Example #1
$pdf->SetMargins(20, 20, 20);
$pdf->SetStyle("s1", "arial", "", 8, "118,0,3");
$pdf->SetStyle("s2", "arial", "", 6, "0,49,159");
//default text color
$pdf->SetTextColor(118, 0, 3);
$pdf->MultiCellTag(100, 4, "<s1>Example 1 - Very Simple Table</s1>", 0);
require 'example1.inc';
$sTxt = "<s1>Example 2 - More detailed Table</s1>\n<s2>\t- Table Align = Center\n\t- The header has multiple lines\n\t- Colspanning Example\n\t- Rowspanning Example\n\t- Text Alignments\n\t- Properties overwriting</s2>";
$pdf->MultiCellTag(100, 2.5, $sTxt, 0);
require 'example2.inc';
$sTxt = "<s1>Example 3 - Table split end of the page</s1>\n<s2>\t- This is the table from Example 2 at the end of the page\n\t- Splitting mode = ON, you can see that the cells are splitted</s2>";
$pdf->SetXY(60, 215);
$pdf->MultiCellTag(100, 2.5, $sTxt, 0);
$bTableSplitMode = true;
require 'example2.inc';
$sTxt = "<s1>Example 4 - Table split end of the page</s1>\n<s2>\t- This is the table from Example 2 at the end of the page\n\t- Splitting mode = OFF. In this case the cells are NOT splitted</s2>";
$pdf->SetXY(60, 215);
$pdf->MultiCellTag(100, 2.5, $sTxt, 0);
$bTableSplitMode = false;
require 'example2.inc';