Example #1
function postcalendar_admin_categoriesConfirm()
    if (!PC_ACCESS_ADMIN) {
        return _POSTCALENDAR_NOAUTH;
    $output = new pnHTML();
    $header = <<<EOF
\t<body bgcolor=
    $header .= '"' . $GLOBALS['style']['BGCOLOR2'] . '">';
    list($id, $del, $name, $value_cat_type, $desc, $color, $event_repeat, $event_repeat_freq, $event_repeat_freq_type, $event_repeat_on_num, $event_repeat_on_day, $event_repeat_on_freq, $durationh, $durationm, $end_date_flag, $end_date_type, $end_date_freq, $end_all_day, $newname, $newdesc, $newcolor, $new_event_repeat, $new_event_repeat_freq, $new_event_repeat_freq_type, $new_event_repeat_on_num, $new_event_repeat_on_day, $new_event_repeat_on_freq, $new_durationh, $new_durationm, $new_limitid, $new_end_date_flag, $new_end_date_type, $new_end_date_freq, $new_end_all_day, $new_value_cat_type) = pnVarCleanFromInput('id', 'del', 'name', 'value_cat_type', 'desc', 'color', 'event_repeat', 'event_repeat_freq', 'event_repeat_freq_type', 'event_repeat_on_num', 'event_repeat_on_day', 'event_repeat_on_freq', 'durationh', 'durationm', 'end_date_flag', 'end_date_type', 'end_date_freq', 'end_all_day', 'newname', 'newdesc', 'newcolor', 'newevent_repeat', 'newevent_repeat_freq', 'newevent_repeat_freq_type', 'newevent_repeat_on_num', 'newevent_repeat_on_day', 'newevent_repeat_on_freq', 'newdurationh', 'newdurationm', 'newlimitid', 'newend_date_flag', 'newend_date_type', 'newend_date_freq', 'newend_all_day', 'newvalue_cat_type');
    //data validation
    foreach ($name as $i => $item) {
        if (empty($item)) {
            $output->Text(postcalendar_admin_categories($msg, "Category Names must contain a value!"));
            return $output->GetOutput();
        $tmp = $color[$i];
        if (strlen($tmp) != 7 || $tmp[0] != "#") {
            $e = $tmp . " size " . strlen($tmp) . " at 0 " . $tmp[0];
            $output->Text(postcalendar_admin_categories($msg, "You entered an invalid color(USE Pick) {$e}!"));
            return $output->GetOutput();
    foreach ($durationh as $i => $val) {
        if (!is_numeric($durationh[$i]) || !is_numeric($durationm[$i]) || !is_numeric($event_repeat_freq[$i]) || !is_numeric($event_repeat_on_freq[$i]) || !is_numeric($end_date_freq[$i])) {
            $output->Text(postcalendar_admin_categories($msg, " Hours, Minutes and recurrence values must be numeric!"));
            return $output->GetOutput();
    if (!empty($newnam)) {
        if (!is_numeric($new_durationh) || !is_numeric($new_durationm) || !is_numeric($new_event_repeat_freq) || !is_numeric($new_event_repeat_on_freq) || !is_numeric($new_end_date_freq)) {
            $output->Text(postcalendar_admin_categories($msg, "Hours, Minutes and recurrence values must be numeric!"));
            return $output->GetOutput();
    $new_duration = $new_durationh * (60 * 60) + $new_durationm * 60;
    $event_recurrspec = serialize(compact('event_repeat_freq', 'event_repeat_freq_type', 'event_repeat_on_num', 'event_repeat_on_day', 'event_repeat_on_freq'));
    $new_event_recurrspec = serialize(compact('new_event_repeat_freq', 'new_event_repeat_freq_type', 'new_event_repeat_on_num', 'new_event_repeat_on_day', 'new_event_repeat_on_freq'));
    if (is_array($del)) {
        $dels = implode(',', $del);
        $delText = _PC_DELETE_CATS . $dels . '.';
    $output->FormStart(pnModURL(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'admin', 'categoriesUpdate'));
    // deletions
    if (isset($delText)) {
        $output->FormHidden('dels', $dels);
    if (!empty($newname)) {
        $output->FormHidden('newname', $newname);
        $output->FormHidden('newdesc', $newdesc);
        $output->FormHidden('newvalue_cat_type', $new_value_cat_type);
        $output->FormHidden('newcolor', $newcolor);
        $output->FormHidden('newevent_repeat', $new_event_repeat);
        $output->FormHidden('newevent_recurrfreq', $new_event_repeat_freq);
        $output->FormHidden('newevent_recurrspec', $new_event_recurrspec);
        $output->FormHidden('newduration', $new_duration);
        $output->FormHidden('newlimitid', $new_limitid);
        $output->FormHidden('newend_date_flag', $new_end_date_flag);
