Example #1
$config = ['require_services' => ['paragonie_constant_time_encoding', 'paragonie_random_compat'], 'git_urls' => ['https://github.com/yfix/phpseclib.git' => 'phpseclib/'], 'autoload_config' => ['phpseclib/phpseclib/' => 'phpseclib'], 'example' => function () {
    $aes = new \phpseclib\Crypt\AES(\phpseclib\Crypt\Base::MODE_CFB);
    echo PHP_EOL . '------------------' . PHP_EOL;
    $a = new \phpseclib\Math\BigInteger('10');
    $b = new \phpseclib\Math\BigInteger('20');
    $c = new \phpseclib\Math\BigInteger('30');
    $c = $a->modPow($b, $c);
    echo $c->toString() . PHP_EOL;
    // outputs 10
if ($return_config) {
    return $config;
require_once __DIR__ . '/_yf_autoloader.php';
new yf_autoloader($config);
 * Initialize LaunchKey WordPress Plugin
 * This function will perform the entire initialization for the plugin.  The initialization is encapsulated into
 * a funciton to protect against global variable collision.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * Enclose plug-in initialization to protect against global variable corruption
function launchkey_plugin_init()
    global $wpdb;
     * Register activation hooks for the plugin
     * @since 1.1.0
    register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'launchkey_create_tables');
     * Remove the scheduled cron
     * @since 1.1.0
    register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, 'launchkey_cron_remove');
     * @since 1.1.0
     * Add the cron hook and schedule if not scheduled
    add_action('launchkey_cron_hook', 'launchkey_cron');
    if (!wp_next_scheduled('launchkey_cron_hook')) {
        wp_schedule_event(time(), 'hourly', 'launchkey_cron_hook');
     * Language domain for the plugin
    $language_domain = 'launchkey';
     * Register plugin text domain with language files
     * @see load_plugin_textdomain
     * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/hooks/plugins_loaded/
    add_action('plugins_loaded', function () use($language_domain) {
        load_plugin_textdomain($language_domain, false, plugin_basename(__FILE__) . '/languages/');
     * Create an AES encryption class for encryption/decryption of the secret options
     * @link https://docs.launchkey.com/glossary.html#term-aes
    $crypt_aes = new \phpseclib\Crypt\AES();
     * Use an MD5 hash of the auth key as the crypto key.  The crypto key is used as it would normally affect all auth
     * procedures as it is used as a salt for passwords.  An md5 hash is used as it will be a constant value based on
     * the AUTH_KEY but guaranteed to be exactly thirty-two (32) characters as is needed by AES encryption.
    // Create an options handler that will encrypt and decrypt the plugin options as necessary
    $options_handler = new LaunchKey_WP_Options($crypt_aes);
     * The pre_update_option_launchkey filter will process the "launchkey" option directly
     * before updating the data in the database.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/hooks/pre_update_option_option/
     * @see LaunchKey_WP_Options::pre_update_option_filter
    add_filter('pre_update_option_launchkey', array($options_handler, 'pre_update_option_filter'));
    add_filter('pre_update_site_option_launchkey', array($options_handler, 'pre_update_option_filter'));
     * The pre_update_option_filter filter will process the "launchkey" option directly
     * before adding the data in the database.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/hooks/pre_update_option_option/
     * @see LaunchKey_WP_Options::pre_update_option_filter
    add_filter('pre_add_option_launchkey', array($options_handler, 'pre_update_option_filter'));
    add_filter('pre_add_site_option_launchkey', array($options_handler, 'pre_update_option_filter'));
     * The option_launchkey filter will process the "launchkey" option directly
     * after retrieving the data from the database.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/hooks/option_option/
     * @see LaunchKey_WP_Options::post_get_option_filter
    add_filter('option_launchkey', array($options_handler, 'post_get_option_filter'));
    add_filter('site_option_launchkey', array($options_handler, 'post_get_option_filter'));
    $is_multi_site = is_multisite() && is_plugin_active_for_network(plugin_basename(__FILE__));
    $options = $is_multi_site ? get_site_option(LaunchKey_WP_Admin::OPTION_KEY) : get_option(LaunchKey_WP_Admin::OPTION_KEY);
     * Handle upgrades if in the admin and not the latest version
    if (is_admin() && launchkey_is_activated() && $options && $options[LaunchKey_WP_Options::OPTION_VERSION] < 1.1) {
     * If the pre-1.0.0 option style was already used, create a 1.0.0 option and remove the old options.  They are
     * removed as the secret_key was stored plain text in the database.
