Example #1
  * Don't save aerodrome if another aerodrome is in same place or exists with same ICAO
 public function _on_creating()
     if ($this->longitude && $this->latitude) {
         $qb = org_routamc_positioning_aerodrome_dba::new_query_builder();
         $qb->add_constraint('longitude', '=', $this->longitude);
         $qb->add_constraint('latitude', '=', $this->latitude);
         $matches = $qb->execute_unchecked();
         if (count($matches) > 0) {
             // We don't need to save duplicate entries
             return false;
     if (!empty($this->icao)) {
         $qb = org_routamc_positioning_aerodrome_dba::new_query_builder();
         $qb->add_constraint('icao', '=', $this->icao);
         $matches = $qb->execute_unchecked();
         if (count($matches) > 0) {
             // We don't need to save duplicate entries
             return false;
     return true;
Example #2
 public function _on_updating()
     if (!$this->verify_can_reserve()) {
         return false;
     return true;
Example #3
 public function _on_updating()
     if ($this->_check_duplicates($this->code)) {
         return false;
     return true;
Example #4
 public function _on_updating()
     if (!$this->validate_code($this->code)) {
         return false;
     return true;
Example #5
 public function _on_creating()
     $mc = self::new_collector('linkGuid', $this->linkGuid);
     if ($mc->count() > 0) {
         return false;
     return true;
Example #6
  * Check if all the fields contain required information upon update
  * @return boolean Indicating success
 public function _on_updating()
     if (!$this->topic || !$this->article) {
         debug_add('Failed to update the link, either topic or article was undefined', MIDCOM_LOG_WARN);
         return false;
     return true;
Example #7
  * Don't save log if previous log is in same place
 public function _on_creating()
     $previous = $this->get_previous();
     if ($previous && round($previous->longitude, 4) == round($this->longitude, 4) && round($previous->latitude, 4) == round($this->latitude, 4) && $previous->altitude == $this->altitude && date('Y-m-d', $previous->date) == date('Y-m-d', $this->date)) {
         // We don't need to save duplicate entries on same day
         debug_add("Not saving log, previous log \"{$previous->guid}\" on same day is in same place.", MIDCOM_LOG_WARN);
         return false;
     return true;
Example #8
  * Don't save country if another country with name exists
 public function _on_creating()
     $qb = org_routamc_positioning_country_dba::new_query_builder();
     $qb->add_constraint('name', '=', (string) $this->name);
     $matches = $qb->execute_unchecked();
     if (count($matches) > 0) {
         // We don't need to save duplicate entries
         return false;
     return true;
Example #9
  * Don't save city if another city is in same place
 public function _on_creating()
     $qb = org_routamc_positioning_city_dba::new_query_builder();
     $qb->add_constraint('longitude', '=', (double) $this->longitude);
     $qb->add_constraint('latitude', '=', (double) $this->latitude);
     $matches = $qb->execute_unchecked();
     if (!empty($matches) && $matches[0]->longitude === $this->longitude && $matches[0]->latitude === $this->latitude) {
         // We don't need to save duplicate entries
         return false;
     return true;
Example #10
 public function _on_creating()
     if ($this->title == '' || !$this->topic) {
         // We must have wikiword and topic at this stage
         return false;
     // Check for duplicates
     $qb = net_nemein_wiki_wikipage::new_query_builder();
     $qb->add_constraint('topic', '=', $this->topic);
     $qb->add_constraint('title', '=', $this->title);
     $result = $qb->execute();
     if (count($result) > 0) {
         return false;
     // Generate URL-clean name
     if ($this->name != 'index') {
         $this->name = midcom_helper_misc::generate_urlname_from_string($this->title);
     return true;
Example #11
  * Directly set a metadata option.
  * The passed value will be stored using the follow transformations:
  * - Storing into the approver field will automatically recognize Person Objects and simple
  *   IDs and transform them into a GUID.
  * - created can only be set with articles.
  * - creator, editor and edited cannot be set.
  * Any error will trigger midcom_error.
  * @param string $key The key to set.
