  * @param string $consumerKey
  * @param string $consumerSecret
  * @param osapiStorage $storage
  * @param string $cookieKey
  * @param osapiProvider $provider
  * @param string $localUserId optional
 public function __construct($consumerKey, $consumerSecret, osapiStorage $storage, $cookieKey, osapiProvider $provider, $localUserId = null)
     $this->storage = $storage;
     $this->storageKey = 'OAuth2u:' . $consumerKey . ':' . $localUserId;
     if (!($this->accessToken = $storage->get($this->storageKey))) {
         if (!isset($_COOKIE[$cookieKey])) {
         $cookie = array();
         parse_str($_COOKIE[$cookieKey], $cookie);
         setcookie($cookieKey, '', 0, '/');
         if (isset($cookie['error'])) {
             throw new osapiException($cookie['error']);
         if (!isset($cookie['access_token'])) {
             throw new osapiException('missing access token in cookie');
         if (isset($cookie['signature']) && isset($cookie['issued_at'])) {
             $this->verifySignature($cookie['signature'], $consumerSecret, $cookie['access_token'], $cookie['issued_at'], isset($cookie['user_id']) ? $cookie['user_id'] : '', '');
             if (isset($cookie['userId'])) {
                 $this->userId = $cookie['userId'];
         $this->accessToken = new OAuth2_Token($cookie['access_token'], null, null);
         foreach ($cookie as $key => $value) {
             $this->accessToken->{'set' . $key}($value);
         $storage->set($this->storageKey, $this->accessToken);
Example #2
  * parse the response of an access token request and store it in dataStore
  * @param OAuth2_HttpClient $http
 private function _parseAccessTokenResponse(OAuth2_HttpClient $http)
     $headers = $http->getHeaders();
     $type = 'text';
     if (isset($headers['Content-Type']) && strpos($headers['Content-Type'], 'application/json') !== false) {
         $type = 'json';
     switch ($type) {
         case 'json':
             $response = json_decode($http->getResponse(), true);
         case 'text':
             $response = OAuth2_HttpClient::parseStringToArray($http->getResponse(), '&', '=');
     if (isset($response['error'])) {
         throw new OAuth2_Exception('got error while requesting access token: ' . $response['error']);
     if (!isset($response['access_token'])) {
         throw new OAuth2_Exception('no access_token found');
     $token = new OAuth2_Token($response['access_token'], isset($response['refresh_token']) ? $response['refresh_token'] : null, isset($response['expires_in']) ? $response['expires_in'] : null);
     // add additional parameters which may be returned depending on service and scope
     foreach ($response as $key => $value) {
         $token->{'set' . $key}($value);
     if (isset($_GET['platform'])) {
     $this->_dataStore->set($this->_storageKey, $token);
  public function __construct($providerUrl, osapiStorage $storage, osapiHttpProvider $httpProvider = null) {
    $this->providerUrl = $providerUrl;
    $this->providerName = $this->providerUrl;
    if ($httpProvider) {
      $this->httpProvider = $httpProvider;
    } else {
      $this->httpProvider = new osapiCurlProvider();
    // See if we have any cached XRDS info so we can skip the http request. Cache time is currently hard-coded to 1 day
    if (($xrds = $storage->get($this->providerUrl.":xrds", 24 * 60 * 60)) !== false) {
      list($requestTokenUrl, $authorizeUrl, $accessTokenUrl, $restEndpoint, $rpcEndpoint, $this->providerName, $isOpenSocial) = $xrds;
    } else {
      // Start XRDS discovery

      $xrds = XrdsSimpleParser::doOAuthDiscovery($this->providerUrl, true, $this->httpProvider);

      // OAuth end-points
      $requestTokenUrl = $xrds['requestUrl'];
      $authorizeUrl = $xrds['authorizeUrl'];
      $accessTokenUrl = $xrds['accessUrl'];
      if (empty($requestTokenUrl) || empty($authorizeUrl) || empty($accessTokenUrl)) {
        throw new osapiException("Could not discover the required OAuth end-points");
      $rddXml = $xrds['rdd'];

      // PortableContacts end-point, optional
      $pocoUrl = XrdsSimpleParser::getServiceByType($rddXml, 'http://portablecontacts.net/spec/1.0');
      if (empty($pocoUrl)) $pocoUrl = null;

      // These are not official end-point names, only partuza supports them currently, a proposal has been send to the spec list
      $restEndpoint = XrdsSimpleParser::getServiceByType($rddXml, 'http://ns.opensocial.org/rest/0.8');
      $rpcEndpoint = XrdsSimpleParser::getServiceByType($rddXml, 'http://ns.opensocial.org/rpc/0.8');
      if (empty($restEndpoint) && empty($rpcEndpoint)) {
        // no experimental simple end points found, try to find the rest base based on the people end-point
        $peopleEndpoint = XrdsSimpleParser::getServiceByType($rddXml, 'http://ns.opensocial.org/people/0.8');
        $restEndpoint = str_replace('/people', '', $peopleEndpoint);
      $isOpenSocial = true;
      if (empty($restEndpoint) && empty($rpcEndpoint) && empty($pocoUrl)) {
        throw new osapiException("No supported social end-points found");
      } elseif (empty($restEndpoint) && empty($rpcEndpoint) && !empty($pocoUrl)) {
        $isOpenSocial = false;
        $restEndpoint = $pocoUrl;
        $rpcEndpoint = null;

      // Store the results in cache so we can skip it next time
      $storage->set($this->providerUrl.":xrds", array((string)$requestTokenUrl, (string)$authorizeUrl, (string)$accessTokenUrl, (string)$restEndpoint, (string)$rpcEndpoint, (string)$this->providerName, (int)$isOpenSocial));
    // Construct our selves based on the XRDS discovered end-points
    parent::__construct($requestTokenUrl, $authorizeUrl, $accessTokenUrl, $restEndpoint, $rpcEndpoint, $this->providerName, $isOpenSocial);
 public function storeCallbackUrl()
     $this->storage->set($this->storageKey . ":originalUrl", 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);