Example #1
  * Add new package
  * @param array
  * @return mixed ID of new package or PEAR error object
 static function add($data)
     global $dbh, $auth_user;
     // name, category
     // license, summary, description
     // lead
     if (empty($license)) {
         $license = 'BSD License';
     if (!empty($category) && (int) $category == 0) {
         $sql = 'SELECT id FROM categories WHERE name = ?';
         $category = $dbh->getOne($sql, array($category));
     if (empty($category)) {
         return PEAR::raiseError("package::add: invalid `category' field");
     if (empty($name)) {
         return PEAR::raiseError("package::add: invalid `name' field");
     $query = '
         INSERT INTO packages
             (id, name, package_type, category, license, summary, description, homepage, cvs_link)
         VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)';
     $id = $dbh->nextId('packages');
     $err = $dbh->query($query, array($id, $name, $type, $category, $license, $summary, $description, $homepage, $cvs_link));
     if (DB::isError($err)) {
         return $err;
     $sql = 'UPDATE categories SET npackages = npackages + 1 WHERE id = ?';
     $err = $dbh->query($sql, array($category));
     if (DB::isError($err)) {
         return $err;
     include_once 'pear-database-maintainer.php';
     $err = maintainer::add($id, $lead, 'lead');
     if (isset($lead) && DB::isError($err)) {
         return $err;
     $event = $auth_user->handle . " (" . $auth_user->name . ") has added a new package " . $name;
     $mailtext = $event . "\n\nApprove: http://" . PEAR_CHANNELNAME . "/admin/package-approval.php?approve=" . $id;
     $mailtext .= "\nReject: http://" . PEAR_CHANNELNAME . "/admin/package-approval.php?reject=" . $id;
     // {{{ Logging mechanism
     require_once "Damblan/Log.php";
     require_once "Damblan/Log/Mail.php";
     // Syslog
     $logger = new Damblan_Log();
     // Logging via email
     $logger = new Damblan_Log_Mail();
     $logger->setHeader("From", $auth_user->email);
     $logger->setHeader("Message-Id", "<approve-request-" . $id . "@" . PEAR_CHANNELNAME . ">");
     $logger->setHeader("Subject", "New package");
     // }}}
     return $id;
Example #2
$name = $pkg['name'];
$type = $pkg['type'];
$summary = stripslashes($pkg['summary']);
$license = $pkg['license'];
$description = stripslashes($pkg['description']);
$category = $pkg['category'];
$homepage = $pkg['homepage'];
$pacid = $pkg['packageid'];
$cvs_link = $pkg['cvs_link'];
$doc_link = $pkg['doc_link'];
$bug_link = $pkg['bug_link'];
$unmaintained = $pkg['unmaintained'] ? 'Y' : 'N';
$supersede = (bool) $pkg['new_channel'];
// Maintainer information
include_once 'pear-database-maintainer.php';
$maintainers = maintainer::get($pacid);
$accounts = '<ul>' . "\n";
//$bugs = new PEAR_Bugs;
foreach ($maintainers as $handle => $row) {
    //$buginfo = $bugs->getRank($handle);
    $accounts .= '<li>';
    $accounts .= user_link($handle);
    $accounts .= ' (' . $row['role'] . ($row['active'] == 0 ? ', inactive' : '');
    $accounts .= ')</li>' . "\n";
$accounts .= '</ul>' . "\n";
$channel_name = PEAR_CHANNELNAME;
if ($pkg['blocktrackbacks']) {
    $trackback_header = '';
} else {
    $trackback_uri = "http://{$channel_name}/trackback/trackback.php?id={$name}";
Example #3
  * Update user and roles of a package
  * @static
  * @param int $pkgid The package id to update
  * @param array $users Assoc array containing the list of users
  *                     in the form: '<user>' => array('role' => '<role>', 'active' => '<active>')
  * @return mixed PEAR_Error or true
 function updateAll($pkgid, $users)
     global $dbh, $auth_user;
     $admin = $auth_user->isAdmin();
     // Only admins and leads can do this.
