Example #1
  * Authenticate user from the received hub token
  * If no token, so we use the "public" hub community token from the system (create one if don't exist)
 protected function authenticate_user()
     global $DB;
     //retrieve hub privacy
     $privacy = get_config('local_hub', 'privacy');
     // hub server public access (search, rate, comment, import)
     if ($this->token == 'publichub' and $privacy != HUBPRIVATE) {
         $hub = new local_hub();
         $publiccommunication = $hub->get_communication(WSSERVER, PUBLICSITE);
         if (empty($publiccommunication)) {
             $capabilities = array('local/hub:view');
             $token = $hub->create_hub_token('Public Hub User', 'Public site', 'public_hub_user', $capabilities);
             $publiccommunication = new stdClass();
             $publiccommunication->token = $token->token;
             $publiccommunication->type = WSSERVER;
             $publiccommunication->remotename = '';
             $publiccommunication->remoteentity = PUBLICSITE;
             $publiccommunication->confirmed = 1;
             $publiccommunication->id = $hub->add_communication($publiccommunication);
         $this->token = $publiccommunication->token;
Example #2
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/local/hub/admin/forms.php';
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/webservice/lib.php';
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/local/hub/lib.php';
//check that the PHP xmlrpc extension is enabled
if (!extension_loaded('xmlrpc')) {
    echo $OUTPUT->header();
    $xmlrpcnotification = $OUTPUT->doc_link('admin/environment/php_extension/xmlrpc', '');
    $xmlrpcnotification .= get_string('xmlrpcdisabled', 'local_hub');
    echo $OUTPUT->notification($xmlrpcnotification);
    echo $OUTPUT->footer();
$error = optional_param('error', '', PARAM_TEXT);
$hub = new local_hub();
$directorytohubcommunication = $hub->get_communication(WSSERVER, HUBDIRECTORY, HUB_HUBDIRECTORYURL);
$hubtodirectorycommunication = $hub->get_communication(WSCLIENT, HUBDIRECTORY, HUB_HUBDIRECTORYURL);
$hubregistrationform = new hub_registration_form('', array('alreadyregistered' => !empty($hubtodirectorycommunication->confirmed)));
/////// UNREGISTER ACTION //////
$unregister = optional_param('unregister', 0, PARAM_INT);
$confirm = optional_param('confirm', 0, PARAM_INT);
$force = optional_param('force', 0, PARAM_INT);
if ($unregister && $confirm && confirm_sesskey()) {
    if (!$force) {
        $function = 'hubdirectory_unregister_hub';
        $params = array();
        $serverurl = HUB_HUBDIRECTORYURL . "/local/hubdirectory/webservice/webservices.php";
        require_once $CFG->dirroot . "/webservice/xmlrpc/lib.php";
        $xmlrpcclient = new webservice_xmlrpc_client($serverurl, $hubtodirectorycommunication->token);
        try {
            $result = $xmlrpcclient->call($function, $params);
Example #3
 * @author    Jerome Mouneyrac
 * @license   http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
require '../../../config.php';
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/local/hub/lib.php';
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/course/publish/lib.php';
$token = optional_param('token', '', PARAM_ALPHANUM);
$filetype = optional_param('filetype', '', PARAM_ALPHA);
//can be screenshots, backup, ...
$screenshotnumber = optional_param('screenshotnumber', 1, PARAM_INT);
//the screenshot number of this course
$courseid = optional_param('courseid', '', PARAM_ALPHANUM);
// check the communication token
$hub = new local_hub();
$communication = $hub->get_communication(WSSERVER, REGISTEREDSITE, '', $token);
if (!empty($token) && !empty($communication) and get_config('local_hub', 'hubenabled')) {
    //retrieve the site
    $siteurl = $communication->remoteurl;
    $site = $hub->get_site_by_url($siteurl);
    //check that the course exist
    $course = $DB->get_record('hub_course_directory', array('id' => $courseid, 'siteid' => $site->id));
    if (!empty($course) && !empty($_FILES)) {
        switch ($filetype) {
            case HUB_BACKUP_FILE_TYPE:
                //check that the backup doesn't already exist
                $backup = $hub->backup_exits($courseid);
                if (empty($backup)) {
                    $hub->add_backup($_FILES['file'], $courseid);
Example #4
  * Get courses
  * @return array courses
 public static function get_courses($search, $downloadable, $enrollable, $options = array())
     global $DB, $CFG, $USER;
     // Ensure the current user is allowed to run this function
     $context = context_system::instance();
     require_capability('local/hub:view', $context);
     $params = self::validate_parameters(self::get_courses_parameters(), array('search' => $search, 'downloadable' => $downloadable, 'enrollable' => $enrollable, 'options' => $options));
     //retieve siteid
     $onlyvisible = true;
     $token = optional_param('wstoken', '', PARAM_ALPHANUM);
     $localhub = new local_hub();
     $communication = $localhub->get_communication(WSSERVER, REGISTEREDSITE, null, $token);
     if (!empty($communication)) {
         $siteurl = $communication->remoteurl;
         if (!empty($siteurl)) {
             $site = $localhub->get_site_by_url($siteurl);
             if (!empty($site) and !empty($params['options']['allsitecourses'])) {
                 $params['options']['siteid'] = $site->id;
                 $onlyvisible = false;
     $cleanedoptions = $params['options'];
     $cleanedoptions['onlyvisible'] = $onlyvisible;
     $cleanedoptions['search'] = $params['search'];
     $cleanedoptions['downloadable'] = $params['downloadable'];
     $cleanedoptions['enrollable'] = $params['enrollable'];
     //sort method
     if (!empty($params['options']['orderby'])) {
         switch ($params['options']['orderby']) {
             case 'newest':
