$modal['source_item'] = $modal['modal'][0]['source_item'];
$modal['extention'] = $modal['modal'][0]['extention'];
$modal['tshare'] = $modal['modal'][0]['tshare'];
$modal['tdrip'] = $modal['modal'][0]['tdrip'];
$modal['tfavorite'] = $modal['modal'][0]['tfavorite'];
$modal['tcomment'] = $modal['modal'][0]['tcomment'];
$modal['trating'] = $modal['modal'][0]['trating'];
$modal['tpercentage'] = $modal['modal'][0]['tpercentage'];
$modal['tview'] = $modal['modal'][0]['tview'];
$modal['active'] = $modal['modal'][0]['active'];
$modal['date'] = $modal['modal'][0]['date'];
$modal['pltvotes'] = $modal['modal'][0]['pltvotes'];
$modal['modal_style'] = $mc->lookdetails_set_size_of_the_look($modal['src'], $ri);
$modal['modalowner'] = $modal['modal'][0]['date'];
$modal['current'] = $table_id;
$modal['mno'] = $mc->get_modal_owner($table_name, $table_id);
$modal['modalownername'] = $mc->get_full_name_by_id($modal['mno']);
$modal['kind'] = 'ARTICLE';
$modal['position'] = 1;
$modal['total'] = 30;
$modal['view_footer_id'] = 'lf_div_container';
$modal['thumbsUp'] = 'look-white-thumb.png';
$modal['thumbsDown'] = 'look-white-down-thumb.png';
$modal['stat_rated'] = 'look not rated';
$modal['stat_dripted'] = 'look not dripted';
$modal['stat_favorited'] = 'look not favorited';
$modal['headermssg'] = 'SUCCESSFULLY FAVORITED';
# this is for success message popup
$modal['contentmssg'] = 'This Look is now on your favorite list.';
# this is for success message popup
$modal['src_img_drip'] = "look-icon-drip.png";
Example #2
$_SESSION['mno'] = $mc->get_cookie('mno', 136);
$mno = $mc->get_cookie('mno', 136);
$comment = $_GET['comment'];
$table_id = $_GET['table_id'];
$table_name = $_GET['table_name'];
$action = $_GET['action'];
$option = $_GET['option'];
/** Insert flag */
if ($db->insert('fs_flag', array('mno' => $mno, 'table_id' => $table_id, 'table_name' => $table_name, 'comment' => $comment, 'action' => $action, 'option' => $option))) {
    echo "<div style='color:green' >You successfully flagged this post.</div>";
    /** setup message here */
    $message = 'Your post is being flagged please visit our posting rules to delete <a hre="http://google.com" >google.com </a>';
    /** send notification with the owner of this modal */
    $mc->set_session_notification($mno, $table_name, $table_id, 'flagged', '', '', 'flagged');
    //     $_SESSION['noti_action'] = 'flagged your post, please visit posting rule';
    //     $_SESSION['noti_type']  = 'flagged';
    //     $_SESSION['noti_link']  = 'google.com';
    /** To add flag message */
    //get owner of the modal
    $mno1 = $mc->get_modal_owner($table_name, $table_id);
    // this is to be change to no more insert only the returned msgno from the chat.php need to be session here to save time loading
    $msgno = $mc->fs_message(array('type' => 'get-or-add-message-id', 'mno' => $mno, 'mno1' => $mno1));
    // insert message
    $response = $mc->posted_modals_comment_Query(array('comment_query' => 'comment-insert', 'mno' => $mno, 'comment' => $message, 'table_name' => 'fs_message', 'table_id' => $msgno));
    // update time and current user sent a message
    $response = $mc->update_fs_table_auto(null, array('mno2' => $mno1, 'date' => $mc->date_time, 'status' => 1, 'idname' => 'msgno', 'idval' => $msgno), 'fs_message');
    // require('http://localhost/fs/new_fs/alphatest/fs_folders/modals/general_modals/gen.modals.func.php?action=messaging&type=insert-message&mno1=133&message=flagged message');
} else {
    echo "<div style='color:red' >Ohps, Something wrong. Failed to flag.</div>";