Example #1
 $sJs .= 'content: \'' . $sContent . '\', ';
 $sJs .= 'files: [' . $sLoadFiles . '], ';
 if (count($aPhrases)) {
     $sJs .= 'phrases:  {';
     foreach ($aPhrases as $sKey => $sValue) {
         $sJs .= '\'' . $sKey . '\': \'' . str_replace("'", "\\'", $sValue) . '\',';
     $sJs = rtrim($sJs, ',');
     $sJs .= '}, ';
 $sJs .= 'title: \'' . str_replace("'", "\\'", html_entity_decode(Phpfox::getLib('template')->getTitle(), null, 'UTF-8')) . '\'';
 if (!empty($sCustomCss)) {
     $sJs .= ', customcss: [' . $sCustomCss . ']';
 if (Phpfox::getLib('template')->getThemeFolder() == 'nebula' && isset($_GET['req1'])) {
     $sJs .= ", nebula_current_menu: '" . phpFox::getLib('url')->makeUrl($_GET['req1']) . "'";
 	$aAds = array();
 	for ($i = 1; $i <= 11; $i++)
 		$aAds[] = Phpfox::getService('ad')->getForBlock($i);
 	if (count($aAds))
 		$sJs .= ', ads: {';
 		foreach ($aAds as $aAd)
 			if (!isset($aAd['ad_id']))
    public function run()
        $oRequest = Phpfox::getLib('request');
        $db = PhpFox::getLib('database');
        // Limit per page, start offset at zero
        $iOffset = (int) $oRequest->get('offset', 0);
        $sAction = $oRequest->get('Confirm', 'Start');
        $iLimit = 500;
        $aPrivacySettings = array();
        //Set form token for version 3xx
        if ((int) substr(Phpfox::getVersion(), 0, 1) < 3) {
            $s1 = 'v2_no_token';
            $s2 = 'v2_no_token';
        } else {
            $s1 = Phpfox::getTokenName();
            $s2 = Phpfox::getService('log.session')->getToken();
        // Run only if Userpresets Module is present
        if (!phpFox::isModule('Userpresets')) {
            die('User Preset addon must be present.');
        // Set profile privacy based upon admincp setting
        switch (Phpfox::getParam('user.on_register_privacy_setting')) {
            case 'network':
                $aPrivacySettings['profile.view_profile'] = '1';
            case 'friends_only':
                $aPrivacySettings['profile.view_profile'] = '2';
            case 'no_one':
                $aPrivacySettings['profile.view_profile'] = '4';
        // Get Userpreset parameters and build the privacy array
        $aSettings = Phpfox::getService('admincp.setting')->search("product_id = 'Preset_New_User'");
        foreach ($aSettings as $aSetting) {
            $aParts = explode('__', $aSetting['var_name']);
            if (phpFox::isModule($aParts[0])) {
                $sUserPrivacy = str_replace('__', '.', $aSetting['var_name']);
                $sGetParam = $aSetting['module_id'] . '.' . $aSetting['var_name'];
                if ($aSetting['type_id'] == 'drop') {
                    $iPrivacySetting = NULL;
                    $iPrivacySetting = Phpfox::getParam($sGetParam);
                    if (isset($iPrivacySetting) && (int) $iPrivacySetting > 0) {
                        $aPrivacySettings[$sUserPrivacy] = $iPrivacySetting;
        if ($sAction == 'Start') {
            //add confirm form
            $iTotUsers = $db->select('COUNT(*)')->from(Phpfox::getT('user'))->where('view_id = 0')->execute('getField');
            $iTotPrivacy = $db->select('COUNT(*)')->from(Phpfox::getT('user_privacy'))->execute('getField');
            $iTotNewPrivacy = count($aPrivacySettings);
            $sWarn = 'This action will remove approximately ' . $iTotPrivacy . ' Records from ' . $iTotUsers . ' users from the user privacy table and 
				replace them with approximately ' . $iTotUsers * $iTotNewPrivacy . ' records.  The new settings will be taken from the parameters that 
				you have set in the New User Privacy Setting Module.  <br /><br />
				This will not affect the operation of PhpFox but it will nullify any privacy
				settings that your users have set in favor of the ones that you will be setting.
				<br /><br />Do you want to continue?';
            echo '
			<div style="width:500px;margin:0px auto;text-align:left;padding:15px;border:1px solid #333;background-color:#eee;">
			<div> ' . $sWarn . ' </div>
			<form method="POST" name="form" id="form" action="http://' . Phpfox::getParam('core.host') . '/tools/dbfixPRIVACY.php">
			<div><input type="hidden" name="' . $s1 . '[security_token]" value="' . $s2 . '" /></div>
			<div style="width:400px;margin:0px auto;text-align:right;padding:15px;background-color:#eee;">
			<input type=hidden name="offset" value="0">
			<input type="submit" name="Confirm" value="Continue" />
			<input type="submit" name="Confirm" value="Cancel" />
        if ($sAction == 'Cancel') {
            die("No Records Changed");
        // Empty privacy table at start of batch
        if ($sAction == 'Continue' && $iOffset == 0) {
            $db->query('TRUNCATE ' . Phpfox::getT('user_privacy'));
            echo 'Processing records from ' . $iOffset . ' to ' . ($iOffset + $iLimit) . '<br />';
        if ($sAction == 'Continue') {
            // For each user
            $aRows = $this->database()->select('user_id')->from(Phpfox::getT('user'))->order('user_id')->where('view_id = 0')->limit($iOffset, $iLimit)->execute('getSlaveRows');
            $iCount = 0;
            foreach ($aRows as $row) {
                $userid = $row['user_id'];
                $s = '';
                foreach ($aPrivacySettings as $k => $v) {
                    $s .= "({$userid}, '{$k}',{$v}),";
                $s = 'INSERT INTO ' . Phpfox::getT('user_privacy') . " (`user_id`, `user_privacy`, `user_value`) VALUES" . substr($s, 0, -1);
            // Did do a full batch?
            if ($iCount == $iLimit) {
                // Get another batch
                $iOffset += $iLimit;
                echo 'Processing records from ' . $iOffset . ' to ' . ($iOffset + $iLimit) . '<br />';
                echo '
				<form method="POST" name="form2" id="form2" action="http://' . Phpfox::getParam('core.host') . '/tools/dbfixPRIVACY.php?offset=' . $iOffset . '">
				<div><input type="hidden" name="' . $s1 . '[security_token]" value="' . $s2 . '" /></div>
				<input type=hidden name="offset" value="' . $iOffset . '">
				<input type=hidden name="Confirm" value="Continue">
				<script language=javascript>document.form2.submit();</script>
            // count < limit we are done
            echo '<hr><h1>' . ($iCount + $iOffset) . ' Records Processed</h1>';