public function flushfeeds()
     global $init;
     require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/newswire.class.php';
     $nwObj = new newswire();
     set_flash(array('notice' => "Finished flushing feeds."));
     redirect(url_for($this->name, 'index'));
 function fetch($option = 'all', $filter = 'all')
     // override for if index sends default blank string
     if ($option == '') {
         $option = 'all';
     if ($filter == '') {
         $filter = 'all';
     if (isset($_GET['currentPage'])) {
         $currentPage = $_GET['currentPage'];
     } else {
         $currentPage = 1;
     require_once PATH_FACEBOOK . '/classes/actionTeam.class.php';
     $this->teamObj = new actionTeam($this->page);
     require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/newswire.class.php';
     // call before widetip to register template
     $nwObj = new newswire($this->db);
     $stories = $nwObj->fetchNewswire($option, $filter, $this->page->session->ui->memberFriends, $currentPage);
     // build the newswire page
     $inside = '<div id="col_left"><!-- begin left side -->';
     if ($this->page->session->ui->hideTipStories == 0) {
         $inside .= $nwObj->templateObj->templates[wideTip];
     $inside .= $nwObj->buildStoriesTabs($option);
     $inside .= '<div id="newswireWrap">';
     $inside .= $stories;
     $inside .= '<!-- end newswireWrap --></div>';
     $inside .= '<!-- end left side --></div><div id="col_right">';
     $inside .= '<div id="introPanel">';
     $inside .= '<p><a href="?p=postStory" onclick="switchPage(\'postStory\');return false;" class="btn_1">Post a story</a></p>';
     $inside .= '<!-- end of introPanel --></div>';
     $inside .= $this->teamObj->fetchSidePanel('stories');
     $inside .= '</div> <!-- end right side -->';
     if ($this->page->isAjax) {
         return $inside;
     $code = $this->page->constructPage('stories', $inside);
     return $code;
             // publish a journal story
             $fb->publishNewsCloudStory('publishStory', $itemid);
             $contentid = $itemid;
             $storyOption = '<li><a href="?p=read&cid=' . $contentid . '" target="_cts">Read the story</a></li>';
     if (!$error) {
         $code = '<div id="dialogMessage"><p>Your story has been published successfully.</p><p>What would you like to do next?</p>';
         $code .= '<ul><li><a href="?p=read&cid=' . $contentid . '" onclick="hideDialog(); readStory(' . $contentid . ');return false;">Add a comment</a></li>' . $storyOption . '<li><a href="#" onclick="hideDialog(); return shareStory(this,' . $cid . ');">Share story with friends</a>Share story with friends</a></li><li><a href="?p=invite" onclick="hideDialog(); switchPage(\'invite\',\'\');return false;">Invite friends to ' . SITE_TITLE . '</a></li></ul></div>';
     } else {
         $code = '<div id="dialogMessage">Sorry, there was a problem publishing your story. Error: ' . $errorMsg . '</div>';
 case 'newswire':
     require_once PATH_FACEBOOK . '/pages/newswire.class.php';
     $nwObj = new newswire($this);
     $code = $nwObj->fetchNewswirePage($userid, $currentPage);
 case 'refreshComments':
     if (isset($_GET['cid']) and is_numeric($_GET['cid'])) {
         $cid = $_GET['cid'];
     } else {
         $cid = 0;
         $error = true;
         $errorMsg = 'No story id';
     if (!$error) {
         require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/read.class.php';
         $comObj = new read($db, $session);
         $code = $comObj->fetchComments($cid);

/* Process incoming variable requests */
if (isset($_GET['action'])) {
    $action = $_GET['action'];
} else {
    $action = 'unknown';
if (isset($_GET['userid'])) {
    $userid = $_GET['userid'];
} else {
    $userid = 0;
if (isset($_GET['itemid'])) {
    $itemid = $_GET['itemid'];
} else {
    $id = 0;
/* begin building ajax response */
switch ($action) {
    case 'readWire':
        require_once PATH_CORE . "/classes/log.class.php";
        $logObj = new log($db);
        $info = $logObj->serialize(0, $userid, 'readWire', $itemid);
        require_once PATH_CORE . "/classes/newswire.class.php";
        $nwObj = new newswire($db);
        $url = $nwObj->getWebpage($itemid);
        header("Location: " . $url);
 function myStories()
     require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/newswire.class.php';
     $nwObj = new newswire($this->db);
     $code .= '<h2>My Stories</h2>' . $nwObj->fetchPublisherStories('all', 'user', 1);
