 * Find clusters, in which a plugin-entry is used.
 * @param integer ID of the plugin-Key
function findContentUsageClusterNodes($oid)
    global $db;
    // Initializing Array
    $clusters = array();
    // Determine cluster_templates using the object as static content...
    $sql = "SELECT CLT_ID FROM cluster_template_items WHERE FKID = {$oid}";
    $query = new query($db, $sql);
    while ($query->getrow()) {
        // Determine clusters using this template
        $sql = "SELECT CLNID FROM cluster_node WHERE CLT_ID = " . $query->field("CLT_ID");
        $subquery = new query($db, $sql);
        while ($subquery->getrow()) {
            array_push($clusters, $subquery->field("CLNID"));
    // determine clusters using this content as library link...
    $sql = "SELECT CLID FROM cluster_content WHERE FKID = {$oid} OR CLCID = {$oid}";
    $query = new query($db, $sql);
    while ($query->getrow()) {
        // Determine clusters using this template
        $sql = "SELECT CLNID FROM cluster_variations WHERE CLID=" . $query->field("CLID");
        $subquery = new query($db, $sql);
        while ($subquery->getrow()) {
            array_push($clusters, $subquery->field("CLNID"));
    $clusters = array_unique($clusters);
    return $clusters;
  * save the changes...
 function process()
     global $errors, $selected, $create, $sitepage_CLNID, $cluster_node_NAME, $db, $oid, $sid, $clt;
     if ($selected != "0" && $sitepage_CLNID != "0" && $sitepage_CLNID != "") {
         $mid = getVar("mid");
         $sql = "UPDATE sitepage SET CLNID = {$sitepage_CLNID} WHERE SPID = {$oid}";
         $query = new query($db, $sql);
         // reload page, now in editing mode...
         global $db;
         header("Location: sitepagebrowser.php?sid={$sid}&mid={$mid}&action=editobject&go=update&oid={$oid}");
     } else {
         if ($create != "0" && $errors == "") {
             $mid = getVar("mid");
             $nextId = nextGUID();
             $sql = "INSERT INTO cluster_node (CLNID, CLT_ID, NAME, DELETED) VALUES({$nextId}, {$clt}, '{$cluster_node_NAME}', 0)";
             $query = new query($db, $sql);
             $sql = "UPDATE sitepage SET CLNID = {$nextId} WHERE SPID = {$oid}";
             $query = new query($db, $sql);
             $backup = $oid;
             $oid = $nextId;
             $oid = $backup;
             global $db;
             header("Location: sitepagebrowser.php?sid={$sid}&mid={$mid}&action=editobject&go=update&oid={$oid}");
Example #3
 * Create a image from a file. Do not add the file to the object library
 * @param string Path to the source file
 * @param string Description Text for ALT-Tag
 * @param string Copright text for the image
 * @param string Variation-ID of the image
function createImageFromFile($sourceFile, $alt = "", $copyright = "", $variation = 1, $categoryId = 1)
    global $c, $db;
    $id = nextGUID();
    $info = pathinfo($sourceFile);
    $extension = $info["extension"];
    $extension2 = strtoupper($extension);
    $name = parseSQL($info["basename"]);
    if ($extension2 == "JPG" || $extension2 == "GIF" || $extension2 == "PNG") {
        $size = getimagesize($sourceFile);
        $width = $size[0];
        $height = $size[1];
        copy($sourceFile, $c["devfilespath"] . $id . "." . $extension);
        $thumb = new Img2Thumb($c["devfilespath"] . $id . "." . $extension, 120, 120, $c["devfilespath"] . "t" . $id);
        $sql .= "({$id}, '{$id}.{$extension}', '{$alt}', '{$copyright}', {$width}, {$height})";
        $query = new query($db, $sql);
        // Create Library Entry for this image
        $cid = nextGUID();
        $imageModule = getDBCell("modules", "MODULE_ID", "MODULE_NAME='Image'");
        $sql .= "({$cid}, {$imageModule}, '{$name}', {$categoryId}, 0)";
        $query = new query($db, $sql);
        $sql = "INSERT INTO content_variations (CID, VARIATION_ID, FK_ID) VALUES ";
        $sql .= "({$cid}, {$variation}, {$id})";
        $query = new query($db, $sql);
        return $cid;
    } else {
        return null;
 * Return the XML-Code for a Sitepage-Master
 * @param integer GUID of the sitepage-master
function XmlExportSitepageMaster($spm)
    global $db, $xmlExchange, $c;
    $xml =& new XPath(FALSE, $xmlOptions);
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM sitepage_master WHERE SPM_ID = {$spm}";
    $query = new query($db, $sql);
    if ($query->getrow()) {
        $name = urlencode($query->field("NAME"));
        $description = urlencode($query->field("DESCRIPTION"));
        $templatePath = $query->field("TEMPLATE_PATH");
        $clt = $query->field("CLT_ID");
        $type = $query->field("SPMTYPE_ID");
        $template = "";
        $fp = @fopen($c["devpath"] . $templatePath, "r");
        if ($fp != "") {
            while (!feof($fp)) {
                $template .= fgets($fp, 128);
        $template = urlencode($template);
        $templatePath = urlencode($templatePath);
        $xml->appendChild('', '<NX:SITEPAGEMASTER ID="' . $spm . '" NAME="' . $name . '" DESCRIPTION="' . $description . '" TYPE="' . $type . '" FILENAME="' . $templatePath . '" CLUSTERTEMPLATE="' . $clt . '">' . $template . '</NX:SITEPAGEMASTER>');
        $xmlExchange[] = array("clt" => $clt);
    return $xml->exportAsXml('', '');
	 * Deletes a variable from the variable stack
	 * @param string name of the variable
	function delVar($name) {
		$back = "";

