    $q0 = get_link()->prepare('UPDATE ' . get_ini('BDD_PREFIX') . 'core_processus SET timeout=:timeout WHERE id=:id');
    $q0->execute(array('timeout' => time() + $item_HEADER->getElementsByTagName('TIMEOUT')->item(0)->nodeValue, 'id' => $proc->id));
    // Include the file we need
    $g = $item_HEADER->getElementsByTagName('PLUGIN')->item(0)->nodeValue;
    $p = $item_HEADER->getElementsByTagName('PAGE')->item(0)->nodeValue;
    // Get the date
    $xmlDate = toTime($item_HEADER->getElementsByTagName('DATE')->item(0)->nodeValue);
    // If the Xsd file exist
    if (is_file('plugins/' . $g . '/xsd/' . $p . '.xsd') && $domXmlFile->schemaValidate('plugins/' . $g . '/xsd/' . $p . '.xsd') && is_file('plugins/' . $g . '/' . $p . '.php') || !is_file('plugins/' . $g . '/xsd/' . $p . '.xsd') && is_file('plugins/' . $g . '/' . $p . '.php')) {
        if ($g != 'core' && is_file('plugins/' . $g . '/__functions.php')) {
            require_once 'plugins/' . $g . '/__functions.php';
        include 'plugins/' . $g . '/' . $p . '.php';
    } else {
        $error = 'XML file is not valid or process file does not exist.';
} else {
    $error = 'XML file is not valid.';
// if ko, archive the file in the failed folder
if (isset($error)) {
    $procM->update($proc->id, 'failed', '100');
    rename(get_ini('UPLOAD_FOLDER') . 'running/' . $proc->cmd, get_ini('UPLOAD_FOLDER') . 'failed/' . time() . '-' . $proc->cmd);
} else {
    // if ok, archive the file
    rename(get_ini('UPLOAD_FOLDER') . 'running/' . $proc->cmd, get_ini('UPLOAD_FOLDER') . 'archived/' . time() . '-' . $proc->cmd);
    $procM->update($proc->id, 'ended', '100');
Example #2
foreach (glob(get_ini('UPLOAD_FOLDER') . "queue/*.xml") as $jobName) {
    $fileFullPath = str_replace('\\', '/', $jobName);
    $jobName = substr($jobName, strrpos($jobName, '/') + 1, strlen($jobName) - strrpos($jobName, '/') - 1);
    // Valid the xml file with XSD
    $domXmlFile = new DOMDocument();
    $domXmlFile->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
    $domXmlFile->Load(get_ini('UPLOAD_FOLDER') . 'queue/' . $jobName);
    if ($domXmlFile->schemaValidate('plugins/core/xsd/core.xsd')) {
        if ($procM->getId($jobName) == 0) {
            $childProcId = $procM->create(0, $jobName, '', 10);
            if ($procM->getCount($jobName) > 1) {
                // Wait some millisecond to avoid concurent write
                usleep(mt_rand(100, 20000));
                if ($procM->getCount($jobName) > 1) {
            echo _('#core#_#18#') . ' ' . $jobName . '.<BR>';
            $proc = new processus($childProcId);
            $procM->update($proc->id, 'running', '2');
            if (file_exists(get_ini('UPLOAD_FOLDER') . 'running/' . $jobName)) {
                unlink(get_ini('UPLOAD_FOLDER') . 'running/' . $jobName);
            rename(get_ini('UPLOAD_FOLDER') . 'queue/' . $jobName, get_ini('UPLOAD_FOLDER') . 'running/' . $jobName);
            // Get header data
            $item_XML = $domXmlFile->getElementsByTagName('XML')->item(0);
            $item_HEADER = $item_XML->getElementsByTagName('HEADER')->item(0);
            $item_DATA = $item_XML->getElementsByTagName('DATA')->item(0);
            // Set timeout both on execution script and in the database