function createChildComponents() { $entityTypeService = $this->_application->retrieveProxy('movio.modules.ontologybuilder.service.EntityTypeService'); $properties = $entityTypeService->getEntityTypeAttributeProperties(__Request::get('entityTypeId'), $this->_parent->getId()); $moduleId = $properties['entity_properties_params']; $this->_content['title'] = $this->data->text; $c =& org_glizy_ObjectFactory::createComponent('org.glizy.components.Text', $this->_application, $this, 'glz:Text', 'title', 'title'); $this->addChild($c); $this->_content['url'] = __Routing::makeUrl($moduleId, array('document_id' => $this->data->id, 'title' => $this->data->text)); $c =& org_glizy_ObjectFactory::createComponent('org.glizy.components.Text', $this->_application, $this, 'glz:Text', 'url', 'url'); $this->addChild($c); $module = org_glizy_Modules::getModule($moduleId); $ar = org_glizy_ObjectFactory::createModel($module->classPath . '.models.Model'); $ar->load($this->data->id); if ($ar->fieldExists('image')) { $this->_content['__image'] = $ar->image; $c =& org_glizy_ObjectFactory::createComponent('org.glizy.components.Image', $this->_application, $this, 'glz:Image', '__image', '__image'); $c->setAttribute('width', __Config::get('THUMB_WIDTH')); $c->setAttribute('height', __Config::get('THUMB_HEIGHT')); $c->setAttribute('crop', true); $this->addChild($c); } else { $c =& org_glizy_ObjectFactory::createComponent('movio.modules.ontologybuilder.views.components.NoImage', $this->_application, $this, 'glz:Image', '__image', '__image'); $c->setAttribute('width', __Config::get('THUMB_SMALL_WIDTH')); $c->setAttribute('height', __Config::get('THUMB_SMALL_HEIGHT')); $this->addChild($c); } }
function execute() { $id = __Request::get('id'); $modulesState = org_glizy_Modules::getModulesState(); $modulesState[$id] = __Request::get('action') == 'enable'; org_glizy_Modules::setModulesState($modulesState); return true; }
public function findTerm($fieldName, $model, $query, $term, $proxyParams = null) { $model = org_glizy_Modules::getModule($proxyParams->moduleId); $it = org_glizy_ObjectFactory::createModelIterator($model->classPath . '.models.Model')->where('title', '%' . $term . '%', 'ILIKE')->orderBy('title'); $result = array(); foreach ($it as $ar) { $result[] = array('id' => $ar->getId(), 'text' => $ar->title); } return $result; }
function execute() { $modules = org_glizy_Modules::getModules(); $result = array(); foreach ($modules as $module) { if ($module->showInOntologyBuilder) { $result[] = array('id' => $module->id, 'name' => $module->name); } } return $result; }
static function registerModule() { $moduleVO = org_glizy_Modules::getModuleVO(); $moduleVO->id = 'glizycms.userManager.fe'; $moduleVO->name = __T('User Manager'); $moduleVO->description = ''; $moduleVO->version = '1.0.0'; $moduleVO->classPath = 'org.glizycms.userManager.fe'; $moduleVO->author = 'META srl'; $moduleVO->authorUrl = ''; org_glizy_Modules::addModule($moduleVO); }
function execute() { $tableName = $this->parent->getTableName(); $siteMap =& org_glizy_ObjectFactory::createObject('org.glizycms.core.application.SiteMapDB'); $siteMap->getSiteArray(); $menuNode = $siteMap->getMenuByPageType($tableName . '.views.FrontEnd'); if ($menuNode) { $menuProxy = org_glizy_ObjectFactory::createObject('org.glizycms.contents.models.proxy.MenuProxy'); $pageId = $menuProxy->deleteMenu($menuNode->id); } org_glizy_Modules::deleteCache(); return true; }