     if (maintainer::mayUpdate($pkgid) == false) {
         return PEAR::raiseError('maintainer::updateAll: insufficient privileges');
     $pkg_name = package::info((int) $pkgid, "name", true);
     // Needed for logging
     if (empty($pkg_name)) {
         PEAR::raiseError('maintainer::updateAll: no such package');
     $old = maintainer::get($pkgid);
     if (DB::isError($old)) {
         return $old;
     $old_users = array_keys($old);
     $new_users = array_keys($users);
     if (!$admin && !in_array($auth_user->handle, $new_users)) {
         return PEAR::raiseError("You can not delete your own maintainer role or you will not " . "be able to complete the update process. Set your name " . "in package.xml or let the new lead developer upload " . "the new release");
     foreach ($users as $user => $u) {
         $role = $u['role'];
         $active = $u['active'];
         if (!maintainer::isValidRole($role)) {
             return PEAR::raiseError("invalid role '{$role}' for user '{$user}'");
         // The user is not present -> add him
         if (!in_array($user, $old_users)) {
             $e = maintainer::add($pkgid, $user, $role, $active);
             if (PEAR::isError($e)) {
                 return $e;
         // Users exists but role has changed -> update it
         if ($role != $old[$user]['role']) {
             $res = maintainer::update($pkgid, $user, $role, $active);
             if (DB::isError($res)) {
                 return $res;
     // Drop users who are no longer maintainers
     foreach ($old_users as $old_user) {
         if (!in_array($old_user, $new_users)) {
             $res = maintainer::remove($pkgid, $old_user);
             if (DB::isError($res)) {
                 return $res;
     return true;
Example #4
     if ($_POST['captcha'] != $_SESSION['answer']) {
         $errors[] = 'Incorrect Captcha';
 // try to verify the user
 if (isset($auth_user)) {
     $_POST['in']['handle'] = $auth_user->handle;
 if (!$errors) {
      * Skip did_luser_search check if the user is logged in
      * and is a pear developer
     if (isset($auth_user) && auth_check('pear.dev')) {
         require_once 'pear-database-maintainer.php';
         $m = maintainer::get($_POST['in']['package_name'], false, true);
         if (isset($m[$auth_user->handle]) && in_array($m[$auth_user->handle]['role'], array('lead', 'developer'))) {
             $_POST['in']['did_luser_search'] = 1;
      * When user submits a report, do a search and display
      * the results before allowing them to continue.
     if (!isset($_POST['in']['did_luser_search']) || $_POST['in']['did_luser_search'] == '0') {
         $_POST['in']['did_luser_search'] = 1;
         // search for a match using keywords from the subject
         $sdesc = $_POST['in']['sdesc'];
          * If they are filing a feature request,
          * only look for similar features
Example #5
  * Get maintainers to inform of a trackback (the lead maintainers of a package).
  * @since
  * @access public
  * @param  boolean $activeOnly  To get only active leads
  *                 is set to false by default so there's
  *                 no bc problems.
  * @return array(string) The list of maintainer emails.
 function getMaintainers($activeOnly = true)
     include_once 'pear-database-maintainer.php';
     $maintainers = maintainer::get($this->get('id'), true, $activeOnly);
     $res = array();
     include_once 'pear-database-user.php';
     foreach ($maintainers as $maintainer => $data) {
         $tmpUser = user::info($maintainer, 'email');
         if (empty($tmpUser['email'])) {
         $res[] = $tmpUser['email'];
     return $res;
function isAllowed($package)
    global $auth_user;
    $lead = in_array($auth_user->handle, array_keys(maintainer::get($package, true)));
    $admin = user::isAdmin($auth_user->handle);
    return $lead || $admin;
Example #7
 $license = $info->getLicense();
 if (is_array($license)) {
     $license = $license['_content'];
 $users = array();
 foreach ($info->getMaintainers() as $user) {
     if (!user::exists($user['handle'])) {
         $errors[] = 'Unknown user: '******'handle'];
     $users[strtolower($user['handle'])] = array('role' => $user['role'], 'active' => !isset($user['active']) || $user['active'] == 'yes');
 include_once 'pear-database-maintainer.php';
 $e = maintainer::updateAll($pacid, $users, false, true);
 if (PEAR::isError($e)) {
     $errors[] = $e->getMessage();
 $e = package::updateInfo($pacid, array('summary' => $info->getSummary(), 'description' => $info->getDescription(), 'license' => $license));
 if (PEAR::isError($e)) {
     $errors[] = $e->getMessage();
 include_once 'pear-rest.php';
 $pear_rest = new pearweb_Channel_REST_Generator(PEAR_REST_PATH, $dbh);
 $return = $pear_rest->savePackageMaintainerREST($info->getPackage());
 if (PEAR::isError($return)) {
     if (auth_check('pear.admin')) {
         $errors[] = $return->getMessage();
Example #8
  * Get maintainers
  * Get maintainers to inform of a trackback (the
  * lead maintainers of a package).
  * @since
  * @access public
  * @param  boolean $activeOnly  To get only active leads
  *                 is set to false by default so there's
  *                 no bc problems.