  * @param mixed $value The value to set.
 private function _set_property($key, $value)
     if (is_object($value)) {
         $classname = get_class($value);
         debug_add("Can not set metadata '{$key}' property with '{$classname}' object as value", MIDCOM_LOG_WARN);
         return false;
     // Store the RCS mode
     $rcs_mode = $this->__object->_use_rcs;
     switch ($key) {
         // Read-only properties
         case 'creator':
         case 'created':
         case 'revisor':
         case 'revised':
         case 'locker':
         case 'locked':
         case 'revision':
         case 'size':
         case 'deleted':
         case 'exported':
         case 'imported':
             return false;
             // Writable properties
         // Writable properties
         case 'published':
         case 'schedulestart':
         case 'scheduleend':
             // Cast to ISO datetime
             if (!is_numeric($value)) {
                 $value = 0;
             if ($value == 0) {
                 $this->__metadata->{$key} = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
             } else {
                 $this->__metadata->{$key} = gmstrftime('%Y-%m-%d %T', $value);
             if (extension_loaded('midgard2')) {
                 if ($this->__metadata->{$key} == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
                     $this->__metadata->{$key} = null;
                 } else {
                     $this->__metadata->{$key} = new midgard_datetime($this->__metadata->{$key});
             $value = true;
         case 'approver':
         case 'approved':
             // Prevent lock changes from creating new revisions
             $this->__object->_use_rcs = false;
             // Fall through
         // Fall through
         case 'authors':
         case 'owner':
         case 'hidden':
         case 'navnoentry':
         case 'score':
             $this->__metadata->{$key} = $value;
             $value = true;
             // Fall-back for non-core properties
         // Fall-back for non-core properties
             $value = $this->__object->set_parameter('midcom.helper.metadata', $key, $value);
     // Return the original RCS mode
     $this->__object->_use_rcs = $rcs_mode;
     return $value;
Example #12
  * This is an internal helper function, which may only be called statically.
  * It is used by get_all_privileges in case that there is no cache hit. It will query the
  * database and construct all necessary objects out of it.
  * @param string $guid The GUID of the object for which to query ACL data.
  * @param string $type SELF or CONTENT
  * @return Array A list of midcom_core_privilege instances.
 protected static function _query_privileges($guid, $type)
     $result = array();
     $mc = new midgard_collector('midcom_core_privilege_db', 'objectguid', $guid);
     $mc->add_constraint('value', '<>', MIDCOM_PRIVILEGE_INHERIT);
     if ($type == 'CONTENT') {
         $mc->add_constraint('assignee', '<>', 'SELF');
     } else {
         $mc->add_constraint('assignee', '=', 'SELF');
     $privileges = $mc->list_keys();
     if (!$privileges) {
         if (midcom_connection::get_error() != MGD_ERR_OK) {
             debug_add("Failed to retrieve all {$type} privileges for the Object GUID {$guid}: " . midcom_connection::get_error_string(), MIDCOM_LOG_INFO);
             debug_print_r('Result was:', $result);
             if (isset($php_errormsg)) {
                 debug_add("Error message was: {$php_errormsg}", MIDCOM_LOG_ERROR);
             throw new midcom_error('Privilege collector failed to execute: ' . midcom_connection::get_error_string());
         return $result;
     foreach ($privileges as $privilege_guid => $value) {
         $privilege = $mc->get($privilege_guid);
         $privilege['objectguid'] = $guid;
         $privilege['guid'] = $privilege_guid;
         $privilege_object = new midcom_core_privilege($privilege);
         if (!isset($privilege_object->assignee)) {
             // Invalid privilege, skip
         $privilege_object->scope = $privilege_object->_get_scope();
         $return[] = $privilege_object;
     return $return;
Example #13
 public function get($key)
     if ($this->_user_id && !midcom::get('auth')->acl->can_do_byguid('midgard:read', $key, $this->_real_class, $this->_user_id)) {
         return false;
     return $this->_query->get($key);
Example #14
  * Return next object in URL path
 public function get_object()
     if ($this->argc == 0) {
         // No arguments left
         return false;
     if (empty($this->url)) {
         $object_url = "{$this->argv[0]}/";
     } else {
         $object_url = "{$this->url}/{$this->argv[0]}/";
     if (array_key_exists($object_url, $this->objects)) {
         // Remove this component from path
         $this->argc -= 1;
         // Set as current object
         $this->url = $object_url;
         $this->current_object = $this->objects[$object_url];
         return $this->objects[$object_url];
     $qb = midcom_db_topic::new_query_builder();
     $qb->add_constraint('name', '=', $this->argv[0]);
     $qb->add_constraint('up', '=', $this->current_object->id);
     if ($qb->count() == 0) {
         //last load returned ACCESS DENIED, no sense to dig deeper
         if ($qb->denied > 0) {
             return false;
         // No topics matching path, check for attachments
         $att_qb = midcom_db_attachment::new_query_builder();
         $att_qb->add_constraint('name', '=', $this->argv[0]);
         $att_qb->add_constraint('parentguid', '=', $this->current_object->guid);
         if ($att_qb->count() == 0) {
