  * 根据uid批量删除记录
  * @param array $uids
  * @return bool
 function deletePayLogsByUids($uids)
     if (!S::isArray($uids)) {
         return false;
     return pwQuery::delete($this->_tableName, "uid IN (:uid)", array($uids));
  * 批量删除标签
  * @param array $tagids
  * @return boolean
 function deleteTagsByTagIds($tagids)
     if (!S::isArray($tagids)) {
         return false;
     return pwQuery::delete($this->_tableName, "tagid in(:tagid)", array($tagids));
Example #3
  * 批量删除
  * @param array $areaids  地区IDs
  * @return boolean
 function deleteByAreaIds($areaids)
     if (!S::isArray($areaids)) {
         return false;
     return (bool) pwQuery::delete($this->_tableName, "{$this->_primaryKey} in(:{$this->_primaryKey})", array($areaids));
 function deleteByIdentify($identify)
     if (!$this->_check() || !$identify) {
         return false;
     return pwQuery::delete($this->_tableName, "identify=:identify", array($identify));
Example #5
  * 批量删除用户信息
  * @param array $uids
  * @return bool
 function deleteKmdUserByUids($uids)
     if (!S::isArray($uids)) {
         return false;
     return pwQuery::delete($this->_tableName, "{$this->_primaryKey} IN (:{$this->_primaryKey})", array($uids));
  * 根据套餐id批量删除信息
  * @param array $sids
  * @return bool
 function deleteSpreadBySids($sids)
     if (!S::isArray($sids)) {
         return false;
     return pwQuery::delete($this->_tableName, "{$this->_primaryKey} IN (:{$this->_primaryKey})", array($sids));
  * 根据链接ID删除数据
  * @param int $sid  链接ID
  * @return int 删除行数
 function deleteBySid($sid)
     $sid = intval($sid);
     if ($sid < 1) {
         return null;
     pwQuery::delete($this->_tableName, "sid=:sid", array($sid));
     return $this->_db->affected_rows();
  * 删除用户关注的话题
  * @param int $topicId
  * @param int $userid
  * @return boolean
 function deleteAttentionedTopic($topicId, $userid)
     $userid = intval($userid);
     $topicId = intval($topicId);
     if (!$userid || !$topicId) {
         return false;
     pwQuery::delete($this->_tableName, "userid=:userid and topicid=:topicid", array($userid, $topicId));
     return true;
Example #9
        $db->update("UPDATE pw_cnclass SET cnsum='0'");
        $query = $db->query("SELECT classid,COUNT(*) AS sum FROM pw_colonys WHERE classid>0 GROUP BY classid");
        while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
            $db->update("UPDATE pw_cnclass SET cnsum=" . S::sqlEscape($rt['sum']) . ' WHERE fid=' . S::sqlEscape($rt['classid']));
        $j_url = "{$basename}&action=cache";
        adminmsg('operate_success', $j_url);
    } elseif ($_POST['step'] == 'delcolony') {
        $query = $db->query("SELECT id,cnimg FROM pw_colonys WHERE classid<1");
        while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query, MYSQL_NUM)) {
            $db->update("UPDATE pw_cmembers a LEFT JOIN pw_ouserdata o ON a.uid=o.uid SET o.groupnum=o.groupnum-1 WHERE a.colonyid=" . S::sqlEscape($rt[0], false) . ' AND o.groupnum>0');
            $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_argument WHERE cyid=" . S::sqlEscape($rt[0], false));
            $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_cmembers WHERE colonyid=" . S::sqlEscape($rt[0], false));
            //* $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_colonys  WHERE id=" . S::sqlEscape($rt[0],false));
            pwQuery::delete('pw_colonys', 'id=:id', array($rt[0]));
        adminmsg('operate_success', "{$basename}&action=cache");
} elseif ($action == 'level') {
    require_once A_P . 'action/admin_level.php';
} elseif ($action == 'style') {
    require_once R_P . 'apps/groups/lib/groupstyle.class.php';
    $groupStyle = new GroupStyle();
    $allStyles = $allStylesOfOpen = array();
    $allStyles = $groupStyle->getAllStyles();
    $openStyles = $groupStyle->getOpenStyles();
    $firstGradeStyleIds = $groupStyle->getFirstGradeStyleIds();
    $secondGradeStyles = $groupStyle->getGradeStylesByUpid($firstGradeStyleIds);