static function registerModule() { glz_loadLocale('movio.modules.thesaurus'); $moduleVO = org_glizy_Modules::getModuleVO(); $moduleVO->id = 'movio_thesaurus'; $moduleVO->name = __T('movio_thesaurus'); $moduleVO->description = ''; $moduleVO->version = '1.0.0'; $moduleVO->classPath = 'movio.modules.thesaurus'; $moduleVO->author = 'META srl'; $moduleVO->authorUrl = ''; $moduleVO->pluginUrl = ''; $moduleVO->siteMapAdmin = '<glz:Page pageType="movio.modules.thesaurus.views.Admin" id="movio_thesaurus" value="{i18n:' . $moduleVO->name . '}" icon="icon-circle-blank" adm:acl="*" />'; org_glizy_Modules::addModule($moduleVO); }
static function registerModule() { $moduleVO = org_glizy_Modules::getModuleVO(); $moduleVO->id = 'movio_touristoperators'; $moduleVO->name = __T('Tourist Operators'); $moduleVO->description = ''; $moduleVO->version = '1.0.0'; $moduleVO->classPath = 'movio.modules.touristoperators'; $moduleVO->pageType = 'movio.modules.touristoperators.views.FrontEnd'; $moduleVO->author = 'META srl'; $moduleVO->authorUrl = ''; $moduleVO->pluginUrl = ''; $moduleVO->siteMapAdmin = '<glz:Page pageType="movio.modules.touristoperators.views.Admin" id="movio_touristoperators" value="{i18n:Tourist Operators}" icon="icon-circle-blank" />'; $moduleVO->showInOntologyBuilder = true; org_glizy_Modules::addModule($moduleVO); }
/** * Render * * @return void * @access public */ function render() { // TODO tradurre le label $output = ''; $output .= '<table id="' . $this->getId() . '" class="js-modulesManager ' . $this->getAttribute('cssClass') . '">'; if ($this->getAttribute('label') != '') { $output .= '<caption>' . $this->getAttribute('label') . '</caption>'; } // disegna le colonne $output .= '<thead>'; $output .= '<tr>'; $output .= '<th class="name">Plugin</th>'; $output .= '<th>Descrizione</th>'; $output .= '<th class="actions"></th>'; $output .= '</tr>'; $output .= '<tfoot><tr><td colspan="3"></td></tr></tfoot>'; $output .= '<tbody>'; $origCssClass = explode(',', $this->getAttribute('cssClass')); $tempCssClass = array(); $modulesState = org_glizy_Modules::getModulesState(); $modules = org_glizy_Modules::getModules(); $this->sort($modules); foreach ($modules as $m) { // $moduleDescription = org_glizy_ObjectFactory::createObject( 'org.glizy.ModuleDescription', $m ); // if ( !empty( $m->pageType ) ) continue; $isEnabled = !isset($modulesState[$m->id]) || $modulesState[$m->id]; if (!count($tempCssClass)) { $tempCssClass = $origCssClass; } $cssClass = array_shift($tempCssClass); $cssClass .= ' ' . ($isEnabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'); $output .= '<tr class="' . $cssClass . '">' . '<td class="name">' . __T($m->name) . '</td>' . '<td>' . '<p class="description">' . $m->description . '</p>' . '<p class="info">Versione ' . $m->version . ' | ' . __Link::makeLink2(null, array('label' => $m->author, 'title' => 'Visita il sito dell\'autore', 'url' => $m->authorUrl, 'rel' => 'external')) . ' | ' . __Link::makeLink2(null, array('label' => 'Visita il sito del plugin', 'url' => $m->pluginUrl, 'rel' => 'external')) . '</p>' . '</td>' . '<td class="actions">' . (!$isEnabled ? '<a href="" data-action="enable" data-id="' . $m->id . '" class="js-modulesManagerAction action">abilita</a>' : '') . ($isEnabled ? '<a href="" data-action="disable" data-id="' . $m->id . '" class="js-modulesManagerAction action">disabilita</a>' : '') . ' ' . ($m->canDuplicated ? '<a href="' . __Routing::makeUrl('glizycmsModuleManagerDuplicate', array('pageId' => $this->pageId, 'id' => $m->id)) . '" class="action">duplica</a>' : '') . '</td>' . '</tr>'; } $output .