Example #1
  * M�thode qui convertit une date ISO au format humain en tenant compte du formatage pass� en param�tre
  * @param	date		date au format AAAAMMJJ
  * @param	format		format de la date de sortie (variable: #minute,#hour,#day,#month,#num_day,#num_month,#num_year(2),#num_year(4))
  * @return	date		date format�e au format humain 
 public static function dateIsoToHum($date, $format = '#day #num_day #month #num_year(4)')
     # On decoupe notre date
     $year4 = substr($date, 0, 4);
     $year2 = substr($date, 2, 2);
     $month = substr($date, 5, 2);
     $day = substr($date, 8, 2);
     $day_num = @date('w', @mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year4));
     $hour = substr($date, 11, 2);
     $minute = substr($date, 14, 2);
     # On retourne notre date au format humain
     $format = str_replace('#minute', $minute, $format);
     $format = str_replace('#hour', $hour, $format);
     $format = str_replace('#day', plxDate::getCalendar('day', $day_num), $format);
     $format = str_replace('#month', plxDate::getCalendar('month', $month), $format);
     $format = str_replace('#num_day', $day, $format);
     $format = str_replace('#num_month', $month, $format);
     $format = str_replace('#num_year(2)', $year2, $format);
     $format = str_replace('#num_year(4)', $year4, $format);
     return $format;
Example #2
    if (!isset($plxAdmin->aStats[$id])) {
        header('Location: statiques.php');
    # On récupère le contenu
    $content = trim($plxAdmin->getFileStatique($id));
    $title = $plxAdmin->aStats[$id]['name'];
    $url = $plxAdmin->aStats[$id]['url'];
    $active = $plxAdmin->aStats[$id]['active'];
    $title_htmltag = $plxAdmin->aStats[$id]['title_htmltag'];
    $meta_description = $plxAdmin->aStats[$id]['meta_description'];
    $meta_keywords = $plxAdmin->aStats[$id]['meta_keywords'];
    $template = $plxAdmin->aStats[$id]['template'];
    $date_creation = plxDate::date2Array($plxAdmin->aStats[$id]['date_creation']);
    $date_update = plxDate::date2Array($plxAdmin->aStats[$id]['date_update']);
} else {
    # Sinon, on redirige
    header('Location: statiques.php');
# On récupère les templates des pages statiques
$aTemplates = array();
$files = plxGlob::getInstance(PLX_ROOT . $plxAdmin->aConf['racine_themes'] . $plxAdmin->aConf['style']);
if ($array = $files->query('/^static(-[a-z0-9-_]+)?.php$/')) {
    foreach ($array as $k => $v) {
        $aTemplates[$v] = $v;
if (empty($aTemplates)) {
    $aTemplates[''] = L_NONE1;
Example #3
            } else {
                $libCats = L_UNCLASSIFIED;
        # en attente de validation ?
        $idArt = $plxAdmin->plxRecord_arts->f('numero');
        $awaiting = $idArt[0] == '_' ? ' - <strong>' . L_AWAITING . '</strong>' : '';
        # Commentaires
        $nbComsToValidate = $plxAdmin->getNbCommentaires('/^_' . $idArt . '.(.*).xml$/', 'all');
        $nbComsValidated = $plxAdmin->getNbCommentaires('/^' . $idArt . '.(.*).xml$/', 'all');
        # On affiche la ligne
        echo '<tr>';
        echo '<td><input type="checkbox" name="idArt[]" value="' . $idArt . '" /></td>';
        echo '<td>' . $idArt . '</td>';
        echo '<td>' . plxDate::formatDate($plxAdmin->plxRecord_arts->f('date')) . '&nbsp;</td>';
        echo '<td class="wrap"><a href="article.php?a=' . $idArt . '" title="' . L_ARTICLE_EDIT_TITLE . '">' . plxUtils::strCheck($plxAdmin->plxRecord_arts->f('title')) . '</a>' . $draft . $awaiting . '&nbsp;</td>';
        echo '<td>' . $libCats . '&nbsp;</td>';
        echo '<td><a title="' . L_NEW_COMMENTS_TITLE . '" href="comments.php?sel=offline&amp;a=' . $plxAdmin->plxRecord_arts->f('numero') . '&amp;page=1">' . $nbComsToValidate . '</a> / <a title="' . L_VALIDATED_COMMENTS_TITLE . '" href="comments.php?sel=online&amp;a=' . $plxAdmin->plxRecord_arts->f('numero') . '&amp;page=1">' . $nbComsValidated . '</a>&nbsp;</td>';
        echo '<td>' . plxUtils::strCheck($author) . '&nbsp;</td>';
        echo '<td>';
        echo '<a href="article.php?a=' . $idArt . '" title="' . L_ARTICLE_EDIT_TITLE . '">' . L_ARTICLE_EDIT . '</a>';