Example #10
            					'post'	=> $post,
            					'reply'	=> $reply
            $db->pw_update("SELECT * FROM pw_singleright WHERE uid=" . S::sqlEscape($uid), pwQuery::updateClause('pw_singleright', 'uid =:uid', array($uid), array('visit' => $visit, 'post' => $post, 'reply' => $reply)), pwQuery::insertClause('pw_singleright', array('uid' => $uid, 'visit' => $visit, 'post' => $post, 'reply' => $reply)));
    } elseif ($_POST['job'] == 'del') {
        S::gp(array('selid'), 'P');
        $tmpSelid = $selid;
        if (!($selid = checkselid($selid))) {
        //* $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_singleright WHERE uid IN($selid)");
        pwQuery::delete('pw_singleright', 'uid IN (:uid)', array($tmpSelid));
} elseif ($action == 'user') {
    //* include_once pwCache::getPath(D_P.'data/bbscache/level.php');
    //* include_once pwCache::getPath(D_P.'data/bbscache/forumcache.php');
    pwCache::getData(D_P . 'data/bbscache/level.php');
    pwCache::getData(D_P . 'data/bbscache/forumcache.php');
    S::gp(array('page', 'uid', 'fid', 'gid'), GP, 2);
    $username = S::escapeChar(S::getGP('username'));
    $groupcache = $pageurl = '';
    $u_d = array();
    list($hidefid, $hideforum) = GetHiddenForum();
    $forumcache = "<option></option>" . $forumcache . $hideforum;
    $groupcache = "<option></option>";
    $query = $db->query("SELECT gid,grouptitle FROM pw_usergroups WHERE gptype IN('system','special')");
Example #11
 function delDiaryByUids($uids)
     if (!$uids) {
         return false;
     		$uids = is_array($uids) ? $this->_getImplodeString($uids) : $this->_addSlashes($uids);
     		return $this->_db->update("DELETE FROM ".$this->_tableName. " WHERE uid IN( " .$uids. " )");
     $uids = is_array($uids) ? $uids : array($uids);
     return pwQuery::delete('pw_diary', 'uid IN(:uid)', array($uids));
Example #12
 function recountTopic($read, $ifdel, $recycle)
     global $db_anonymousname, $timestamp;
     $ret = 0;
     $tid = $read['tid'];
     $pw_posts = GetPtable($read['ptable']);
     $replies = $this->db->get_value("SELECT COUNT(*) AS replies FROM {$pw_posts} WHERE tid='{$tid}' AND ifcheck='1'");
     if (!$replies) {
         $read['anonymous'] && ($read['author'] = $db_anonymousname);
         if ($ifdel) {
             if ($recycle) {
                 //$this->db->update("UPDATE pw_threads SET fid='0',ifshield='0' WHERE tid='$tid'");
                 pwQuery::update('pw_threads', 'tid = :tid', array($tid), array('fid' => 0, 'ifshield' => 0));
             } else {
                 //* $threadManager = L::loadClass("threadmanager", 'forum');
                 //* $threadManager->deleteByThreadId($read['fid'], $tid);
                 $threadService = L::loadclass('threads', 'forum');
                 Perf::gatherInfo('changeThreadWithForumIds', array('fid' => $read['fid']));
                 $pw_tmsgs = GetTtable($tid);
                 //* $this->db->update("DELETE FROM $pw_tmsgs WHERE tid='$tid'");
                 pwQuery::delete($pw_tmsgs, 'tid=:tid', array($tid));
             $ret = 1;
         } else {
             $pwSQL = array('replies' => 0, 'lastposter' => $read['author']);
             !($read['lastpost'] > $timestamp || $read['locked'] > 2) && ($pwSQL['lastpost'] = $read['postdate']);
             //$this->db->update("UPDATE pw_threads SET " . S::sqlSingle($pwSQL) . " WHERE tid=" . S::sqlEscape($tid));
             pwQuery::update('pw_threads', 'tid = :tid', array($tid), $pwSQL);
     } else {
         $pt = $this->db->get_one("SELECT postdate,author,anonymous FROM {$pw_posts} WHERE tid='{$tid}' ORDER BY postdate DESC LIMIT 1");
         $pt['anonymous'] && ($pt['author'] = $db_anonymousname);
         $pwSQL = array('replies' => $replies, 'lastposter' => $pt['author']);
         !($read['lastpost'] > $timestamp || $read['locked'] > 2) && ($pwSQL['lastpost'] = $pt['postdate']);
