public function duplication($table, $idDupli, $fieldCopie = "", $fieldsExcept = "") { $newId = $this->getNextID($table); $newChrono = 0; $resultD = $this->free_requete("SELECT * FROM " . $table . " WHERE id=" . $idDupli); foreach ($resultD as $rowD) { $myInsert = new myInsert(__FILE__); $myInsert->table = $table; foreach ($rowD as $field => $val) { if (strpos($fieldsExcept, $field) === false) { if (strpos($fieldCopie, $field) !== false) { $myInsert->field[$field] = "COPIE DE: " . $val; } else { if ($field == "id") { $myInsert->field[$field] = $newId; } else { if ($field == "chrono") { if ($newChrono == 0) { $newChrono = $this->getNextChrono($table); } $myInsert->field[$field] = $newChrono; } else { $myInsert->field[$field] = $val; } } } } } $result = $myInsert->execute(); } }
// GESTION DONNEES $formMaj = new formMaj(); $formMaj->tables = $myTable; $formMaj->fields = "*"; $formMaj->where = "id=:id"; $formMaj->whereValue["id"] = array($idCurrent, PDO::PARAM_INT); $formMaj->multiLang = true; $formMaj->clause_where(); // Validation du formulaire if ($__POST["actionForm"] != "" && $__POST["actionForm"] != "Annuler") { $formMaj->set_datas(); // Ajout à l'arboresence $resultx = $PDO->free_requete("SELECT id FROM " . $myTableArbo . " WHERE code_menu='" . $__POST["code_menu"] . "'"); $rowx = $resultx->fetch(); if ($rowx->id == 0) { $myInsert = new myInsert(__FILE__); $myInsert->table = $myTableArbo; $myInsert->field["code_menu"] = $__POST["code_menu"]; $result = $myInsert->execute(); } actionFormMaj($__POST["actionForm"]); } // chargement des données $formMaj->get_datas(); /////////////////////////////// // PREPARATION DES DONNEES /////////////////////////////////// // champs de saisie /////////////////////////////////// $newfield = new input(); $newfield->field = "code_menu";
$mySelect->where = "login=:login AND mdp=:mdp AND actif=1"; $mySelect->whereValue["login"] = array($__POST['login'], PDO::PARAM_STR); $mySelect->whereValue["mdp"] = array($__POST['mdp'], PDO::PARAM_STR); $result = $mySelect->query(); if (count($result) == 1) { $myInsert = new myInsert(__FILE__); $myInsert->table = $thisSite->PREFIXE_TBL_CLI . "espaceclient_logs"; $myInsert->field["datetime"] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $myInsert->field["login"] = $__POST['login']; $myInsert->field["action"] = "connexion_OK"; $myInsert->field["commentaires"] = ""; $myInsert->execute(); $_SESSION["EC_accesOK"] = 1; $_SESSION["EC_login"] = $__POST['login']; setcookie("EC_login", $__POST['login'], time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, COOKIE_PATH); setcookie("EC_mdp", md5($__POST['mdp']), time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, COOKIE_PATH); echo json_encode(['reponse' => "1"]); } else { $myInsert = new myInsert(__FILE__); $myInsert->table = $thisSite->PREFIXE_TBL_CLI . "espaceclient_logs"; $myInsert->field["datetime"] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $myInsert->field["login"] = $__POST['login']; $myInsert->field["action"] = "connexion_inconnu"; $myInsert->field["commentaires"] = "login: "******" / mdp: " . $__POST['mdp']; $myInsert->execute(); $_SESSION["EC_accesOK"] = 0; echo json_encode(['reponse' => "0"]); } ?>