		global $auth, $db;
		$userId = $auth->userId;
		$sql = "DELETE FROM temp_vars WHERE USER_ID=$userId and NAME='$name'";

		$query = new query($db, $sql);
Example #6
 * Store a vote
 * @param integer Vote of user (1-8)
 * @param string comment of user
function saveData($vote, $comment = "", $sourceId)
    if ($vote > 0 && $vote < 10) {
        global $db;
        $sql = "INSERT INTO pgn_rating (VOTE, COMMENT, SOURCEID) VALUES({$vote}, '" . addslashes($comment) . "', {$sourceId})";
        $query = new query($db, $sql);
        return true;
    return false;
 * Return the XML-Code for a Cluster-Template
 * @param integer ID of the Cluster-Template
 * @param mixed data to export also as array. [][type] = "meta", [][guid] = .....
function XmlExportClusterTemplate($clt)
    global $db, $xmlExchange;
    $xml =& new XPath(FALSE, $xmlOptions);
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM cluster_templates WHERE CLT_ID = {$clt}";
    $query = new query($db, $sql);
    if ($query->getrow()) {
        $name = urlencode($query->field("NAME"));
        $description = urlencode($query->field("DESCRIPTION"));
        $layout = urlencode($query->field("TEMPLATE"));
        $xmlExchange[] = array("mt" => $query->field("MT_ID"));
        $xml->appendChild('', "<nx:clustertemplate id=\"{$clt}\" name=\"{$name}\" description=\"{$description}\" metaTemplate=\"" . $query->field("MT_ID") . "\" />");
        $xml->appendChild('/nx:clustertemplate[@id="' . $clt . '"]', "<nx:layout>{$layout}</nx:layout>");
    $requiredPlugins = array();
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM cluster_template_items WHERE CLT_ID = {$clt}";
    $query = new query($db, $sql);
    while ($query->getrow()) {
        $name = urlencode($query->field("NAME"));
        $position = $query->field("POSITION");
        $type = $query->field("CLTITYPE_ID");
        $mincard = $query->field("MINCARD");
        $maxcard = $query->field("MAXCARD");
        $fkid = $query->field("FKID");
        $config = "";
        if ($type == 2 || $type == 5) {
            //dynamic content or library.
            $config = strtoupper(getDBCell("modules", "MODULE_NAME", "MODULE_ID = {$fkid}"));
            if (!in_array($config, $requiredPlugins)) {
                $requiredPlugins[] = $config;
        } else {
            if ($type == 4) {
                $config = $fkid;
                $xmlExchange[] = array("clt" => $fkid);
        $xml->appendChild('/nx:clustertemplate[@id="' . $clt . '"]', "<nx:clustertemplateitem name=\"{$name}\" position=\"{$position}\" type=\"{$type}\" mincard=\"{$mincard}\" maxcard=\"{$maxcard}\" configuration=\"{$config}\"/>");
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($requiredPlugins); $i++) {
        if (!in_array($requiredPlugins[$i], $xmlExchange["PLUGINS"])) {
            array_push($xmlExchange["PLUGINS"], $requiredPlugins[$i]);
    return $xml->exportAsXml('', '');
Example #8
 * Launch a plugin.
 * @param integer FKID of the plugin to launch.
 * @param integer Module-ID of the plugin.
 * @param integer ID of the level to launch to
 * @param integer ID of the Cluster-Content-Item
 * @returns integer Translated ID after launch.
function launchPlugin($in, $plugin, $level, $clti = 0)
    global $db;
    $out = translateState($in, $level);
    // reference the Plugin.
    $sql = "SELECT CLASS FROM modules WHERE MODULE_ID = {$plugin}";
    $query = new query($db, $sql);
    $classname = $query->field("CLASS");
    $ref = new $classname($in, $clti);
    $delSQL = "DELETE FROM {$ref->management_table} WHERE {$ref->pk_name} = {$out}";
    $query = new query($db, $delSQL);
    // *old* note: when versioning is being implemented, createVersion must be called with parameter $applyProperties=false if the original version level is higher than 0 !!!
