$price = Mage::helper('tax')->getPrice($product, $product->getPrice());
$customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->setWebsiteId(Mage::app()->getStore()->getWebsiteId())->loadByEmail($email); if ($customer->getId()) { if (Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->authenticate($customer->getEmail(), $password)) { // Customer login successful } }
$productId = 123; $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId); $cart = Mage::getModel('checkout/cart'); $cart->init(); $cart->addProduct($product, array('qty' => 1)); $cart->save();This code snippet uses Mage::getModel() to load a product model, and then adds the product to the customer's cart using the `addProduct()` method from the checkout/cart model. In conclusion, PHP Mage Helper is a package library that provides helper functions and tools for extending the functionality of Magento. It provides additional functionality for managing product information, customer data, order processing, and more.