public static function lock()
     global $argv;
     $lock_file = LOCK_DIR . $argv[0] . LOCK_SUFFIX;
     if (file_exists($lock_file)) {
         //return FALSE;
         // Is running?
         self::$pid = file_get_contents($lock_file);
         if (self::isrunning()) {
             logEntry("==" . self::$pid . "== Already in progress...");
             //error_log("==".self::$pid."== Already in progress...");
             return FALSE;
         } else {
             logEntry("==" . self::$pid . "== Previous job died abruptly...");
             //error_log("==".self::$pid."== Previous job died abruptly...");
     self::$pid = getmypid();
     file_put_contents($lock_file, self::$pid);
     logEntry("==" . self::$pid . "== Lock acquired, processing the job...");
     //error_log("==".self::$pid."== Lock acquired, processing the job...");
     return self::$pid;