::run('ushahidi_filter.filter_incidents', $incidents);
     $this->template->content->countries = Country_Model::get_countries_list();
     $this->template->content->incidents = $incidents;
     $this->template->content->pagination = $pagination;
     $this->template->content->form_error = $form_error;
     $this->template->content->form_saved = $form_saved;
     $this->template->content->form_action = $form_action;
     // Total Reports
     $this->template->content->total_items = $pagination->total_items;
     // Status Tab
     $this->template->content->status = $status;
     // Javascript Header
     $this->template->js = new View('admin/reports_js');
  * Function: json_timeline
  * Description: Creates the json of incidents that goes on the timeline
  * @param obj $controller - The controller that's calling this function
  * @param bool $on_the_back_end - True if this json is going to a client on the backend
  * @param string $extra_where_text - If you want to add some extra where text to the SQL
  * @param array $joins - Array of joins you'd like to add. Great if you're looking to select things based on non-standard tables
  * @param array $custom_category_to_table_mapping - Maps what the joins are on.
  * Views:
  * Results:  Json is sent to the client
 public static function json_timeline($controller, $on_the_back_end = true, $extra_where_text = "", $joins = array(), $custom_category_to_table_mapping = array())
     $category_ids = array('0');
     //get the coloring mode
     $color_mode = ORM::factory('enhancedmap_settings')->where('key', 'color_mode')->find()->value;
     if (isset($_GET['c']) and is_array($_GET['c'])) {
         $category_ids = array();
         //make sure we only hanlde numeric cat ids
         foreach ($_GET['c'] as $cat) {
             if (is_numeric($cat)) {
                 $category_ids[] = $cat;
     $is_all_categories = false;
     if (count($category_ids) == 0 || $category_ids[0] == '0') {
         $is_all_categories = true;
     $controller->auto_render = FALSE;
     $db = new Database();
     $interval = (isset($_GET["i"]) and !empty($_GET["i"])) ? $_GET["i"] : "month";
     // Get the Counts
     $select_date_text = "DATE_FORMAT(incident_date, '%Y-%m-01')";
     $groupby_date_text = "DATE_FORMAT(incident_date, '%Y%m')";
     if ($interval == 'day') {
         $select_date_text = "DATE_FORMAT(incident_date, '%Y-%m-%d')";
         $groupby_date_text = "DATE_FORMAT(incident_date, '%Y%m%d')";
     } elseif ($interval == 'hour') {
         $select_date_text = "DATE_FORMAT(incident_date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')";
         $groupby_date_text = "DATE_FORMAT(incident_date, '%Y%m%d%H')";
     } elseif ($interval == 'week') {
         $select_date_text = "STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(CAST(YEARWEEK(incident_date) AS CHAR), ' Sunday'), '%X%V %W')";
         $groupby_date_text = "YEARWEEK(incident_date)";
     //more than one color
     $color = Kohana::config('settings.default_map_all');
     if ($is_all_categories) {
     } else {
         if ($color_mode == 'merge_all') {
             //more than one color
             $colors = array();
             foreach ($category_ids as $cat) {
                 $colors[] = ORM::factory('category', $cat)->category_color;
             $color = self::merge_colors($colors);
         } else {
             if ($color_mode == 'highest_first') {
                 $highest_color = null;
                 foreach ($category_ids as $cat) {
                     $c = ORM::factory('category', $cat);
                     if ($highest_color == null or $highest_color->category_position > $c->category_position) {
                         $highest_color = $c;
                 $color = $highest_color->category_color;
     $graph_data = array();
     $graph_data[0] = array();
     $graph_data[0]['label'] = "Category Title";
     //is this used for anything?