     $code .= '<input type="hidden" name="pubType" value="story">';
     return $code;
 function fetch($option = 'link')
     global $init;
     require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/template.class.php';
     $this->templateObj = new template($this->db);
     $this->templateObj->registerTemplates(MODULE_ACTIVE, 'postStory');
     // build the post story page
     if (defined('ENABLE_USER_BLOGGING') and ENABLE_USER_BLOGGING === true) {
         $inside .= $this->buildSubNav($option) . '<br /><br />';
     switch ($option) {
         case 'auto':
             $inside .= $this->buildScriptInclude('auto');
             if ($this->session->u->isModerator or $this->session->u->isSponsor or $this->session->u->isAdmin) {
                 // auto posting for moderators - a quicker way to post and feature stories
                 require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/newswire.class.php';
                 $nwObj = new newswire($this->db);
                 $stories = $nwObj->fetchRawStories();
                 $inside .= '<p>This is an experimental page viewable only by administrators to speed up posting stories and featuring them.</p><p><a href="' . URL_HOME . '?p=engine&force=syncLog&apiKey=' . $init['apiKey'] . '" target="_cts">Sync photos now</a></p>';
                 $inside .= '<div id="newswireWrap">';
                 $inside .= $stories;
                 $inside .= '<!-- end newswireWrap --></div>';
             } else {
                 $inside .= $this->page->buildMessage('error', 'Access Denied', 'You do not have permission to view this page.');
         case 'blog':
             $result = false;
             if (isset($_GET['editid'])) {
                 $editid = $_GET['editid'];
                 $this->fData = $this->loadBlogDraft($editid);
                 if ($this->fData->status == 'published') {
                     // already published, redirect to story
                     $this->facebook->redirect(URL_CANVAS . '?p=read&cid=' . $fData->siteContentId);
             } else {
                 $editid = 0;
             if (isset($_GET['submit'])) {
                 if (!$this->fData->result) {
                     $result = false;
                     $inside .= $this->page->buildMessage('error', 'Problems with your blog entry', $this->fData->alert);
                 } else {
                     switch ($_POST['submit']) {
                             // save as draft
                             $this->fData->blogid = $this->saveBlogDraft($this->fData);
                         case 'Publish':
                             $status = $this->publishBlog($this->fData);
                             $result = $status[result];
                             if ($result) {
                                 $this->facebook->redirect(URL_CANVAS . '?p=read&cid=' . $status[siteContentId] . '&justPosted' . (isset($_GET['popup']) ? '&viaBookmarklet' : ''));
                             } else {
                                 $inside .= $this->page->buildMessage('error', 'Problems with your blog entry', $status[msg]);
             // if preview
             if (!$result) {
                 $inside .= $this->buildDraftList();
                 $inside .= $this->buildPostBlogForm($this->fData);
             } else {
                 // process story submission
                 $inside = 'Your blog entry has been published';
                 // redirect to the story page
                 // with message offering other options to share with friends
             $result = false;
             if (isset($_GET['submit'])) {
                 if (!$this->fData->result) {
                     $result = false;
                     $inside .= $this->page->buildMessage('error', 'Problems with your post', $this->fData->alert);
                 } else {
                     $status = $this->addStory($this->fData);
                     $result = $status[result];
                     if ($result) {
                         $this->facebook->redirect(URL_CANVAS . '?p=read&cid=' . $status[siteContentId] . '&justPosted' . (isset($_GET['popup']) ? '&viaBookmarklet' : ''));
                     } else {
                         $inside .= $this->page->buildMessage('error', 'Problems with your post', $status[msg]);
             // if preview OR
             if (!$result) {
                 $inside .= '<div id="col_left"><!-- begin left side -->';
                 $inside .= $this->buildPostStoryForm($this->fData);