    // *old* this is to make sure automatic modifications are only applied when first increasing the version level of a content.
    // note: the new concept is to apply automatic modifications immediately when uploading new plugin data while the original uploaded data will remain as an unchanged version.
    // this way the automatic changes can be updated if changed later on by issuing a corresponding command on the singleConfig page
    $sql = $ref->createVersion($out);
    $query = new query($db, $sql);
    return $out;
Example #9
 * Return the XML-Code for a Meta-Template
 * @param integer ID of the Meta-Template
function XmlExportMetaTemplate($mtId)
    global $db;
    $xml =& new XPath(FALSE, $xmlOptions);
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM meta_templates WHERE MT_ID = {$mtId}";
    $query = new query($db, $sql);
    if ($query->getrow()) {
        $name = urlencode($query->field("NAME"));
        $description = urlencode($query->field("DESCRIPTION"));
        $xml->appendChild('', "<nx:metatemplate id=\"{$mtId}\" name=\"{$name}\" description=\"{$description}\"/>");
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM meta_template_items WHERE MT_ID = {$mtId}";
    $query = new query($db, $sql);
    while ($query->getrow()) {
        $name = urlencode($query->field("NAME"));
        $position = $query->field("POSITION");
        $type = $query->field("MTYPE_ID");
        $xml->appendChild('/nx:metatemplate[@id="' . $mtId . '"]', "<nx:metatemplateitem name=\"{$name}\" position=\"{$position}\" type=\"{$type}\"/>");
    return $xml->exportAsXml('', '');
 * Translate an old into a new GUID
 * @param integer old GUID
 * @param boolean set AntiCycle
function translateXmlGUID($oldId)
    global $db, $provider, $c;
    if ($oldId < 1000) {
        // System data.
        $out = $oldId;
    } else {
        if (strtoupper($provider) == strtoupper($c["provider"])) {
            // own data.
            $out = $oldId;
        } else {
            $provider = strtoupper(parseSQL($provider));
            $out = getDBCell("syndication", "OUT_ID", "IN_ID = {$oldId} AND PROVIDER = '{$provider}'");
            if ($out == "") {
                $out = nextGUID();
                $sql = "INSERT INTO syndication (IN_ID, OUT_ID, PROVIDER) VALUES ({$oldId}, {$out}, '{$provider}')";
                $query = new query($db, $sql);
    return $out;
Example #11
		 * Get recordset from pgnImage as associative array. Internally used only.
		 * @param integer id for new recordset.
		 * @returns 2d-array of name-value-pairs.
		function _getColumns($newid) {
			global $db;
			$querySQL = "SELECT * FROM $this->management_table WHERE $this->pk_name = $this->fkid";
			$query = new query($db, $querySQL);
			$width = addslashes($query->field("WIDTH"));
			$height = addslashes($query->field("HEIGHT"));
			$alt = addslashes($query->field("ALT"));
			$copyright = addslashes($query->field("COPYRIGHT"));
			$filename = $query->field("FILENAME");
			// copy image to new version
			$fileparts = explode(".", $filename);
			$suffix = strtolower($fileparts[(count($fileparts) - 1)]);
			$newfile = $newid . "." . $suffix;
			return array("newid" => $newid, "suffix" => $suffix, "filename" => $filename, "newfile" => $newfile, "alt" => $alt, "height" => $height, "width" => $width, "copyright" => $copyright);
Example #12
		   * This function is used for drawing the html-code out to the templates.
		   * It just returns the code
		   * @param 		string	Optional parameters for the draw-function. There are none supported.
		   * @return		string	HTML-CODE to be written into the template.
		function draw($param = "") {
			global $db;

