  * A report showing a chart of incoming records per week.
 public static function records_by_week_chart($auth, $args, $tabalias, $options, $path)
     $args = array_merge(array('report_name' => 'library/weeks/filterable_records_by_week'), $args);
     $reportOptions = array_merge(iform_report_get_report_options($args, $auth['read']), array('id' => 'records-by-week-chart', 'width' => 900, 'height' => 500, 'chartType' => 'line', 'yValues' => array('processed', 'total'), 'xLabels' => 'week', 'legendOptions' => array('show' => true), 'seriesOptions' => array(array('label' => 'Processed by verifiers', 'color' => '#00FF00'), array('label' => 'All records', 'color' => '#FF9900')), 'axesOptions' => array('yaxis' => array('min' => 0, 'tickOptions' => array('formatString' => '%d')), 'xaxis' => array('label' => 'Weeks ago'))), $options);
     return report_helper::report_chart($reportOptions);
  * Outputs a chart that loads the content of a report or Indicia table.
  * @param array $options Refer to report_helper::report_chart documentation.
  * @deprecated Use report_helper::report_chart.
 public static function report_chart($options)
     require_once 'report_helper.php';
     return report_helper::report_chart($options);
Example #3
  * Return the Indicia form code
  * @param array $args Input parameters.
  * @param array $node Drupal node object
  * @param array $response Response from Indicia services after posting a verification.
  * @return HTML string
 public static function get_form($args, $node, $response)
     require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'iform') . '/client_helpers/report_helper.php';
     require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'iform') . '/client_helpers/map_helper.php';
     $auth = report_helper::get_read_write_auth($args['website_id'], $args['password']);
     $chartOptions = iform_report_get_report_options($args, $auth);
     $chartOptions = array_merge($chartOptions, array('id' => 'chart-div', 'width' => $args['width'], 'height' => $args['height'], 'chartType' => $args['chart_type'], 'yValues' => explode(',', $args['y_values'])));
     $xLabels = trim($args['x_labels']);
     if (empty($xLabels)) {
         $chartOptions['xValues'] = explode(',', $args['x_values']);
     } else {
         $chartOptions['xLabels'] = explode(',', $args['x_labels']);
     // advanced options
     $rendererOptions = trim($args['renderer_options']);
     if (!empty($rendererOptions)) {
         $chartOptions['rendererOptions'] = json_decode($rendererOptions, true);
     $legendOptions = trim($args['legend_options']);
     if (!empty($legendOptions)) {
         $chartOptions['legendOptions'] = json_decode($legendOptions, true);
     $seriesOptions = trim($args['series_options']);
     if (!empty($seriesOptions)) {
         $chartOptions['seriesOptions'] = json_decode($seriesOptions, true);
     $axesOptions = trim($args['axes_options']);
     if (!empty($axesOptions)) {
         $chartOptions['axesOptions'] = json_decode($axesOptions, true);
     // now the chart itself
     $r .= '<br/>' . report_helper::report_chart($chartOptions);
     return $r;
 protected static function get_control_reportchartparams($auth, $args, $tabalias, $options)
     if (!isset($options['yValues']) || !isset($options['dataSource']) || !isset($options['chartType'])) {
         $r = '<h4>Please fill in the following options for the chart parameters control: yValues, dataSource, chartType</h4>';
         return $r;
     $sharing = empty($args['sharing']) ? 'reporting' : $args['sharing'];
     $args['report_name'] = '';
     $options = array_merge(iform_report_get_report_options($args, $auth), $options, array('reportGroup' => 'dynamic', 'paramsOnly' => true, 'sharing' => $sharing, 'paramsFormButtonCaption' => lang::get('Filter'), 'yValues' => explode(',', $options['yValues']), 'readAuth' => $auth['read'], 'dataSource' => $options['dataSource']));
     $r = '<br/>' . report_helper::report_chart($options);
     return $r;
 private static function _build_taxon_groups_report($args, $readAuth, $output, $type)
     $r = self::filter_toolbar(array('my_records', 'year'), $readAuth);
     $reportPerUser = !empty($_GET['my_records']);