        if ($publi and $draft == '') {
            # Si l'article est publié
            echo ' | <a href="' . PLX_ROOT . '?article' . intval($idArt) . '/' . $plxAdmin->plxRecord_arts->f('url') . '" title="' . L_ARTICLE_VIEW_TITLE . '">' . L_ARTICLE_VIEW . '</a>';
        echo "&nbsp;</td>";
        echo "</tr>";
} else {
    # Pas d'article
Example #4
    # On va rechercher notre article
    if (($aFile = $plxAdmin->plxGlob_arts->query('/^' . $_GET['a'] . '.(.+).xml$/')) == false) {
        # Article inexistant
        header('Location: index.php');
    # On parse et alimente nos variables
    $result = $plxAdmin->parseArticle(PLX_ROOT . $plxAdmin->aConf['racine_articles'] . $aFile['0']);
    $title = trim($result['title']);
    $chapo = trim($result['chapo']);
    $content = trim($result['content']);
    $tags = trim($result['tags']);
    $author = $result['author'];
    $url = $result['url'];
    $date = plxDate::date2Array($result['date']);
    $catId = explode(',', $result['categorie']);
    $artId = $result['numero'];
    $allow_com = $result['allow_com'];
    $template = $result['template'];
    $meta_description = $result['meta_description'];
    $meta_keywords = $result['meta_keywords'];
    $title_htmltag = $result['title_htmltag'];
    if ($author != $_SESSION['user'] and $_SESSION['profil'] == PROFIL_WRITER) {
        header('Location: index.php');
    # Hook Plugins
} else {
Example #5
  * Méthode qui affiche la date de la dernière modification du produit selon le format choisi
  * @param    format    format du texte de la date (variable: #minute, #hour, #day, #month, #num_day, #num_month, #num_year(4), #num_year(2))
  * @return    stdout
  * @scope    product
  * @author    David.L
 public function productDate($format = '#day #num_day #month #num_year(4)')
     # On genere le nom du fichier dont on veux récupérer la date
     $file = PLX_ROOT . 'data/products/' . $this->productNumber();
     $file .= '.' . $this->aProds[$this->productNumber()]['url'] . '.php';
     # Test de l'existence du fichier
     if (!is_file($file)) {
     # On récupère la date de la dernière modification du fichier qu'on formate
     echo plxDate::formatDate(date('YmdHi', filemtime($file)), $format);
Example #6
  * Méthode qui affiche le flux atom des commentaires du site pour l'administration
  * @return	flux sur stdout
  * @author	Florent MONTHEL
 public function getAdminCommentaires()
     # Traitement initial
     $last_updated = '';
     $entry = '';
     if ($this->cible == '_') {
         # Commentaires hors ligne
         $link = $this->racine . 'core/admin/commentaires_offline.php?page=1';
         $title = $this->aConf['title'] . ' - Commentaires hors ligne';
         $link_feed = $this->racine . 'feed.php?admin' . $this->clef . '/commentaires/hors-ligne';
     } else {
         # Commentaires en ligne
         $link = $this->racine . 'core/admin/commentaires_online.php?page=1';
         $title = $this->aConf['title'] . ' - Commentaires en ligne';
         $link_feed = $this->racine . 'feed.php?admin' . $this->clef . '/commentaires/en-ligne';
     # On va boucler sur les commentaires (si il y'en a)
     if ($this->plxRecord_coms) {
         while ($this->plxRecord_coms->loop()) {
             $artId = $this->plxRecord_coms->f('article') + 0;
             $comId = $this->cible . $this->plxRecord_coms->f('article') . '.' . $this->plxRecord_coms->f('numero');
             $title_com = $this->plxRecord_coms->f('author') . ' le ';
             $title_com .= plxDate::dateIsoToHum($this->plxRecord_coms->f('date'), '#day #num_day #month #num_year(4), #hour:#minute');
             $link_com = $this->racine . 'core/admin/commentaire.php?c=' . $comId;
             # On check la date de publication
             if ($this->plxRecord_coms->f('date') > $last_updated) {
                 $last_updated = $this->plxRecord_coms->f('date');
             # On affiche le flux dans un buffer
             $entry .= '<entry>' . "\n";
             $entry .= "\t" . '<title type="html">' . plxUtils::strCheck($title_com) . '</title> ' . "\n";