= '</tbody>'; $output .= '</table>'; $output .= <<<EOD <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function() { \t\$("table.js-modulesManager a.js-modulesManagerAction ").click( function( e ){ \t\te.stopPropagation(); \t\tif ( jQuery( this ).data( "action" ) == "uninstall" ) \t\t{ \t\t\tif ( !confirm( "Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere il plugin?") ) \t\t\t{ \t\t\t\treturn false; \t\t\t} \t\t} \t\t// jQuery.modal('<div></div>', { \t\t// \tclose: false, \t\t// \toverlayCss:{ \t\t// \t\tbackgroundColor:"#000" \t\t// \t}, \t\t// \toverlayClose: false \t\t// }); \t\tjQuery.ajax( { url: Glizy.ajaxUrl+jQuery( this ).data( "action" ), \t\t\t\t\ttype: 'POST', \t\t\t\t\tdata: { id: jQuery( this ).data( "id" ) }, \t\t\t\t\tsuccess: function( response, r, a ) { \t\t\t\t\t\tlocation.reload(); \t\t\t\t\t}}); \t\treturn false; \t}); }); </script> EOD; $this->addOutputCode($output); }
function execute() { org_glizy_Modules::deleteCache(); org_glizy_cache_CacheFile::cleanPHP(__Paths::get('APPLICATION_TO_ADMIN_CACHE')); return true; }
function _processSiteMapXML($fileName, $parentId = '') { $application =& org_glizy_ObjectValues::get('org.glizy', 'application'); $lang = $application->getLanguage(); $modulesState = org_glizy_Modules::getModulesState(); $xmlString = file_get_contents($fileName); if (strpos($xmlString, '<glz:modulesAdmin />')) { $modulesSiteMap = ''; $modules = org_glizy_Modules::getModules(); foreach ($modules as $m) { if ($m->enabled && $m->siteMapAdmin) { $modulesSiteMap .= $m->siteMapAdmin; } } $xmlString = str_replace('<glz:modulesAdmin />', $modulesSiteMap, $xmlString); } $xml = org_glizy_ObjectFactory::createObject('org.glizy.parser.XML'); $xml->loadXmlAndParseNS($xmlString); $pages = $xml->getElementsByTagName('Page'); $total = $pages->length; $pagesAcl = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) { $currNode = $pages->item($i); $nodeTitle = ''; $this->_searchNodeDetails($currNode, $nodeTitle, $lang); $id = $currNode->getAttribute('id'); if (isset($modulesState[$id]) && !$modulesState[$id]) { continue; } $menu = $this->getEmptyMenu(); $menu['id'] = strtolower($id); $menu['parentId'] = $currNode->hasAttribute('parentId') ? strtolower($currNode->getAttribute('parentId')) : ($currNode->parentNode->hasAttribute('id') ? strtolower($currNode->parentNode->getAttribute('id')) : ''); $menu['pageType'] = $currNode->hasAttribute('pageType') ? $currNode->getAttribute('pageType') : $currNode->getAttribute('id'); $menu['isPublished'] = 1; $menu['isVisible'] = $currNode->getAttribute('visible'); $menu['cssClass'] = $currNode->getAttribute('cssClass'); $menu['icon'] = $currNode->getAttribute('icon'); $menu['sortChild'] = $currNode->hasAttribute('sortChild') && $currNode->getAttribute('sortChild') == 'true'; if (!$currNode->hasAttribute('visible')) { if ($currNode->hasAttribute('adm:acl') || in_array($menu['id'], $pagesAcl)) { $menu['isVisible'] = '{php:$user.acl("' . $menu['id'] . '", "visible")}'; } else { if (!