     * @since 1.0.0
    if (get_option('launchkey_app_key') || get_option('launchkey_secret_key')) {
        $launchkey_options[LaunchKey_WP_Options::OPTION_ROCKET_KEY] = get_option('launchkey_app_key');
        $launchkey_options[LaunchKey_WP_Options::OPTION_SECRET_KEY] = get_option('launchkey_secret_key');
        $launchkey_options[LaunchKey_WP_Options::OPTION_SSL_VERIFY] = defined('LAUNCHKEY_SSLVERIFY') && LAUNCHKEY_SSLVERIFY || true;
        $launchkey_options[LaunchKey_WP_Options::OPTION_IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE] = LaunchKey_WP_Implementation_Type::OAUTH;
        $launchkey_options[LaunchKey_WP_Options::OPTION_LEGACY_OAUTH] = true;
        $updated = $is_multi_site ? update_network_option(LaunchKey_WP_Admin::OPTION_KEY, $launchkey_options) : update_option(LaunchKey_WP_Admin::OPTION_KEY, $launchkey_options);
        if ($updated) {
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException('Unable to upgrade LaunchKey meta-data.  Failed to save setting ' . LaunchKey_WP_Admin::OPTION_KEY);
    } elseif (!$options) {
        $is_multi_site ? add_site_option(LaunchKey_WP_Admin::OPTION_KEY, array()) : add_option(LaunchKey_WP_Admin::OPTION_KEY, array());
        $options = $is_multi_site ? get_site_option(LaunchKey_WP_Admin::OPTION_KEY) : get_option(LaunchKey_WP_Admin::OPTION_KEY);
     * Get the WP global facade
     * @see LaunchKey_WP_Global_Facade
    $facade = new LaunchKey_WP_Global_Facade();
     * Create a templating object and point it at the correct directory for template files.
     * @see LaunchKey_WP_Template
    $template = new LaunchKey_WP_Template(__DIR__ . '/templates', $facade, $language_domain);
    // Prevent XXE Processing Vulnerability
    // Get the plugin options to determine which authentication implementation should be utilized
    $logger = new LaunchKey_WP_Logger($facade);
    $launchkey_client = null;
    $client = null;
    // Only register the pieces that need to interact with LaunchKey if it's been configured
    if (LaunchKey_WP_Implementation_Type::SSO === $options[LaunchKey_WP_Options::OPTION_IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE] && !empty($options[LaunchKey_WP_Options::OPTION_SSO_ENTITY_ID])) {
        $container = new LaunchKey_WP_SAML2_Container($logger);
        $securityKey = new XMLSecurityKey(XMLSecurityKey::RSA_SHA1, array('type' => 'public'));
        $securityKey->loadKey($options[LaunchKey_WP_Options::OPTION_SSO_CERTIFICATE], false, true);
        $saml_response_service = new LaunchKey_WP_SAML2_Response_Service($securityKey, $facade);
        $saml_request_service = new LaunchKey_WP_SAML2_Request_Service($securityKey);
        $client = new LaunchKey_WP_SSO_Client($facade, $template, $options[LaunchKey_WP_Options::OPTION_SSO_ENTITY_ID], $saml_response_service, $saml_request_service, $wpdb, $options[LaunchKey_WP_Options::OPTION_SSO_LOGIN_URL], $options[LaunchKey_WP_Options::OPTION_SSO_LOGOUT_URL], $options[LaunchKey_WP_Options::OPTION_SSO_ERROR_URL], $is_multi_site);
    } elseif (LaunchKey_WP_Implementation_Type::OAUTH === $options[LaunchKey_WP_Options::OPTION_IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE] && !empty($options[LaunchKey_WP_Options::OPTION_SECRET_KEY])) {
         * If the implementation type is OAuth, use the OAuth client
         * @see LaunchKey_WP_OAuth_Client
        $client = new LaunchKey_WP_OAuth_Client($facade, $template, $is_multi_site);
    } elseif (!empty($options[LaunchKey_WP_Options::OPTION_SECRET_KEY])) {
        $launchkey_client = \LaunchKey\SDK\Client::wpFactory($options[LaunchKey_WP_Options::OPTION_ROCKET_KEY], $options[LaunchKey_WP_Options::OPTION_SECRET_KEY], $options[LaunchKey_WP_Options::OPTION_PRIVATE_KEY], $options[LaunchKey_WP_Options::OPTION_SSL_VERIFY]);
        $client = new LaunchKey_WP_Native_Client($launchkey_client, $facade, $template, $language_domain, $is_multi_site);
        add_filter('init', function () use($facade) {
            wp_enqueue_script('launchkey-script', plugins_url('/public/launchkey-login.js', __FILE__), array('jquery'), '1.1.1', true);
    if ($client) {
         * Register the non-admin actions for authentication client.  These actions will handle all of the
         * authentication work for the plugin.