             $entry .= "\t" . '<link href="' . $link_com . '"/>' . "\n";
             $entry .= "\t" . '<id>urn:md5:' . md5($link_com) . '</id>' . "\n";
             $entry .= "\t" . '<updated>' . $this->plxRecord_coms->f('date') . '</updated>' . "\n";
             $entry .= "\t" . '<author><name>' . plxUtils::strCheck($this->plxRecord_coms->f('author')) . '</name></author>' . "\n";
             $entry .= "\t" . '<content type="html">' . plxUtils::strCheck($this->plxRecord_coms->f('content')) . '</content>' . "\n";
             $entry .= '</entry>' . "\n";
     # On affiche le flux
     header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=' . PLX_CHARSET);
     echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . PLX_CHARSET . '" ?>' . "\n";
     echo '<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/">' . "\n";
     echo '<title type="html">' . plxUtils::strCheck($title) . '</title>' . "\n";
     echo '<subtitle type="html">' . plxUtils::strCheck($this->aConf['description']) . '</subtitle>' . "\n";
     echo '<link href="' . $link_feed . '" rel="self" type="application/atom+xml"/>' . "\n";
     echo '<link href="' . $link . '" rel="alternate" type="text/html"/>' . "\n";
     echo '<updated>' . $last_updated . '</updated>' . "\n";
     echo '<id>urn:md5:' . md5($link) . '</id>' . "\n";
     echo '<generator uri="http://pluxml.org/">PluXml ' . $this->version . '</generator>' . "\n";
     echo $entry;
     echo '</feed>';
Example #7
  * Fonction de conversion de date ISO en format RFC822
  * @param	date	date à convertir
  * @return	string	date au format iso.
  * @author	Amaury GRAILLAT
 public static function dateIso2rfc822($date)
     $tmpDate = plxDate::date2Array($date);
     return date(DATE_RSS, mktime(substr($tmpDate['time'], 0, 2), substr($tmpDate['time'], 3, 2), 0, $tmpDate['month'], $tmpDate['day'], $tmpDate['year']));
Example #8
  * Méthode qui effectue une mise a jour d'un commentaire
  * @param	content	données du commentaire à mettre à jour
  * @param	id	identifiant du commentaire
  * @return	string
  * @author	Stephane F. et Florent MONTHEL
 public function editCommentaire($content, &$id)
     # Vérification de la validité de la date de publication
     if (!plxDate::checkDate($content['day'], $content['month'], $content['year'], $content['time'])) {
         return plxMsg::Error(L_ERR_INVALID_PUBLISHING_DATE);
     $comment = array();
     # Génération du nom du fichier
     $comment['filename'] = $id . '.xml';
     if (!file_exists(PLX_ROOT . $this->aConf['racine_commentaires'] . $comment['filename'])) {
         # Commentaire inexistant
         return plxMsg::Error(L_ERR_UNKNOWN_COMMENT);
     # Contrôle des saisies
     if (trim($content['mail']) != '' and !plxUtils::checkMail(trim($content['mail']))) {
         return plxMsg::Error(L_ERR_INVALID_EMAIL);
     if (trim($content['site']) != '' and !plxUtils::checkSite($content['site'])) {
         return plxMsg::Error(L_ERR_INVALID_SITE);
     # On récupère les infos du commentaire
     $com = $this->parseCommentaire(PLX_ROOT . $this->aConf['racine_commentaires'] . $comment['filename']);
     # Formatage des données
     $comment['author'] = plxUtils::strCheck(trim($content['author']));
     $comment['site'] = plxUtils::strCheck(trim($content['site']));
     if ($com['type'] != 'admin') {
         $comment['content'] = plxUtils::strCheck(trim($content['content']));
     } else {
         $comment['content'] = strip_tags(trim($content['content']), '<a>,<strong>');
     $comment['ip'] = $com['ip'];
     $comment['type'] = $com['type'];
     $comment['mail'] = $content['mail'];
     $comment['site'] = $content['site'];
     $comment['parent'] = $com['parent'];
     # Génération du nouveau nom du fichier
     $time = explode(':', $content['time']);
     $newtimestamp = mktime($time[0], $time[1], 0, $content['month'], $content['day'], $content['year']);
     $com = $this->comInfoFromFilename($id . '.xml');
     $newid = $com['comStatus'] . $com['artId'] . '.' . $newtimestamp . '-' . $com['comIdx'];