             // allow for handler switches to work
             return false;
         $atts = $att_qb->execute();
         // Remove this component from path
         $this->argc -= 1;
         // Set as current object
         $this->url = $object_url;
         $this->current_object = $atts[0];
         $this->objects[$object_url] = $this->current_object;
         return $this->objects[$object_url];
     $topics = $qb->execute();
     // Set to current topic
     $this->current_object = $topics[0];
     $this->objects[$object_url] = $this->current_object;
     if ($GLOBALS['midcom_config']['symlinks'] && !empty($this->current_object->symlink)) {
         try {
             $topic = midcom_db_topic::get_cached($this->current_object->symlink);
             $this->current_object = $topic;
         } catch (midcom_error $e) {
             debug_add("Could not get target for symlinked topic #{$this->current_object->id}: " . $e->getMessage(), MIDCOM_LOG_ERROR);
     // TODO: Remove
     // Remove this component from path
     $this->argc -= 1;
     $this->url .= $this->objects[$object_url]->name . '/';
     return $this->objects[$object_url];
Example #15
 public function _on_deleting()
     if ($this->reportedHours > 0) {
         midcom::get('uimessages')->add(midcom::get('i18n')->get_string('org.openpsa.projects', 'org.openpsa.projects'), midcom::get('i18n')->get_string('task deletion now allowed because of hour reports', 'org.openpsa.projects'), 'warning');
         return false;
     return parent::_on_deleting();
Example #16
  * Check for potential busy conflicts to allow more graceful handling of those conditions
  * Also allows normal events to "rob" resources from tentative ones.
  * NOTE: return false for *no* (or resolved automatically) conflicts and true for unresolvable conflicts
 function run($rob_tentative = false)
     //If we're not busy it's not worth checking
     if (!$this->_event->busy) {
         debug_add('we allow overlapping, so there is no point in checking others');
         return true;
     //If this event is tentative always disallow robbing resources from other tentative events
     if ($this->_event->tentative) {
         $rob_tentative = false;
     //We need sudo to see busys in events we normally don't see and to rob resources from tentative events
     //Storage for events that have been modified due the course of this method
     $modified_events = array();
      * Look for duplicate events only if we have participants or resources, otherwise we incorrectly get all events at
      * the same timeframe as duplicates since there are no participant constraints to narrow things down
     $ret_ev = $this->_load_participants();
     $ret_ev2 = $this->_load_resources();
     // TODO: Shared tasks need a separate check (different member object)
     // Both QBs returned empty sets
     if (empty($ret_ev) && empty($ret_ev2)) {
         //No busy events found within the timeframe
         debug_add('no overlaps found');
         return true;
     foreach ($ret_ev as $member) {
         $this->_process_participant($member, $modified_events, $rob_tentative);
     foreach ($ret_ev2 as $member) {
         $this->_process_resource($member, $modified_events, $rob_tentative);
     if (is_array($this->busy_members) || is_array($this->busy_resources)) {
         //Unresolved conflicts (note return value is for conflicts not lack of them)
         debug_print_r('unresolvable conflicts found', $this->busy_members);
         return false;
     foreach ($modified_events as $event) {
         //These events have been robbed of (some of) their resources
         $creator = midcom_db_person::get_cached($event->metadata->creator);
         if ((count($event->participants) == 0 || count($event->participants) == 1 && array_key_exists($creator->id, $event->participants)) && count($event->resources) == 0) {
             /* If modified event has no-one or only creator as participant and no resources
                then delete it (as it's unlikely the stub event is useful anymore) */
             debug_add("event {$event->title} (#{$event->id}) has been robbed of all of its resources, calling delete");
             //TODO: take notifications and repeats into account
         } else {
             //Otherwise just commit the changes
             //TODO: take notifications and repeats into account
             debug_add("event {$event->title} (#{$event->id}) has been robbed of some its resources, calling update");
     //No conflicts found or they could be automatically resolved
     $this->busy_members = false;
     $this->busy_resources = false;
     return true;
Example #17
 private function _check_timerange()
     //Force types
     $this->start = (int) $this->start;
     $this->end = (int) $this->end;
     if (!$this->start || !$this->end) {
         debug_add('Event must have start and end timestamps');
         return false;
      * Force start and end seconds to 1 and 0 respectively
      * (to avoid stupid one second overlaps)
     $this->start = mktime(date('G', $this->start), date('i', $this->start), 1, date('n', $this->start), date('j', $this->start), date('Y', $this->start));
     $this->end = mktime(date('G', $this->end), date('i', $this->end), 0, date('n', $this->end), date('j', $this->end), date('Y', $this->end));
     if ($this->end < $this->start) {
         debug_add('Event cannot end before it starts, aborting');
         return false;
     return true;
Example #18
  * Import object unserialized with midgard_replicator::unserialize()
  * This method does ACL checks and triggers watchers etc.