         //$this->db->update("UPDATE pw_threads SET " . S::sqlSingle($pwSQL) . " WHERE tid=" . S::sqlEscape($tid));
         pwQuery::update('pw_threads', 'tid = :tid', array($tid), $pwSQL);
     return $ret;
Example #13
  * 根据工作经历id删除一条工作经历
  * @param int careerId 工作经历id
  * @return bool
 function deleteCareer($careerId)
     if (!$careerId) {
         return false;
     return pwQuery::delete($this->_tableName, 'careerid=:careerid', array($careerId));
Example #14
 S::gp(array('selid'), 'P', 1);
 if (is_array($selid)) {
     foreach ($selid as $value) {
         if (is_numeric($value)) {
             $selids[] = $value;
     $selids = S::sqlImplode($selids);
 !$selids && adminmsg('operate_error', "{$basename}&action=cp");
 $selids = strpos($selids, ',') !== false ? "IN ({$selids})" : "= {$selids}";
 $uids = $dids = array();
 $query = $db->query("SELECT uid,dtid,did FROM pw_diary WHERE did {$selids}");
 while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
     //$db->update("DELETE FROM pw_diary WHERE did=".S::sqlEscape($rt['did']));
     pwQuery::delete('pw_diary', 'did=:did', array($rt['did']));
     $db->update("UPDATE pw_diarytype SET num=num-1 WHERE dtid=" . S::sqlEscape($rt['dtid']));
     if ($affected_rows = delAppAction('diary', $rt['did'])) {
     $uids[] = $rt['uid'];
     $dids[] = $rt['did'];
 $uids = array_unique($uids);
 updateUserAppNum($uids, 'diary', 'recount');
 $weiboService = L::loadClass('weibo', 'sns');
 /* @var $weiboService PW_Weibo */
 $weiboArr = $weiboService->getWeibosByObjectIdsAndType($dids, 'diary');
 foreach ($weiboArr as $weibo) {
     $mids[] = $weibo['mid'];
 function delete($uid, $behavior)
     return pwQuery::delete($this->_tableName, "uid=:uid AND behavior=:behavior", array($uid, $behavior));
Example #16
        if ($db->get_value("SELECT COUNT(*) as sum FROM pw_cnalbum WHERE atype=1 AND ownerid=" . S::sqlEscape($cyid)) > 0) {
        if ($colony['cnimg']) {
            require_once R_P . 'require/functions.php';
            pwDelatt("cn_img/{$colony['cnimg']}", $db_ifftp);
        $query = $db->query("SELECT uid FROM pw_cmembers WHERE colonyid=" . S::sqlEscape($cyid) . " AND ifadmin != '-1'");
        while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
            $cMembers[] = $rt['uid'];
        updateUserAppNum($cMembers, 'group', 'minus');
        $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_cmembers WHERE colonyid=" . S::sqlEscape($cyid));
        //* $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_colonys WHERE id=" . S::sqlEscape($cyid));
        pwQuery::delete('pw_colonys', 'id=:id', array($cyid));
        $db->update("UPDATE pw_cnclass SET cnsum=cnsum-1 WHERE fid=" . S::sqlEscape($colony['classid']) . " AND cnsum>0");
        $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_argument WHERE cyid=" . S::sqlEscape($cyid));
        refreshto("apps.php?q=groups", '解散群组成功!');
} else {
function threadSetCheckOwnerPassword($ownerId, $inputPassword)
    $userService = L::loadClass('UserService', 'user');
    /* @var $userService PW_UserService */
    $userData = $userService->get($ownerId);
    return md5($inputPassword) == $userData['password'];
Example #17
 function deleteWeibosByMid($mids)
     if (empty($mids)) {
         return false;
     $mids = is_array($mids) ? $mids : array($mids);
     return pwQuery::delete($this->_tableName, 'mid IN (:mid)', array($mids));
     $sql = 'DELETE FROM '.$this->_tableName.' WHERE mid IN (' . S::sqlImplode($mids) . ') ';
     return true;
Example #18
  * 根据公司id删除记录
  * @param int $companyId 工作公司id
  * @return bool
 function deleteCompany($companyId)
     if (!$companyId) {
         return false;
     return pwQuery::delete($this->_tableName, 'companyid=:companyid', array($companyId));
Example #19
  * 取消评分
  * @param $tid
  * @param $pids
  * @param $params
 function deletePing($params = array())
     global $groupid, $windid, $winduid, $credit, $onlineip, $timestamp, $gp_gptype;