                 $inside .= '<!-- end left side --></div><div id="col_right">';
                 $inside .= $this->buildSidePanel();
                 $inside .= '</div> <!-- end right side -->';
             } else {
                 // process story submission
                 $inside = 'Story posted';
                 // redirect to the story page
                 // with message offering other options to share with friends
     if ($this->page->isAjax) {
         return $inside;
     $code = $this->page->constructPage('postStory', $inside);
     return $code;
 case 'publishWire':
     if (isset($_GET['itemid'])) {
         $itemid = $_GET['itemid'];
         if ($db->ui->isLoggedIn) {
             require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/log.class.php';
             $logObj = new log($db);
             $logItem = $logObj->serialize(0, $db->ui->userid, 'publishWire', $itemid);
             $inLog = $logObj->update($logItem);
             if ($inLog) {
                 $code = 'Story published!';
             } else {
                 $code = 'Story already published!';
             // create temporary content item, temp permalink
             require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/newswire.class.php';
             $nwObj = new newswire($db);
             $db->log('call tempcontent');
             $siteContentId = $nwObj->createTempContent($db->ui, $itemid);
             // add to user's journal
             if ($siteContentId !== false) {
                 // add to journal
                 $logItem = $logObj->serialize(0, $db->ui->userid, 'publishStory', $siteContentId);
                 $inLog = $logObj->update($logItem);
                 $logItem = $logObj->serialize(0, $db->ui->userid, 'vote', $siteContentId);
                 $inLog = $logObj->update($logItem);
                 // add siteContentId into itemid2 of publishWire log entry
                 $db->update("Log", "itemid2={$siteContentId}", "action='publishWire' AND itemid='{$itemid}' AND userid1=" . $db->ui->userid);
         } else {
             $code = SIGNIN_LINK;

/* initialize database and libraries */
define("INIT_COMMON", true);
define("INIT_PAGE", true);
define("INIT_AJAX", true);
define("INIT_SESSION", true);
include_once 'initialize.php';
require_once PATH_PHP . 'classes/newswire.class.php';
$nwObj = new newswire($db);
/* process request variables */
if (isset($_GET['currentPage'])) {
    $currentPage = $_GET['currentPage'];
} else {
    $currentPage = 1;
/* begin building the page */
$page->pkgStyles(CACHE_PREFIX . 'nrNewswire', array(PATH_PHP_STYLES . '/paging.css', PATH_PHP_STYLES . '/newsroom.css', PATH_PHP_STYLES . '/tabs.css'));
$page->pkgScripts(CACHE_PREFIX . 'nrNewswire', array(PATH_PHP_SCRIPTS . '/common.js', PATH_PHP_SCRIPTS . '/newswire.js', PATH_PHP_SCRIPTS . '/publishWire.js'));
$page->addToHeader($common->buildHeader() . $common->buildNavigation('Newswire'));
$page->addRSSFeed(URL_HOME . '?p=rss');
$code = '';
$code .= '<div id="pageBody">';
$code .= '<div id="pageContent"><div id="theFilter"></div>';
$code .= '<div id="storyList">';
$code .= $nwObj->fetchNewswirePage(0, $currentPage);
$code .= '</div><!-- end storyList -->';
//	$code.=$fb->buildDialog();
$code .= '</div><!-- end pageContent -->';

/* initialize database and libraries */
define("INIT_COMMON", true);
define("INIT_PAGE", true);
define("INIT_AJAX", true);
define("INIT_SESSION", true);
include_once 'initialize.php';
require_once PATH_PHP . 'classes/newswire.class.php';
$nwObj = new newswire($db);
/* begin building the page */
$page->pkgStyles(CACHE_PREFIX . 'nrNewswire', array(PATH_PHP_STYLES . '/paging.css', PATH_PHP_STYLES . '/newsroom.css', PATH_PHP_STYLES . '/tabs.css', PATH_PHP_STYLES . '/columns.css'));
$page->pkgScripts(CACHE_PREFIX . 'nrNewswire', array(PATH_PHP_SCRIPTS . '/common.js', PATH_PHP_SCRIPTS . '/newswire.js', PATH_PHP_SCRIPTS . '/publishWire.js'));
$page->addToHeader($common->buildHeader() . $common->buildNavigation('Blogs'));
$page->addRSSFeed(URL_HOME . '?p=rss');
$code = '';
$code .= '<div id="pageBody">';
$code .= '<div id="pageContent"><div id="theFilter"></div>';
$code .= '<div id="storyList">';
// fetch the blog list
// fetch stories from each blog
$cols = $nwObj->fetchNewswireMatrix();
$code .= $common->equalCols(3, 'ecRow', 'col1', $cols[0], '', $cols[1], '', $cols[2]);
$code .= '</div><!-- end storyList -->';
$code .= '</div><!-- end pageContent -->';
$code .= '</div><!-- end pageBody -->';