Example #1
 } else {
     $username = slash_if_needed($_POST['username']);
     if (!$user->userExists($username)) {
         $err[] = $l['log-bad-user'];
     } else {
         // build new user object to manip his data
         $client = new nlb_user($db);
         $id = $client->getIdByName($username);
         // create new password. 6 random letters + numbers
         $newpass = uniqid(rand(), true);
         $newpass = substr($newpass, 0, 6);
         $hash = md5($newpass);
         $link = full_url . script_path . 'login.php';
         $message = $l['log-forgot-email'];
         $message = str_replace('%USERNAME%', $client->get('username'), $message);
         $message = str_replace('%PASSWORD%', $newpass, $message);
         $message = str_replace('%LINK%', $link, $message);
         $mail->AddAddress($client->get('email'), $client->get('username'));
         $mail->Subject = $config->get('site_name') . $l['log-forgot-subject'];
         $mail->Body = $message;
         if (!$mail->Send()) {
             // if we can't send the email, then don't write the
             // new password in the db
             $ets->page_body = $l['log-forgot-failed'];
         } else {
             // email was sent, set the password to something new
             $client->set('password', $hash);
             $ets->page_body = $l['log-forgot-success'];
Example #2
if (isset($path['user'])) {
     *		Show page of blogs for user
    $USERID = $path['user'];
    if (!is_numeric($USERID)) {
        jsRedirect(script_path . 'index.php');
    $u = new nlb_user($db, $USERID);
    // $u is the user who's friends page we are viewing
    $page = 0;
    if (isset($path['page'])) {
        $page = $path['page'];
    $perpage = $u->get('perpage');
    $page_start = $page * $perpage;
    // get avatar for this user
    $av = $db->getArray('SELECT file, isCustom FROM ' . db_avatars . ' WHERE owner_id=' . $USERID . ' AND type=1;');
    if (!empty($av)) {
        if ($av['isCustom'] == 1) {
            $file = 'avatars/';
        } else {
            $file = 'avatars/default/';
        $file .= $av['file'];
        $ets->avatar_url = script_path . $file;
        $ets->avatar = '<img src="' . script_path . $file . '" />';
    // get list of friends
    $list = $db->getAllArray('SELECT friend_id FROM ' . db_friends . ' WHERE owner_id = ' . $USERID . ';');
Example #3
$config = new nlb_config($db);
$user = new nlb_user($db);
// is someone trying to access a persons blog
if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && ($id = $user->getIdByName($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) > -1) {
    // 	die($id);
    //jsRedirect( script_path . 'blog.php/user/' . $id );
    jsRedirect(build_link('blog.php', array('user' => $id)));
require_once $config->langfile();
// include lang file
$b = new nlb_blog($db);
if ($user->isLogedIn) {
    // timezone settings
    $b->setDateOffset($config->get('server_timezone'), $user->get('timezone'));
$script_path = script_path;
$_PATH = fetch_url_data();
$action = 'news';
if (isset($_PATH['action'])) {
    $action = $_PATH['action'];
$ets = new stdClass();
switch ($action) {
    // Display Recent News news
    case 'news':
         * =======================================
         *	S H O W   N E W S
Example #4
 $USERID = $path['user'];
 if (!is_numeric($USERID)) {
     jsRedirect(script_path . 'index.php');
 // user exists?
 $test = $db->getArray('SELECT count(user_id) as c FROM ' . db_users . ' WHERE user_id="' . $USERID . '";');
 if ($test['c'] == 0) {
     // bad user id
     jsRedirect(script_path . 'index.php');
 $u = new nlb_user($db, $USERID);
 $page = 0;
 if (isset($path['page'])) {
     $page = $path['page'];
 $perpage = $u->get('perpage');
 $page_start = $page * $perpage;
 // get count of all the blogs
 $total = $u->get('blog_count');
 // setup some vars for the query
 $limit = $page_start . ', ' . $perpage;
 // check to see what blogs we can view
 $access_in = access_public;
 // default is public blogs only.
 if ($user->isLogedIn) {
     // if we are the author, we can see all
     if ($user->id == $u->id) {
         $access_in = access_public . ', ' . access_private . ', ' . access_friendsonly;
     // are we a friend?
     if ($u->areFriends($user->id)) {