$currNode->hasAttribute('adm:acl') && $currNode->hasAttribute('adm:aclPageTypes')) { $temp = array(); $aclPages = explode(',', strtolower($currNode->getAttribute('adm:aclPageTypes'))); foreach ($aclPages as $v) { $temp[] = '$user.acl("' . $v . '", "visible")'; } $menu['isVisible'] = '{php:(' . implode(' OR ', $temp) . ')}'; } } } $menu['title'] = $nodeTitle; $menu['depth'] = 1; $menu['childNodes'] = array(); // solo admin $menu['order'] = 0; $menu['hasPreview'] = 0; $menu['type'] = 'PAGE'; $menu['creationDate'] = 0; $menu['modificationDate'] = 0; $menu['url'] = str_replace('%', '&', $currNode->getAttribute('url')); if (strpos($menu['url'], '&') === 0) { $menu['url'] = __Link::scriptUrl(true) . $menu['url']; } $menu['select'] = strtolower($currNode->getAttribute('select')); $menu['nodeObj'] = NULL; $menu['adm:acl'] = $currNode->hasAttribute('adm:acl') ? $currNode->getAttribute('adm:acl') : null; $menu['adm:aclLabel'] = $currNode->hasAttribute('adm:aclLabel') ? $currNode->getAttribute('adm:aclLabel') : null; $menu['adm:aclPageTypes'] = $currNode->hasAttribute('adm:aclPageTypes') ? $currNode->getAttribute('adm:aclPageTypes') : null; if ($menu['adm:aclPageTypes']) { $pagesAcl = array_merge(explode(',', strtolower($menu['adm:aclPageTypes'])), $pagesAcl); } $this->_siteMapArray[$menu["id"]] = $menu; } }
/** * @param DOMElement $param * @param $name * @param bool $child */ private function compileNode(&$param, $name, $child, $prefix, $middleware) { $value = $param->hasAttribute('value') ? $param->getAttribute('value') : $param->firstChild->nodeValue; $value = !$param->hasAttribute('method') && !$param->hasAttribute('skipLanguage') ? $this->language . $prefix . $value : $prefix . $value; $parseUrl = $param->hasAttribute('parseUrl') ? $param->getAttribute('parseUrl') : 'true'; $keyName = $param->hasAttribute('keyName') ? $param->getAttribute('keyName') : ''; $keyValue = $param->hasAttribute('keyValue') ? $param->getAttribute('keyValue') : ''; $method = $param->hasAttribute('method') ? strtolower($param->getAttribute('method')) : ''; $child = $child ? '[]' : ''; $urlPattern = ''; $urlValues = array(); $staticValues = array(); if ($middleware) { $staticValues['__middleware__'] = $middleware; } if ($parseUrl == 'true') { $attributeToSkip = array('name', 'value', 'parseUrl', 'keyValue', 'keyValue'); foreach ($param->attributes as $index => $attr) { // NOTA: su alcune versioni di PHP (es 5.1) empty( $attr->prefix ) non viene valutato in modo corretto $prefix = $attr->prefix == "" || is_null($attr->prefix) ? "" : $attr->prefix . ":"; $attrName = $prefix . $attr->name; if (!in_array($attrName, $attributeToSkip)) { $staticValues[$attrName] = $attr->value; } } /** @var org_glizy_application_Application $application */ $application =& org_glizy_ObjectValues::get('org.glizy', 'application'); $siteMap =& $application->getSiteMap(); $isApplicationDB = $siteMap && $siteMap->getType() == 'db'; $urlPattern = str_replace('/', '\\/', $value); preg_match_all("|\\{(.*)\\}|U", $urlPattern, $match, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); for ($i = 0; $i < count($match[0]); $i++) { $command = explode('=', $match[1][$i]); $urlValuesKey = $command[count($command) - 1]; switch ($command[0]) { case 'language': $urlPartValue = '(.{2})'; break; case '*': case 'currentMenu': $urlPartValue = '(.