			$result = null;
			$sql = "SELECT * FROM pgn_quote ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1";
			$query = new query($db, $sql);

			if ($query->getrow()) {
				$result["QUOTE"] = $query->field("QUOTE");

				$result["TITLE"] = $query->field("TITLE");

			return $result;
		  * Used to create a  tree of the CLuster-Templates.
		  * Recursive function. 
		  * Create a global variable $isFolder if you are moving folders, because there are special rules then.
		  * @param array array with name-value pairs of the folders
		function createCLT(&$instances) {
			global $db, $lang;


			$instances[0][0] = $lang->get("empty");
			$instances[0][1] = 0;

			$myquery = new query($db, $sql);

			while ($myquery->getrow()) {
				$ni = count($instances);

				$instances[$ni][1] = $myquery->field("CLNID");
				$instances[$ni][0] = $myquery->field("NAME");

	 * internally used only for creating a array for deleting a folder tree.
	function createDelArray(&$handler, $id) {
		global $db;

		$query = new query($db, $sql);

		while ($query->getrow()) {
			$cid = $query->field("CATEGORY_ID");

			$dsql = "UPDATE categories SET DELETED = 1 WHERE CATEGORY_ID = $cid";
			createDelArray($handler, $cid);

		$dsql = "UPDATE categories SET DELETED = 1 WHERE CATEGORY_ID = $id";
	$handled = false;
	if (value('resetfilter', 'NUMERIC', '0') == '1') 
	if ($action != "0" || $view != "0") {
		//check if cluster exists in this variation
		if ($clnid != "0") {
			if ($action == "cr_cluster" && value("decision") == $lang->get("yes")) {
			  $oid = value("oid", "NUMERIC");
			  $crvar = value("crvar", "NUMERIC");	
  			  if ($oid != "0" && $crvar != "0") {
			    if (getDBCell("cluster_variations", "CLID", "CLNID = $oid AND VARIATION_ID = $crvar") != "") {
			      $sql = "UPDATE cluster_variations SET DELETED=0 WHERE CLNID = $oid AND VARIATION_ID = $crvar"; 	
			      $query = new query($db, $sql);
			    } else {
			      createCluster($oid, $crvar, $auth->userName);
			    $view = 1;			    
			} else {