  * @param object $unserialized_object object gotten from midgard_replicator::unserialize()
  * @param boolean $use_force set use of force for the midcom_helper_replicator_import_object() call
  * @return boolean indicating success/failure
  * @todo refactor to smaller methods
  * @todo Add some magic to prevent importing of replication loops (see documentation/TODO for details about the potential problem)
  * @todo Verify support for the special cases of privilege
  * @todo Make sure older version is not imported over newer one (maybe configurable override ?)
 function import(&$unserialized_object, $use_force = false)
     if (is_a($unserialized_object, 'midgard_blob')) {
         debug_add("You must use import_blob method to import BLOBs", MIDCOM_LOG_ERROR);
         return false;
     // We need this helper (workaround Zend bug)
     if (!function_exists('midcom_helper_replicator_import_object')) {
     if (!midcom::get('dbclassloader')->is_mgdschema_object($unserialized_object)) {
         debug_add("Unserialized object " . get_class($unserialized_object) . " is not recognized as supported MgdSchema class.", MIDCOM_LOG_ERROR);
         return false;
     // Load the required component for DBA class
     $midcom_dba_classname = midcom::get('dbclassloader')->get_midcom_class_name_for_mgdschema_object($unserialized_object);
     if (!midcom::get('dbclassloader')->load_mgdschema_class_handler($midcom_dba_classname)) {
         debug_add("Failed to load the handling component for {$midcom_dba_classname}, cannot import.", MIDCOM_LOG_ERROR);
         return false;
     // Get an object for ACL checks, use existing one if possible
     $acl_object = new $midcom_dba_classname($unserialized_object->guid);
     if (is_object($acl_object) && $acl_object->id) {
         if (!midcom::get('dbfactory')->is_a($acl_object, get_class($unserialized_object))) {
             $acl_class = get_class($acl_object);
             $unserialized_class = get_class($unserialized_object);
             debug_add("The local object we got is not of compatible type ({$acl_class} vs {$unserialized_class}), this means duplicate GUID", MIDCOM_LOG_ERROR);
             return false;
         // Got an existing object
         $acl_object_in_db = true;
         $actual_object_in_db = true;
         /* PONDER: should we copy values from unserialized here as well ?? likely we should (think moving article)
            midcom_baseclasses_core_dbobject::cast_object($acl_object, $unserialized_object)
     } else {
         $error_code = midcom_connection::get_error();
         // switch is a loop, get the value only once this way
         switch ($error_code) {
             case MGD_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED:
                 $actual_object_in_db = true;
                 debug_add("Could not instantiate ACL object due to ACCESS_DENIED error, this means we can abort early", MIDCOM_LOG_ERROR);
                 return false;
             case MGD_ERR_OBJECT_DELETED:
             case MGD_ERR_OBJECT_PURGED:
                 $actual_object_in_db = true;
                 $actual_object_in_db = false;
         // Copy-construct
         $acl_object_in_db = false;
         $acl_object = new $midcom_dba_classname();
         if (!midcom_baseclasses_core_dbobject::cast_object($acl_object, $unserialized_object)) {
             debug_add('Failed to cast MidCOM DBA object for ACL checks from $unserialized_object', MIDCOM_LOG_ERROR);
             debug_print_r('$unserialized_object: ', $unserialized_object);
             return false;
     // Magic to check for various corner cases to determine the action to take later on
     switch (true) {
         case $unserialized_object->action == 'purged':
             // Purges not supported yet
             debug_add("Purges not supported yet (they require extra special love)", MIDCOM_LOG_ERROR);
             return false;
             // action is created but object is already in db, cast to update
         // action is created but object is already in db, cast to update
         case $unserialized_object->action == 'created' && $actual_object_in_db:
             $handle_action = 'updated';
         case $unserialized_object->action == 'updated' && !$actual_object_in_db:
             $handle_action = 'created';
             if ($unserialized_object->action) {
                 $handle_action = $unserialized_object->action;
             } else {