        $output->FormHidden('newend_date_type', $new_end_date_type);
        $output->FormHidden('newend_date_freq', $new_end_date_freq);
        $output->FormHidden('newend_all_day', $new_end_all_day);
        $output->Text(_PC_ADD_CAT . $newname . '.');
    $output->FormHidden('id', serialize($id));
    $output->FormHidden('del', serialize($del));
    $output->FormHidden('name', serialize($name));
    $output->FormHidden('desc', serialize($desc));
    $output->FormHidden('value_cat_type', serialize($value_cat_type));
    $output->FormHidden('color', serialize($color));
    $output->FormHidden('event_repeat', serialize($event_repeat));
    $output->FormHidden('event_recurrspec', $event_recurrspec);
    $output->FormHidden('durationh', serialize($durationh));
    $output->FormHidden('durationm', serialize($durationm));
    $output->FormHidden('end_date_flag', serialize($end_date_flag));
    $output->FormHidden('end_date_type', serialize($end_date_type));
    $output->FormHidden('end_date_freq', serialize($end_date_freq));
    $output->FormHidden('end_all_day', serialize($end_all_day));
    return $output->GetOutput();
Example #2
function postcalendar_user_submit2($args)
    if (!(bool) PC_ACCESS_ADD) {
    $category = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_category');
    print "dble is " . pnVarCleanFromInput('double_book') . " data_loaded is " . pnVarCleanFromInput('data_loaded');
    if (pnVarCleanFromInput('data_loaded') || !empty($category)) {
        return postcalendar_user_submit2($agrs);
    } else {
        //select the category you wish to add,
        //using the info from that category we can populate some data
        $output = new pnHTML();
        $output->Text('<body bgcolor="' . $GLOBALS['style']['BGCOLOR2'] . '"></body>');
        // get the theme globals :: is there a better way to do this?
        $all_categories = pnModAPIFunc(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'admin', 'getCategories');
        $output->Text('<form name="cats" method="post" action="' . pnModURL(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'submit2', $args) . '">');
        $output->FormHidden('no_nav', $_GET['no_nav']);
        $output->FormHidden('event_startampm', $_GET['event_startampm']);
        $output->FormHidden('event_starttimeh', $_GET['event_starttimeh']);
        $output->FormHidden('event_starttimem', $_GET['event_starttimem']);
        $output->FormHidden('event_startmonth', $_GET['event_startmonth']);
        $output->FormHidden('event_startday', $_GET['event_startday']);
        $output->FormHidden('event_startyear', $_GET['event_startyear']);
        $output->FormHidden('event_category', $_GET['event_category']);
        $output->FormHidden('event_dur_minutes', $_GET['event_dur_minutes']);
        $output->FormHidden('provider_id', $_GET['provider_id']);
        $output->FormHidden('patient_id', $_GET['patient_id']);
        $output->FormHidden('module', $_GET['module']);
        $output->FormHidden('func', $_GET['func']);
        $output->FormHidden('Date', $_GET['Date']);
        $select = array();
        foreach ($all_categories as $cat) {
            array_push($select, array('name' => $cat['name'], 'id' => base64_encode(serialize($cat))));
        $output->Text('Select a Category');
        $output->FormSelectMultiple('category', $select);
        return $output->GetOutput();
    //return postcalendar_user_submit2($args);
function modules_admin_modify()
    list($dbconn) = pnDBGetConn();
    $pntable = pnDBGetTables();
    $output = new pnHTML();
    $id = pnVarCleanFromInput('id');
    $dbid = pnVarPrepForStore($id);
    $modulestable = $pntable['modules'];
    $modulescolumn =& $pntable['modules_column'];
    $query = "SELECT {$modulescolumn['name']},\n                     {$modulescolumn['displayname']},\n                     {$modulescolumn['description']}\n              FROM {$modulestable}\n              WHERE {$modulescolumn['id']} = {$dbid}";
    $result = $dbconn->Execute($query);
    if ($result->EOF) {
        return $output->GetOutput();
    list($name, $displayname, $description) = $result->fields;
    if (!pnSecAuthAction(0, 'Modules::', "{$name}::{$id}", ACCESS_ADMIN)) {
