Example #1
  * 简历列表
 public function resumeList()
     $db = V('resume');
     $db->view = array('user_info' => array('type' => 'inner', 'on' => 'resume.uid=user_info.uid', 'field' => 'name'));
     $cond = array();
     if (isset($_GET['resume_name'])) {
         $cond[] = 'resume_name like "%' . $_GET['resume_name'] . '%"';
     if (isset($_GET['name'])) {
         $cond[] = 'name like "%' . $_GET['name'] . '%"';
     if (isset($_GET['created'])) {
         $cond['created'] = array('gt' => strtotime($_GET['created']), 'lt' => time());
     if (isset($_GET['updated'])) {
         $cond['updated'] = array('gt' => strtotime($_GET['updated']), 'lt' => time());
     if (isset($_GET['verify'])) {
         $cond['verify'] = $_GET['verify'];
     $nums = $db->where($cond)->count();
     $page = new page($nums, 13);
     $resumes = $db->where($cond)->findall($page->limit());
     $this->assign('resumes', $resumes);
     $this->assign('page', $page->show());
Example #2
	public function index(){
		$total = $this->db->totalShop();
		$page = new page($total,1);
		$data = $this->db->getShop($page->limit());
Example #3
  * 显示结果
 public function word($word)
     $where = "uuid like '%" . intval($word) . "%'";
     $count = $this->where($where)->count();
     $page = new page($count, 10, 4, 2);
     $union = $this->where($where)->select($page->limit());
     return array("union" => $union, "count" => $count, "page" => $page->show());
Example #4
 public function lists_select($where = "")
     if ($where) {
         $page = new page($this->where($where)->count(), 10, 5, 1);
         $video = $this->field("vid,cnname,uploadtime,py_video.cid,username,cntitle,entitle,pid,uuid")->where($where)->order(array("uploadtime" => "desc"))->select($page->limit());
     } else {
         $page = new page($this->count(), 10, 5, 1);
         $video = $this->field("vid,cnname,uploadtime,py_video.cid,username,cntitle,entitle,pid,uuid")->order(array("uploadtime" => "desc"))->select($page->limit());
     return array($video, $page->show());
 public function check()
     $db = M('wish');
     $page = new page($db->count(), 5, 4, 2);
     $this->assign('page', $page->show());
     $wish = $db->select($page->limit());
     foreach ($wish as $k => $v) {
         $wish[$k]['content'] = $this->change_face($v['content']);
     $this->assign('wish', $wish);
Example #6
 function backup($table)
     $tables = (include $this->path . '/backup_tables.php');
     if (empty($tables)) {
         $this->error = "要备份的数据表为空!";
         return FALSE;
     if (!isset($tables[$table])) {
         return TRUE;
     $this->table = $tables[$table];
     $this->db = M($this->table, TRUE);
     $nums = $this->db->count() + 1;
     $this->Copyright = "-- 该程序通过HDPHP框架构建\n-- Copyright :后盾网-张博\n-- version 2012.09\n-- http://www.houdunwang.com\n-- 主机: " . __WEB__ . "\n-- 备份日期: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n-- 服务器版本: " . $this->db->db->link->server_info . "\n-- PHP 版本: " . phpversion() . "\n\n";
     $page = new page($nums, $this->limit);
     $wfile = $_GET['file'];
     $file_plus = '';
     $file_path = $this->path . '/sql_' . date('Ymd') . '_' . $wfile . '.sql';
     $handle = fopen($file_path, 'ab');
     if (filesize($file_path) > $this->filesize) {
         $wfile += 1;
         $file_plus = '/file/' . $wfile;
     if ($table == 0 && $_GET['page'] == 1) {
         //fwrite($handle, $this->Copyright);//写入版权信息
     if ($_GET['page'] == 1) {
         fwrite($handle, $this->getCreateTableSyntax());
     $data = $this->db->findall($page->limit());
     if ($_GET['page'] <= $page->total_page && $data) {
         // fwrite($handle, $this->db->get_last_sql()."\n");//写入SQL查询语句
         fwrite($handle, $this->getInsertSyntax($data));
         go(url_remove_param('page') . '/page/' . ($_GET['page'] + 1) . $file_plus);
