<?php include_once 'conf/config.php'; include_once 'lang/pso_request.lang.inc'; include_once CLASS_PATH . 'pso_request.class.php'; globalizePost(); $obj = new pso_request(); $rows = MAX_PAGE_RECORDS; /** * Get query data */ $obj->Select(array('re_name', 're_company', 're_email', 're_phone', 'IF(re_published = 1, "' . $yesNo[$_SESSION['lang']][1] . '", "' . $yesNo[$_SESSION['lang']][0] . '") re_published', 're_id'), '', $whereClause . ' ORDER BY ' . ($_POST['sort'] - 2) . ' ' . $_POST['dir'], $_POST['page'], $rows, false); while (!$obj->EOF()) { $row = $obj->Row(); print ' <td> <input type="checkbox" name="chkRecord" id="chkRecord_' . $row->re_id . '" value="' . $row->re_id . '"/> </td>'; print ' <td>' . $row->re_name . '</td>'; print ' <td>' . $row->re_companmy . '</td>'; print ' <td>' . $row->re_email . '</td>'; print ' <td>' . $row->re_phone . '</td>'; print ' <td>' . $row->re_published . '</td>'; print ' <td> <div class="action-group btn-group pull-right mtm mbm"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" onclick="javascript:window.location.assign(\'pso_request.form.php?recordId=' . $row->re_id . '&in2Action=editRecord\');"><i class="fa fa-edit"></i> Edit</button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" onclick="javascript:deleteRecord(\'re_id\', ' . $row->re_id . ');"><i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i> Delete</button> </div> </td>'; print '</tr>'; }
include_once 'lang/pso_request.lang.inc'; include_once CLASS_PATH . 'pso_request.class.php'; /** * Add SESSION variable to prevent main form to REDO the delete action */ $_SESSION['REDO'] = true; /** * Errors Management */ if ($_GET['error'] == 1) { $notification = formatFormErrors($_SESSION['errorMsgs']); } $actScript = 'pso_request.form.php'; globalizeGet(); globalizePost(); $obj = new pso_request(); $title = getTitleFromMenuCaption('Request Quote'); // Update number values // Remove the thousands seperator $_REQUEST['re_id'] = str_replace(".", "", $_REQUEST['re_id']); $_REQUEST['re_id'] = str_replace(",", ".", $_REQUEST['re_id']); $_REQUEST['re_published'] = str_replace(".", "", $_REQUEST['re_published']); $_REQUEST['re_published'] = str_replace(",", ".", $_REQUEST['re_published']); // Set value of checkbox = 0 if not passed in the request $_REQUEST['re_published'] = isset($_REQUEST['re_published']) && $_REQUEST['re_published'] == "on" ? 1 : 0; switch ($in2Action) { case 'add': $_REQUEST['re_cruser'] = $_SESSION['us_id']; $_REQUEST['re_crdate'] = $_SESSION['us_id']; $lastId = $obj->InsertRequest(false); foreach ($_FILES as $uploadedFile) {
<?php include_once 'conf/config.php'; include_once 'lang/pso_request.lang.inc'; include_once CLASS_PATH . 'pso_request.class.php'; $actScript = 'pso_request.php'; globalizePost(); $obj = new pso_request(); $title = getTitleFromMenuCaption('Request Quote'); /** * Delete Record */ if (!$_SESSION['REDO']) { if ($re_id) { $re_ids = split('__', $re_id); foreach ($re_ids as $re_id) { $_REQUEST['re_id'] = $re_id; $obj->DeleteRequest(false); } } } unset($_SESSION['REDO']); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head><title>PSO | Dashboard</title> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="images/icons/favicon.ico"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="images/icons/favicon.png">