Example #1
  * Calculates the prices of deliverables
  * and adds them up to the salesproject value
 function calculate_price()
     $value = 0;
     $cost = 0;
     $deliverable_qb = org_openpsa_sales_salesproject_deliverable_dba::new_query_builder();
     $deliverable_qb->add_constraint('salesproject', '=', $this->id);
     $deliverable_qb->add_constraint('up', '=', 0);
     $deliverable_qb->add_constraint('state', '<>', org_openpsa_sales_salesproject_deliverable_dba::STATUS_DECLINED);
     $deliverables = $deliverable_qb->execute();
     foreach ($deliverables as $deliverable) {
         if ($deliverable->orgOpenpsaObtype == org_openpsa_products_product_dba::DELIVERY_SUBSCRIPTION) {
             $scheduler = new org_openpsa_invoices_scheduler($deliverable);
             if ($deliverable->end == 0) {
                 // FIXME: Get this from config key 'subscription_profit_months'
                 $cycles = $scheduler->calculate_cycles(12);
             } else {
                 $cycles = $scheduler->calculate_cycles();
             $value = $value + $deliverable->price * $cycles;
             $cost = $cost + $deliverable->cost * $cycles;
         } else {
             $value = $value + $deliverable->price;
             $cost = $cost + $deliverable->cost;
     $profit = $value - $cost;
     if ($this->value != $value || $this->profit != $profit) {
         $this->value = $value;
         $this->profit = $value - $cost;
Example #2
  * @dataProvider providerCalculate_cycles
  * @depends testCalculate_cycle_next
 public function testCalculate_cycles($attributes, $months, $result)
     $deliverable = self::prepare_object('org_openpsa_sales_salesproject_deliverable_dba', $attributes);
     $scheduler = new org_openpsa_invoices_scheduler($deliverable);
     $cycles = $scheduler->calculate_cycles($months);
     $this->assertEquals($result, $cycles, 'Wrong value for unit ' . $deliverable->unit);
Example #3
  * @param mixed $handler_id The ID of the handler.
  * @param array &$data The local request data.
 public function _show_generator($handler_id, array &$data)
     // Quick workaround to Bergies lazy determination of whether this is user's or everyone's report...
     if ($this->_request_data['query_data']['resource'] == 'user:'******'auth')->user->guid) {
         // My report
         $data['handler_id'] = 'deliverable_report';
     } else {
         // Generic report
         $data['handler_id'] = 'sales_report';
     /*** Copied from sales/handler/deliverable/report.php ***/
     $invoices_node = midcom_helper_misc::find_node_by_component('org.openpsa.invoices');
     $sums_per_person = array();
     $sums_all = array('price' => 0, 'cost' => 0, 'profit' => 0);
     $odd = true;
     foreach ($data['invoices'] as $deliverable_guid => $invoices) {
         if (count($invoices) == 0) {
             // No invoices sent in this project, skip
         try {
             $deliverable = org_openpsa_sales_salesproject_deliverable_dba::get_cached($deliverable_guid);
             $product = org_openpsa_products_product_dba::get_cached($deliverable->product);
             $salesproject = org_openpsa_sales_salesproject_dba::get_cached($deliverable->salesproject);
             $customer = midcom_db_group::get_cached($salesproject->customer);
         } catch (midcom_error $e) {
         if (!array_key_exists($salesproject->owner, $sums_per_person)) {
             $sums_per_person[$salesproject->owner] = array('price' => 0, 'cost' => 0, 'profit' => 0);
         // Calculate the price and cost from invoices
         $invoice_price = 0;
         $data['invoice_string'] = '';
         $invoice_cycle_numbers = array();
         foreach ($invoices as $invoice) {
             $invoice_price += $invoice->sum;
             $invoice_class = $invoice->get_status();
             if ($invoices_node) {
                 $invoice_label = "<a class=\"{$invoice_class}\" href=\"{$invoices_node[MIDCOM_NAV_FULLURL]}invoice/{$invoice->guid}/\">" . $invoice->get_label() . "</a>";
             } else {
                 $invoice_label = $invoice->get_label();
             if ($product->delivery == org_openpsa_products_product_dba::DELIVERY_SUBSCRIPTION) {
                 $invoice_cycle_numbers[] = (int) $invoice->parameter('org.openpsa.sales', 'cycle_number');
             $data['invoice_string'] .= "<li class=\"{$invoice_class}\">{$invoice_label}</li>\n";
         if ($product->delivery == org_openpsa_products_product_dba::DELIVERY_SUBSCRIPTION) {
             // This is a subscription, it should be shown only if it is the first invoice
             if (!in_array(1, $invoice_cycle_numbers)) {
                 // This will skip to next deliverable
             $scheduler = new org_openpsa_invoices_scheduler($deliverable);
             if ($deliverable->end == 0) {
                 // Subscription doesn't have an end date, use specified amount of months for calculation
                 $cycles = $scheduler->calculate_cycles($this->_config->get('subscription_profit_months'));
                 $data['calculation_basis'] = sprintf($data['l10n']->get('%s cycles in %s months'), $cycles, $this->_config->get('subscription_profit_months'));
             } else {
                 $cycles = $scheduler->calculate_cycles();
                 $data['calculation_basis'] = sprintf($data['l10n']->get('%s cycles, %s - %s'), $cycles, strftime('%x', $deliverable->start), strftime('%x', $deliverable->end));
             $price = $deliverable->price * $cycles;
             $cost = $deliverable->cost * $cycles;
         } else {
             // This is a single delivery, calculate cost as percentage as it may be invoiced in pieces
             if ($deliverable->price) {
                 $cost_percentage = 100 / $deliverable->price * $invoice_price;
                 $cost = $deliverable->cost / 100 * $cost_percentage;
             } else {
                 $cost_percentage = 100;
                 $cost = $deliverable->cost;
             $price = $invoice_price;
             $data['calculation_basis'] = sprintf($data['l10n']->get('%s%% of %s'), round($cost_percentage), $deliverable->price);
         // And now just count the profit
         $profit = $price - $cost;
         $data['customer'] = $customer;
         $data['salesproject'] = $salesproject;
         $data['deliverable'] = $deliverable;
         $data['price'] = $price;
         $sums_per_person[$salesproject->owner]['price'] += $price;
         $sums_all['price'] += $price;
         $data['cost'] = $cost;
         $sums_per_person[$salesproject->owner]['cost'] += $cost;
         $sums_all['cost'] += $cost;
         $data['profit'] = $profit;
         $sums_per_person[$salesproject->owner]['profit'] += $profit;
         $sums_all['profit'] += $profit;
         if ($odd) {
             $data['row_class'] = '';
             $odd = false;
         } else {
             $data['row_class'] = ' class="even"';
             $odd = true;
     $data['sums_per_person'] = $sums_per_person;
     $data['sums_all'] = $sums_all;
     /*** /Copied from sales/handler/deliverable/report.php ***/