        			$clid = getDBCell("cluster_variations", "CLID", "CLNID = $clnid AND VARIATION_ID = $variation AND DELETED=0");
        			if ($clid == "") {
        				$form2 = new YesNoForm($lang->get("cr_vr", "Create variation"), $lang->get("crclv_mes", "The cluster does not exists in this variation. Do you want to create it?"));
        				$form2->add(new Hidden("action", "cr_cluster"));
        				$form2->add(new Hidden("oid", $oid));
        				$form2->add(new Hidden("crvar", $variation));
        				$handled = true;
		 * Frees a position for inserting a new dataset.
		 * @param string $table Name of the table to free a row
	 	 * @param string $sortColumn Name of the Column where order is stored
		 * @param integer $position Value of the PK of the row to free
		 * @param string $cond Where-Clause, to select only some rows.
	function freeRowPosition($table, $sortColumn, $position, $cond = "1") {
		global $db;
		if (getDBCell($table, $sortColumn, "$cond AND $sortColumn = $position") != "") {
		  $sql = "UPDATE $table SET $sortColumn = ($sortColumn + 1) WHERE $cond AND $sortColumn >= $position";
		  $query = new query($db, $sql);
		 * Delete one item out of the list
		function deleteItem() {
			global $db;
			$deleted = false;
			for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->members); $i++) {
				if ($this->eid == $this->members[$i][1]) {
					$sql = "DELETE FROM cluster_content WHERE CLCID = $this->eid";
					$query = new query($db, $sql);
					if ($this->membersCount > 1) sortTableRows("cluster_content", "CLCID", "POSITION", "CLTI_ID = $this->clti AND CLID = $this->cl");
					$deleted = true;
			if ($deleted) {
				syncCluster ($this->cl);
				$this->members = $this->getItemData();					
		 * Copy this record and all its data to new id.
		 * @param integer id which is used as PK for new record.
		function copyRecord($newid) {
			// query for content
			global $db;

			$querySQL = "SELECT SNIPLET FROM $this->management_table WHERE $this->pk_name = $this->fkid";
			$query = new query($db, $querySQL);
			$content = $query->field("SNIPLET");
			$content = addslashes($content);			
			$snt = $query->field("SNIPLETTYPE");
			$sql = "INSERT INTO $this->management_table ($this->pk_name, SNIPLET, SNIPLETTYPE) VALUES ($newid, '$content', $snt)";
			return $sql;
	 * Gets the available Variations of a cluster-Node
	 * @param 		integer		Cluster-Node-ID
	 * @returns	integer		Linear array with all available Variations.
	function getClusterVariations($clnid) {
		global $db, $splevel;

		if ($splevel == 10) { // checking for live-variations....
			$sql = "SELECT 
	  				cluster_variations cv, 
	  				cluster_node cn, 
	  				sitepage sp,
	  				sitepage_names sn,
	  				sitepage_variations sv RIGHT JOIN  
	  				state_translation st ON cv.CLID = st.OUT_ID AND st.EXPIRED = 0
	  				cn.CLNID = $clnid
	  			AND	cv.CLNID = cn.CLNID 
	  			AND cv.DELETED =  0
				AND cn.CLNID = sp.CLNID
				AND sp.SPID = sn.SPID
				AND sn.DELETED = 0
				AND sp.SPM_ID = sv.SPM_ID
		} else {
			$sql = "SELECT 
	  				cluster_variations cv, 
	  				cluster_node cn, 
	  				sitepage sp,
	  				sitepage_names sn,
	  				sitepage_variations sv 
	  				cn.CLNID = $clnid
	  			AND	cv.CLNID = cn.CLNID 
	  			AND cv.DELETED =  0
				AND cn.CLNID = sp.CLNID
				AND sp.SPID = sn.SPID
				AND sn.DELETED = 0
				AND sp.SPM_ID = sv.SPM_ID