     $comment['filename'] = $newid . '.xml';
     # Suppression de l'ancien commentaire
     # Création du nouveau commentaire
     $id = $newid;
     if ($this->addCommentaire($comment)) {
         return plxMsg::Info(L_COMMENT_SAVE_SUCCESSFUL);
     } else {
         return plxMsg::Error(L_COMMENT_UPDATE_ERR);
Example #9

include dirname(__FILE__) . '/header.php';

<section class="archives">

	<div id="container">

		<div class="width-sidebar">

			<p class="directory">
echo plxDate::formatDate($plxShow->plxMotor->cible, $plxShow->lang('ARCHIVES') . ": " . ' #month #num_year(4)');

while ($plxShow->plxMotor->plxRecord_arts->loop()) {

			<article role="article" id="post-<?php 
    echo $plxShow->artId();

Example #10
  * Méthode qui affiche la liste des archives
  * @param	format	format du texte pour l'affichage (variable : #archives_id, #archives_status, #archives_nbart, #archives_url, #archives_name, #archives_month, #archives_year)
  * @return	stdout
  * @scope	global
  * @author	Stephane F
 public function archList($format = '<li id="#archives_id"><a class="#archives_status" href="#archives_url" title="#archives_name">#archives_name</a></li>')
     # Hook Plugins
     if (eval($this->plxMotor->plxPlugins->callHook('plxShowArchList'))) {
     $curYear = date('Y');
     $array = array();
     $plxGlob_arts = clone $this->plxMotor->plxGlob_arts;
     if ($files = $plxGlob_arts->query('/^[0-9]{4}.(?:[0-9]|home|,)*(?:' . $this->plxMotor->activeCats . '|home)(?:[0-9]|home|,)*.[0-9]{3}.[0-9]{12}.[a-z0-9-]+.xml$/', 'art', 'rsort', 0, false, 'before')) {
         foreach ($files as $id => $filename) {
             if (preg_match('/([0-9]{4}).((?:[0-9]|home|,)*(?:' . $this->plxMotor->activeCats . '|home)(?:[0-9]|home|,)*).[0-9]{3}.([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{6}).([a-z0-9-]+).xml$/', $filename, $capture)) {
                 if ($capture[3] == $curYear) {
                     if (!isset($array[$capture[3]][$capture[4]])) {
                         $array[$capture[3]][$capture[4]] = 1;
                     } else {
                 } else {
                     if (!isset($array[$capture[3]])) {
                         $array[$capture[3]] = 1;
                     } else {
         # Affichage pour l'année en cours
         if (isset($array[$curYear])) {
             foreach ($array[$curYear] as $month => $nbarts) {
                 $name = str_replace('#archives_id', 'archives-' . $curYear . $month, $format);
                 $name = str_replace('#archives_name', plxDate::getCalendar('month', $month) . ' ' . $curYear, $name);
                 $name = str_replace('#archives_year', $curYear, $name);
                 $name = str_replace('#archives_month', plxDate::getCalendar('month', $month), $name);
                 $name = str_replace('#archives_url', $this->plxMotor->urlRewrite('?archives/' . $curYear . '/' . $month), $name);
                 $name = str_replace('#archives_nbart', $nbarts, $name);
                 $name = str_replace('#archives_status', ($this->plxMotor->mode == "archives" and $this->plxMotor->cible == $curYear . $month) ? 'active' : 'noactive', $name);
                 echo $name;
         # Affichage pour les années précédentes
         foreach ($array as $year => $nbarts) {
             $name = str_replace('#archives_id', 'archives-' . $year, $format);
             $name = str_replace('#archives_name', $year, $name);
             $name = str_replace('#archives_year', $year, $name);
             $name = str_replace('#archives_month', $year, $name);
             $name = str_replace('#archives_url', $this->plxMotor->urlRewrite('?archives/' . $year), $name);
             $name = str_replace('#archives_nbart', $nbarts, $name);
             $name = str_replace('#archives_status', ($this->plxMotor->mode == "archives" and $this->plxMotor->cible == $year) ? 'active' : 'noactive', $name);
             echo $name;
Example #11
$coms = $plxAdmin->getCommentaires($comSelMotif, 'rsort', $start, $plxAdmin->aConf['bypage_admin_coms'], 'all');
