getDocument() public static method

$id can be retrived via getDocumentID() or getDocumentIDRef(). Chainable.
See also: phpQuery::selectDocument()
public static getDocument ( unknown_type $id = null ) : phpQueryObject | QueryTemplatesSource | QueryTemplatesParse | QueryTemplatesSourceQuery
$id unknown_type
return phpQueryObject | QueryTemplatesSource | QueryTemplatesParse | QueryTemplatesSourceQuery
Example #1
  * Trigger a type of event on every matched element.
  * @param DOMNode|phpQueryObject|string $document
  * @param unknown_type $type
  * @param unknown_type $data
  * @TODO exclusive events (with !)
  * @TODO global events (test)
  * @TODO support more than event in $type (space-separated)
 public static function trigger($document, $type, $data = array(), $node = null)
     // trigger: function(type, data, elem, donative, extra) {
     $documentID = phpQuery::getDocumentID($document);
     $namespace = null;
     if (strpos($type, '.') !== false) {
         list($name, $namespace) = explode('.', $type);
     } else {
         $name = $type;
     if (!$node) {
         if (self::issetGlobal($documentID, $type)) {
             $pq = phpQuery::getDocument($documentID);
             // TODO check add($pq->document)
             $pq->find('*')->add($pq->document)->trigger($type, $data);
     } else {
         if (isset($data[0]) && $data[0] instanceof DOMEvent) {
             $event = $data[0];
             $event->relatedTarget = $event->target;
             $event->target = $node;
             $data = array_slice($data, 1);
         } else {
             $event = new DOMEvent(array('type' => $type, 'target' => $node, 'timeStamp' => time()));
         $i = 0;
         while ($node) {
             // TODO whois
             phpQuery::debug("Triggering " . ($i ? "bubbled " : '') . "event '{$type}' on " . "node \n");
             $event->currentTarget = $node;
             $eventNode = self::getNode($documentID, $node);
             if (isset($eventNode->eventHandlers)) {
                 foreach ($eventNode->eventHandlers as $eventType => $handlers) {
                     $eventNamespace = null;
                     if (strpos($type, '.') !== false) {
                         list($eventName, $eventNamespace) = explode('.', $eventType);
                     } else {
                         $eventName = $eventType;
                     if ($name != $eventName) {
                     if ($namespace && $eventNamespace && $namespace != $eventNamespace) {
                     foreach ($handlers as $handler) {
                         phpQuery::debug("Calling event handler\n");
                         $event->data = $handler['data'] ? $handler['data'] : null;
                         $params = array_merge(array($event), $data);
                         $return = phpQuery::callbackRun($handler['callback'], $params);
                         if ($return === false) {
                             $event->bubbles = false;
             // to bubble or not to bubble...
             if (!$event->bubbles) {
             $node = $node->parentNode;
Example #2
  * Returns object with stack set to document root.
  * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery
 public function getDocument()
     return phpQuery::getDocument($this->getDocumentID());
Example #3
 * Utility function to convert our XML into HTML
 * By default, this doesn't do anything by itself, but it runs the
 * 'anno_xml_to_html' action to allow various actions to change
 * small specific portions of the XML
 * @see anno_xml_to_html_replace_bold() for simple example on usage
 * @param string $xml_content
 * @return void
function anno_xml_to_html($xml_content)
    // Most translation is done by xslt - disabled broadly for now.  Some tweaking
    // will likely be done here later.