     //* $threadService = L::loadClass("threads", 'forum');
     require_once R_P . 'require/credit.php';
     foreach ($this->postData as $pid => $atc) {
         $rpid = $pid == 'tpc' ? '0' : $pid;
         // delete pinglog
         $pingdata = $this->db->get_one('SELECT * FROM pw_pinglog WHERE tid=' . S::sqlEscape($this->tid) . ' AND pid=' . S::sqlEscape($rpid) . ' AND pinger=' . S::sqlEscape($windid) . ' ORDER BY pingdate DESC LIMIT 1');
         //$this->db->update('DELETE FROM pw_pinglog WHERE id=' . S::sqlEscape($pingdata['id']));
         pwQuery::delete('pw_pinglog', 'id=:id', array($pingdata['id']));
         $this->update_markinfo($this->tid, $rpid);
         //* $threadService->clearTmsgsByThreadId($this->tid);
         Perf::gatherInfo('changeTmsgWithThreadIds', array('tid' => $this->tid));
         $addpoint = $pingdata['point'];
         if (!($cid = $credit->getCreditTypeByName($pingdata['name']))) {
         $cName = $credit->cType[$cid];
         $addpoint = $addpoint > 0 ? -$addpoint : abs($addpoint);
         !$atc['subject'] && ($atc['subject'] = substrs(strip_tags(convert($atc['content'])), 35));
         $credit->addLog('credit_delping', array($cid => $addpoint), array('uid' => $atc['authorid'], 'username' => $atc['author'], 'ip' => $onlineip, 'operator' => $windid, 'tid' => $this->tid, 'subject' => $atc['subject'], 'reason' => $params['atc_content']));
         $credit->set($atc['authorid'], $cid, $addpoint);
         if (!is_numeric($pid)) {
             //* $this->db->update('UPDATE pw_threads SET ifmark=ifmark+'.S::sqlEscape($addpoint).' WHERE tid='.S::sqlEscape($tid));
             $this->db->update(pwQuery::buildClause("UPDATE :pw_table SET ifmark=ifmark+:ifmark WHERE tid=:tid", array('pw_threads', $addpoint, $this->tid)));
         if ($params['ifmsg'] && !$atc['anonymous'] && $atc['author'] != $windid) {
             $title = getLangInfo('writemsg', 'delping_title', array('sender' => $windid, 'receiver' => $atc['author']));
             $content = getLangInfo('writemsg', 'delping_content', array('manager' => $windid, 'fid' => $atc['fid'], 'tid' => $this->tid, 'pid' => $pid, 'subject' => $atc['subject'], 'postdate' => get_date($atc['postdate']), 'forum' => strip_tags($this->forum->foruminfo['name']), 'affect' => "{$cName}:{$addpoint}", 'admindate' => get_date($timestamp), 'reason' => stripslashes($params['atc_content']), 'sender' => $windid, 'receiver' => $atc['author']));
             $this->sendMessage($atc['author'], $title, $content);
         if ($gp_gptype == 'system') {
             require_once R_P . 'require/writelog.php';
             $log = array('type' => 'credit', 'username1' => $atc['author'], 'username2' => $windid, 'field1' => $atc['fid'], 'field2' => '', 'field3' => '', 'descrip' => 'creditdel_descrip', 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'ip' => $onlineip, 'tid' => $this->tid, 'forum' => strip_tags($this->forum->foruminfo['name']), 'subject' => $atc['subject'], 'affect' => "{$name}:{$addpoint}", 'reason' => $params['atc_content']);
         $pingLog[$pid] = $pingdata['id'];
     defined('AJAX') && ($GLOBALS['pingLog'] = $pingLog);
     if ($this->forum->foruminfo['allowhtm'] && $_REQUEST['page'] == 1) {
         $StaticPage = L::loadClass('StaticPage');
     return true;
Example #20
  * 根据话题id删除话题
  * @param int|array $topicids 话题ID
  * @return bool
 function deleteTopicById($topicIds)
     !is_array($topicIds) && ($topicIds = array());
     if (!$topicIds) {
         return false;
     return pwQuery::delete($this->_tableName, 'topicid IN (:topicid)', array($topicIds));
Example #21
     $pw_attachs->updateByTid($fromdb['tid'], array('tid' => $totid));
     if ($ifmsg) {
         $msgdb[] = array('toUser' => $fromdb['author'], 'title' => getLangInfo('writemsg', 'unite_title', array('manager' => $windid)), 'content' => getLangInfo('writemsg', 'unite_content', array('manager' => $windid, 'fid' => $fid, 'tid' => $totid, 'subject' => $todb['subject'], 'postdate' => get_date($todb['postdate']), 'forum' => strip_tags($forum[$fid]['name']), 'admindate' => get_date($timestamp), 'reason' => stripslashes($atc_content))));
