Example #1
require '../include/sysadmin_auth.inc';
require_once '../include/errors.inc';
require_once '../classes/moduleutils.class.php';
require_once '../classes/logger.class.php';
check_var('moduleid', 'GET', true, false, false);
$module = module_utils::get_full_details_by_ID($_GET['moduleid'], $mysqli);
if ($module === false) {
    $msg = sprintf($string['furtherassistance'], $configObject->get('support_email'), $configObject->get('support_email'));
    $notice->display_notice_and_exit($mysqli, $string['pagenotfound'], $msg, $string['pagenotfound'], '../artwork/page_not_found.png', '#C00000', true, true);
$moduleid_in_use = false;
if (isset($_POST['submit']) and $_POST['modulecode'] != $_POST['old_modulecode']) {
    // Check for unique moduleid
    $new_modulecode = trim($_POST['modulecode']);
    $moduleid_in_use = module_utils::module_exists($new_modulecode, $mysqli);
if (isset($_POST['submit']) and $moduleid_in_use == false) {
    if (isset($_POST['active'])) {
        $module['active'] = 1;
    } else {
        $module['active'] = 0;
    if (isset($_POST['selfenroll'])) {
        $module['selfenroll'] = 1;
    } else {
        $module['selfenroll'] = 0;
    if (isset($_POST['neg_marking'])) {
        $module['neg_marking'] = 1;
    } else {
Example #2
         $selfEnroll = 0;
         if ($v[0] == 'Manual') {
             $selfEnroll = 1;
             $peer = 0;
             $external = 0;
             $stdset = 0;
             $mapping = 0;
             $neg_marking = 1;
         $sms_api = $lti_i::sms_api($v);
         $schoolID = SchoolUtils::get_school_id_by_name($v[3], $mysqli);
         $modcreate = module_utils::add_modules($v[1], $v[5], 1, $schoolID, '', $sms_api, $selfEnroll, $peer, $external, $stdset, $mapping, $neg_marking, 0, $mysqli, 1, 0, 1, 1, '07/01');
         if ($modcreate === false) {
             $problem = true;
     } elseif (!module_utils::module_exists($v[1], $mysqli) and !$lti_i::allow_module_create($v)) {
         UserNotices::display_notice($string['NoModCreateTitle'], $string['NoModCreate'] . $v[1], '../artwork/exclamation_64.png', '#C00000');
         echo "\n</body>\n</html>\n";
     if (!$userObject->is_staff_user_on_module($v[1]) and $lti_i::allow_staff_module_register($v) and $userObject->has_role(array('Staff', 'Admin', 'SysAdmin')) and module_utils::is_allowed_add_team_members_by_name($v[1], $mysqli)) {
         UserUtils::add_staff_to_module_by_modulecode($userObject->get_user_ID(), $v[1], $mysqli);
     } elseif (!$userObject->is_staff_user_on_module($v[1]) and !$lti_i::allow_staff_module_register($v)) {
         UserNotices::display_notice($string['NotAddedToModuleTitle'], $string['NotAddedToModule'] . $v[1], '../artwork/exclamation_64.png', '#C00000');
         echo "\n</body>\n</html>\n";
 $module_store = $lti_i::module_code_translated_store($data);
 if ($problem === false) {
Example #3
  * Creates a new module.
  * @param integer $moduleid           - The code of the module.
  * @param string $fullname            - The full name of the module.
  * @param integer $active             - Is the module active or inactive.
  * @param integer $schoolID           - Which school the module belongs to.
  * @param string $vle_api             - Which curriculum map or VLE to use for learning objectives.
  * @param string $sms_api             - Which SMS system to link to.
  * @param integer $selfEnroll         - Can students self-enrol in the module.
  * @param bool $peer                  - Is Peer Review turned on.
  * @param bool $external              - Is External Examiner turned on.
  * @param bool $stdset                - Is Standard Setting turned on.
  * @param bool $mapping               - Is mapping turned on. 
  * @param integer $neg_marking        - Can negative marking be used in questions.
  * @param string $ebel_grid_template  - Which Ebel grid to assign (optional).