public function addPage() { global $myAdmin; global $PDO; global $__POST; global $thisSite; if ($this->idCurrent == 0) { return false; } if ($this->page_type == "") { $this->page_type = "page"; } if ($this->page_recherche == "") { $this->page_recherche = 1; } if ($this->page_parent == "") { $this->page_parent = 0; } if ($this->show_sousmenu == "") { $this->show_sousmenu = 0; } if ($this->show_in_arbo == "") { $this->show_in_arbo = 0; } if ($this->page_php == "") { $this->page_php = ""; } if ($this->page_tpl == "") { $this->page_tpl = ""; } if ($this->page_genre == "") { $this->page_genre = ""; } $mySelect = new mySelect(__FILE__); $mySelect->tables = $this->table; $mySelect->fields = "id_page"; $mySelect->where = "id=:idCurrent"; $mySelect->whereValue["idCurrent"] = array($this->idCurrent, PDO::PARAM_INT); $mySelect->limit = 1; $result = $mySelect->query(); $row = current($result); $this->idPage = $row["id_page"]; if ($this->idPage > 0) { $mySelect = new mySelect(__FILE__); $mySelect->tables = $thisSite->PREFIXE_TBL_GEN . "pages"; $mySelect->fields = "id"; $mySelect->where = "id=:id_page AND lg=:lg"; $mySelect->whereValue["id_page"] = array($this->idPage, PDO::PARAM_INT); $mySelect->whereValue["lg"] = array($myAdmin->LANG_DEF, PDO::PARAM_STR); $result = $mySelect->count(); if ($result > 0) { $mode = "update"; } else { $mode = "insert"; } } else { if ($this->idPage == 0) { $this->idPage = $PDO->getNextID($thisSite->PREFIXE_TBL_GEN . "pages", $this->nextIdMin, $this->nextIdMax); $mode = "insert"; } else { $mode = "update"; } } $actif = $__POST["actif"]; if ($actif != "1" && $actif != "0") { $actif = 1; } foreach ($myAdmin->LIST_LANG_EXTENSION_FIELD as $clg => $extLg) { if ($mode == "update") { $myUpdate = new myUpdate(__FILE__); $myUpdate->table = $thisSite->PREFIXE_TBL_GEN . "pages"; if ($__POST["titre" . $extLg] != "") { $myUpdate->field["titre"] = $__POST["titre" . $extLg]; } if ($__POST["titre" . $extLg] != "") { $myUpdate->field["page_titre"] = $__POST["titre" . $extLg]; } $myUpdate->field["actif"] = $actif; $myUpdate->where = "id=:id_page AND lg=:lg"; $myUpdate->whereValue["id_page"] = array($this->idPage, PDO::PARAM_INT); $myUpdate->whereValue["lg"] = array($clg, PDO::PARAM_STR); $result = $myUpdate->execute(); } if ($mode == "insert") { $page_url = sanitize_string_for_url($__POST["titre" . $extLg]); $myInsert = new myInsert(__FILE__); $myInsert->table = $thisSite->PREFIXE_TBL_GEN . "pages"; $myInsert->field["id"] = $this->idPage; $myInsert->field["lg"] = $clg; $myInsert->field["titre"] = $__POST["titre" . $extLg]; $myInsert->field["page_titre"] = $__POST["titre" . $extLg]; $myInsert->field["actif"] = $actif; $myInsert->field["page_genre"] = $this->page_genre; $myInsert->field["page_type"] = $this->page_type; $myInsert->field["page_url"] = $page_url; $myInsert->field["page_php"] = $this->page_php; $myInsert->field["page_tpl"] = $this->page_tpl; $myInsert->field["page_tag_title"] = $__POST["titre" . $extLg]; $myInsert->field["page_tag_keywords"] = ""; $myInsert->field["page_tag_description"] = ""; $myInsert->field["page_tag_robots"] = "index,follow"; $myInsert->field["page_sitemap_changefreq"] = "monthly"; $myInsert->field["page_recherche"] = $this->page_recherche; $myInsert->field["page_parent"] = $this->page_parent; $myInsert->field["show_sousmenu"] = $this->show_sousmenu; $myInsert->field["show_in_arbo"] = $this->show_in_arbo; $myInsert->field["article_tableId"] = $this->table . "." . $this->idCurrent; $result = $myInsert->execute(); $myUpdate = new myUpdate(__FILE__); $myUpdate->table = $this->table; $myUpdate->field["id_page"] = $this->idPage; $myUpdate->where = "id=:idCurrent AND lg=:lg"; $myUpdate->whereValue["idCurrent"] = array($this->idCurrent, PDO::PARAM_INT); $myUpdate->whereValue["lg"] = array($clg, PDO::PARAM_STR); $result = $myUpdate->execute(); } } if ($mode == "insert" && $this->show_in_arbo == 1) { $this->addArbo(); } return $this->idPage; }