if ($coms) {
    $num = 0;
    while ($plxAdmin->plxRecord_coms->loop()) {
        # On boucle
        $artId = $plxAdmin->plxRecord_coms->f('article');
        $status = $plxAdmin->plxRecord_coms->f('status');
        $id = $status . $artId . '.' . $plxAdmin->plxRecord_coms->f('numero');
        $content = nl2br($plxAdmin->plxRecord_coms->f('content'));
        if ($_SESSION['selCom'] == 'all') {
            $content = '<strong>' . ($status == '' ? L_COMMENT_ONLINE : L_COMMENT_OFFLINE) . '</strong>&nbsp;-&nbsp;' . $content;
        # On génère notre ligne
        echo '<tr class="line-' . ++$num % 2 . ' top type-' . $plxAdmin->plxRecord_coms->f('type') . '">';
        echo '<td><input type="checkbox" name="idCom[]" value="' . $id . '" /></td>';
        echo '<td class="datetime">' . plxDate::formatDate($plxAdmin->plxRecord_coms->f('date')) . '&nbsp;</td>';
        echo '<td class="wrap">' . $content . '&nbsp;</td>';
        echo '<td>' . plxUtils::strCut($plxAdmin->plxRecord_coms->f('author'), 30) . '&nbsp;</td>';
        echo '<td class="action">';
        echo '<a href="comment_new.php?c=' . $id . (!empty($_GET['a']) ? '&amp;a=' . $_GET['a'] : '') . '" title="' . L_COMMENT_ANSWER . '">' . L_COMMENT_ANSWER . '</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
        echo '<a href="comment.php?c=' . $id . (!empty($_GET['a']) ? '&amp;a=' . $_GET['a'] : '') . '" title="' . L_COMMENT_EDIT_TITLE . '">' . L_COMMENT_EDIT . '</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
        echo '<a href="article.php?a=' . $artId . '" title="' . L_COMMENT_ARTICLE_LINKED_TITLE . '">' . L_COMMENT_ARTICLE_LINKED . '</a>';
        echo '</td></tr>';
} else {
    # Pas de commentaires
    echo '<tr><td colspan="5" class="center">' . L_NO_COMMENT . '</td></tr>';
Example #12
  * Méthode qui affiche le flux RSS des commentaires du site pour l'administration
  * @return	flux sur stdout
  * @author	Florent MONTHEL, Amaury GRAILLAT
 public function getAdminComments()
     # Traitement initial
     $last_updated = '197001010100';
     $entry = '';
     if ($this->cible == '_') {
         # Commentaires hors ligne
         $link = $this->racine . 'core/admin/comments.php?sel=offline&amp;page=1';
         $title = $this->aConf['title'] . ' - ' . L_FEED_OFFLINE_COMMENTS;
         $link_feed = $this->racine . 'feed.php?admin' . $this->clef . '/commentaires/hors-ligne';
     } else {
         # Commentaires en ligne
         $link = $this->racine . 'core/admin/comments.php?sel=online&amp;page=1';
         $title = $this->aConf['title'] . ' - ' . L_FEED_ONLINE_COMMENTS;
         $link_feed = $this->racine . 'feed.php?admin' . $this->clef . '/commentaires/en-ligne';
     # On va boucler sur les commentaires (s'il y en a)
     if ($this->plxRecord_coms) {
         while ($this->plxRecord_coms->loop()) {
             $artId = $this->plxRecord_coms->f('article') + 0;
             $comId = $this->cible . $this->plxRecord_coms->f('article') . '.' . $this->plxRecord_coms->f('numero');
             $title_com = $this->plxRecord_coms->f('author') . ' @ ';
             $title_com .= plxDate::formatDate($this->plxRecord_coms->f('date'), '#day #num_day #month #num_year(4), #hour:#minute');
             $link_com = $this->racine . 'core/admin/comment.php?c=' . $comId;
             # On vérifie la date de publication
             if ($this->plxRecord_coms->f('date') > $last_updated) {
                 $last_updated = $this->plxRecord_coms->f('date');
             # On affiche le flux dans un buffer
             $entry .= "\t<item>\n";
             $entry .= "\t\t" . '<title>' . strip_tags(html_entity_decode($title_com, ENT_QUOTES, PLX_CHARSET)) . '</title> ' . "\n";
             $entry .= "\t\t" . '<link>' . $link_com . '</link>' . "\n";
             $entry .= "\t\t" . '<guid>' . $link_com . '</guid>' . "\n";
             $entry .= "\t\t" . '<description>' . plxUtils::strCheck(strip_tags($this->plxRecord_coms->f('content'))) . '</description>' . "\n";
