public static function get_settings_pages()
     // load the settings pages, if they are not already loaded
     if (empty(self::$settings)) {
         // load the admin page assets from our plugin
         add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array(__CLASS__, 'load_admin_page_assets'), 1000);
         // load the woocommerce wysiwyg field js
         add_action('woocommerce_admin_field_wysiwyg', array(__CLASS__, 'field_wysiwyg'));
         $settings = array();
         // load the woocoomerce settings api
         include_once $GLOBALS['woocommerce']->plugin_path() . '/includes/admin/settings/class-wc-settings-page.php';
         // load the various settings pages
         $settings[] = (include 'settings/general.php');
         $settings[] = (include 'settings/frontend.php');
         // allow adding of other pages if needed
         self::$settings = apply_filters('qsot_get_settings_pages', array_filter($settings));
     return self::$settings;
 public static function ap_settings_page_head()
     global $current_tab, $current_section;
     require_once 'admin-settings.php';
     // Include settings pages
     // Get current tab/section
     $current_tab = empty($_GET['tab']) ? 'general' : sanitize_title($_GET['tab']);
     $current_section = empty($_REQUEST['section']) ? '' : sanitize_title($_REQUEST['section']);
     if (empty($_POST)) {