		$query = new query($db, $sql);
		$returns = array ();

		while ($query->getrow()) {
			array_push($returns, $query->field("VARIATION_ID"));

		return $returns;
	 * Checks, whether the cluster already exists and creates it, if not.
	function checkIfCLNExists() {
	  global $db;
	  // Check, if Clusternode exists.
	  if ($this->value == "0" || $this->value == "") {
	    // The Cluster in the variation will be created now.
	    $this->clnid = createClusterNode($this->clustername, $this->cltid);	  	
	    	// update the new clnid immediately to the database	  	
	  	$sql = "UPDATE $this->table SET $this->column=$this->clnid WHERE $this->row_identifier";	  	
	  	$query = new query($db, $sql);
	  }	else {
	  	// the cluster node already exists.
	  	$this->clnid = $this->value;
	  // check, if clustervariation exists.
	  $clid = getDBCell("cluster_variations", "CLID", "CLNID=$this->clnid AND VARIATION_ID=$this->variation");
	  if ($clid == "") {
	  	// Cluster-Variation does not exists yet.
	  	$this->clid = createCluster($this->clnid, $this->variation);
	  } else {
	  	$this->clid = $clid;
	  // sync the cluster variation
	  // ensure correct CLT-ID
	  $this->cltid = getDBCell("cluster_node", "CLT_ID", "CLNID=".$this->clnid);	  
Example #21
	* Creates an Array from a table with following form:
	* array[i] = $name
	* The function queries the table for names that
	* match the given data_identifier and processes them into Array.
	* @param string Name of table you are working with
	* @param string Name of column, you want to take the Names for the Array form.
	* @param string $data_identifier Statement of your SQL-Where-Clause for selecting one or more records in the table for processing.
	* @param string $order Name of the column which shall be ordered by.
	* @param boolean Should the values be filtered for duplicates ("distinct")
	* @return Array
	function createDBCArray($table, $name, $data_identifier = "1", $order = "", $distinct=true) {
		global $db;
		$values = null;
		$counter = 0;
		if ($distinct) {
			$filter = "DISTINCT";
		} else {
			$filter = "";
		$sql = "SELECT $filter $name FROM $table WHERE $data_identifier" . " $order";
		$query = new query($db, $sql);

		while ($query->getrow()) {
			$values[$counter] = $query->field($name);



		return $values;
		   * Create the sql-code for a version of the selected object
		   * @param integer ID of new Version.
		   * @returns string SQL Code for new Version.
		function createVersion($newid) {
			// query for content
			global $db;

			$querySQL = "SELECT NUMBER FROM $this->management_table WHERE $this->pk_name = $this->fkid";
			$query = new query($db, $querySQL);
			$content = addslashes($query->field("CONTENT"));

			$sql = "INSERT INTO $this->management_table ($this->pk_name, NUMBER) VALUES ($newid, $content)";
			return $sql;
Example #23
	 * Deletes a row with specified parameters
	 * @param string Name of the table to select the row from
	 * @param string Filter to select rows
	function deleteRow($table, $filter = "") {
		if ($filter != "1" && $filter != "" & $table != "") {
			global $db, $debug;