             $entry .= "\t\t" . '<pubDate>' . plxDate::dateIso2rfc822($this->plxRecord_coms->f('date')) . '</pubDate>' . "\n";
             $entry .= "\t\t" . '<dc:creator>' . plxUtils::strCheck($this->plxRecord_coms->f('author')) . '</dc:creator>' . "\n";
             # Hook plugins
             $entry .= "\t</item>\n";
     # On affiche le flux
     header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=' . PLX_CHARSET);
     echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . PLX_CHARSET . '" ?>' . "\n";
     echo '<rss version="2.0" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">' . "\n";
     echo '<channel>' . "\n";
     echo "\t" . '<title>' . plxUtils::strCheck($title) . '</title>' . "\n";
     echo "\t" . '<description>' . plxUtils::strCheck($this->aConf['description']) . '</description>' . "\n";
     echo "\t" . '<link>' . $link . '</link>' . "\n";
     echo "\t" . '<language>' . $this->aConf['default_lang'] . '</language>' . "\n";
     echo '<atom:link xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" href="' . $link_feed . '" />' . "\n";
     $last_updated = plxDate::dateIso2rfc822($last_updated);
     echo "\t" . '<lastBuildDate>' . $last_updated . '</lastBuildDate>' . "\n";
     echo "\t" . '<generator>PluXml</generator>' . "\n";
     echo $entry;
     echo '</channel>' . "\n";
     echo '</rss>';
Example #13
    $plxRecord_arts = false;
    $array = array();
    foreach ($aFiles as $k => $v) {
        # On parcourt tous les fichiers
        $array[$k] = $plxMotor->parseArticle(PLX_ROOT . $plxMotor->aConf['racine_articles'] . $v);
    # On stocke les enregistrements dans un objet plxRecord
    $plxRecord_arts = new plxRecord($array);
    if ($plxRecord_arts) {
        # On boucle sur nos articles
        while ($plxRecord_arts->loop()) {
            $num = intval($plxRecord_arts->f('numero'));
            echo "\n";
            echo "\t<url>\n";
            echo "\t\t<loc>" . $plxMotor->urlRewrite("?article" . $num . "/" . plxUtils::strCheck($plxRecord_arts->f('url'))) . "</loc>\n";
            echo "\t\t<lastmod>" . plxDate::formatDate($plxRecord_arts->f('date'), '#num_year(4)-#num_month-#num_day') . "</lastmod>\n";
            echo "\t\t<changefreq>monthly</changefreq>\n";
            echo "\t\t<priority>0.5</priority>\n";
            echo "\t</url>\n";
# Récuperation de la bufférisation
$output = ob_get_clean();
# Hook Plugins
# Restitution écran
Example #14
  * Méthode qui parse le commentaire du fichier $filename
  * @param	filename	fichier du commentaire à parser
  * @return	array
  * @author	Florent MONTHEL
 public function parseCommentaire($filename)
     # Mise en place du parseur XML
     $data = implode('', file($filename));
     $parser = xml_parser_create(PLX_CHARSET);
     xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
     xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 0);
     xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $data, $values, $iTags);
     # Recuperation des valeurs de nos champs XML
     $com['author'] = trim($values[$iTags['author'][0]]['value']);
     $com['type'] = isset($values[$iTags['type'][0]]['value']) ? trim($values[$iTags['type'][0]]['value']) : 'normal';
     $com['ip'] = isset($values[$iTags['ip'][0]]['value']) ? trim($values[$iTags['ip'][0]]['value']) : '';
     $com['mail'] = isset($values[$iTags['mail'][0]]['value']) ? trim($values[$iTags['mail'][0]]['value']) : '';
     $com['site'] = isset($values[$iTags['site'][0]]['value']) ? trim($values[$iTags['site'][0]]['value']) : '';
     $com['content'] = trim($values[$iTags['content'][0]]['value']);
     # Informations obtenues en analysant le nom du fichier
     $tmp = $this->comInfoFromFilename($filename);
     $com['numero'] = $tmp['comId'];
     $com['article'] = $tmp['artId'];
     $com['date'] = plxDate::timestampToIso($tmp['comDate'], $this->aConf['delta']);
     # On retourne le tableau
     return $com;
Example #15
        echo '</td>';
        echo '<td>';
        echo '<a onclick="this.target=\'_blank\';return true;" title="' . plxUtils::strCheck($v['name']) . '" href="' . $v['path'] . '">' . plxUtils::strCheck($v['name']) . '</a><br />';