        return $output->GetOutput();
    // Start form
    $output->FormStart(pnModURL('Modules', 'admin', 'update'));
    $output->FormHidden('authid', pnSecGenAuthKey());
    $output->FormHidden('id', $id);
    // Name
    $output->FormText('newdisplayname', $displayname, 30, 30);
    // Description
    $output->FormText('newdescription', $description, 60, 254);
    // Hooks
    $hookstable = $pntable['hooks'];
    $hookscolumn =& $pntable['hooks_column'];
    $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT {$hookscolumn['smodule']},\n                            {$hookscolumn['tmodule']}\n            FROM {$hookstable}\n            WHERE {$hookscolumn['smodule']} IS NULL\n            OR {$hookscolumn['smodule']} = '" . pnVarPrepForStore($name) . "'\n            ORDER BY {$hookscolumn['tmodule']},\n                     {$hookscolumn['smodule']} DESC";
    $result = $dbconn->Execute($sql);
    $displayed = array();
    for (; !$result->EOF; $result->MoveNext()) {
        list($smodname, $tmodname) = $result->fields;
        // Only display once
        if (isset($displayed[$tmodname])) {
        $displayed[$tmodname] = true;
        if (!empty($smodname)) {
            $checked = 1;
        } else {
            $checked = 0;
        $output->Text(_MODULESACTIVATE . ' ' . strtolower($tmodname) . ' ' . _MODULESFORTHIS);
        $output->FormCheckbox('hooks_' . pnVarPrepForDisplay($tmodname), $checked);
    // End form
    return $output->GetOutput();
Example #4
function postcalendar_adminapi_buildAdminList($args)
    $output = new pnHTML();
    // get the theme globals :: is there a better way to do this?
    global $bgcolor1, $bgcolor2, $bgcolor3, $bgcolor4, $bgcolor5;
    global $textcolor1, $textcolor2;
    $formUrl = pnModUrl(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'admin', 'adminevents');
    $output->Text('<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" width="100%" bgcolor="' . $bgcolor2 . '"><tr><td>');
    $output->Text('<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%" bgcolor="' . $bgcolor1 . '"><tr><td>');
    $output->Text('<center><font size="4"><b>' . $title . '</b></font></center>');
    $output->Text('<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" width="100%" bgcolor="' . $bgcolor2 . '"><tr><td>');
    $output->Text('<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%" bgcolor="' . $bgcolor1 . '">');
    if (!$result || $result->EOF) {
        $output->Text('<tr><td width="100%" bgcolor="' . $bgcolor1 . '" align="center"><b>' . _PC_NO_EVENTS . '</b></td></tr>');
    } else {
        $output->Text('<tr><td bgcolor="' . $bgcolor1 . '" align="center"><b>' . _PC_EVENTS . '</b></td></tr>');
        $output->Text('<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%" bgcolor="' . $bgcolor1 . '">');
        // build sorting urls
        if (!isset($sdir)) {
            $sdir = 1;
        } else {
            $sdir = $sdir ? 0 : 1;
        $title_sort_url = pnModUrl(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'admin', $function, array('offset' => $offset, 'sort' => 'title', 'sdir' => $sdir));
        $time_sort_url = pnModUrl(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'admin', $function, array('offset' => $offset, 'sort' => 'time', 'sdir' => $sdir));
        $output->Text('<tr><td>select</td><td><a href="' . $title_sort_url . '">title</a></td><td><a href="' . $time_sort_url . '">timestamp</a><td></tr>');
        // output the queued events
        $count = 0;
        for (; !$result->EOF; $result->MoveNext()) {
            list($eid, $title, $timestamp) = $result->fields;
            $output->Text('<td align="center" valign="top">');
            $output->FormCheckbox('pc_event_id[]', false, $eid);
            $output->Text('<td  align="left" valign="top" width="100%">');
            $output->URL(pnModURL(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'admin', 'edit', array('pc_event_id' => $eid)), pnVarPrepHTMLDisplay(postcalendar_removeScriptTags($title)));
            $output->Text('<td  align="left" valign="top" nowrap>');
    if ($result->NumRows()) {
        // action to take?