     } else {
         $_GET['page'] = 1;
         go(url_remove_param('table') . '/table/' . ($_GET['table'] + 1));
Example #7
 function interview()
     $db = M('interview');
     $con = 'uid=' . $_SESSION['uid'];
     $count = $db->where($con)->count();
     $page = new page($count, 15);
     $views = $db->where($con)->findall($page->limit());
     $this->assign('views', $views);
     $this->assign('page', $page->show());
Example #8
 public function feedback()
     $type = array(1 => '建议', 2 => '咨询', 3 => '举报', 4 => '求助');
     $this->assign('type', $type);
     $db = M('feedback');
     $nums = $db->count();
     $page = new page($nums, 15);
     $fbs = $db->order('process')->findall($page->limit());
     $this->assign('fbs', $fbs);
     $this->assign('type', $type);
     $this->assign('page', $page->show());
Example #9
 public function resume()
     $auth = new auth();
     if (!$auth->is_logged_in()) {
         $this->error(L('please_login'), 'auth/index');
     if (!$auth->check_uri_permissions()) {
     $db = M('model_field');
     $filterCond = array();
     $switch_field = $db->field('title,field_name')->where('field_type="switch" and join_index=1 and dmid=6')->findall();
     $model_struct = (include PATH_ROOT . '/caches/model/field/m_resume_basic.php');
     foreach ($switch_field as $value) {
         $filterCond['switchs'][$value['field_name']] = $model_struct[$value['field_name']]['data'];
     $linkage_filed = $db->field('title,field_name,lcgid')->where('field_type="linkage" and join_index=1 and dmid=6')->findall();
     foreach ($linkage_filed as $value) {
         $data = $db->table('linkage')->cache(86400)->field('laid,title')->where('lcgid=' . $value['lcgid'])->findall();
         $filterCond['linkages'][$value['field_name']] = array('title' => $value['title'], 'data' => $data);
     $filterCond['address'] = $db->table('city')->cache(86400)->field('id,name,direct')->where('pid=0')->findall();
     if (isset($_GET['address'])) {
         $filterCond['sonAddress'] = $db->table('city')->cache(86400)->field('id,name')->where('pid=' . $_GET['address'])->findall();
     $where = array('open' => 1, 'verify' => 1);
     if (isset($_GET['address'])) {
         $where[] = 'hope_provice=' . intval($_GET['address']);
     if (isset($_GET['city'])) {
         $where[] = 'hope_city=' . intval($_GET['city']);
     if (isset($_GET['work_exp'])) {
         $where[] = 'work_exp=' . intval($_GET['work_exp']);
     if (isset($_GET['updated'])) {
         $where['updated'] = 'updated >' . strtotime('-' . $_GET['updated'] . 'days');
     $keywords = array();
     if (!empty($_GET['keywords'])) {
         $_GET['keywords'] = strip_tags($_GET['keywords']);
         $keywords = array_keys(string::split_word($_GET['keywords']));
         $keyword_cond = '';
         foreach ($keywords as $value) {
             $keyword_cond .= 'resume_name LIKE "%' . $value . '%" OR ';
         $keyword_cond = rtrim($keyword_cond, 'OR ');
         $where[] = $keyword_cond;
     $db = V('resume');
     $db->view = array('resume_basic' => array('type' => 'INNER', 'on' => 'resume.resume_id=resume_basic.resume_id'));
     $nums = $db->where($where)->count();
     $page = new page($nums, 10);
     $resumes = $db->where($where)->findall($page->limit());
     if ($resumes) {
         $data_class = new data('resume_basic');
         foreach ($resumes as $key => $value) {
             $resumes[$key] = $data_class->convert($value);
     $this->assign('resumes', $resumes);
     $this->assign('filterCond', $filterCond);
     $this->assign('page', $page->show());
Example #10
  * 查看收藏简历
 public function viewFav()
     $db = M('favorite');
     $nums = $db->where('type=2 AND company_id=' . $_SESSION['uid'])->count();
     $page = new page($nums, 15);
     $favorites = $db->where('type=2 AND company_id=' . $_SESSION['uid'])->order('created desc')->findall($page->limit());