     $graph_data[0]['color'] = '#' . $color;
     $graph_data[0]['data'] = array();
     $incidents = reports::fetch_incidents();
     $approved_IDs_str = "('-1')";
     if (count($incidents) > 0) {
         $i = 0;
         $approved_IDs_str = "(";
         foreach ($incidents as $incident) {
             $approved_IDs_str = $i > 1 ? $approved_IDs_str . ', ' : $approved_IDs_str;
             $approved_IDs_str = $approved_IDs_str . "'" . $incident->incident_id . "'";
         $approved_IDs_str = $approved_IDs_str . ") ";
     $table_prefix = Kohana::config('database.default.table_prefix');
     $query = 'SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(' . $select_date_text . ') AS time, COUNT(id) AS number FROM ' . $table_prefix . 'incident WHERE incident.id in' . $approved_IDs_str . ' GROUP BY ' . $groupby_date_text;
     $query = $db->query($query);
     foreach ($query as $items) {
         array_push($graph_data[0]['data'], array($items->time * 1000, $items->number));
     header('Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
     echo json_encode($graph_data);
Example #10
  * Generate JSON in CLUSTER mode
 public function cluster()
     // Database
     $db = new Database();
     $json = '';
     $json_item = array();
     $json_features = array();
     $geometry_array = array();
     $color = Kohana::config('settings.default_map_all');
     $icon = "";
     if (Kohana::config('settings.default_map_all_icon_id')) {
         $icon_object = ORM::factory('media')->find(Kohana::config('settings.default_map_all_icon_id'));
         $icon = url::convert_uploaded_to_abs($icon_object->media_medium);
     // Get Zoom Level
     $zoomLevel = (isset($_GET['z']) and !empty($_GET['z'])) ? (int) $_GET['z'] : 8;
     //$distance = 60;
     $distance = (10000000 >> $zoomLevel) / 100000;
     // Fetch the incidents using the specified parameters
     $incidents = reports::fetch_incidents();
     // Category ID
     $category_id = (isset($_GET['c']) and intval($_GET['c']) > 0) ? intval($_GET['c']) : 0;
     // Start date
     $start_date = (isset($_GET['s']) and intval($_GET['s']) > 0) ? intval($_GET['s']) : NULL;
     // End date
     $end_date = (isset($_GET['e']) and intval($_GET['e']) > 0) ? intval($_GET['e']) : NULL;
     if (Category_Model::is_valid_category($category_id)) {
         // Get the color & icon
         $cat = ORM::factory('category', $category_id);
         $color = $cat->category_color;
         if ($cat->category_image) {
             $icon = url::convert_uploaded_to_abs($cat->category_image);
     // Create markers by marrying the locations and incidents
     $markers = array();
     foreach ($incidents as $incident) {
         $markers[] = array('id' => $incident->incident_id, 'incident_title' => $incident->incident_title, 'latitude' => $incident->latitude, 'longitude' => $incident->longitude, 'thumb' => '');
     $clusters = array();
     // Clustered
     $singles = array();
     // Non Clustered
     // Loop until all markers have been compared
     while (count($markers)) {
         $marker = array_pop($markers);
         $cluster = array();
         // Compare marker against all remaining markers.
         foreach ($markers as $key => $target) {
             // This function returns the distance between two markers, at a defined zoom level.
             // $pixels = $this->_pixelDistance($marker['latitude'], $marker['longitude'],
             // $target['latitude'], $target['longitude'], $zoomLevel);
             $pixels = abs($marker['longitude'] - $target['longitude']) + abs($marker['latitude'] - $target['latitude']);
             // If two markers are closer than defined distance, remove compareMarker from array and add to cluster.
             if ($pixels < $distance) {
                 $target['distance'] = $pixels;
                 $cluster[] = $target;
         // If a marker was added to cluster, also add the marker we were comparing to.
         if (count($cluster) > 0) {
             $cluster[] = $marker;
             $clusters[] = $cluster;
         } else {
             $singles[] = $marker;
     // Create Json
     foreach ($clusters as $cluster) {
         // Calculate cluster center
         $bounds = $this->calculate_center($cluster);
         $cluster_center = array_values($bounds['center']);
         $southwest = $bounds['sw']['longitude'] . ',' . $bounds['sw']['latitude'];
         $northeast = $bounds['ne']['longitude'] . ',' . $bounds['ne']['latitude'];
         // Number of Items in Cluster
         $cluster_count = count($cluster);
         // Get the time filter
         $time_filter = (!empty($start_date) and !empty($end_date)) ? "&s=" . $start_date . "&e=" . $end_date : "";
         // Build out the JSON string
         $link = url::base() . "reports/index/?c=" . $category_id . "&sw=" . $southwest . "&ne=" . $northeast . $time_filter;
         $item_name = $this->get_title(Kohana::lang('ui_main.reports_count', $cluster_count), $link);
         $json_item = array();
         $json_item['type'] = 'Feature';
         $json_item['properties'] = array('name' => $item_name, 'link' => $link, 'category' => array($category_id), 'color' => $color, 'icon' => $icon, 'thumb' => '', 'timestamp' => 0, 'count' => $cluster_count);
         $json_item['geometry'] = array('type' => 'Point', 'coordinates' => $cluster_center);
         array_push($json_features, $json_item);
     foreach ($singles as $single) {
         $link = url::base() . "reports/view/" . $single['id'];
         $item_name = $this->get_title($single['incident_title'], $link);
         $json_item = array();
         $json_item['type'] = 'Feature';
         $json_item['properties'] = array('name' => $item_name, 'link' => $link, 'category' => array($category_id), 'color' => $color, 'icon' => $icon, 'thumb' => '', 'timestamp' => 0, 'count' => 1);
         $json_item['geometry'] = array('type' => 'Point', 'coordinates' => array($single['longitude'], $single['latitude']));
         array_push($json_features, $json_item);
     // E.Kala July 27, 2011
     // @todo Parking this geometry business for review
     // if (count($geometry_array))
     // {
     // 	$json = implode(",", $geometry_array).",".$json;
     // }
     Event::run('ushahidi_filter.json_cluster_features', $json_features);
     $json = json_encode(array("type" => "FeatureCollection", "features" => $json_features));
     header('Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
     echo $json;
Example #11
 private function get_counts()
     //loop through each of the geometries and see how many reports fall under both the geometry category and
     //the dependent
     $geometries = ORM::factory("densitymap_geometry")->find_all();
     $geometries_and_counts = array();
     foreach ($geometries as $geometry) {
         $_GET['dm'] = $geometry->category_id;
         $reports = reports::fetch_incidents();
         $geometries_and_counts[$geometry->id] = count($reports);
     //end foreach loop over all the geometries
     return $geometries_and_counts;
Example #12
  * Lists the reports.