			$sql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE $filter";
            if ($debug) echo "DELETE: ".$sql."<br>";
			$query = new query($db, $sql);
	   * Save all back to the database
	   function process() {
	       global $db, $oid;
	       deleteRow($this->table, $this->cond);	
	       $ids = explode(",", value($this->table."selection", "NOSPACES"));
	       for ($i=0; $i < count($ids); $i++) {
	         $sql = "INSERT INTO $this->table ($this->idcolumn, $this->fkidcolumn, POSITION) VALUES (".$ids[$i].", $oid, ".($i+1).")";
	         $query = new query($db, $sql);
        array_push($clusters, $subquery->field("CLNID"));
// determine clusters using this content as library link...
$sql = "SELECT CLID FROM cluster_content WHERE FKID = {$oid}";
$query = new query($db, $sql);
while ($query->getrow()) {
    // Determine clusters using this template
    $sql = "SELECT CLNID FROM cluster_variations WHERE CLID=" . $query->field("CLID");
    $subquery = new query($db, $sql);
    while ($subquery->getrow()) {
        array_push($clusters, $subquery->field("CLNID"));
$clusters = array_unique($clusters);
//echo "USED:".count($usedPageClusters)." UNUSED:".count($unusedPageClusters);
//echo " ALL CLUSTERS:".count($clusters);
// now find all clusters recursive that contain the unused values...
function parentClusters($clArray, $level = 0)
    $clnids = array();
    if ($level > 5) {
        return $clnids;
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($clArray); $i++) {
        $cl = $clArray[$i];
        // find dynamic clusters....
Example #26
		   * Create the sql-code for a version of the selected object
		   * @param integer ID of new Version.
		   * @returns string SQL Code for new Version.
		function createVersion($newid, $copy = false) {
			// query for content
			global $db, $c;

			$destinationPath = $c["livefilespath"];

			if ($copy)
				$destinationPath = $c["devfilespath"];

			$querySQL = "SELECT * FROM $this->management_table WHERE $this->pk_name = $this->fkid";
			$query = new query($db, $querySQL);
			$filename = $query->field("FILENAME");
			$description = addslashes($query->field("DESCRIPTION"));
			$filetype = $query->field("FILETYPE");
			$location = $query->field("LOCATION");
			$name     = $query->field("NAME");
			// copy image to new version
			$fileparts = explode(".", $filename);
			$suffix = strtolower($fileparts[(count($fileparts) - 1)]);
			$newfile = $newid . "." . $suffix;

			if (!$copy) {
				nxDelete ($destinationPath , $newfile);
			if ($suffix != "") {				
				nxCopy($c["devfilespath"] . $filename, $destinationPath , $newfile);
			$sql = "INSERT INTO $this->management_table ($this->pk_name, NAME,FILENAME, FILETYPE, LOCATION, DESCRIPTION) VALUES ($newid, '$name', '$newfile', '$filetype', '$location', '$description')";
			return $sql;
Example #27
 public function fields_list($table)
     $sql_s = "SELECT * FROM {$table} LIMIT 0";
     $select_fields = new query($this->connect, $sql_s, array(), array());
     $fields = $select_fields->fields->all;
     // Free Memory from select fields query resaults
     return $fields;
		   * Create the sql-code for a version of the selected object
		   * @param integer ID of new Version.
		   * @returns string SQL Code for new Version.
		function createVersion($newid) {
			// query for content
			global $db, $c;

			$querySQL = "SELECT CONTENT FROM $this->management_table WHERE $this->pk_name = $this->fkid";
			$query = new query($db, $querySQL);
			$content = addslashes($query->field("CONTENT"));
			$this->createImage($c["livefilespath"] . $newid.".png");
			$sql = "INSERT INTO $this->management_table ($this->pk_name, CONTENT) VALUES ($newid, '$content')";
			return $sql;
Example #29
  * Check the login data of a user and return true if data is correct or false if incorrect.
  * @param string Username
  * @param string User's pasword.
  * @return boolean true if check was successful or false if not.
 function checkLogin($login, $passwd)
     global $db, $c;
     $sql = "SELECT USER_ID FROM users WHERE USER_NAME='{$login}' AND PASSWORD = '******'";
     $query = new query($db, $sql);
     if ($query->count() == 1) {
         // login successfull
         $this->userId = $query->field("USER_ID");
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Example #30
	* Deletes the expired-Flag in the state-translations...
	* @param integer Translated-ID of an item (OUT-ID)
	function delExpired($out) {
		global $db;

		$sql = "UPDATE state_translation SET EXPIRED=0 WHERE OUT_ID = $out";
		$query = new query($db, $sql);