                 $handle_action = 'updated';
     if (!$acl_object->_on_importing()) {
         debug_add("The _on_importing event handler returned false.", MIDCOM_LOG_ERROR);
         // set errno if not set
         if (midcom_connection::get_error() === MGD_ERR_OK) {
         return false;
     switch ($handle_action) {
         case 'deleted':
             if (!$actual_object_in_db) {
                 midcom_helper_replicator_import_object($unserialized_object, $use_force);
             if (!midcom_baseclasses_core_dbobject::delete_pre_checks($acl_object)) {
                 debug_add('delete pre-flight check returned false', MIDCOM_LOG_ERROR);
                 return false;
             // Actual import
             if (!midcom_helper_replicator_import_object($unserialized_object, $use_force)) {
                  * BEGIN workaround
                  * For http://trac.midgard-project.org/ticket/200
                 if (midcom_connection::get_error() === MGD_ERR_OBJECT_IMPORTED) {
                     debug_add('Trying to workaround problem importing deleted action, calling $acl_object->delete()', MIDCOM_LOG_WARN);
                     if ($acl_object->delete()) {
                         debug_add('$acl_object->delete() succeeded, returning true early', MIDCOM_LOG_INFO);
                         return true;
                     debug_add("\$acl_object->delete() failed for {$acl_object->guid}, errstr: " . midcom_connection::get_error_string(), MIDCOM_LOG_ERROR);
                     // reset errno()
                 /** END workaround */
                 debug_add('midcom_helper_replicator_import_object returned false, errstr: ' . midcom_connection::get_error_string(), MIDCOM_LOG_ERROR);
                 return false;
         case 'updated':
             if (!midcom_baseclasses_core_dbobject::update_pre_checks($acl_object)) {
                 debug_add('update pre-flight check returned false', MIDCOM_LOG_ERROR);
                 return false;
             // Actual import
             if (!midcom_helper_replicator_import_object($unserialized_object, $use_force)) {
                 debug_add('midcom_helper_replicator_import_object returned false, errstr: ' . midcom_connection::get_error_string(), MIDCOM_LOG_ERROR);
                 return false;
             // "refresh" acl_object
             if (!midcom_baseclasses_core_dbobject::cast_object($acl_object, $unserialized_object)) {
                 // this shouldn't happen, but shouldn't be fatal either...
         case 'created':
             if (!midcom_baseclasses_core_dbobject::create_pre_checks($acl_object)) {
                 debug_add('creation pre-flight check returned false', MIDCOM_LOG_ERROR);
                 return false;
             // Actual import
             if (!midcom_helper_replicator_import_object($unserialized_object, $use_force)) {
                 debug_add('midcom_helper_replicator_import_object returned false, errstr: ' . midcom_connection::get_error_string(), MIDCOM_LOG_ERROR);
                 return false;
             // refresh object to avoid issues with _on_created requiring ID
             $acl_object_refresh = new $midcom_dba_classname($unserialized_object->guid);
             if (is_object($acl_object_refresh) && $acl_object_refresh->id) {
                 $acl_object = $acl_object_refresh;
             } else {
                 // refresh failed (it really shouldn't), what to do ??
             debug_add("Do not know how to handle action '{$handle_action}'", MIDCOM_LOG_ERROR);
             return false;
     midcom::get('componentloader')->trigger_watches(MIDCOM_OPERATION_DBA_IMPORT, $acl_object);
     return true;
Example #19
  * "Pre-flight" checks for delete method
  * Separated so that dbfactory->import() can reuse the code
  * @param midcom_core_dbaobject $object The DBA object we're working on
 public static function delete_pre_checks(midcom_core_dbaobject $object)
     if (!$object->id) {
         debug_add("Failed to delete object, object " . get_class($object) . " is non-persistent (empty ID).", MIDCOM_LOG_ERROR);
         return false;
     if (!$object->can_do('midgard:delete')) {
         debug_add("Failed to delete object, delete privilege on the " . get_class($object) . " {$object->guid} not granted for the current user.", MIDCOM_LOG_ERROR);
         return false;
     if (!$object->_on_deleting()) {
         return false;
     return true;