  * @param int $page
 public function index($page = 1)
     // If user doesn't have access, redirect to dashboard
     if (!admin::permissions($this->user, "reports_view")) {
         url::redirect(url::site() . 'admin/dashboard');
     $this->template->content = new View('admin/reports');
     $this->template->content->title = Kohana::lang('ui_admin.reports');
     // Database table prefix
     $table_prefix = Kohana::config('database.default.table_prefix');
     // Hook into the event for the reports::fetch_incidents() method
     Event::add('ushahidi_filter.fetch_incidents_set_params', array($this, '_add_incident_filters'));
     $status = "0";
     if (!empty($_GET['status'])) {
         $status = $_GET['status'];
         if (strtolower($status) == 'a') {
             array_push($this->params, 'i.incident_active = 0');
         } elseif (strtolower($status) == 'v') {
             array_push($this->params, 'i.incident_verified = 0');
         } elseif (strtolower($status) == 'o') {
             array_push($this->params, 'ic.category_id = 5');
         } else {
             $status = "0";
     // Get Search Keywords (If Any)
     if (isset($_GET['k'])) {
         //	Brute force input sanitization
         // Phase 1 - Strip the search string of all non-word characters
         $keyword_raw = isset($_GET['k']) ? preg_replace('#/\\w+/#', '', $_GET['k']) : "";
         // Strip any HTML tags that may have been missed in Phase 1
         $keyword_raw = strip_tags($keyword_raw);
         // Phase 3 - Invoke Kohana's XSS cleaning mechanism just incase an outlier wasn't caught
         // in the first 2 steps
         $keyword_raw = $this->input->xss_clean($keyword_raw);
         $filter = " (" . $this->_get_searchstring($keyword_raw) . ")";
         array_push($this->params, $filter);
     } else {
         $keyword_raw = "";
     // Check, has the form been submitted?
     $form_error = FALSE;
     $form_saved = FALSE;
     $form_action = "";
     if ($_POST) {
         $post = Validation::factory($_POST);
         //	Add some filters
         $post->pre_filter('trim', TRUE);
         // Add some rules, the input field, followed by a list of checks,
         // carried out in order
         $post->add_rules('action', 'required', 'alpha', 'length[1,1]');
         $post->add_rules('incident_id.*', 'required', 'numeric');
         if ($post->validate()) {
             // Approve Action
             if ($post->action == 'a') {
                 foreach ($post->incident_id as $item) {
                     // Database instance
                     $db = new Database();
                     // Query to check if this report is uncategorized i.e categoryless
                     $query = "SELECT ic.* FROM " . $table_prefix . "incident_category ic " . "INNER JOIN " . $table_prefix . "category c ON c.id = ic.category_id " . "INNER JOIN " . $table_prefix . "incident i ON i.id=ic.incident_id " . "WHERE c.category_title =\"NONE\" AND c.category_trusted = '1' " . "AND ic.incident_id = {$item}";
                     $result = $db->query($query);
                     // Only approve the report IF it's not uncategorized
                     // i.e the query returns a null set
                     if (count($result) == 0) {
                         $update = new Incident_Model($item);
                         if ($update->loaded == TRUE) {
                             $update->incident_active = $update->incident_active == 0 ? '1' : '0';
                             // Tag this as a report that needs to be sent out as an alert
                             if ($update->incident_alert_status != '2') {
                                 // 2 = report that has had an alert sent
                                 $update->incident_alert_status = '1';
                             $verify = new Verify_Model();
                             $verify->incident_id = $item;
                             $verify->verified_status = '1';
                             // Record 'Verified By' Action
                             $verify->user_id = $_SESSION['auth_user']->id;
                             $verify->verified_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
                             // Action::report_approve - Approve a Report
                             Event::run('ushahidi_action.report_approve', $update);
                     $form_action = strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_admin.approved'));
             } elseif ($post->action == 'u') {
                 foreach ($post->incident_id as $item) {
                     $update = new Incident_Model($item);
                     if ($update->loaded == TRUE) {
                         $update->incident_active = '0';
                         // If Alert hasn't been sent yet, disable it
                         if ($update->incident_alert_status == '1') {