*)'; $urlValuesKey = 'pageId'; break; case 'pageId': if (count($command) > 1 && is_object($siteMap)) { if (is_numeric($command[1])) { $page = $siteMap->getNodeById($command[1]); } else { $page = $siteMap->getMenuByPageType($command[1]); if (is_null($page)) { $module = org_glizy_Modules::getModule($command[1]); if (!is_null($module) && $module->pageType) { $page = $siteMap->getMenuByPageType($module->pageType); } } } if ($isApplicationDB) { $urlPartValue = strtolower('(' . $page->id . '\\/[^\\/]*?)'); } else { $urlPartValue = strtolower('(' . str_replace('/', '\\/', $page->id) . ')'); } } else { $urlPartValue = '([^\\/]*)'; } $urlValuesKey = $command[0]; break; case 'pageTitle': $urlPartValue = '([^\\/]*)'; break; case 'value': $urlPartValue = '([^\\/]*)'; break; case 'integer': $urlPartValue = '(\\d*)'; break; case 'static': $urlPartValue = ''; $urlValuesKey = $command[1]; break; case 'state': $urlPartValue = '(' . $command[1] . ')'; $urlValuesKey = $command[0]; break; case 'config': $urlPartValue = ''; $urlValuesKey = ''; break; default: $urlPartValue = '(' . (count($command) > 1 ? $command[1] : $command[0]) . ')'; $urlValuesKey = $command[0]; break; } if (empty($urlPartValue)) { $urlPattern = str_replace(array($match[0][$i] . '\\/', $match[0][$i]), '()', $urlPattern); $urlValues[$urlValuesKey] = $command[2]; continue; } $urlValues[$urlValuesKey] = ''; $urlPattern = str_replace($match[0][$i], $urlPartValue, $urlPattern); if (strpos($urlPattern, '#') !== false) { list($urlPattern) = explode('#', $urlPattern); } } $urlPattern = rtrim($urlPattern, '\\/'); $urlPattern = '|^' . $urlPattern . '(\\/?)$|i'; } $this->output .= '$configArray["' . $name . '"]' . $child . ' = array("value" => "' . addslashes($value) . '", "urlPattern" => "' . addcslashes($urlPattern, '"\\') . '", "urlValues" => "' . addcslashes(serialize($urlValues), '"\\') . '", "staticValues" => "' . addcslashes(serialize($staticValues), '"\\') . '", "parseUrl" => ' . $parseUrl . ', "keyName" => "' . $keyName . '", "keyValue" => "' . $keyValue . '", "method" => "' . $method . '" )' . GLZ_COMPILER_NEWLINE; }
function compileChildren(&$node, &$registredNameSpaces, &$counter, $oldcounter = 'NULL', $idPrefix = '') { foreach ($node->childNodes as $nc) { $counter++; $this->_compileXml($nc, $registredNameSpaces, $counter, '$n' . $oldcounter, $idPrefix); } if ($node->hasAttribute('allowModulesSnippets') && $node->getAttribute('allowModulesSnippets') == "true") { $modulesState = org_glizy_Modules::getModulesState(); $modules = org_glizy_Modules::getModules(); foreach ($modules as $m) { $isEnabled = !isset($modulesState[$m->id]) || $modulesState[$m->id]; if ($isEnabled && $m->pluginInPageType && $m->pluginSnippet) { $counter++; $this->compile_glzinclude($m->pluginSnippet, $registredNameSpaces, $counter, '$n' . $oldcounter, $idPrefix); } } } }
protected function readFromModules() { if ($this->getAttribute('showAllPageTypes')) { $modules = org_glizy_Modules::getModules(); foreach ($modules as $moduleVO) { $pageType = $moduleVO->pageType; if ($pageType) { if (isset($this->items[$pageType])) { continue; } if (!$moduleVO->show) { continue; } if ($moduleVO->unique && $pageType != $this->_content) { // TODO migliorare $ar =& org_glizy_ObjectFactory::createModel('org.glizycms.core.models.Menu'); $result = $ar->find(array('menu_pageType' => $pageType)); unset($ar); if ($result) { continue; } } $this->items[$pageType] = array('label' => __T($pageType), 'type' => $pageType, 'cssClass' => 'button-generic'); } } } }