public function addLogs($page = "", $action = "", $idCurrent = 0, $msg = "") { global $thisSite; if ($thisSite->SERVER == "local") { return; } if ($page == "") { $page = $myAdmin->pageCurrent; } if ($page == $this->lastPageLog && $action == "") { return 0; } $this->lastPageLog = $page; $myInsert = new myInsert(__FILE__); $myInsert->table = $thisSite->PREFIXE_TBL_ADM . "logs"; $myInsert->field["date"] = date("Ymd"); $myInsert->field["heure"] = date("His"); $myInsert->field["login"] = $this->LOGIN; $myInsert->field["page"] = $page; $myInsert->field["action"] = $action; $myInsert->field["idCurrent"] = $idCurrent; $myInsert->field["msg"] = $msg; $result = $myInsert->execute(); }
public function set_datas($debug = 0) { global $myAdmin; global $PDO; global $__POST; global $datas_lang; global $idCurrent; global $majInsert; $this->TableFields = $PDO->getFieldsName($this->tables); foreach ($this->whereValuebyLg as $clg => $whereValueFull) { $extlg = $myAdmin->LIST_LANG_EXTENSION_FIELD[$clg]; if ($this->count_datas($clg) > 0) { // UPDATE $myUpdate = new myUpdate(__FILE__); $myUpdate->table = $this->tables; $myUpdate->where = $this->whereFull; $myUpdate->whereValue = $whereValueFull; //echoa($TableFields); //echoa($__POST); $fields = $this->prepare_maj_fields($extlg, "update"); foreach ($fields as $fieldName => $value) { $myUpdate->field[$fieldName] = $value; } $result = $myUpdate->execute(); } else { // INSERT $myInsert = new myInsert(__FILE__); $myInsert->table = $this->tables; if ($this->multiLang == true) { $myInsert->field["lg"] = $clg; } if ($idCurrent > 0) { $myInsert->field["id"] = $idCurrent; $chrono = $PDO->getNextChrono($this->tables, $idCurrent); if ($chrono > 0) { $myInsert->field["chrono"] = $chrono; } } else { // on recherche le dernier ID et on ajoute 1 $idCurrent = $PDO->getNextID($this->tables, $this->nextIdMin, $this->nextIdMax); $myInsert->field["id"] = $idCurrent; $chrono = $PDO->getNextChrono($this->tables); if ($chrono > 0) { $myInsert->field["chrono"] = $chrono; } } $fields = $this->prepare_maj_fields($extlg, "insert"); foreach ($fields as $fieldName => $value) { $myInsert->field[$fieldName] = $value; } $result = $myInsert->execute(); } // $this->count_datas($clg)>0 } // langue if ($this->maj_media_inside == false) { $this->maj_media_inside($idCurrent); } // pour éviter la récurcivité if ($majInsert == 1) { $action = "INS"; } else { $action = "UPD"; } $myAdmin->addLogs($myAdmin->pageCurrent, $action, $idCurrent, $result); ////// // Fin de la mise à jour // Choix Notification et reroutage éventuel $notification = ""; if ($result === false || !isset($result)) { $notificationClass = "jBox-Notice-red"; $notification = "<div><i class='fa fa-times mrs'></i>" . $datas_lang["majKo"] . "</div>"; } else { $notificationClass = "jBox-Notice-green"; $notification = "<div><i class='fa fa-check mrs'></i>" . $datas_lang["majOk"] . "</div>"; } $notification = addslashes($notification); $myAdmin->notification = $notification; $myAdmin->notificationClass = $notificationClass; if ($_POST["actionForm"] == "valider" && $notification == "") { exit; } return $idCurrent; }
include $pathBatch . "init_pages/" . "batch.php"; $myTable = $thisSite->PREFIXE_TBL_GEN . "tags"; $newID = $PDO->getNextID($myTable); //echoa($__POST); $first_titre = ""; foreach ($myAdmin->LIST_LANG_EXTENSION_FIELD as $clg => $extlg) { //echoa($clg); $titre = $__POST["newtag" . $extlg]; if ($titre != "") { $mySelect = new mySelect(__FILE__); $mySelect->tables = $myTable; $mySelect->fields = "id," . $BdDfield; $mySelect->where = "titre='" . addslashes($titre) . "'"; $qt = $mySelect->count(); if ($qt == 0) { $myInsert = new myInsert(__FILE__); $myInsert->table = $myTable; $myInsert->field["id"] = $newID; $myInsert->field["lg"] = $clg; $myInsert->field["parent"] = $__POST["field"]; $myInsert->field["titre"] = $titre; $lastId = $myInsert->execute(); if ($first_titre == "") { $first_titre = $titre; } } else { $lastId = 0; } } } echo json_encode(['lastId' => $lastId, 'titre' => $first_titre]);