        if ($isImage and is_file(plxUtils::thumbName($v['path']))) {
            echo '<a onclick="this.target=\'_blank\';return true;" title="' . L_MEDIAS_THUMB . ' : ' . plxUtils::strCheck($v['name']) . '" href="' . plxUtils::thumbName($v['path']) . '">' . L_MEDIAS_THUMB . '</a> : ' . $v['thumb']['infos'][0] . ' x ' . $v['thumb']['infos'][1] . ' (' . plxUtils::formatFilesize($v['thumb']['filesize']) . ')';
        echo '</td>';
        echo '<td>' . strtoupper($v['extension']) . '</td>';
        echo '<td>' . plxUtils::formatFilesize($v['filesize']) . '</td>';
        $dimensions = '&nbsp;';
        if ($isImage and (isset($v['infos']) and isset($v['infos'][0]) and isset($v['infos'][1]))) {
            $dimensions = $v['infos'][0] . ' x ' . $v['infos'][1];
        echo '<td>' . $dimensions . '</td>';
        echo '<td>' . plxDate::formatDate(plxDate::timestamp2Date($v['date'])) . '</td>';
        echo '</tr>';
} else {
    echo '<tr><td colspan="7" class="center">' . L_MEDIAS_NO_FILE . '</td></tr>';

<form action="medias.php" method="post" id="form_uploader" class="form_uploader" enctype="multipart/form-data">

	<div id="files_uploader" style="display:none">
Example #16
  * Méthode qui retourne les informations $output en analysant
  * le nom du fichier du commentaire $filename
  * @param	filename	fichier du commentaire à traiter
  * @return	array		information à récupérer
  * @author	Stephane F
 public function comInfoFromFilename($filename)
     # On effectue notre capture d'informations
     if (preg_match('/([[:punct:]]?)([0-9]{4}).([0-9]{10})-([0-9]+).xml$/', $filename, $capture)) {
         return array('comStatus' => $capture[1], 'artId' => $capture[2], 'comDate' => plxDate::timestamp2Date($capture[3]), 'comId' => $capture[3] . '-' . $capture[4], 'comIdx' => $capture[4]);
     return false;
Example #17
         $art = $plxMotor->parseArticle(PLX_ROOT . $plxMotor->aConf['racine_articles'] . $v);
         $tags = implode(" ", array_map("trim", explode(',', strtolower($art['tags']))));
         $searchstring = strtolower(plxUtils::strRevCheck($art['title'] . $art['chapo'] . $art['content']) . $tags);
         $searchstring = plxUtils::unSlash($searchstring);
         $searchok = false;
         foreach ($searchwords as $word) {
             if (strpos($searchstring, $word) !== false) {
                 $searchok = true;
         if ($searchok) {
             $searchresults = true;
             $art_num = intval($art['numero']);
             $art_url = $art['url'];
             $art_title = plxUtils::strCheck($art['title']);
             $art_date = plxDate::formatDate($art['date'], $format_date);
             echo '<li>' . $art_date . ': <a href="' . $plxMotor->urlRewrite('?article' . $art_num . '/' . $art_url) . '">' . $art_title . '</a></li>';
 # recherche dans les pages statiques
 if ($plxMotor->aStats) {
     foreach ($plxMotor->aStats as $k => $v) {
         if ($v['active'] == 1 and $v['url'] != $plxMotor->mode) {
             # si la page est bien active
             $filename = PLX_ROOT . $plxMotor->aConf['racine_statiques'] . $k . '.' . $v['url'] . '.php';
             if (file_exists($filename)) {
                 $searchstring = strtolower(plxUtils::strRevCheck(file_get_contents($filename)));
                 $searchstring = plxUtils::unSlash($searchstring);
                 $searchok = false;
                 foreach ($searchwords as $word) {
Example #18
		<div class="comment type-<?php 
        echo $plxAdmin->plxRecord_coms->f('type');
        echo $_GET['c'] == $comId ? ' current' : '';
" id="c<?php 
        echo $plxAdmin->plxRecord_coms->f('numero');
			<div class="info_comment">
				<p>Par <strong><?php 
        echo $plxAdmin->plxRecord_coms->f('author');
				le <?php 
        echo plxDate::dateIsoToHum($plxAdmin->plxRecord_coms->f('date'), '#day #num_day #month #num_year(4) &agrave; #hour:#minute');
				 - <a href="commentaire.php<?php 
        echo !empty($_GET['a']) ? '?c=' . $comId . '&amp;a=' . $_GET['a'] : '?c=' . $comId;
