Example #1
 function Execute(rObjectRouter $router, WaxBlock $appblock, WaxBlock $ddmblock, array $view_args)
     $view_name = $router->DetermineViewname();
     $vr_ctx = new ViewRenderCtx();
      * When extending the DDM block, the views are then looked for in the same block
      * as the child object (IE: Users extends DDM will look for Users/action, even though
      * we want it to load the DDM/action view).
      * This try/catch here redirects the view request to the DDM views if it is not
      * found in the current block.
     $content_for_layout = '';
     try {
         // Try finding the view in the application block
         $v = BlockManager::Lookup("views", $view_name);
         $content_for_layout = $vr_ctx->Execute(new View($v), $view_args);
     } catch (ResourceNotFoundException $vnfe) {
         try {
             // Try finding the view in the DDM block
             // IE: Admin/viewname
             //     ACL/viewname
             $view_name = $router->DetermineViewname();
             $content_for_layout = $vr_ctx->Execute(new View($view_name, $ddmblock), $view_args);
         } catch (ViewNotFoundException $vnfe) {
             // Try finding the view in the DDM block under the DDM object
             // Dynamic Models eventually end up here if there's no overrides
             $router->data['objectname'] = 'DDM';
             $view_name = $router->DetermineViewname();
             $content_for_layout = $vr_ctx->Execute(new View($view_name, $ddmblock), $view_args);
     return $content_for_layout;
Example #2
 static function DetermineViewname(rObjectRouter $self)
     $viewname = $self->GetObjectName();
     $viewtarget = $self->GetMethod();
     $viewname = "{$viewname}/{$viewtarget}";
     return $viewname;
Example #3
 function Execute(rObjectRouter $router)
     // The DDMRouteCtx tries to route normally (using the standard ExecuteTarget method)
     // but if it fails, it redirects to the DDM and tries again
     $view_args = array();
     try {
         $view_args = $router->ExecuteTarget();
     } catch (ObjectNotFoundException $onfe) {
         $objtype = $router->GetObjectname();
         $router->data['objectname'] = "DDM";
         $view_args = $router->ExecuteTarget(array($objtype));
     if (is_null($view_args)) {
         $view_args = array();
     return $view_args;