/** * @param $options * * @return mixed */ function compile($options) { $this->initOutput(); if (isset($options['mode'])) { $this->mode = $options['mode']; } $pageXml = org_glizy_ObjectFactory::createObject('org.glizy.parser.XML'); $pageXml->loadAndParseNS($this->_fileName); $pageRootNode = $pageXml->documentElement; $registredNameSpaces = $pageXml->namespaces; $registredNameSpaces['glz'] = 'org.glizy.components'; // include i componenti usati foreach ($registredNameSpaces as $key => $value) { if ($key != 'glz' && substr($value, -1, 1) == '*') { $this->output .= 'glz_loadLocale(\'' . $value . '\')' . GLZ_COMPILER_NEWLINE; } } $className = glz_basename($this->_cacheObj->getFileName()); $componentClassInfo = $this->_getComponentClassInfo($pageRootNode->nodeName, $registredNameSpaces); //if (!empty($componentClassInfo['classPath'])) //{ // $this->_classSource .= 'glz_import(\''.$componentClassInfo['classPath'].'\')'.GLZ_COMPILER_NEWLINE; //} $this->_classSource .= 'class ' . $className . ' extends ' . $componentClassInfo['className'] . ' {' . GLZ_COMPILER_NEWLINE2; $this->_classSource .= 'function ' . $className . '(&$application, &$parent, $tagName=\'\', $id=\'\', $originalId=\'\', $skipImport=false) {' . GLZ_COMPILER_NEWLINE2; if (isset($options['originalClassName'])) { $this->_classSource .= '$this->_className = \'' . $options['originalClassName'] . '\'' . GLZ_COMPILER_NEWLINE; } $this->_classSource .= 'parent::__construct($application, $parent, $tagName, $id, $originalId)' . GLZ_COMPILER_NEWLINE; $this->_classSource .= '$mode = ""' . GLZ_COMPILER_NEWLINE; $this->_classSource .= '$idPrefix = ""' . GLZ_COMPILER_NEWLINE; $this->_classSource .= '$n0 = &$this' . GLZ_COMPILER_NEWLINE; $this->_classSource .= 'if (!empty($id)) $id .= \'-\'' . GLZ_COMPILER_NEWLINE; $this->_classSource .= 'if (!empty($originalId)) $originalId .= \'-\'' . GLZ_COMPILER_NEWLINE; if (count($pageRootNode->attributes)) { // compila gli attributi $this->_classSource .= '$attributes = array('; foreach ($pageRootNode->attributes as $index => $attr) { if ($attr->name != 'id') { // NOTA: su alcune versioni di PHP (es 5.1) empty( $attr->prefix ) non viene valutato in modo corretto $prefix = $attr->prefix == "" || is_null($attr->prefix) ? "" : $attr->prefix . ":"; $this->_classSource .= '\'' . $prefix . $attr->name . '\' => \'' . addslashes($attr->value) . '\', '; } } $this->_classSource .= ')' . GLZ_COMPILER_NEWLINE; $this->_classSource .= '$this->setAttributes( $attributes )' . GLZ_COMPILER_NEWLINE; } $counter = 0; $oldcounter = $counter; foreach ($pageRootNode->childNodes as $nc) { $counter++; $this->_compileXml($nc, $registredNameSpaces, $counter, '$n' . $oldcounter, '$id.', '$originalId.'); } if (isset($options['originalClassName']) && $pageRootNode->hasAttribute('allowModulesSnippets') && $pageRootNode->getAttribute('allowModulesSnippets') == "true") { $modulesState = org_glizy_Modules::getModulesState(); $modules = org_glizy_Modules::getModules(); foreach ($modules as $m) { $isEnabled = !isset($modulesState[$m->id]) || $modulesState[$m->id]; if ($isEnabled && $m->pluginInPageType && $m->pluginSnippet) { $counter++; $this->compile_glzinclude($m->pluginSnippet, $registredNameSpaces, $counter, '$n' . $oldcounter, '$id.'); } } } $this->_classSource .= '}' . GLZ_COMPILER_NEWLINE2; $this->_classSource .= '}' . GLZ_COMPILER_NEWLINE2; $this->output .= $this->_classSource; $this->output .= $this->_customClassSource; return $this->save(); }