         * @see LaunchKey_WP_Client::register_actions
         * @see LaunchKey_WP_OAuth_Client::register_actions
         * @see LaunchKey_WP_Native_Client::register_actions
         * Create the a user profile object and register its actions.  These actions will handle all functionality
         * related to a user customizing their authentication related options.
         * @see LaunchKey_WP_User_Profile
        $profile = new LaunchKey_WP_User_Profile($facade, $template, $language_domain, $is_multi_site);
         * Hideous workaround for the wp-login.php page not printing styles in the header like it should.
         * @since 1.0.0
        if (!has_action('login_enqueue_scripts', 'wp_print_styles')) {
            add_action('login_enqueue_scripts', 'wp_print_styles', 11);
    if (is_admin() || $is_multi_site && is_network_admin()) {
         * If we are in the admin, create an admin object and register its actions.  These actions
         * will manage setting of options and user management for the plugin.
         * @see is_admin
         * @see LaunchKey_WP_Admin
        $launchkey_admin = new LaunchKey_WP_Admin($facade, $template, $language_domain, $is_multi_site);
        $config_wizard = new LaunchKey_WP_Configuration_Wizard($facade, $launchkey_admin, $is_multi_site, $launchkey_client);
     * Add a filter to enqueue styles for the plugin
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @see add_filter
     * @see wp_enqueue_style
     * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/add_filter/
     * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/wp_enqueue_style/
    add_filter('init', function () use($facade) {
        wp_enqueue_style('launchkey-style', plugins_url('/public/launchkey.css', __FILE__), array(), '1.0.1', false);
     * Handle activation when a "must use" plugin
    if (launchkey_is_mu_plugin()) {
        $mu_activated_option = "launchkey_activated";
        if (!get_option($mu_activated_option)) {
            do_action("activate_" . plugin_basename(__FILE__));
            add_option($mu_activated_option, true);
 * Load the auto-loader for PSR0/4 based dependencies
 * @see http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-0/
 * @see http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-4/
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
 * Configure AES encryption that will be used for encrypting and decrypting the secret settings for the LaunchKey
 * WordPress Plugin. Changing this value after configuring the LaunchKey WordPress plugin will invalidate its
 * configuration as it will no longer be able to decrypt its configuration.
$crypt_aes = new \phpseclib\Crypt\AES();
 * Use an MD5 hash of the auth key as the crypto key.  The crypto key is used as it would normally affect all auth
 * procedures as it is used as a salt for passwords.  An md5 hash is used as it will be a constant value based on
 * the AUTH_KEY but guaranteed to be exactly thirty-two (32) characters as is needed by AES-CBC-256 encryption.
 * The "facade" is used to make global functions testable in an effort to provide quality code without backwards
 * compatibility breaks
$facade = new LaunchKey_WP_Global_Facade();
 * Make the global database variable available to be passed to the bootstrap.
global $wpdb;
 * Bootstraps the plugin
$bootstrap = new LaunchKey_WP_Bootstrap($wpdb, $facade, $crypt_aes, $launchkey_api_base_url, $validate_ssl_certificates, __FILE__);
Example #4
 public function decrypt()
     $aes = new \phpseclib\Crypt\AES();
     $ciphertext = file_get_contents($this->getFileUploadDir() . '/' . $this->file_name);
     $plaintext = $aes->decrypt($ciphertext);
     $hash = md5($plaintext);
     $this->save_name = "DecryptedFile_" . $hash;
     file_put_contents($this->getFileRootDir() . '/' . $this->save_name, $plaintext);
     return new CryptoFile($hash, $this->getWebPath() . '/' . $this->save_name);