        $output->Text('<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" width="100%" bgcolor="' . $bgcolor2 . '"><tr><td>');
        $output->Text('<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%" bgcolor="' . $bgcolor1 . '"><tr>');
        $output->Text('<td align="left" valign="middle">');
        $seldata[0]['id'] = _ADMIN_ACTION_VIEW;
        $seldata[0]['selected'] = 1;
        $seldata[0]['name'] = _PC_ADMIN_ACTION_VIEW;
        $seldata[1]['id'] = _ADMIN_ACTION_APPROVE;
        $seldata[1]['selected'] = 0;
        $seldata[1]['name'] = _PC_ADMIN_ACTION_APPROVE;
        $seldata[2]['id'] = _ADMIN_ACTION_HIDE;
        $seldata[2]['selected'] = 0;
        $seldata[2]['name'] = _PC_ADMIN_ACTION_HIDE;
        $seldata[3]['id'] = _ADMIN_ACTION_DELETE;
        $seldata[3]['selected'] = 0;
        $seldata[3]['name'] = _PC_ADMIN_ACTION_DELETE;
        $output->FormSelectMultiple('action', $seldata);
        $output->FormHidden('thelist', $function);
        // start previous next links
        $output->Text('<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" width="100%" bgcolor="' . $bgcolor2 . '"><tr><td>');
        $output->Text('<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%" bgcolor="' . $bgcolor1 . '"><tr>');
        if ($offset > 1) {
            $output->Text('<td align="left">');
            $next_link = pnModUrl(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'admin', $function, array('offset' => $offset - $offset_increment, 'sort' => $sort, 'sdir' => $sdir));
            $output->Text('<a href="' . $next_link . '"><< ' . _PC_PREV . ' ' . $offset_increment . '</a>');
        } else {
            $output->Text('<td align="left"><< ' . _PC_PREV . '</td>');
        if ($result->NumRows() >= $offset_increment) {
            $output->Text('<td align="right">');
            $next_link = pnModUrl(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'admin', $function, array('offset' => $offset + $offset_increment, 'sort' => $sort, 'sdir' => $sdir));
            $output->Text('<a href="' . $next_link . '">' . _PC_NEXT . ' ' . $offset_increment . ' >></a>');
        } else {
            $output->Text('<td align="right">' . _PC_NEXT . ' >></td>');
    // end previous next links
    return $output->GetOutput();
Example #5
  * composite function for generic confirmation of action
  * @param string $confirm_text Confirmation message to display
  * @param string $confirm_url URL to go to if confirm button is clicked
  * @param string $cancel_text Link text cor the cancel message
  * @param string $cancel_url URL to go to is action is canceled
  * @param array $arg An array of args to create hidden fields for
  * @access public
 function ConfirmAction($confirm_text, $confirm_url, $cancel_text, $cancel_url, $arg = array())
     $compoutput = new pnHTML();
     $arg['confirm'] = 1;
     $arg['authid'] = pnSecGenAuthKey();
     $arg['confirmation'] = 1;
     $compoutput->URL($cancel_url, $cancel_text);
     if ($this->GetOutputMode() == _PNH_RETURNOUTPUT) {
         return $compoutput->PrintPage();
     } else {
         $this->output .= $compoutput->GetOutput();
Example #6
function dplink_adminmenu()
    $theme = pnUserGetTheme();
    // Create output object
    $output = new pnHTML();
    // Security check
    if (!pnSecAuthAction(0, 'dplink::', '::', ACCESS_ADMIN)) {
        return $output->GetOutput();
    $oTable = ob_get_contents();
    $output->Title(pnVarPrepHTMLDisplay('<b>' . _SHIMLINK . '</b>'));
    $cTable = ob_get_contents();
    // Start form
    $output->FormStart(pnModURL('dplink', 'admin', 'updateconfig'));
    // Add an authorisation ID
    $output->FormHidden('authid', pnSecGenAuthKey());
    // Start the table that holds the information to be modified.
