validate() public method

Validate the check on the specified repository. Returns an array of found issues.
public validate ( pchRepository $repository ) : void
$repository pchRepository
return void
Example #1
    public function testInvalidCustomCommitMessages()
        $parser = new pchCommitMessageCheck(array('Done' => pchCommitMessageCheck::REQUIRED));
        $error = <<<'EOERROR'
Invalid commit message: "- Added: A single test file to..."

Allowed are messages following this grammar:

Message       ::= Statement+ | Statement* Comment+
Statement     ::= Done
Comment       ::= '# ' TextLine | '#\n'

Done          ::= '- Done'         BugNr  ': ' TextLine Text?

Text          ::= '  ' TextLine Text?
BugNr         ::= ' #' [1-9]+[0-9]*
TextLine      ::= [\x20-\x7E]+ "\n"

        $this->assertEquals(array(new pchIssue(E_ERROR, null, null, $error)), $parser->validate(new pchRepositoryVersion(__DIR__ . '/../data/repo/', 1)));
        $this->assertEquals(null, $parser->getResult());