     $reportOptions = array('readAuth' => $readAuth, 'dataSource' => "library/taxon_groups/filterable_{$type}_counts", 'caching' => true, 'cachePerUser' => $reportPerUser, 'cachetimeout' => $reportPerUser ? self::FAST_CACHE_REFRESH : self::SLOW_CACHE_REFRESH);
     if (!empty($args['min_rank_sort_order_for_species'])) {
         $reportOptions['extraParams'] = array('min_taxon_rank_sort_order' => $args['min_rank_sort_order_for_species']);
     if ($output === 'pie_chart') {
         $data = report_helper::get_report_data($reportOptions);
         // Get the taxon groups used in the master checklist
         $groups = report_helper::get_report_data(array('dataSource' => '/library/taxon_groups/taxon_groups_used_in_checklist', 'readAuth' => $readAuth, 'extraParams' => array('taxon_list_id' => variable_get('iform_master_checklist_id', 0)), 'caching' => true, 'cachePerUser' => false, 'cachetimeout' => self::SLOW_CACHE_REFRESH));
         // make an easy lookup
         $groupIds = array();
         foreach ($groups as $group) {
             $groupIds[$group['id']] = $group['title'];
         // roll categories into 'other' if too many and process to remove unofficial groups
         $totalOther = 0;
         $processedData = array();
         foreach ($data as $row) {
             if (count($processedData) >= 10 || !array_key_exists($row['id'], $groupIds)) {
                 $totalOther += $row['count'];
             } else {
                 $processedData[] = $row;
         if ($totalOther > 0) {
             $processedData[] = array('taxon_group' => lang::get('other'), 'count' => $totalOther);
         $reportOptions['dataSource'] = 'static';
         $reportOptions += array('staticData' => $processedData, 'chartType' => 'pie', 'seriesColors' => array('#ccebc5', '#ffffb3', '#bebada', '#fb8072', '#80b1d3', '#fdb462', '#b3de69', '#fccde5', '#8dd3c7', '#bc80bd', '#d9d9d9'), 'height' => '500', 'yValues' => 'count', 'xLabels' => 'taxon_group', 'autoParamsForm' => false, 'axesOptions' => array('yaxis' => array('min' => 0, 'tickOptions' => array('formatString' => '%d'))), 'legendOptions' => array('show' => true), 'rendererOptions' => array('sliceMargin' => 3));
         $r .= report_helper::report_chart($reportOptions);
     } else {
         $reportOptions += array('downloadLink' => true);
         $r .= report_helper::report_grid($reportOptions);
     return $r;
  * Outputs a pie chart for the proportion of each taxon group being recorded.  
  * @param array $auth Authorisation tokens.
  * @param array $args Form arguments (the settings on the form edit tab).
  * @param string $tabalias The alias of the tab this is being loaded onto.
  * @param array $options The options passed to this control using @option=value settings in the form structure.
  * Options supported are those which can be passed to the report_helper::report_chart method, for example set @limit
  * to control how many taxa to display, set @width and @height to control the dimensions. Set @title=... to 
  * include a heading in the output
  * @param string $path The page reload path, in case it is required for the building of links.
  * @return string HTML to insert into the page for the location map. JavaScript is added to the variables in helper_base.
  * @link http://www.biodiverseit.co.uk/indicia/dev/docs/classes/report_helper.html#method_report_chart API docs for report_helper::report_chart
 public static function groups_pie($auth, $args, $tabalias, $options, $path)
     $reportOptions = array_merge(iform_report_get_report_options($args, $auth['read']), array('dataSource' => 'library/taxon_groups/filterable_group_counts', 'id' => 'groups-pie', 'width' => 340, 'height' => 340, 'chartType' => 'pie', 'yValues' => array('count'), 'xValues' => 'taxon_group', 'rendererOptions' => array('sliceMargin' => 4, 'showDataLabels' => true, 'dataLabelThreshold' => 2, 'dataLabels' => 'label', 'dataLabelPositionFactor' => 1), 'autoParamsForm' => false, 'caching' => true, 'cachePerUser' => false), $options);
     $r = self::output_title($options);
     $r .= report_helper::report_chart($reportOptions);
     return $r;
Example #7
  * Return the Indicia form code
  * @param array $args Input parameters.
