public function manageAction($id = false)
     $model = new \modules\pm\models\Pm_projects();
     $user = new \modules\users\models\Users();
     $team_project = new \modules\pm\models\Pm_teams_projects(false);
     $model->attributes = $this->input->post();
     if ($id) {
         $model->pm_project_id = $id;
     if (!$id) {
         $model->created = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $users = [];
     foreach ($user->get() as $item) {
         $users[$item->user_id] = $item->fullname;
     if ($id) {
         $model->pm_project_id = $id;
     $team_project->_select = "pm_team_project_id, pm_team_id, pm_project_id";
     $teams = Form_helper::queryToDropdown('pm_teams', 'pm_team_id', 'title');
     if ($pid = $model->save()) {
         foreach ($this->input->post('pm_teams') as $teamproject) {
             $team_project->pm_team_id = $teamproject;
             $team_project->pm_project_id = $pid;
     } else {
         return $this->render('pm_projects/manage', ['item' => $id ? $model->get() : null, 'team' => $teams, 'user' => $users, 'team_project' => $id ? $team_project->get() : null]);
Example #2
 public function indexAction()
     //        echo $_post['username'] . '<br>';
     //        echo $_post['password'] . '<br>';
     //        echo $_post['code'] . '<br>';
     $model = new \modules\users\models\Users();
     $model->email = $_GET['username'];
     $model->password = $_GET['password'];
     //        print_r($model->get()) . '<br>';
     //        print_r($model->get());
     if ($data = $model->get()) {
         $model1 = new \modules\brightery\models\brightery_licenses();
         $model1->license_code = $_GET['code'];
         $model1->status = 'active';
         $model1->user_id = $data[0]->user_id;
         if ($data1 = $model1->get()) {
             $res = $this->database->query('select max(due_date) from brightery_invoices 
                 where brightery_license_id=  ' . $data1[0]->brightery_license_id . '  
                 AND status= "paid"   
                  GROUP BY brightery_license_id  
                   HAVING max(due_date) <  now()')->result();
             if ($res) {
                 echo json_encode(['status' => 'success', 'code' => rand(0, 1000)]);
         } else {
             echo json_encode(['status' => 'faild', 'message' => 'license not found']);
     } else {
         echo json_encode(['status' => 'faild', 'message' => 'user not found']);
 public function loginAction($ajax = false)
     $this->layout = 'ajax';
     $login = new \modules\users\models\Users('login');
     $resp = ['accessGranted' => false, 'errors' => '', 'redirect' => ''];
     // For ajax response
     if ($login->validate()) {
         $resp['accessGranted'] = true;
         $resp['redirect'] = Uri_helper::url();
         $this->input->cookie('failed-attempts', 0);
         $userInfo = $this->permissions->getUserInformation();
         $this->input->cookie('fullname', $userInfo->fullname);
         $this->input->cookie('email', $userInfo->email);
         $this->input->cookie('password', $userInfo->password);
         $this->input->cookie('image', $userInfo->image);
     } else {
         // Failed Attempts
         $fa = $this->input->cookie('failed-attempts') ? $this->input->cookie('failed-attempts') : 0;
         $this->input->cookie('failed-attempts', $fa);
         // Error message
         $resp['errors'] = $this->Language->phrase('please_enter_a_valid_email_and_password') . $fa;
     return json_encode($resp);
 public function indexAction()
     $user = new \modules\users\models\Users();
     $user->user_id = $id;
     $user->_select = "user_id, fullname, email, password, image, gender, birthdate";
     return $this->render('commerce_dashboard/index', ['item' => $user->get()]);
 public function manageAction($id = false)
     $model = new \modules\pm\models\Pm_teams();
     $user = new \modules\users\models\Users();
     $team_users = new \modules\pm\models\Pm_team_users(false);
     $model->attributes = $this->Input->post();
     if ($id) {
         $model->pm_team_id = $id;
     if (!$id) {
         $model->created = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $users = [];
     foreach ($user->get() as $item) {
         $users[$item->user_id] = $item->fullname;
     $team_users->_select = "pm_team_users_id , pm_team_id, user_id,pm_role_id";
     $roles = Form_helper::queryToDropdown('pm_roles', 'pm_role_id', 'title');
     if ($tid = $model->save()) {
         if ($id) {
             $team_users->pm_team_id = $id;
         foreach ($this->input->post('add_user_id') as $key => $member_role) {
             $team_users->user_id = $member_role;
             $team_users->pm_team_id = $tid;
             $team_users->pm_role_id = $this->input->post('add_pm_role_id.' . $key);