function render() { // TODO: controllo acl $name = $this->getId(); if (!$this->_user->acl($this->_application->getPageId(), 'new')) { $output = org_glizy_helpers_Html::hidden($name, $this->_content, array('class' => $this->getAttribute('cssClass'))); } else { $pageTypes = array(); if ($dh = @opendir(org_glizy_Paths::get('APPLICATION_TO_ADMIN_PAGETYPE'))) { // scan the pageType folder while ($fileName = readdir($dh)) { // check if the item is a folder if ($fileName != "." && $fileName != ".." && strpos($fileName, '.xml') !== false) { if ($fileName == 'Common.xml') { continue; } $pageTypes[] = preg_replace('/\\.xml/i', '', $fileName); } } closedir($dh); glz_loadLocale(org_glizy_Paths::get('APPLICATION_TO_ADMIN_PAGETYPE')); } else { // can't open pageTypes folder // show the error new org_glizy_Exception(array('[%s] %s: %s', $this->getClassName(), GLZ_ERR_NO_PAGETYPE_FOLDER, org_glizy_Paths::get('APPLICATION_TO_ADMIN') . '/pageTypes/')); } $modules = org_glizy_Modules::getModules(); foreach ($modules as $moduleVO) { if ($moduleVO->pageType) { $pageTypes[] = $moduleVO->pageType; } } $output = '<option value=""></option>'; $values = array(array($this->getAttribute('emptyValue'), '', 1, array(), 0)); $modifyMode = $this->getAttribute('modify'); foreach ($pageTypes as $item) { $moduleVO = null; foreach ($modules as $m) { if ($m->pageType == $item) { $moduleVO = $m; break; } } if ($moduleVO) { if (!$moduleVO->show) { continue; } if ($moduleVO->unique && (!$modifyMode || $modifyMode && $item != $this->_content)) { $ar =& org_glizy_ObjectFactory::createModel('org.glizycms.core.models.Menu'); $result = $ar->find(array('menu_pageType' => $item)); unset($ar); if ($result) { continue; } } } $pageName = __T($item); $output .= '<option value="' . $item . '"' . ($item == $this->_content ? ' selected' : '') . '>' . __T($item) . '</option>'; } $attributes = array(); $attributes['id'] = $this->getId(); $attributes['name'] = $this->getOriginalId(); $attributes['disabled'] = $this->getAttribute('disabled') ? 'disabled' : ''; $attributes['class'] = $this->getAttribute('required') ? 'required' : ''; $attributes['class'] .= $this->getAttribute('cssClass') != '' ? ($attributes['class'] != '' ? ' ' : '') . $this->getAttribute('cssClass') : ''; $output = '<select ' . $this->_renderAttributes($attributes) . '>' . $output . '</select>'; $cssClassLabel = $this->getAttribute('cssClassLabel'); $cssClassLabel .= ($cssClassLabel ? ' ' : '') . ($this->getAttribute('required') ? 'required' : ''); if ($this->getAttribute('wrapLabel')) { $label = org_glizy_helpers_Html::label($this->getAttributeString('label'), $this->getId(), true, $output, array('class' => $cssClassLabel), false); $output = ''; } else { $label = org_glizy_helpers_Html::label($this->getAttributeString('label'), $this->getId(), false, '', array('class' => $cssClassLabel), false); } $this->addOutputCode($this->applyItemTemplate($label, $output)); } }
/** * @param string $route * @param array $queryVars * @param array $addParam * * @return mixed|string */ static function _makeURL_SEF($route = '', $queryVars = array(), $addParam = array()) { if (!isset($addParam['__modal__']) && __Request::exists('__modal__')) { $addParam['__modal__'] = __Request::get('__modal__'); } $url = ''; if (!empty($route)) { $configArray =& org_glizy_Routing::_getValuesArray(); /** @var org_glizy_application_Application $application */ $application =& org_glizy_ObjectValues::get('org.glizy', 'application'); /** @var