function __construct($params)
     $this->type = 'options';
     $goal = $this->getParam('goal');
     // check that goal number is present
     $v1 = owa_coreAPI::validationFactory('required');
     $this->setValidation('goal_number', $v1);
     // check that goal status is present
     $v1 = owa_coreAPI::validationFactory('required');
     $this->setValidation('goal_status', $v1);
     // check that goal status is present
     $v1 = owa_coreAPI::validationFactory('required');
     $this->setValidation('goal_group', $v1);
     // check that goal type is present
     $v1 = owa_coreAPI::validationFactory('required');
     $this->setValidation('goal_type', $v1);
     if ($goal['goal_type'] === 'url_destination') {
         // check that match_type is present
         $v1 = owa_coreAPI::validationFactory('required');
         $this->setValidation('match_type', $v1);
         // check that goal_url is present
         $v1 = owa_coreAPI::validationFactory('required');
         $this->setValidation('goal_url', $v1);
     $steps = $goal['details']['funnel_steps'];
     if (isset($goal['details']['funnel_steps'])) {
         foreach ($goal['details']['funnel_steps'] as $num => $step) {
             if (!empty($step['name']) || !empty($step['url'])) {
                 // check that step name is present
                 $v1 = owa_coreAPI::validationFactory('required');
                 $this->setValidation('step_name_' . $num, $v1);
                 // check that step url is present
                 $v1 = owa_coreAPI::validationFactory('required');
                 $this->setValidation('step_url_' . $num, $v1);
             $check = owa_lib::array_values_assoc($step);
             if (!empty($check)) {
                 $step['step_number'] = $num;
                 $this->params['goal']['details']['funnel_steps'][$num] = $step;
             } else {
                 // remove the array as it only contains empty values.
                 // this can happen when the use adds a step but does not fill in any
                 // values.