                 $cleanedoptions['orderby'] = 'timemodified DESC';
             case 'eldest':
                 $cleanedoptions['orderby'] = 'timemodified ASC';
             case 'publisher':
                 $cleanedoptions['orderby'] = 'publishername ASC';
             case 'fullname':
                 $cleanedoptions['orderby'] = 'fullname ASC';
             case 'ratingaverage':
                 $cleanedoptions['orderby'] = 'ratingaverage DESC';
     //retrieve the range of courses to return
     $maxcourses = get_config('local_hub', 'maxwscourseresult');
     if (empty($maxcourses)) {
         throw new moodle_exception('nocoursereturn', 'local_hub');
     $hub = new local_hub();
     //the site is requesting all his own course
     if (!empty($params['options']['siteid'])) {
         $maxcourses = 0;
         $limitfrom = 0;
     } else {
         //the site is doing a normal courses request (not focussed on its own courses)
         //the hub server limit the return number of course
         $limitfrom = isset($params['options']['givememore']) ? $params['options']['givememore'] : 0;
     $courses = $hub->get_courses($cleanedoptions, $limitfrom, $maxcourses);
     $coursetotal = $hub->get_courses($cleanedoptions, 0, 0, true);
     //load ratings and comments
     if (!empty($courses)) {
         require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/comment/lib.php';
     //create result
     $coursesresult = array();
     foreach ($courses as $course) {
         $courseinfo = array();
         $courseinfo['id'] = $course->id;
         $courseinfo['fullname'] = $course->fullname;
         $courseinfo['shortname'] = $course->shortname;
         $courseinfo['description'] = $course->description;
         $courseinfo['language'] = $course->language;
         $courseinfo['publishername'] = $course->publishername;
         //return publisher email, privacy and site course id
         // only if the request has been done by the site
         if (!empty($site) and $course->siteid == $site->id) {
             $courseinfo['publisheremail'] = $course->publisheremail;
             $courseinfo['privacy'] = $course->privacy;
             $courseinfo['sitecourseid'] = $course->sitecourseid;
         $courseinfo['contributornames'] = $course->contributornames;
         $courseinfo['coverage'] = $course->coverage;
         $courseinfo['creatorname'] = $course->creatorname;
         $courseinfo['licenceshortname'] = $course->licenceshortname;
         $courseinfo['subject'] = $course->subject;
         $courseinfo['audience'] = $course->audience;
         $courseinfo['educationallevel'] = $course->educationallevel;
         $courseinfo['creatornotes'] = $course->creatornotes;
         $courseinfo['creatornotesformat'] = $course->creatornotesformat;
         $courseinfo['enrollable'] = $course->enrollable;
         $courseinfo['screenshots'] = $course->screenshots;
         $courseinfo['timemodified'] = $course->timemodified;
         if (!empty($course->courseurl)) {
             $courseinfo['courseurl'] = $course->courseurl;
         } else {
             if (!empty($course->demourl)) {
                 //courseurl is mandatory, demo url can be blank
                 $courseinfo['demourl'] = $course->demourl;
             } else {
                 $courseurl = new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot, array('sesskey' => sesskey(), 'redirectcourseid' => $course->id));
                 $courseinfo['demourl'] = $courseurl->out(false);
         if (!empty($course->outcomes)) {
             foreach ($course->outcomes as $outcome) {
                 $courseinfo['outcomes'][] = array('fullname' => $outcome);
         //get content
         $contents = $hub->get_course_contents($course->id);
         if (!empty($contents)) {
             foreach ($contents as $content) {
                 $tmpcontent = array();
                 $tmpcontent['moduletype'] = $content->moduletype;
                 $tmpcontent['modulename'] = $content->modulename;
                 $tmpcontent['contentcount'] = $content->contentcount;
                 $courseinfo['contents'][] = $tmpcontent;
         //set ratings
         if ($course->ratingcount) {
             //$courseinfo['rating']['aggregate'] = (float) $course->ratingaverage;
             //the ratings has been changed from scale 0 to 10 to a "Featured" award
             $courseinfo['rating']['aggregate'] = HUB_COURSE_RATING_SCALE;
         $courseinfo['rating']['count'] = (int) $course->ratingcount;
         $courseinfo['rating']['scaleid'] = HUB_COURSE_RATING_SCALE;
         //get comments
         $commentoptions->context = context_course::instance(SITEID);
         $commentoptions->area = 'local_hub';
         $commentoptions->itemid = $course->id;
         $commentoptions->showcount = true;
         $commentoptions->component = 'local_hub';
         $course->comment = new comment($commentoptions);
         $comments = $course->comment->get_comments();
         foreach ($comments as $comment) {
             $coursecomment = array();
             $coursecomment['comment'] = clean_param($comment->content, PARAM_TEXT);
             $coursecomment['commentator'] = clean_param($comment->fullname, PARAM_TEXT);
             $coursecomment['date'] = $comment->timecreated;
             $courseinfo['comments'][] = $coursecomment;
         //get backup size
         $returnthecourse = true;
         if (!$course->enrollable) {
             if ($hub->backup_exits($course->id)) {
                 $courseinfo['backupsize'] = $hub->get_backup_size($course->id);
             } else {
                 // We don't return the course when backup file is not found.
                 $returnthecourse = false;
         if ($returnthecourse) {
             $coursesresult[] = $courseinfo;
     return array('courses' => $coursesresult, 'coursetotal' => $coursetotal);