  * @param array $node Drupal node object
  * @param array $response Response from Indicia services after posting a verification.
  * @return HTML string
 public static function get_form($args, $node, $response)
     iform_load_helpers(array('report_helper', 'map_helper'));
     $auth = report_helper::get_read_auth($args['website_id'], $args['password']);
     $chartOptions = iform_report_get_report_options($args, $auth);
     $chartOptions = array_merge($chartOptions, array('id' => 'chart-div', 'width' => $args['width'], 'height' => $args['height'], 'chartType' => $args['chart_type'], 'yValues' => explode(',', $args['y_values']), 'output' => $args['output']));
     $xLabels = trim($args['x_labels']);
     if (empty($xLabels)) {
         $chartOptions['xValues'] = explode(',', $args['x_values']);
     } else {
         $chartOptions['xLabels'] = explode(',', $args['x_labels']);
     // advanced options
     if (!empty($args['renderer_options'])) {
         $rendererOptions = trim($args['renderer_options']);
         $chartOptions['rendererOptions'] = json_decode($rendererOptions, true);
     if (!empty($args['legend_options'])) {
         $legendOptions = trim($args['legend_options']);
         $chartOptions['legendOptions'] = json_decode($legendOptions, true);
     if (!empty($args['axes_options'])) {
         $seriesOptions = trim($args['series_options']);
         $chartOptions['seriesOptions'] = json_decode($seriesOptions, true);
     if (!empty($args['series_options'])) {
         $axesOptions = trim($args['axes_options']);
         $chartOptions['axesOptions'] = json_decode($axesOptions, true);
     //User has elected for parameters form only
     if ($args['output'] === 'form') {
         $chartOptions['paramsOnly'] = true;
     } else {
         if (isset($chartOptions['paramsOnly'])) {
     //User has elected for parameters form only or
     //both the chart and parameters form together
     if ($args['output'] === 'form' || $args['output'] === 'default') {
         $chartOptions['completeParamsForm'] = true;
     } else {
         if (isset($chartOptions['completeParamsForm'])) {
     //User has elected for the chart only
     if ($args['output'] === 'output') {
         $chartOptions['autoParamsForm'] = false;
     $r = '<br/>' . report_helper::report_chart($chartOptions);
     return $r;
Example #8
  * Outputs a pie chart for the proportion of each taxon group being recorded.  
  * @param array $auth Authorisation tokens.
  * @param array $args Form arguments (the settings on the form edit tab).
  * @param string $tabalias The alias of the tab this is being loaded onto.
  * @param array $options The options passed to this control using @option=value settings in the form structure.
  * Options supported are those which can be passed to the report_helper::report_chart method, for example set @limit
  * to control how many taxa to display, set @width and @height to control the dimensions.
  * @param string $path The page reload path, in case it is required for the building of links.
  * @return string HTML to insert into the page for the location map. JavaScript is added to the variables in helper_base.
  * @link http://www.biodiverseit.co.uk/indicia/dev/docs/classes/report_helper.html#method_report_chart API docs for report_helper::report_chart
 public static function groups_pie($auth, $args, $tabalias, $options, $path)
     $reportOptions = array_merge(iform_report_get_report_options($args, $auth['read']), array('dataSource' => 'library/taxon_groups/group_counts_for_event', 'id' => 'groups-pie', 'width' => 340, 'height' => 340, 'chartType' => 'pie', 'yValues' => array('count'), 'xValues' => 'taxon_group', 'rendererOptions' => array('sliceMargin' => 4, 'showDataLabels' => true, 'dataLabelThreshold' => 2, 'dataLabels' => 'label', 'dataLabelPositionFactor' => 1)), $options);
     return report_helper::report_chart($reportOptions);