static function check_uploaded_file($files, $unused = null, $field = array()) { $files = explode("|", $files); $size = 0; if (!empty($field["SIMPLE_FILE_SIZE"])) { $size = str_replace(array("M", "K"), array("000000", "000"), $field["SIMPLE_FILE_SIZE"]); } $exts = explode(",", INVALID_EXTENSIONS); foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file == "") { continue; } if (!file_exists($file)) { return "{t}Error{/t}: {t}file not found.{/t}"; } if ($size != 0 and filesize($file) > $size) { return "{t}Error{/t}: {t}file is too big. Please upload a smaller one.{/t} (" . modify::basename($file) . " > " . $field["SIMPLE_FILE_SIZE"] . ")"; } $ext = modify::getfileext($file); if (in_array($ext, $exts)) { return sprintf("{t}this file extension is not allowed{/t} (%s)", $ext); } } return ""; }
static function select($path, $fields, $where, $order, $limit, $vars, $mfolder) { if (sys_allowedpath($path) != "") { return array(); } $file_array = array(); if (!($handle = @opendir($path))) { return array(); } while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file == '.' or $file == '..' or is_dir($path . $file)) { continue; } $file_array[] = $file; } closedir($handle); if ($fields == array("*")) { $fields = array("id", "folder"); } $rows = array(); foreach ($file_array as $filename) { $ext = modify::getfileext($filename); if ($ext == "meta") { continue; } $data = stat($path . $filename); $row = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) { switch ($field) { case "filedata": case "id": $row[$field] = $path . $filename; break; case "folder": $row[$field] = $path; break; case "filename": case "searchcontent": $row[$field] = $filename; break; case "fileext": $row[$field] = $ext; break; case "fileatime": $row[$field] = $data["atime"]; break; case "created": $row[$field] = $data["ctime"]; break; case "lastmodified": $row[$field] = $data["mtime"]; break; case "lastmodifiedby": $row[$field] = ""; break; case "fileperms": $row[$field] = $data["mode"]; break; case "filesize": $row[$field] = $data["size"]; break; default: $row[$field] = ""; break; } } if (sys_select_where($row, $where, $vars)) { $rows[] = $row; } } $rows = sys_select($rows, $order, $limit, $fields); if (count($rows) > 0) { foreach ($rows as $key => $row) { $meta = self::_get_meta($row["id"]); foreach ($meta as $mkey => $mval) { $rows[$key][$mkey] = $mval; } } } return $rows; }
static function select($path, $fields, $where, $order, $limit, $vars, $mfolder) { if ($fields == array("*")) { $fields = array("id", "folder"); } $rows = array(); $entries = self::_select_xml($path, $mfolder); foreach ($entries as $entry) { $ext = modify::getfileext($entry->title); $row = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) { switch ($field) { case "filedata": case "id": $row[$field] = basename($entry->id); break; case "folder": $row[$field] = $path; break; case "filedata_show": case "filename": case "searchcontent": $row[$field] = (string) $entry->title; break; case "fileext": $row[$field] = $ext; break; case "created": $row[$field] = strtotime($entry->published); break; case "lastmodified": $row[$field] = strtotime($entry->updated); break; case "lastmodifiedby": $row[$field] = (string) $entry->author->name; break; case "filesize": $row[$field] = (int) $entry->gd_quotaBytesUsed; break; default: $row[$field] = ""; break; } } $row["_lastmodified"] = strtotime($entry->updated); $row["_url"] = (string) $entry->content["src"]; $row["_filename"] = (string) $entry->title; $meta = sys_build_meta($entry->docs_description, array()); if (empty($meta)) { $meta["description"] = (string) $entry->docs_description; } $row = array_merge($row, $meta); if (sys_select_where($row, $where, $vars)) { $rows[] = $row; } } $rows = sys_select($rows, $order, $limit, $fields); if (count($rows) > 0 and in_array("filedata", $fields)) { foreach ($rows as $key => $row) { $filename = sys_cache_get_file("gdocs", $row["id"] . $row["_lastmodified"], "--" . modify::basename($row["_filename"]), true); if (!file_exists($filename) and (!isset($row["filesize"]) or $row["filesize"] < GDOCS_PREVIEW_LIMIT)) { $fout = fopen($filename, "wb"); $fin = fopen($row["_url"], "rb", false, self::_get_context($mfolder)); if (is_resource($fin) and is_resource($fout)) { while (!feof($fin)) { fwrite($fout, fread($fin, 8192)); } fclose($fin); fclose($fout); } } $rows[$key]["filedata"] = $filename; } } return $rows; }