    $oTable = ob_get_contents();
    // dplink location
    $row = array();
    $row[] = $output->Text(pnVarPrepHTMLDisplay(_MODSUBJECT));
    $row[] = $output->FormText('url', pnModGetVar('dplink', 'url'), 50, 50);
    $output->TableAddrow($row, 'left');
    // Warning
    $row = array();
    $row[] = $output->Text(pnVarPrepHTMLDisplay(_MODWARNING));
    $output->TableAddrow($row, 'left');
    // Use I-frame
    $row = array();
    $row[] = $output->Text(pnVarPrepHTMLDisplay(_MODWRAP));
    $row[] = $output->FormCheckbox('use_wrap', pnModGetVar('dplink', 'use_wrap'));
    $output->TableAddrow($row, 'left');
    // Open in New >Window
    $row = array();
    $row[] = $output->Text(pnVarPrepHTMLDisplay(_MODWINDOW));
    $row[] = $output->FormCheckbox('use_window', pnModGetVar('dplink', 'use_window'));
    $output->TableAddrow($row, 'left');
    $cTable = ob_get_contents();
    // End form
    $oTable = ob_get_contents();
    $output->Text('<div align="center"><br>');
    $cTable = ob_get_contents();
    // Return the output that has been generated by this function
    return $output->GetOutput();
 * This is a standard function to modify the configuration parameters of the
 * module
function template_admin_modifyconfig()
    // Create output object - this object will store all of our output so that
    // we can return it easily when required
    $output = new pnHTML();
    // Security check - important to do this as early as possible to avoid
    // potential security holes or just too much wasted processing
    if (!pnSecAuthAction(0, 'Template::', '::', ACCESS_ADMIN)) {
        return $output->GetOutput();
    // Add menu to output - it helps if all of the module pages have a standard
    // menu at their head to aid in navigation
    // Title - putting a title ad the head of each page reminds the user what
    // they are doing
    // Start form - note the use of pnModURL() to create the recipient URL of
    // this form.  All URLs should be generated through pnModURL() to ensure
    // compatibility with future versions of PostNuke
    $output->FormStart(pnModURL('Template', 'admin', 'updateconfig'));
    // Add an authorisation ID - this adds a hidden field in the form that
    // contains an authorisation ID.  The authorisation ID is very important in
    // preventing certain attacks on the website
    $output->FormHidden('authid', pnSecGenAuthKey());
    // Start the table that holds the information to be modified.  Note how
    // each item in the form is kept logically separate in the code; this helps
    // to see which part of the code is responsible for the display of each
    // item, and helps with future modifications
    // Bold
    $row = array();
    $row[] = $output->Text(pnVarPrepForDisplay(_TEMPLATEDISPLAYBOLD));
    $row[] = $output->FormCheckbox('bold', pnModGetVar('Template', 'bold'));
    $output->TableAddrow($row, 'left');
    // Number of items to display per page
    $row = array();
    $row[] = $output->Text(pnVarPrepForDisplay(_TEMPLATEITEMSPERPAGE));
    $row[] = $output->FormText('itemsperpage', pnModGetVar('Template', 'itemsperpage'), 3, 3);
    $output->TableAddrow($row, 'left');
    // End form
    // Return the output that has been generated by this function
    return $output->GetOutput();