    // Unable to do this with phpQuery, break tag doesn't register as self closing element
    $xml_content = str_replace('<break />', '<br />', $xml_content);
    // Load our phpQuery document up, so filters should be able to use the pq() function to access its elements
    // Let our various actions alter the document into HTML
    do_action('anno_xml_to_html', $xml_content);
    // Return the newly formed HTML
    return phpQuery::getDocument()->__toString();
Example #4
 private function getTextExcerpt($commentid)
     static $Text = null;
     if ($Text === null) {
         $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetSingleRow('Content', 'tx_webetatext_text', 'pid=' . intval($this->id));
         $Text = trim(preg_replace('~\\s+~', ' ', $res['Content']));
         $Text = preg_replace('~<!--.*-->~U', '', $Text);
     phpQuery::newDocument($Text, 'text/html');
     foreach (pq('span.savedComment') as $comment) {
         if (!pq($comment)->hasClass('comment-' . $commentid)) {
     $rawResult = phpQuery::getDocument();
     // jetzt noch Text in den Abschnitt vor und nach der Markierung splitten
     if (preg_match('~(.*)<span[^>]*class="savedComment [^>]+>(.*)</span>(.*)~sm', $rawResult, $matches)) {
         $matches = array_map('strip_tags', $matches);
         $strip_length = max(50, (300 - mb_strlen($matches[2])) / 2);
         $ret = array('before' => $this->truncate($matches[1], $strip_length, 'end'), 'comment' => $matches[2], 'after' => $this->truncate($matches[3], $strip_length, 'beginning'));
         return $ret;
     } else {
         return false;
 * Utility function to convert our XML into HTML
 * By default, this doesn't do anything by itself, but it runs the 
 * 'anno_xml_to_html' action to allow various actions to change 
 * small specific portions of the XML
 * @see anno_xml_to_html_replace_bold() for simple example on usage
 * @param string $xml_content 
 * @return void
function anno_xml_to_html($xml_content)
    // Unable to do this with phpQuery, break tag doesn't register as self closing element
    $xml_content = str_replace('<break />', '<br />', $xml_content);
    // Load our phpQuery document up, so filters should be able to use the pq() function to access its elements
    // Let our various actions alter the document into HTML
    do_action('anno_xml_to_html', $xml_content);
    // Return the newly formed HTML
    return phpQuery::getDocument()->__toString();
Example #6
$li = null;
// almost everything can be a chain
$doc['ul > li']->addClass('my-new-class')->filter(':last')->addClass('last-li')->toReference($li);
// pq(); is using selected document as default
// documents are selected when created or by above method
// query all unordered lists in last selected document
$ul = pq('ul')->insertAfter('div');
// all direct LIs from $ul
foreach ($ul['> li'] as $li) {
    // iteration returns PLAIN dom nodes, NOT phpQuery objects
    $tagName = $li->tagName;
    $childNodes = $li->childNodes;
    // so you NEED to wrap it within phpQuery, using pq();
// 1st way
print phpQuery::getDocument($doc->getDocumentID());
// 2nd way
print phpQuery::getDocument(pq('div')->getDocumentID());
// 3rd way
print pq('div')->getDocument();
// 4th way
print $doc->htmlOuter();
// 5th way
print $doc;
// another...
print $doc['ul'];
 * AJAX handler that looks up an article based on PMID and parses the data for a reference.
 * Echos a JSON encoded array
 * @return void
function anno_reference_import_doi()
    check_ajax_referer('anno_import_doi', '_ajax_nonce-import-doi');
    if (!isset($_POST['doi'])) {
    } else {
        $doi = $_POST['doi'];
    $lookup_response = array('message' => 'error', 'text' => _x('An error has occurred, please try again later', 'pmid lookup error message', 'anno'));
    // DOIs cannot contain any control characters. As defined here:
    $doi = trim($doi);
    if (preg_match('/[\\x00-\\x1F\\x7F]/', $doi)) {
        anno_reference_error_response(_x('Invalid DOI', 'pmid lookup error message', 'anno'));
    // Generate the URL for lookup
    $crossref_login = cfct_get_option('crossref_login');
    $crossref_pass = cfct_get_option('crossref_pass');
    // Empty login, or empty password and login is not an email.
    if (empty($crossref_login) || empty($crossref_pass) && !anno_is_valid_email($crossref_login)) {
        anno_reference_error_response(_x('Invalid CrossRef Login', 'pmid lookup error message', 'anno'));
    } else {
        if (empty($croossref_pass)) {
            $url = '' . $crossref_login . '&id=doi:' . $doi . '&noredirect=true';
        } else {
            $url = '' . $crossref_login . ':' . $crossref_pass . '&id=doi:' . $doi . '&noredirect=true';
    // Use functions if available for lookup.
    if (function_exists('vip_safe_wp_remote_get')) {
        $response = vip_safe_wp_remote_get($url);
    } else {
        $response = wp_remote_get($url);
    if (is_wp_error($response) || isset($response['response']['code']) && $response['response']['code'] != 200 || !isset($response['body'])) {
    } else {
        include_once CFCT_PATH . 'functions/phpquery/phpquery.php';
        $html = pq('html');
        // If we find an HTML tag, echo error.
        if ($html->length > 0) {
            // We should only hit an HTML page for malformed URLs or invalid logins
            // @TODO error for invalid login.
            anno_reference_error_response(_x('Invalid DOI', 'pmid lookup error message', 'anno'));
        $query_status = pq('query')->attr('status');
        // Error if unresolved
        if ($query_status == 'unresolved') {
            $lookup_response = anno_reference_error_response(pq('msg')->text());
        } else {
            if ($query_status == 'resolved') {
                $text = '';
                // There should only be a single 'first' author.