     $this->assign('favorites', $favorites);
     $this->assign('page', $page->show());
Example #11
  * 企业收到的投递简历
 public function receiveDelivers($cond, $field = '', $order = 'sendtime desc')
     $data = array();
     $db = V('deliver');
     $db->view = array('resume_basic' => array('type' => "INNER", 'on' => 'deliver.resume_id=resume_basic.resume_id', 'field' => 'name'));
     $nums = $db->field($field)->where($cond)->count();
     $page = new page($nums, 13);
     $data['deliver'] = $db->field($field)->where($cond)->order($order)->findall($page->limit());
     $data['page'] = $page->show();
     return $data;
Example #12
 public function hotKeyword()
     $db = M('keywords');
     $nums = $db->count();
     $page = new page($nums, 12);
     $keywords = $db->order('nums desc')->findall($page->limit());
     $this->assign('keywords', $keywords);
     $this->assign('page', $page->show());
Example #13
  * 取得联动数据,一级一级显示
 function getLinkageData($condition)
     $data = array();
     $nums = $this->linkage_model->where($condition)->count();
     $page = new page($nums, 10, 6);
     $data['page'] = $page->show();
     $cache_name = 'linkage_' . $condition['lcgid'] . '_' . $condition['pid'];
     $cache_dir = $this->cache_dir . 'linkage';
     $data['data'] = $this->linkage_model->where($condition)->order('sort')->findall($page->limit());
     return $data;
Example #14
  * 招聘列表
 public function recruitList()
     $db = M('recruit');
     $cond = array();
     if (isset($_GET['recruit_name'])) {
         $cond[] = 'recruit_name like "%' . $_GET['recruit_name'] . '%"';
     if (isset($_GET['company_name'])) {
         $cond[] = 'company_name like "%' . $_GET['company_name'] . '%"';
     if (isset($_GET['created'])) {
         $cond['created'] = array('gt' => strtotime($_GET['created']), 'lt' => time());
     if (isset($_GET['refresh_date'])) {
         $cond['refresh_date'] = array('gt' => strtotime($_GET['refresh_date']), 'lt' => time());
     if (isset($_GET['state'])) {
         if ($_GET['state'] == 2) {
             $cond[] = 'expiration_time <' . time();
         } else {
             $cond['state'] = $_GET['state'];
     if (isset($_GET['verify'])) {
         $cond['verify'] = $_GET['verify'];
     $field = 'recruit_id,recruit_name,created,refresh_date,company_name,state,verify,expiration_time,views';
     $nums = $db->where($cond)->count();
     $page = new page($nums, 15);
     $recruits = $db->field($field)->where($cond)->order('created desc')->findall($page->limit());
     $this->assign('recruits', $recruits);
     $this->assign('page', $page->show());
Example #15
 function userList($cond = array())
     if (!empty($cond['group'])) {
         $db = V('user');
         $db->view = array('user_role' => array('type' => 'inner', 'on' => 'user.uid =user_role.uid'), 'role' => array('type' => 'inner', 'on' => 'user_role.rid=role.rid'));
         $nums = $db->where($cond['user'], $cond['group'])->count();
         $page = new page($nums, 12);
         $users = array();
         $users['user'] = $db->where($cond['user'], $cond['group'])->findall();
         $users['page'] = $page->show();
     } else {
         $nums = $this->user_r_model->where($cond['user'])->count();
         $page = new page($nums, 12);
         $users = array();
         $users['user'] = $this->user_r_model->where($cond['user'])->order('created desc')->findall($page->limit());
         $users['page'] = $page->show();
     return $users;
Example #16
  * 企业操作日志
 public function optLog($cond)
     $db = M('opt_log');
     $nums = $db->where($cond)->count();
     $page = new page($nums, 15);
     $logs = array();
     $logs['log'] = $db->where($cond)->order('created desc')->findall($page->limit());
     $logs['page'] = $page->show();
     return $logs;