     $log = array('type' => 'unite', 'username1' => $fromdb['author'], 'username2' => $windid, 'field1' => $fid, 'field2' => '', 'field3' => '', 'descrip' => 'unite_descrip', 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'ip' => $onlineip, 'tid' => $totid, 'subject' => substrs($todb['subject'], 28), 'forum' => $forum[$fid]['name'], 'reason' => stripslashes($atc_content));
     $istucool && $tucoolService->delete($fromdb['tid']);
     $oldPid = $fromdb['pid'] == 'tpc' ? 0 : $fromdb['pid'];
     //$db->update(pwQuery::buildClause('UPDATE :pw_table SET tid=:tid1,pid=:pid WHERE tid=:tid AND pid=0', array('pw_pinglog', $totid, $pid, $fromdb['tid'])));
     //$db->update(pwQuery::buildClause('UPDATE :pw_table SET tid=:tid1 WHERE tid=:tid AND pid>0', array('pw_pinglog', $totid, $fromdb['tid'])));
     pwQuery::update('pw_pinglog', 'tid=:tid', array($fromdb['tid']), array('tid' => $totid, 'pid' => $pid));
     //pwQuery::update('pw_pinglog', 'tid=:tid AND pid>0', array($fromdb['tid']), array('tid'=>$totid));
     pwQuery::delete('pw_elements', 'id=:id AND type IN (:type)', array($fromdb['tid'], array('newpic', 'hitsort', 'hitsortday', 'hitsortweek', 'replysort', 'replysortday', 'replysortweek')));
 //$db->update("UPDATE pw_threads SET replies=replies+" . S::sqlEscape($replies, false) . " WHERE tid=" . S::sqlEscape($totid));
 $db->update(pwQuery::buildClause('UPDATE :pw_table SET replies=replies+:replies WHERE tid=:tid', array('pw_threads', $replies, $totid)));
 $pw_tmsgs = GetTtable($totid);
 //* $db->update("UPDATE $pw_tmsgs SET remindinfo=" . S::sqlEscape($remindinfo, false) . " WHERE tid=" . S::sqlEscape($totid));
 pwQuery::update($pw_tmsgs, 'tid=:tid', array($totid), array('remindinfo' => $remindinfo));
 $weiboService = L::loadClass('weibo', 'sns');
 $fromColonyIds && $weiboService->deleteWeibosByObjectIdsAndType($fromColonyIds, 'group_article');
 $fromArticleIds && $weiboService->deleteWeibosByObjectIdsAndType($fromArticleIds, 'article');
 $tousername = $db->get_value("SELECT author FROM pw_threads WHERE tid=" . S::sqlEscape($totid));
 M::sendNotice(array($tousername), array('title' => getLangInfo('writemsg', 'unite_title'), 'content' => getLangInfo('writemsg', 'unite_content', array('manager' => $windid, 'fid' => $fid, 'tid' => $totid, 'subject' => $todb['subject'], 'postdate' => get_date($todb['postdate']), 'forum' => strip_tags($forum[$fid]['name']), 'admindate' => get_date($timestamp), 'reason' => stripslashes($atc_content)))));
 if ($ifmsg) {
Example #22
  * 根据学校ID删除多条数据
  * @param int schoolIds 学校id
  * @return bool
 function deleteSchools($schoolIds)
     if (!S::isArray($schoolIds)) {
         return false;
     return pwQuery::delete($this->_tableName, 'schoolid IN (:schoolid)', array($schoolIds));
Example #23
            $tempKeywords[] = array('keyword' => $value, 'vieworder' => intval($new_view['vieworder'][$key]), 'fromtype' => 'custom', 'posttime' => $timestamp);
        if ($tempKeywords) {
            $db->update("INSERT INTO pw_searchhotwords(keyword,vieworder,fromtype,posttime) VALUES " . S::sqlMulti($tempKeywords));
        $hotwordsconfig['shownum'] = abs(intval($hotwordsconfig['shownum']));
        $hotwordsconfig['invokeperiod'] = abs(intval($hotwordsconfig['invokeperiod']));
        $autoInvoke = array('isOpne' => $hotwordsconfig['openautoinvoke'], 'period' => $hotwordsconfig['invokeperiod']);
        L::loadClass('hotwordssearcher', 'search/userdefine');
        $hotwordsServer = new PW_HotwordsSearcher();
        $hotwordsServer->update($autoInvoke, $hotwordsconfig['shownum']);
        if (!$hotwordsconfig['shownum']) {
            setConfig('db_hotwords', '');
        if (!$hotwordsconfig['invokeperiod']) {
            pwQuery::delete('pw_searchhotwords', 'fromtype=:id', array('auto'));
