public function latest() { $user_repo = $this->getP3(); if (!$user_repo) { echo json_encode(array('error' => 'Please enter the name of the package as vercingetorix:test')); } else { $colons = explode(':', $user_repo); $user = $colons[0]; $repo = isset($colons[1]) ? $colons[1] : false; if (!$repo || $user == '' || $repo == '') { echo json_encode(array('error' => 'Please enter the name of the package as vercingetorix:test')); } else { $packages = new packages($this->getDb()); $package = $packages->select('*', 'WHERE user="******" AND repo="' . $repo . '"'); if (!isset($package[0]['id'])) { echo json_encode(array('error' => 'The package does not exist')); } else { $url = '' . $user . '/' . $repo . '/tags'; $cache = new Cache(); $data = $cache->get($url, 43200); if (!$data) { $data = file_get_contents($url); $cache->set($url, $data); } $data = json_decode($data, true); $tags_list = isset($data['tags']) ? $data['tags'] : array(); $tags = array_keys($tags_list); sort($tags); $latest = false; foreach ($tags as $tag) { if (strpos(strtolower($tag), 'beta') === false && strpos(strtolower($tag), 'rc1') === false && strpos(strtolower($tag), 'rc2') === false && strpos(strtolower($tag), 'pr') === false) { $latest = $tag; } } if (!$latest) { echo json_encode(array('error' => 'There are no releases for this package')); } else { echo json_encode(array('error' => '', 'url' => '' . $user . '/' . $repo . '/tarball/' . $latest, 'user' => $user, 'repo' => $repo, 'version' => $latest)); } } } } }
public function paypalpost() { /* $package_data = $db->getRows('SELECT * FROM packages WHERE id IN ('.implode(",",$array_pack_id).')'); print_r($package_data); foreach ($package_data as $package_data) { $query = "INSERT INTO orders (user_id,order_id,order_data,order_total) VALUES ('".$_SESSION['agent']['user_id']."','".$_POST['txn_id']."','".$package_data['title']."','".$package_data['price']."')"; mysql_query($query); } */ /* $name= Input::get("name"); $sql="INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES ('".$name."')"; $status= DB::INSERT(DB::raw($sql)); if ($status=1) return "Records insterted successfully". $status; else return "problem inserting records in DB"; */ $agent_id = Input::get('agent_id'); $package_id = Input::get('package_id'); $txn_id = Input::get("txn_id"); $purchasedPacks = null; $values = explode(',', $package_id); $packages = packages::whereIn('id', $values)->get(); foreach ($packages as $pack) { $purchasedPacks = $purchasedPacks . $pack['package'] . "<BR>"; } return 'Agent_id is ' . $agent_id . ' Packages Bought are <BR>' . $purchasedPacks . ' based on Transaction_id ' . $txn_id; //AFTER RETREIVING VALUES NOW YOU NEED SEARCH CORRECT PACKAGE TITLE AND PRICE AND INSERT INTO ORDERS TABLE WITH //CORRECT TXN_IDS AND AGENT_ID //User will pass $array_pack_id, $_SESSION['agent']['user_id'],$_POST['txn_id'],$package_data['title'],$package_data['price'] }
public function packages() { $jsonVariable; $packages = packages::get(); return $packages; }
public function selectpackages($pkg_type, $country_id) { $banner_pkg = packages::where('pkg_type', '=', $pkg_type)->where('country_id', '=', $country_id)->get(); return $banner_pkg; }