     } else {
         return $this->render('pm_teams/manage', ['item' => $id ? $model->get() : null, 'team_users' => $id ? $team_users->get() : null, 'roles' => $roles, 'user' => $users]);
 public function indexAction($offset = 0)
     $model = new \modules\users\models\Users();
     $model->_select = "user_id, fullname";
     $model->_limit = $this->config->get('limit');
     $model->_offset = $offset;
     $config = ['url' => Uri_helper::url('management/clinic_patients/index'), 'total' => $model->get(true), 'limit' => $model->_limit, 'offset' => $model->_offset];
     return $this->render('clinic_patients/index', ['items' => $model->get(), 'pagination' => $this->Pagination->generate($config)]);
 public function indexAction($id = false)
     if (!$id) {
         return Brightery::error404();
     $users = new \modules\users\models\Users();
     $users->_select = "user_id,fullname,image,status,\n          (SELECT FROM usergroups WHERE usergroups.usergroup_id = users.usergroup_id) AS usergroup\n       ";
     $users->user_id = $id;
     $teams = new \modules\pm\models\Pm_team_users();
     $teams->_select = "pm_team_users_id, user_id,\n          (SELECT  pm_teams.title FROM pm_teams WHERE pm_teams.pm_team_id = Pm_team_users.pm_team_id) AS team,\n          (SELECT  pm_roles.title FROM pm_roles WHERE pm_roles.pm_role_id = Pm_team_users.pm_role_id) AS role\n       ";
     $teams->user_id = $id;
     $project_count = $this->database->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS projects\n               FROM (\n                   SELECT DISTINCT  `pm_projects`.`pm_project_id`\n            FROM   `brighterycms`.`pm_projects`\n                RIGHT JOIN  `brighterycms`.`pm_teams_projects`ON (`pm_teams_projects`.`pm_project_id` = `pm_projects`.`pm_project_id`)\n                INNER JOIN `brighterycms`.`pm_teams`  ON (`pm_teams_projects`.`pm_team_id` = `pm_teams`.`pm_team_id`)\n                INNER JOIN `brighterycms`.`pm_team_users` ON (`pm_team_users`.`pm_team_id` = `pm_teams`.`pm_team_id`)\n            WHERE (`pm_team_users`.`user_id` = {$id})\n            ) t;")->row();
     $issue_count = $this->database->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS issues\n              FROM (\n                SELECT pm_history.pm_issue_id\n                 FROM\n                `brighterycms`.`pm_history`\n                INNER JOIN `brighterycms`.`pm_issues`\n                    ON (`pm_history`.`pm_issue_id` = `pm_issues`.`pm_issue_id`)\n                 WHERE (`pm_history`.`actions` ='assign' AND `pm_history`.`to_user_id` = {$id})\n              ) s;")->row();
     $assign = $this->database->query("SELECT pm_issues.title AS issue_title ,pm_issues.pm_issue_id, actions = 'assign' AS assign ,\n            DATETIME AS assigned_date , NAME AS priority , pm_priorities.color AS p_color , pm_issue_statues.`title` AS statues , pm_issue_statues.`color` AS s_color\n            FROM pm_issues JOIN  pm_history\n            ON pm_issues.`pm_issue_id`= pm_history.`pm_issue_id`\n            JOIN users\n            ON users.user_id = pm_history.to_user_id\n            JOIN pm_priorities\n            ON pm_priorities.`pm_priority_id` = pm_issues.`pm_priority_id`\n            JOIN pm_issue_statues\n            ON pm_issue_statues.`pm_issue_statues_id` = pm_issues.`pm_issue_statues_id`\n            WHERE pm_history.to_user_id = {$id}")->result();
     $actions = $this->database->query("SELECT *, 'Infraction' AS actions , (SELECT pm_issues.`title` FROM pm_issues WHERE pm_issues.`pm_issue_id` = pm_infractions.`pm_issue_id`) AS issue_title FROM `pm_infractions`\n            WHERE pm_infractions.`user_id` = {$id}\n            UNION\n            SELECT *, 'Reputation' AS actions , (SELECT pm_issues.`title` FROM pm_issues WHERE pm_issues.`pm_issue_id` = pm_reputations.`pm_issue_id`) AS issue_title FROM `pm_reputations`\n            WHERE pm_reputations.`user_id` = {$id}")->result();
     return $this->render('pm_user_profile/index', ['item' => $users->get(), 'teams' => $teams->get(), 'assign' => $assign, 'actions' => $actions, 'project_count' => $project_count, 'issue_count' => $issue_count]);
 public function get_user_informationAction($id = NULL)
     if (!$id) {
         return Brightery::error404();
     $this->layout = 'ajax';
     $user = new \modules\users\models\Users();
     $user->_select = "`users`.`fullname`, `users`.`gender`, `users`.`email`, (SELECT phone FROM user_phones WHERE `primary` = '1' AND user_phones.user_id = users.user_id LIMIT 1) AS phone";
     $user->user_id = $id;
     return json_encode(['user' => $user->get()]);
 public function checkAction($id, $old_password)
     if ($old_password) {
         $check = new \modules\users\models\Users();
         $check->user_id = $id;