        $config['hotwordsconfig'] = $hotwordsconfig ? serialize($hotwordsconfig) : '';
        setConfig('db_opensch', $config['opensch']);
        setConfig('db_openbuildattachs', $config['openbuildattachs']);
        setConfig('db_maxresult', $config['maxresult']);
        setConfig('db_schwait', $config['schwait']);
        setConfig('db_hotwordsconfig', $config['hotwordsconfig']);
        setConfig('db_filterids', $config['filterids']);
        setConfig('db_operate_log', $config['operate_log']);
} elseif ($action == 'cp') {
    if (empty($job)) {
Example #24
                $toUsers = $newColony->checkMembers($selid);
            case 'del':
                $query = $db->query("SELECT username,ifadmin FROM pw_cmembers WHERE colonyid=" . S::sqlEscape($cyid) . ' AND uid IN(' . S::sqlImplode($selid) . ")");
                while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
                    if ($rt['username'] == $colony['admin']) {
                    if ($groupid != 3 && $rt['ifadmin'] == '1' && $colony['admin'] != $windid) {
                    $rt['ifadmin'] != -1 && $trueMemberCount++;
                    $toUsers[] = $rt['username'];
                //* $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_cmembers WHERE colonyid=" . S::sqlEscape($cyid) . " AND uid IN(" . S::sqlImplode($selid) . ")");
                pwQuery::delete('pw_cmembers', 'colonyid=:colonyid AND uid IN (:uid)', array($cyid, $selid));
                $newColony->updateInfoCount(array('members' => -$trueMemberCount));
                $colony['members'] -= $trueMemberCount;
                updateGroupLevel($colony['id'], $colony);
        if ($toUsers) {
            M::sendNotice($toUsers, array('title' => getLangInfo('writemsg', 'o_' . $operateStep . '_title', array('cname' => S::escapeChar($colony['cname']))), 'content' => getLangInfo('writemsg', 'o_' . $operateStep . '_content', array('cname' => S::escapeChar($colony['cname']), 'curl' => "{$db_bbsurl}/{$basename}cyid={$cyid}"))));
        refreshto("{$basename}", 'operate_success');
} elseif ($a == 'fanoutmsg') {
    define('AJAX', 1);
    !$ifadmin && Showmsg('undefined_action');
Example #25
  * 根据教育经历id删除多条教育经历
  * @param int educationIds 教育经历id
  * @return bool
 function deleteEducations($educationIds)
     if (!S::isArray($educationIds)) {
         return false;
     return pwQuery::delete($this->_tableName, 'educationid IN (:educationid)', array($educationIds));
Example #26
 function delColonyById($id)
     //* $this->_db->update("DELETE FROM pw_colonys WHERE id=" . S::sqlEscape($id));
     pwQuery::delete('pw_colonys', 'id=:id', array($id));
Example #27
     while ($commentResults = $db->fetch_array($commentQuery)) {
         $commentIds[] = $commentResults['cid'];
     $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_comment WHERE uid IN (" . S::sqlImplode($userIds) . ")");
     S::isArray($commentIds) && $db->update('DELETE FROM pw_weibo_cmrelations WHERE cid IN (' . S::sqlImplode($commentIds) . ')');
     $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_weibo_comment WHERE uid IN (" . S::sqlImplode($userIds) . ")");
     $db->update("UPDATE pw_weibo_content SET replies=0 WHERE uid IN(" . S::sqlImplode($userIds) . ")");
 if ($item & 256) {
     $userService = L::loadClass('userservice', 'user');
     /* @var $userService PW_Userservice */
     $userNames = $userService->getUserNamesByUserIds($userIds);
     if ($userNames) {
         //$db->update("DELETE FROM pw_pinglog WHERE pinger IN (".S::sqlImplode($userNames).")");
         pwQuery::delete('pw_pinglog', 'pinger IN (:pinger)', array($userNames));
     $collectionService = L::loadClass('collection', 'collection');
     /* @var $collectionService PW_Collection */
     $friendService = L::loadClass('friend', 'friend');
     /* @var $friendService PW_Friend */
     $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_attention WHERE uid IN (" . S::sqlImplode($userIds) . ")");