  * @return array(string) The list of maintainer emails.
 function getMaintainers($id, $leadOnly = false, $activeOnly = true)
     include_once 'pear-database-maintainer.php';
     $maintainers = maintainer::get($id, $leadOnly, $activeOnly);
     $res = array();
     include_once 'pear-database-user.php';
     foreach ($maintainers as $maintainer => $data) {
         $tmpUser = user::info($maintainer, 'email');
         if (!is_array($tmpUser) || !isset($tmpUser['email'])) {
         $res[] = $tmpUser['email'];
     return $res;
Example #9
     if (isset($roles[$handle]) && $info['role'] != $roles[$handle]) {
         $update = 1;
         $update_role = $roles[$handle];
     } else {
         $update_role = $info['role'];
     if (isset($active[$handle])) {
         $update_active = 1;
         $update = 1;
     } elseif ($info['active'] == 1 && $handle != $new) {
         $update_active = 0;
         $update = 1;
     // Do not add again the newly added maintainer to the list
     if ($update == 1 && $handle != $new) {
         maintainer::update($pid, $handle, $update_role, $update_active);
         $maintainers[$handle]['role'] = $update_role;
         $maintainers[$handle]['active'] = $update_active;
     $update = 0;
 // TODO do the SVN push here
 $query = '
     SELECT handle FROM maintains WHERE package = ?
     AND (role = ? OR role = ?)
     AND active = 1
     ORDER BY active DESC';
 $values = array($_POST['name'], 'lead', 'developer');
 $maintainers =  $dbh->getAll($query, $values, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
Example #10
//we have no "created" data in our database. use first release
$p->created = reset(explode(' ', $pkg['releases'][key($pkg['releases'])]['releasedate']));
$p->shortdesc = $pkg['summary'];
$p->shortdesc['xml:lang'] = 'en';
$p->description = $pkg['description'];
$p->description['xml:lang'] = 'en';
$p->{'mailing-list'}[0]['rdf:resource'] = 'http://pear.php.net/support/lists.php';
$p->{'mailing-list'}[1]['rdf:resource'] = 'http://news.php.net/php.pear.general';
$p->{'mailing-list'}[2]['rdf:resource'] = 'http://news.php.net/php.pear.dev';
$p->{'download-page'}['rdf:resource'] = $url . '/download';
 * DOAP: helper, tester, translator, documenter, developer, maintainer
 * PEAR: helper, contributor, developer, lead
$maintainers = maintainer::getDetailled($pkg['packageid']);
$rolemap = array('helper' => 'helper', 'contributor' => 'helper', 'developer' => 'developer', 'lead' => 'maintainer');
$rolecounter = array('helper' => 0, 'developer' => 0, 'maintainer' => 0);
foreach ($maintainers as $nick => $maint) {
    $role = $rolemap[$maint['role']];
    $n = $rolecounter[$role];
    $p->{$role}[$n]->{'foaf:Person'}->{'foaf:nick'} = $nick;
    $p->{$role}[$n]->{'foaf:Person'}->{'foaf:name'} = $maint['name'];
    $p->{$role}[$n]->{'foaf:Person'}->{'foaf:homepage'}['rdf:resource'] = $maint['homepage'];
    $p->{$role}[$n]->{'foaf:Person'}->{'foaf:mbox_sha1sum'} = sha1('mailto:' . $maint['email']);
    if ($maint['longitude'] != '') {
        $p->{$role}[$n]->{'foaf:Person'}->{'foaf:based_near'}->{'geo:Point'}['geo:lat'] = $maint['latitude'];
        $p->{$role}[$n]->{'foaf:Person'}->{'foaf:based_near'}->{'geo:Point'}['geo:long'] = $maint['longitude'];
Example #11
// Get the database class.
require_once 'DB.php';
$options = array('persistent' => false, 'portability' => DB_PORTABILITY_ALL);
$dbh =& DB::connect(PEAR_DATABASE_DSN, $options);
if (DB::isError($dbh)) {
    die("Failed to connect: {$dsn}\n");
require_once 'pear-database-maintainer.php';
require_once 'pear-database-note.php';
require_once 'Damblan/Karma.php';
$karma = new Damblan_Karma($dbh);
$karma_level = 'pecl.dev';
$sql = "SELECT p.name, p.id\n        FROM packages p\n        WHERE p.package_type = 'pecl'\n        ORDER BY p.name";
$packages = $dbh->getAssoc($sql, false, null, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
foreach ($packages as $n => $id) {
    $m = maintainer::get((int) $id);
    if (!empty($m)) {
        echo "\nAltering karma for maintainers of {$n} package id {$id}\n";
        foreach ($m as $handle => $m_data) {
            if (!$karma->has($handle, $karma_level)) {
                echo "Giving {$handle} {$karma_level} karma\n";
                // Bypassing damblan karma because it needs a logged in user
                $id = $dbh->nextId('karma');
                if (DB::isError($id)) {
                    echo "Couldn't get a new id from the karma table\n";
                $query = 'INSERT INTO karma (id, user, level, granted_by, granted_at)
                          VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, NOW())';
                $sth = $dbh->query($query, array($id, $handle, $karma_level, 'peclweb'));
                if (DB::isError($sth)) {
Example #12
  * Update user and roles of a package
  * @static
  * @param int $pkgid The package id to update
  * @param array $users Assoc array containing the list of users
  *                     in the form: '<user>' => array('role' => '<role>', 'active' => '<active>')
  * @param bool Whether to print the logging information to the screen
  * @return mixed PEAR_Error or true
 static function updateAll($pkgid, $users, $print = false, $releasing = false)
     require_once 'Damblan/Log.php';
     global $dbh, $auth_user;
     // Only admins and leads can do this.