                $prime_author = pq('contributor[sequence="first"][contributor_role="author"]');
                $author_text = anno_reference_doi_process_author($prime_author);
                if (!empty($author_text)) {
                    $author_arr[] = $author_text;
                $additional_authors = pq('contributor[sequence="additional"][contributor_role="author"]');
                foreach ($additional_authors as $additional_author) {
                    $additional_author = pq($additional_author);
                    $author_text = anno_reference_doi_process_author($additional_author);
                    if (!empty($author_text)) {
                        $author_arr[] = $author_text;
                $text .= implode(', ', $author_arr) . '. ';
                // Title
                $title = pq('article_title')->text();
                if (!empty($title)) {
                    // Titles do not have periods
                    $text .= $title . '. ';
                // Source
                $source = pq('journal_title')->text();
                if (!empty($source)) {
                    $text .= $source . '. ';
                // Date, Volume, Issue, Page
                $date_meta = '';
                $date = pq('year')->text();
                $volume = pq('volume')->text();
                $issue = pq('issue')->text();
                $first_page = pq('first_page')->text();
                $last_page = pq('last_page')->text();
                if (!empty($date)) {
                    $date_meta .= $date;
                if (!empty($volume) || !empty($issue) || !empty($page)) {
                    $date_meta .= ';';
                    if (!empty($volume)) {
                        $date_meta .= $volume;
                    if (!empty($issue)) {
                        $date_meta .= '(' . $issue . ')';
                    if (!empty($first_page)) {
                        $date_meta .= ':' . $first_page;
                    if (!empty($last_page)) {
                        $date_meta .= '-' . $last_page;
                if (!empty($date_meta)) {
                    $text .= $date_meta . '. ';
                $text .= _x('DOI:', 'Reference text for doi lookup', 'anno') . $doi . '.';
                $lookup_response = array('message' => 'success', 'text' => esc_textarea($text));
            } else {
    echo json_encode($lookup_response);
Example #8
    $response = array('id' => (int) $pdo->lastInsertId());
    echo json_encode($response);
$app->get("/show/variation/:variation_id", function ($variationId) use($pdo) {
    // Load Variation Content;
    $statement = $pdo->prepare("\n      SELECT st.ElementID, v.Content\n      FROM variation AS v\n      INNER JOIN splittest AS st ON v.SplitTest_ID = st.ID\n      WHERE v.ID = :id\n    ");
    $statement->bindParam(":id", $variationId, \PDO::PARAM_INT);
    $result = $statement->fetch();
    if (!$result) {
        throw new \Exception("Variation '" . $variationId . "' not found.");
    $doc = phpQuery::newDocumentFileHTML(__DIR__ . "/templates/coolblue-static.html");
    $element = pq($result["ElementID"]);
    echo phpQuery::getDocument($doc->getDocumentID());
$app->get("/splittest", function () use($app, $twig, $pdo) {
$app->get("/external/:url", function ($url) {
    $style = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="/templates/lib/splittester/splittester.css" type="text/css"/>';
    $js = '<script src="/templates/lib/jquery-modal/jquery.modal.min.js"></script>';
    $js .= '<script src="/templates/lib/splittester/splittester.js"></script>';
    $client = new GuzzleHttp\Client([]);
    $response = $client->request('GET', $url);
    $contentBody = $response->getBody();
    $contentBody = preg_replace("/<head(.*?)>/", "<head\$1>{$style}", $contentBody);
    $contentBody = preg_replace("/<\\/html>/", "{$js}</html>", $contentBody);
    print $contentBody;

require 'phpQuery/phpQuery.php';
phpQuery::newDocument('<div>mydiv<ul><li>1</li><li>2</li><li>3</li></ul></div>')->find('ul >li')->addClass('my-new-class')->filter(':last')->addClass('last-li');
foreach (pq('li') as $li) {
print phpQuery::getDocument();
Example #10
 function html()
     <meta name="author" content="Anna Lyse">
     foreach ($this->meta as $k => $v) {
         pq("head")->append(pq("<meta />")->attr("name", $k)->attr("content", $v));
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/md-style.css" type="text/css" media="screen,print" title="no title" charset="utf-8">
     if ($this->doc_meta['css']) {
         $css_links = explode(' ', $this->doc_meta['css']);
         foreach ($css_links as $css) {
             list($css, $media) = explode(';', $css, 2);
             pq("head")->append(pq("<link />")->attr("href", $css)->attr('rel', 'stylesheet'));
     return phpQuery::getDocument($this->docID);