function _download_resize($row_filename) { $row_filename_resize = SIMPLE_CACHE . "/thumbs/" . sha1($row_filename) . "_" . filemtime($row_filename) . "_" . $_REQUEST["image_width"] . "_" . $_REQUEST["image_height"] . ".jpg"; if (file_exists($row_filename_resize)) { return $row_filename_resize; } $src_files = array("gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "png"); $ext = modify::getfileext($row_filename); $new_width = ""; $new_height = ""; if (empty($_REQUEST["image_width"]) and empty($_REQUEST["image_height"])) { $new_width = 250; $new_height = 200; } if (isset($_REQUEST["image_width"]) and is_numeric($_REQUEST["image_width"]) and $_REQUEST["image_width"] > 0) { $new_width = $_REQUEST["image_width"]; } if (isset($_REQUEST["image_height"]) and is_numeric($_REQUEST["image_height"]) and $_REQUEST["image_height"] > 0) { $new_height = $_REQUEST["image_height"]; } if ($new_width != "" or $new_height != "") { $resize = "-resize \"" . $new_width . "x" . $new_height . ">\""; } if ($resize != "" or !in_array($ext, $src_files)) { $result = ""; $src = modify::realfilename($row_filename); $target = modify::realfilename($row_filename_resize); $result = sys_exec(sys_find_bin("convert") . " -quality 50 " . $resize . " " . $src . "[0] " . $target); if ($result == "") { $row_filename = $row_filename_resize; } else { sys_log_message_log("php-fail", "proc_open: " . $result); } if ($result != "" and in_array($ext, $src_files)) { list($width, $height) = @getimagesize($row_filename); if ($width != "" and $height != "") { if ($width != $new_width or $height != $new_height) { $prop = $width / $height; if ($width != $new_width and $height != $new_height) { $new_height2 = round($new_width / $prop); if ($new_height2 > $new_height) { $new_width = round($new_height * $prop); } } else { if ($width != $new_width) { $new_height = round($new_width / $prop); } else { $new_width = round($new_height * $prop); } } $image_p = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height); imagecopyresized($image_p, imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($row_filename)), 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height); imagejpeg($image_p, $row_filename_resize, 50); $row_filename = $row_filename_resize; } } } } return $row_filename; }
private static function _url_getfilename($url) { $filename = basename($url); if ($filename == "") { $filename = "default.txt"; } $match = array(); if (preg_match("|filename=(.*?)&|", $url, $match) and isset($match[1])) { $filename = rawurldecode($match[1]); } else { $filename = preg_replace("|([^a-z0-9-_.])|i", "_", $filename); $ext = modify::getfileext($filename); if ($ext == "" or strlen($ext) > 5) { $filename .= ".txt"; } if (strlen($filename) > 50) { $filename = substr($filename, strlen($filename) - 50); } } return $filename; }
static function select($path, $fields, $where, $order, $limit, $vars, $mfolder) { $path = SIMPLE_STORE . "/backup/"; if (sys_allowedpath($path) != "") { return array(); } $file_array = array(); if (!($handle = @opendir($path))) { return array(); } while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file == '.' or $file == '..' or is_dir($path . $file)) { continue; } if (modify::getfileext($file) != "tar") { continue; } $file_array[] = $file; } closedir($handle); $rows = array(); foreach ($file_array as $filename) { $data = stat($path . $filename); $row = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) { switch ($field) { case "filedata": case "id": $row[$field] = $path . $filename; break; case "folder": $row[$field] = $vars["folder"]; break; case "category": $row[$field] = str_replace(array("__"), array("/"), substr(modify::basename($filename), 0, strpos(modify::basename($filename), "--"))); break; case "filename": $row[$field] = basename(str_replace(array("__"), array("/"), modify::basename($filename))); $row[$field] = substr($row[$field], 0, strpos($row[$field], "--")); if ($row[$field] == "") { $row[$field] = $filename; } break; case "searchcontent": $row[$field] = $filename; break; case "createdby": case "lastmodifiedby": $row[$field] = ""; break; case "created": $row[$field] = $data["ctime"]; break; case "lastmodified": $row[$field] = $data["mtime"]; break; case "filesize": $row[$field] = $data["size"]; break; default: $row[$field] = ""; break; } } if (sys_select_where($row, $where, $vars)) { $rows[] = $row; } } $rows = sys_select($rows, $order, $limit, $fields); return $rows; }