 $userCache = L::loadClass('userCache', 'user');
 adminmsg('operate_success', "{$basename}&action={$action}&groupid={$groupid}&schname=" . rawurlencode($schname) . "&schuid={$schuid}&schemail={$schemail}&postnum={$postnum}&onlinetime={$onlinetime}&regdate={$regdate}&schlastvisit={$schlastvisit}&orderway={$orderway}&asc={$asc}&lines={$lines}&page={$page}&skipcheck=1");
Example #28
function delforum($fid)
    global $db, $db_guestdir, $db_guestthread, $db_guestread;
    $foruminfo = $db->get_one("SELECT fid,fup,forumadmin FROM pw_forums WHERE fid=" . S::sqlEscape($fid));
    //$db->update("DELETE FROM pw_forums WHERE fid=".S::sqlEscape($fid));
    pwQuery::delete('pw_forums', 'fid=:fid', array($fid));
    //* $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_forumdata WHERE fid=".S::sqlEscape($fid));
    pwQuery::delete('pw_forumdata', 'fid=:fid', array($fid));
    $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_forumsextra WHERE fid=" . S::sqlEscape($fid));
    $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_permission WHERE fid>'0' AND fid=" . S::sqlEscape($fid));
    if ($foruminfo['forumadmin']) {
        $userService = L::loadClass('UserService', 'user');
        /* @var $userService PW_UserService */
        $forumadmin = explode(",", $foruminfo['forumadmin']);
        foreach ($forumadmin as $key => $value) {
            if ($value) {
                $gid = $userService->getByUserName($value);
                if ($gid['groupid'] == 5 && !ifadmin($value)) {
                    $userService->update($gid['uid'], array('groupid' => -1));
                    admincheck($gid['uid'], $value, $gid['groupid'], '', 'delete');
    if ($db_guestthread || $db_guestread) {
        require_once R_P . 'require/guestfunc.php';
        $db_guestthread && deldir(D_P . "{$db_guestdir}/T_{$fid}");
    //* P_unlink(D_P."data/forums/fid_{$fid}.php");
    pwCache::deleteData(D_P . "data/forums/fid_{$fid}.php");
    require_once R_P . 'require/functions.php';
    require_once R_P . 'require/updateforum.php';
    $pw_attachs = L::loadDB('attachs', 'forum');
    $ttable_a = $ptable_a = array();
    $query = $db->query("SELECT tid,replies,ptable FROM pw_threads WHERE fid=" . S::sqlEscape($fid));
    while ($tpc = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
        $tid = $tpc['tid'];
        $ttable_a[GetTtable($tid)][] = $tid;
        $ptable_a[$tpc['ptable']] = 1;
        $db_guestread && clearguestcache($tid, $tpc['replies']);
        if ($attachdb = $pw_attachs->getByTid($tid)) {
    foreach ($ttable_a as $pw_tmsgs => $val) {
        //* $val = S::sqlImplode($val,false);
        //* $db->update("DELETE FROM $pw_tmsgs WHERE tid IN($val)");
        pwQuery::delete($pw_tmsgs, 'tid IN(:tid)', array($val));
    # $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_threads WHERE fid=".S::sqlEscape($fid));
    # ThreadManager
    //* $threadManager = L::loadClass("threadmanager", 'forum');
    //* $threadManager->deleteByForumId($fid);
    $threadService = L::loadclass('threads', 'forum');
    //* Perf::gatherInfo('changeThreadWithForumIds', array('fid'=>$fid));
    foreach ($ptable_a as $key => $val) {
        $pw_posts = GetPtable($key);
        //$db->update("DELETE FROM $pw_posts WHERE fid=".S::sqlEscape($fid));
        pwQuery::delete($pw_posts, 'fid=:fid', array($fid));
Example #29
  * 基础删除一条数据查询语句
  * @param $id
  * @return unknown_type
 function _delete($id)
     if (!$this->_check() || $id < 1) {
         return false;
     //* $this->_db->update("DELETE FROM " . $this->_tableName . " WHERE " . $this->_primaryKey . "=" . $this->_addSlashes($id) . " LIMIT 1");
     return pwQuery::delete($this->_tableName, "{$this->_primaryKey}=:{$this->_primaryKey}", array($id));
Example #30
function recycle($ids)
    global $db, $fid;
    $delids = array();
    foreach ($ids as $key => $value) {
        if (is_numeric($value)) {