                             $update->incident_alert_status = '0';
                         $verify = new Verify_Model();
                         $verify->incident_id = $item;
                         $verify->verified_status = '0';
                         // Record 'Verified By' Action
                         $verify->user_id = $_SESSION['auth_user']->id;
                         $verify->verified_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
                         // Action::report_unapprove - Unapprove a Report
                         Event::run('ushahidi_action.report_unapprove', $update);
                 $form_action = strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_admin.unapproved'));
             } elseif ($post->action == 'v') {
                 foreach ($post->incident_id as $item) {
                     $update = new Incident_Model($item);
                     $verify = new Verify_Model();
                     if ($update->loaded == TRUE) {
                         if ($update->incident_verified == '1') {
                             $update->incident_verified = '0';
                             $verify->verified_status = '0';
                         } else {
                             $update->incident_verified = '1';
                             $verify->verified_status = '2';
                         $verify->incident_id = $item;
                         // Record 'Verified By' Action
                         $verify->user_id = $_SESSION['auth_user']->id;
                         $verify->verified_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
                 // Set the form action
                 $form_action = strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_admin.verified_unverified'));
             } elseif ($post->action == 'd') {
                 foreach ($post->incident_id as $item) {
                     $update = new Incident_Model($item);
                     if ($update->loaded) {
                 $form_action = strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_admin.deleted'));
             $form_saved = TRUE;
         } else {
             $form_error = TRUE;
     // Fetch all incidents
     $all_incidents = reports::fetch_incidents();
     // Pagination
     $pagination = new Pagination(array('style' => 'front-end-reports', 'query_string' => 'page', 'items_per_page' => (int) Kohana::config('settings.items_per_page'), 'total_items' => $all_incidents->count()));
     Event::run('ushahidi_filter.pagination', $pagination);
     // Reports
     $incidents = Incident_Model::get_incidents(reports::$params, $pagination);
     Event::run('ushahidi_filter.filter_incidents', $incidents);
     $this->template->content->countries = Country_Model::get_countries_list();
     $this->template->content->incidents = $incidents;
     $this->template->content->pagination = $pagination;
     $this->template->content->form_error = $form_error;
     $this->template->content->form_saved = $form_saved;
     $this->template->content->form_action = $form_action;
     // Total Reports
     $this->template->content->total_items = $pagination->total_items;
     // Status Tab
     $this->template->content->status = $status;
     // Javascript Header
     $this->template->js = new View('admin/reports_js');
Example #13
  * Helper method to load the report listing view
 private function _get_report_listing_view($locale = '')
     // Check if the local is empty
     if (empty($locale)) {
         $locale = Kohana::config('locale.language.0');
     // Load the report listing view
     $report_listing = new View('reports_listing');
     // Fetch all incidents
     $all_incidents = reports::fetch_incidents();
     // Reports
     $incidents = Incident_Model::get_incidents(reports::$params);
     // Swap out category titles with their proper localizations using an array (cleaner way to do this?)
     $localized_categories = array();
     foreach ($incidents as $incident) {
         $incident = ORM::factory('incident', $incident->incident_id);
         foreach ($incident->category as $category) {
             $ct = (string) $category->category_title;
             if (!isset($localized_categories[$ct])) {
                 $localized_categories[$ct] = Category_Lang_Model::category_title($category->id, $locale);
     // Set the view content
     $report_listing->incidents = $incidents;
     $report_listing->localized_categories = $localized_categories;
     //Set default as not showing pagination. Will change below if necessary.
     $report_listing->pagination = "";
     // Pagination and Total Num of Report Stats
     $plural = count($incidents) > 1 ? "" : "s";
     $report_listing->stats_breadcrumb = count($incidents) . ' ' . Kohana::lang('ui_admin.reports') . $plural;
     // Return
     return $report_listing;