" title="&Eacute;diter ce commentaire">&eacute;diter</a>
				 - <a href="javascript:answerCom('content','<?php 
        echo $plxAdmin->plxRecord_coms->f('numero');
        echo plxUtils::strCheck($plxAdmin->plxRecord_coms->f('author'));
');" title="R&Eacute;pondre &agrave; ce commentaire">r&eacute;pondre</a>
Example #19
    # On va rechercher notre article
    if (($aFile = $plxAdmin->plxGlob_arts->query('/^' . $_GET['a'] . '.(.+).xml$/', '', 'sort', 0, 1)) == false) {
        # Article inexistant
        plxMsg::Error('L\'article demand&eacute; n\'existe pas ou n\'existe plus !');
        header('Location: index.php');
    # On parse et alimente nos variables
    $result = $plxAdmin->parseArticle(PLX_ROOT . $plxAdmin->aConf['racine_articles'] . $aFile['0']);
    $title = trim($result['title']);
    $chapo = trim($result['chapo']);
    $content = trim($result['content']);
    $tags = trim($result['tags']);
    $author = $result['author'];
    $url = $result['url'];
    $date = plxDate::dateIso2Admin($result['date']);
    $catId = explode(',', $result['categorie']);
    $artId = $result['numero'];
    $allow_com = $result['allow_com'];
    $template = $result['template'];
    if ($author != $_SESSION['user'] and $_SESSION['profil'] == PROFIL_WRITER) {
        plxMsg::Error('Vous n\'avez pas les droits pour acc&eacute;der &agrave cet article !');
        header('Location: index.php');
} else {
    # On a rien validé, c'est pour la création d'un article
    $title = 'Nouvel article';
    $chapo = $url = '';
    $content = '';
    $tags = '';
Example #20

# On va lister les articles
if ($plxAdmin->plxGlob_arts->count and $plxAdmin->plxRecord_arts->size) {
    # On a des articles
    while ($plxAdmin->plxRecord_arts->loop()) {
        # Pour chaque article
        $author = $plxAdmin->aUsers[$plxAdmin->plxRecord_arts->f('author')]['name'];
        # Date
        $year = substr($plxAdmin->plxRecord_arts->f('date'), 0, 4);
        $month = substr($plxAdmin->plxRecord_arts->f('date'), 5, 2);
        $day = substr($plxAdmin->plxRecord_arts->f('date'), 8, 2);
        $publi = $plxAdmin->plxRecord_arts->f('date') > plxDate::timestampToIso(time(), $plxAdmin->aConf['delta']) ? false : true;
        # Catégories : liste des libellelés toutes les categories
        $draft = '';
        $libCats = '';
        $catIds = explode(',', $plxAdmin->plxRecord_arts->f('categorie'));
        if (sizeof($catIds) > 0) {
            $catsName = array();
            foreach ($catIds as $catId) {
                if ($catId == 'home') {
                    $catsName[] = 'Accueil';
                } elseif ($catId == 'draft') {
                    $draft = ' - <strong>Brouillon</strong>';
                } elseif (!isset($plxAdmin->aCats[$catId])) {
                    $catsName[] = 'Non class&eacute;';
                } else {
                    $catsName[] = plxUtils::strCheck($plxAdmin->aCats[$catId]['name']);
Example #21
    # On génère notre lien
    $article = '<a href="' . $plxAdmin->aConf['racine'] . 'index.php?article' . intval($result['numero']) . '/' . $result['url'] . '" title="' . L_COMMENT_ARTICLE_LINKED_TITLE . '">';
    $article .= plxUtils::strCheck($result['title']);
    $article .= '</a>';
# Statut du commentaire
$com = $plxAdmin->comInfoFromFilename($_GET['c'] . '.xml');
if ($com['comStatus'] == '_') {
    $statut = '<strong>' . L_COMMENT_OFFLINE . '</strong>';
} elseif ($com['comStatus'] == '') {
    $statut = '<a href="' . PLX_ROOT . '?article' . intval($plxAdmin->plxRecord_coms->f('article')) . '/#c' . $plxAdmin->plxRecord_coms->f('index') . '" title="' . L_COMMENT_ONLINE_TITLE . '">' . L_COMMENT_ONLINE . '</a>';
} else {
    $statut = '';
# Date du commentaire
$date = plxDate::date2Array($plxAdmin->plxRecord_coms->f('date'));
# On inclut le header
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/top.php';

<form action="comment.php<?php 
echo !empty($_GET['a']) ? '?a=' . plxUtils::strCheck($_GET['a']) : '';
" method="post" id="form_comment">

	<div class="inline-form action-bar">