     if (maintainer::mayUpdate($pkgid) == false) {
         return PEAR::raiseError('maintainer::updateAll: insufficient privileges');
     $logger = new Damblan_Log();
     if ($print) {
         require_once 'Damblan/Log/Print.php';
         $observer = new Damblan_Log_Print();
     include_once 'pear-database-package.php';
     $pkg_name = package::info((int) $pkgid, "name");
     // Needed for logging
     if (empty($pkg_name)) {
         PEAR::raiseError('maintainer::updateAll: no such package');
     $old = maintainer::get($pkgid);
     if (DB::isError($old)) {
         return $old;
     $old_users = array_keys($old);
     $new_users = array_keys($users);
     $admin = $auth_user->isAdmin();
     $qa = $auth_user->isQA();
     if (!$admin && !$qa && !in_array($auth_user->handle, $new_users)) {
         return PEAR::raiseError("You can not delete your own maintainer role or you will not " . "be able to complete the update process. Set your name " . "in package.xml or let the new lead developer upload " . "the new release");
     if ($releasing && user::maintains($auth_user->handle, (int) $pkgid, 'lead') && $users[$auth_user->handle]['role'] != 'lead') {
         return PEAR::raiseError('You cannot demote your role from lead to ' . $users[$auth_user->handle]['role']);
     foreach ($users as $user => $u) {
         $role = $u['role'];
         $active = $u['active'];
         if (!maintainer::isValidRole($role)) {
             return PEAR::raiseError("invalid role '{$role}' for user '{$user}'");
         // The user is not present -> add him
         if (!in_array($user, $old_users)) {
             $e = maintainer::add($pkgid, $user, $role, $active);
             if (PEAR::isError($e)) {
                 return $e;
             $logger->log("[Maintainer] NEW: " . $user . " (" . $role . ") to package " . $pkg_name . " by " . $auth_user->handle);
         // Users exists but the role or the "active" flag have changed -> update it
         if ($role != $old[$user]['role'] || $active != $old[$user]['active']) {
             $res = maintainer::update($pkgid, $user, $role, $active);
             if (DB::isError($res)) {
                 return $res;
             $logger->log("[Maintainer] UPDATE: " . $user . " (" . $role . ") to package " . $pkg_name . " by " . $auth_user->handle);
     // Drop users who are no longer maintainers
     foreach ($old_users as $old_user) {
         if (!in_array($old_user, $new_users)) {
             $res = maintainer::remove($pkgid, $old_user);
             if (DB::isError($res)) {
                 return $res;
             $logger->log("[Maintainer] REMOVED: " . $old_user . " (" . $role . ") to package " . $pkg_name . " by " . $auth_user->handle);
     return true;
Example #13
     if (!user::isAdmin($auth_user->handle) && !user::maintains($auth_user->handle, $pacid, 'lead')) {
         $errors[] = 'You don\'t have permissions to upload this release.';
     $e = package::updateInfo($pacid, array('summary' => $info['summary'], 'description' => $info['description'], 'license' => $info['release_license']));
     if (PEAR::isError($e)) {
         $errors[] = $e->getMessage();
     $users = array();
     foreach ($info['maintainers'] as $user) {
         $users[strtolower($user['handle'])] = array('role' => $user['role'], 'active' => 1);
     $e = maintainer::updateAll($pacid, $users);
     if (PEAR::isError($e)) {
         $errors[] = $e->getMessage();
     $file = release::upload($info['package'], $info['version'], $info['release_state'], $info['release_notes'], $distfile, md5_file($distfile));
 if (PEAR::isError($file)) {
     $ui = $file->getUserInfo();
     $errors[] = 'Error while uploading package: ' . $file->getMessage() . ($ui ? " ({$ui})" : '');
 PEAR::pushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, 'report_warning');
 if (is_a($info, 'PEAR_PackageFile_v1') || is_a($info, 'PEAR_PackageFile_v2')) {
     release::promote_v2($info, $file);