            $delids[] = $value;
    if ($delids) {
        $delids = S::sqlImplode($delids);
    } else {
    $query = $db->query("SELECT r.*,t.special,t.ifshield,t.ifupload,t.ptable,t.replies,t.fid AS ckfid FROM pw_recycle r LEFT JOIN pw_threads t ON r.tid=t.tid WHERE r.tid IN ({$delids}) AND r.pid='0' AND r.fid=" . S::sqlEscape($fid));
    $taid_a = $ttable_a = $ptable_a = array();
    $delids = $pollids = $actids = $delaids = $rewids = $ids = array();
    while (@extract($db->fetch_array($query))) {
        $ids[] = $tid;
        ($ifshield != '2' || $replies == '0' || $ckfid == '0') && ($delids[] = $tid);
        $special == 1 && ($pollids[] = $tid);
        $special == 2 && ($actids[] = $tid);
        $special == 3 && ($rewids[] = $tid);
        if ($ifshield != '2' || $replies == '0' || $ckfid == '0') {
            $ptable_a[$ptable] = 1;
            $ttable_a[GetTtable($tid)][] = $tid;
        if ($ifupload) {
            $taid_a[GetTtable($tid)][] = $tid;
            if ($ifshield != '2' || $replies == '0' || $ckfid == '0') {
                $pw_posts = GetPtable($ptable);
                $query2 = $db->query("SELECT aid FROM {$pw_posts} WHERE tid=" . S::sqlEscape($tid) . " AND aid!=''");
                while (@extract($db->fetch_array($query2))) {
                    if (!$aid) {
                    $attachs = unserialize(stripslashes($aid));
                    foreach ($attachs as $key => $value) {
                        is_numeric($key) && ($delaids[] = $key);
                        pwDelatt($value['attachurl'], $GLOBALS['db_ifftp']);
                        $value['ifthumb'] && pwDelatt("thumb/{$value['attachurl']}", $GLOBALS['db_ifftp']);
    foreach ($taid_a as $pw_tmsgs => $value) {
        $value = S::sqlImplode($value);
        $query = $db->query("SELECT aid FROM {$pw_tmsgs} WHERE tid IN({$value}) AND aid!=''");
        while (@extract($db->fetch_array($query))) {
            if (!$aid) {
            $attachs = unserialize(stripslashes($aid));
            foreach ($attachs as $key => $value) {
                is_numeric($key) && ($delaids[] = $key);
                pwDelatt($value['attachurl'], $GLOBALS['db_ifftp']);
                $value['ifthumb'] && pwDelatt("thumb/{$value['attachurl']}", $GLOBALS['db_ifftp']);
    if ($pollids) {
        $pollids = S::sqlImplode($pollids);
        $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_polls WHERE tid IN({$pollids})");
    if ($actids) {
        $actids = S::sqlImplode($actids);
        $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_activity WHERE tid IN({$actids})");
        $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_actmember WHERE actid IN({$actids})");
    if ($rewids) {
        $rewids = S::sqlImplode($rewids);
        $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_reward WHERE tid IN({$rewids})");
    if ($delaids) {
        $pw_attachs = L::loadDB('attachs', 'forum');
    //$delids  = S::sqlImplode($delids);
    if ($delids) {
        # $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_threads	WHERE tid IN($delids)");
        # ThreadManager
        //* $threadManager = L::loadClass("threadmanager", 'forum');
        //* $threadManager->deleteByThreadIds($fid,$delids);
        $threadService = L::loadclass('threads', 'forum');
        Perf::gatherInfo('changeThreadWithForumIds', array('fid' => $fid));
    foreach ($ttable_a as $pw_tmsgs => $val) {
        //* $val = S::sqlImplode($val);
        //* $db->update("DELETE FROM $pw_tmsgs WHERE tid IN($val)");
        pwQuery::delete($pw_tmsgs, 'tid IN(:tid)', array($val));
    foreach ($ptable_a as $key => $val) {
        $pw_posts = GetPtable($key);
        //$db->update("DELETE FROM $pw_posts WHERE tid IN($delids)");
        pwQuery::delete($pw_posts, 'tid IN(:tid)', array($delids));
    if ($ids) {
        $ids = S::sqlImplode($ids);
        $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_recycle WHERE tid IN ({$ids})");