org_glizy_application_SiteMap $siteMap */ $siteMap =& $application->getSiteMap(); $isApplicationDB = $siteMap->getType() == 'db'; // TODO // controllare se il route richiesto esiste. // // TODO // ci sono molte classi che usano lo stesso concetto di memorizzare // i dati in un array statico // conviene fare una classe base e estendere questa // $routing = $configArray[strtolower($route)]; if (isset($routing[0])) { foreach ($routing as $v) { if ($queryVars[$v['keyName']] == $v['keyValue'] || empty($v['keyValue'])) { $url = $v['value']; break; } } } else { $url = $routing['value']; } if (strpos($url, 'http://') !== false) { return $url; } $pageId = 0; preg_match_all("|\\{(.*)\\}|U", $url, $match, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); for ($i = 0; $i < count($match[0]); $i++) { $sanitize = true; $value = ''; $value2 = ''; $command = explode('=', $match[1][$i]); switch ($command[0]) { case 'language': $value = isset($queryVars['language']) ? $queryVars['language'] : $application->getLanguage(); break; case '*': case 'currentMenu': $page =& $application->getCurrentMenu(); $value = $page->id; $value2 = $page->title; unset($page); break; case 'currentMenuId': $page =& $application->getCurrentMenu(); $value = $page->id; unset($page); break; case 'pageId': // ricerca la pagina da linkare if (count($command) > 1) { if (is_numeric($command[1])) { $page = $siteMap->getNodeById($command[1]); } else { $page = $siteMap->getMenuByPageType($command[1]); if (is_null($page)) { $module = org_glizy_Modules::getModule($command[1]); if (!is_null($module) && $module->pageType) { $page = $siteMap->getMenuByPageType($module->pageType); } } } $value = $page->id; $value2 = $isApplicationDB ? $page->title : ''; } else { $pageId = @$queryVars[$command[0]]; if (empty($pageId)) { $page =& $application->getCurrentMenu(); $pageId = $page->id; unset($page); } $value = $pageId; $value2 = ''; } break; case 'pageTitle': // ricerca la pagina da linkare if (!isset($queryVars['title'])) { // TODO // non deve instanziare un nuovo menĂ¹ altrimenti rilegge tutto dal db ogni volta $page = $siteMap->getNodeById($pageId); $value = $page->title; } else { $value = $queryVars['title']; } break; case 'value': case 'integer': $value = isset($queryVars[$command[1]]) ? $queryVars[$command[1]] : __Request::get($command[1], ''); break; case 'static': $value = ''; break; case 'config': $sanitize = false; $value = __Config::get($command[1]); break; default: $value = $command[1]; break; } if (is_string($value) && empty($value)) { $url = str_replace($match[0][$i] . '/', '', $url); $url = str_replace($match[0][$i], '', $url); continue; } if ($sanitize) { $value = glz_sanitizeUrlTitle($value) . ($value2 != '' ? '/' : ''); $value2 = glz_sanitizeUrlTitle($value2); } $url = str_replace($match[0][$i], $value . $value2, $url); } // aggiunge in coda i valori della query string che non sono usati if (is_array($addParam) && count($addParam)) { $url .= self::$baseUrlParam; foreach ($addParam as $k => $v) { $url .= '&' . $k . '=' . urlencode($v); } } else { if (is_string($addParam)) { $url .= $addParam; } } } $url = !empty($url) ? $url : $route; return !preg_match('/^(javascript:|http:|https:)/', $url) ? self::$baseUrl . $url : $url; }
private function getModuleVO($id) { // TODO controllare che il modulo sia corretto $modules = org_glizy_Modules::getModules(); return $modules[$id]; }