mysqli is a PHP extension that allows developers to access databases through MySQL. It is an improved alternative to the older, less secure mysql extension. mysqli provides a number of options and settings that help you manage your database connection and execute queries.
Here are a few examples of how to use mysqli options:
1. Setting the default character set:
// Connect to the database $conn = mysqli_connect("localhost", "username", "password", "database");
// Set the default character set to UTF-8 mysqli_set_charset($conn, "utf8");
This code establishes a connection to a database and sets the default character set to UTF-8.
2. Turning off autocommit:
// Connect to the database $conn = mysqli_connect("localhost", "username", "password", "database");
// Turn off autocommit mysqli_autocommit($conn, FALSE);
This code establishes a connection to a database and turns off the autocommit feature.
3. Enabling SSL:
// Connect to the database with SSL enabled $conn = mysqli_init(); mysqli_ssl_set($conn, NULL, NULL, "/path/to/cert.pem", NULL, NULL); mysqli_real_connect($conn, "localhost", "username", "password", "database", NULL, NULL, MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL);
This code establishes an SSL-enabled connection to a database.
The mysqli extension is part of the PHP core, so you do not need to install any additional package libraries.
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