  * @param object $db                  - MySQLi database connection.
  * @param integer $sms_import         - 
  * @param integer $timed_exams        - Are timed summative exams allowed.
  * @param integer $exam_q_feedback    - Is question-based feedback allowed for summative exams.
  * @param integer $add_team_members   - Are team members allowed to add others.
  * @param integer $map_level          - What level to link to in the curriculum map.
  * @param string $academic_year_start - Day the module changes academic year.
  * @return boolean - True if module successfully added.
 public function add_modules($moduleid, $fullname, $active, $schoolID, $vle_api, $sms_api, $selfEnroll, $peer, $external, $stdset, $mapping, $neg_marking, $ebel_grid_template, $db, $sms_import = 0, $timed_exams = 0, $exam_q_feedback = 1, $add_team_members = 1, $map_level = 0, $academic_year_start = '07/01')
     // Return false if missing madatory fields. schoolid is actually a number
     if ($moduleid == '' or $fullname == '' or $schoolID === '') {
         return false;
     // Don't create a duplicate module with the same module ID.
     if (module_utils::module_exists($moduleid, $db) !== false) {
         return false;
     $checklist = '';
     if ($peer == true) {
         $checklist .= ',peer';
     if ($external == true) {
         $checklist .= ',external';
     if ($stdset == true) {
         $checklist .= ',stdset';
     if ($mapping == true) {
         $checklist .= ',mapping';
     if ($checklist != '') {
         $tmp_checklist = substr($checklist, 1);
     $result = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO modules VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
     $result->bind_param('ssisssiiiiiiiis', $moduleid, $fullname, $active, $vle_api, $tmp_checklist, $sms_api, $selfEnroll, $schoolID, $neg_marking, $ebel_grid_template, $timed_exams, $exam_q_feedback, $add_team_members, $map_level, $academic_year_start);
     if ($db->errno != 0) {
         return "failed at insert";
         return false;
     $idMod = $db->insert_id;
     if ($sms_import == 1 and $sms_api != '') {
         $SMS = SmsUtils::GetSmsUtils();
         $SMS->update_module_enrolement($moduleid, $idMod, $sms_api, $db);
     return $idMod;
Example #4
require_once '../classes/moduleutils.class.php';
require_once '../classes/userutils.class.php';
$SMS = SMSutils::GetSmsUtils();
$cfg_sms_sources = array();
if (is_object($SMS)) {
    $cfg_sms_sources = $SMS->getModuleSources();
$cfg_sms_sources = array($string['nolookup'] => '') + $cfg_sms_sources;
$unique_moduleid = true;
$tmp_modulecode = '';
$vle_api = '';
$map_level = 0;
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    // Check for unique moduleID
    $modulecode = trim($_POST['modulecode']);
    if (module_utils::module_exists($modulecode, $mysqli)) {
        $unique_moduleid = false;
if (isset($_POST['submit']) and $unique_moduleid == true) {
    if (isset($_POST['active'])) {
        $active = 1;
    } else {
        $active = 0;
    if (isset($_POST['selfenroll'])) {
        $selfenroll = 1;
    } else {
        $selfenroll = 0;
    if (isset($_POST['neg_marking'])) {
Example #5
     $exam_q_feedback = returnTrueFalse($fields[13]);
 } else {
     $exam_q_feedback = 0;
 if (isset($fields[14])) {
     $add_team_members = returnTrueFalse($fields[14]);
 } else {
     $add_team_members = 0;
 $ebel_grid_template = '';
 if (isset($fields[15]) and preg_match('([0-1][0-9]/[0-3][0-9])', $fields[15])) {
     $academic_year_start = trim($fields[15]);
 } else {
     $academic_year_start = $default_academic_year_start;
 if (module_utils::module_exists($moduleid, $mysqli)) {
     $updateData = array();
     $checklist = '';
     if ($peer == true) {
         $checklist .= ',peer';
     if ($external == true) {
         $checklist .= ',external';
     if ($stdset == true) {
         $checklist .= ',stdset';
     if ($mapping == true) {
         $checklist .= ',mapping';
     $updateData['checklist'] = substr($checklist, 1);