$ext = modify::getfileext(urldecode($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])); if (in_array($ext, explode(",", INVALID_EXTENSIONS))) { sys_error(t("{t}this file extension is not allowed{/t}") . " (" . $ext . ")", "403 Forbidden"); } $content_length = sys_get_header("Content-Length"); if ($content_length == 0 and strtolower($_REQUEST["action"]) != "move") { _upload_success(); } if (strtolower($_REQUEST["action"]) == "move" and !empty($_SERVER["HTTP_DESTINATION"])) { $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] = substr($_SERVER["HTTP_DESTINATION"], strpos($_SERVER["HTTP_DESTINATION"], "/sgdav/")); } if ($_REQUEST["item"] == "session") { $path = str_replace("//", "/", urldecode($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])); $filename = basename($path); $path = dirname($path); if (sys_strbegins($filename, "~") or sys_strbegins($filename, ".") or modify::getfileext($filename) == "tmp") { $target = SIMPLE_CACHE . "/upload/" . $_SESSION["username"] . sha1($path) . "--" . urlencode($filename); if ($fp = fopen("php://input", "r") and $ft = fopen($target, "wb")) { while (!feof($fp)) { fwrite($ft, fread($fp, 8192)); } fclose($fp); fclose($ft); _upload_success(); } else { sys_error("cant write", "403 Forbidden"); } } else { $target_lnk = SIMPLE_CACHE . "/upload/" . $_SESSION["username"] . sha1($path) . "--" . urlencode($filename) . ".link"; if (file_exists($target_lnk)) { $link = file($target_lnk);
static function select($path, $fields, $where, $order, $limit, $vars, $mfolder) { $file_array = array(); try { $ntlm = self::_get_ntlm($mfolder); $w = new Java("jcifs.smb.SmbFile", "smb://" . $path, $ntlm); if ($files = $w->listFiles()) { foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file->isFile()) { $file_array[] = $file; } } } } catch (Exception $e) { if (DEBUG_JAVA) { $msg = java_cast($e, "string"); } else { $msg = $e->getMessage(); } sys_warning("{t}Access denied.{/t} [select] " . $msg . " " . $path); } if ($fields == array("*")) { $fields = array("id", "folder"); } $rows = array(); foreach ($file_array as $file) { $ext = modify::getfileext($file->getName()); if ($ext == "meta") { continue; } $row = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) { switch ($field) { case "filedata": case "id": $row[$field] = $path . $file->getName(); break; case "folder": $row[$field] = $path; break; case "filedata_show": case "filename": case "searchcontent": $row[$field] = (string) $file->getName(); break; case "fileext": $row[$field] = $ext; break; case "fileatime": $row[$field] = $file->getLastAccess(); break; case "created": $row[$field] = $file->createTime() / 1000; break; case "lastmodified": $row[$field] = $file->getLastModified() / 1000; break; case "lastmodifiedby": $row[$field] = ""; break; case "filesize": $row[$field] = $file->length(); break; default: $row[$field] = ""; break; } } $row["_lastmodified"] = $file->getLastModified() / 1000; if (sys_select_where($row, $where, $vars)) { $rows[] = $row; } } $rows = sys_select($rows, $order, $limit, $fields); if (count($rows) > 0) { if (in_array("filedata", $fields)) { foreach ($rows as $key => $row) { $filename = sys_cache_get_file("cifs", $row["id"] . $row["_lastmodified"], "--" . modify::basename($row["id"]), true); if (!file_exists($filename) and (!isset($row["filesize"]) or $row["filesize"] < CIFS_PREVIEW_LIMIT)) { $w = new Java("jcifs.smb.SmbFile", "smb://" . $row["id"], $ntlm); $out = new Java("", modify::realfilename($filename, false)); $w->store($out); } $rows[$key]["filedata"] = $filename; } } foreach ($rows as $key => $row) { $meta = array(); try { $meta = self::_get_meta($row["id"], $mfolder, $ntlm); } catch (Exception $e) { if (DEBUG_JAVA) { $msg = java_cast($e, "string"); } else { $msg = $e->getMessage(); } sys_warning("{t}Access denied.{/t} [get_meta] " . $msg . " " . $path); } foreach ($meta as $mkey => $mval) { $rows[$key][$mkey] = $mval; } } } return $rows; }