Example #1
 public function actionForgotPassword()
     $objValidator = new helpers\Validation();
     $params = array('email');
     try {
         $isRequestValid = $objValidator->validateRequest($params);
         if ($isRequestValid) {
             $email = $this->_request->getPost('email');
             $objUserAuthMdl = new \models\Users();
             // check if user is valid or not
             $return = $objUserAuthMdl->resetPassword($email);
             if ($return === 1) {
                 $this->_request->sendSuccessResponse('success', array());
             } else {
                 if ($return === -1) {
                     $this->_request->sendErrorResponse(403, 403, 'User not found');
                 } else {
                     if ($return === -2) {
                         $this->_request->sendErrorResponse(404, 404, 'Error sending mail');
                     } else {
                         $this->_request->sendErrorResponse(404, 404, 'oops!! something went wrong');
         } else {
             $this->_request->sendErrorResponse(403, 403, 'Request cannot be validated');
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         echo $e->getMessage();
         $this->_request->sendErrorResponse(404, 404, $e->getMessage());
Example #2
 public function actionResetPassword()
     $token = $this->_request->getParam('token');
     $referrer = $this->_request->getParam('r');
     $message = null;
     if ($this->_request->isPost()) {
         $newPassword = $this->_request->getParam('newpassword');
         $confirmPassword = $this->_request->getParam('cnewpassword');
         // check if new password is equal to the confirm password
         if ($newPassword == $confirmPassword && !empty($newPassword)) {
             // check if password matches the required criteria or not
             $isPatternMatched = preg_match('/^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\\d)(?=.*[$@$!%*?&])[A-Za-z\\d$@$!%*?&]{9,15}$/', $newPassword);
             if ($isPatternMatched) {
                 $objUserMdl = new \models\Users();
                 $isTokenValid = \R::findOne("users", "token=:t", array(':t' => $token));
                 // check of token is valid or not
                 if ($isTokenValid) {
                     $isPasswordReset = $objUserMdl->resetPassword($token, $newPassword);
                     if ($isPasswordReset) {
                         $referrerUrl = $this->_serverinfo->getHostFromRefferer($referrer);
                 } else {
                     $message = "This token is not valid";
             } else {
                 $message = "Please enter minimum 9 and maximum 15 characters at least 1 uppercase alphabet, 1 lowercase alphabet, 1 number and 1 special character";
         } else {
             $message = "New password and old password does not match or password is empty";
     $viewData = array('message' => $message);
     $this->render('resetpassword', $viewData);