         $check->password = md5($old_password);
         if ($check->get()) {
             return true;
         } else {
             return false;
 public function saveAction()
     $email = $this->input->post('email');
     $date = $this->input->post('date');
     $time = $this->input->post('time');
     $clinic_doctor_id = $this->input->post('clinic_doctor_id');
     $clinic_doctor_reservation_type_id = $this->input->post('clinic_doctor_reservation_type_id');
     $model = new \modules\users\models\Users();
     $model->_select = "user_id";
     $model->email = $email;
     if ($model->get()) {
         $user = $model->get();
         $user_id = $user[0]->user_id;
         $model_res = new \modules\clinic\models\Clinic_reservations(FALSE);
         $model_res->created = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
         $model_res->time = $time;
         $model_res->date = $date;
         $model_res->user_id = $user_id;
         $model_res->clinic_doctor_id = $clinic_doctor_id;
         $model_res->clinic_doctor_reservation_type_id = $clinic_doctor_reservation_type_id;
         $model_res->clinic_reservation_status = 'pending';
         $model_res->status = '';
         if ($model_res->save()) {
             return true;
         } else {
             return false;
     } else {
         return false;
 function get_schedule($datenew, $time, $doctor_id)
     $i = [];
     $date = $datenew;
     $date_new = $this->get_newDate();
     foreach ($time as $key => $value) {
         $key = new reserved();
         $i[$value] = $key;
         $i[$value]->time = $value;
     /////////////////////////////Clinic Schedules///////////////////////////
     $model_schedule = new Clinic_schedules();
     $model_schedule->_select = 'day , from_time , to_time , status';
     $model_schedule->clinic_doctor_id = $doctor_id;
     //        $model_schedule->status = 'on';
     $res = $model_schedule->get();
     foreach ($date as $key => $value) {
         $day = $date[$key]->day;
         $d = $date[$key]->date;
         foreach ($i as $k => $v) {
             $i[$k]->schedule->{$day}->date = $d;
             $i[$k]->schedule->{$day}->day = $day;
             $i[$k]->schedule->{$day}->status = '';
             $i[$k]->schedule->{$day}->from_time = '';
             $i[$k]->schedule->{$day}->to_time = '';
             foreach ($res as $value) {
                 if ($day == $value->day && $value->status == 'on') {
                     $i[$k]->schedule->{$day}->day_status = 'on';
             foreach ($res as $tare) {
                 if ($tare->day == $day) {
                     $tare->date = $d;
                     //                        if($tare->status == 'on')
                     //                            $tare->
     $count = 0;
     foreach ($res as $keyy => $value) {
         /////////////////////////////Clinic Reservations///////////////////////////
         $model_reservations = new Clinic_reservations();
         $model_reservations->_select = 'clinic_reservation_id, user_id , date , time ';
         $model_reservations->date = $res[$keyy]->date;
         $model_reservations->clinic_doctor_id = $doctor_id;
         $dates = $model_reservations->get();
         if ($dates) {
             foreach ($dates as $key => $value) {
                 foreach ($date_new as $keyy => $valuee) {
                     if ($date_new[$keyy]->date == $dates[$key]->date) {
                         $time = $dates[$key]->time;
                         $date = $dates[$key]->date;
                         $user_id = $dates[$key]->user_id;
                         /////////////////////get day////////////////////////////////////////
                         $timestamp = strtotime($date);
                         $day = date("l", $timestamp);
                         //////////////////////get full name from users//////////////////////
                         $user = new \modules\users\models\Users();
                         $user->_select = 'fullname';
                         $user->user_id = $user_id;
                         $user->status = 'active';
                         $res_name = $user->get();
                         $fullname = $res_name->fullname;
                         //////////////////insert in array///////////////////////////////////
                         if (isset($i[$time]->schedule->{$day})) {
                             $test = $i[$time]->schedule->{$day};
                             $test->time = $time;
                             $test->day = $day;
                             $test->date = $date;
                             $test->fullname = $fullname;
                             $test->status = 'reserved';
     Clinic_schedules::$result_final = $res;
     return $i;